KillerKap ago

Fake photos, alters, 3d cgi are very common in the extreme taste genres. It doesnt mean the people behind it arent involved in actual cannibalism. It signals to them in the same way loli flags potential child pornographers.

Theres no conflict here but the OP is a piece if shit faggot shill just looking for weak bullshit to pick at Q but is a complete and utter fucking failure at doing this.

Fuck you right in the fucking boi pussy OP you disgusting faggot.

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gamepwn ago

Oh and btw, thank you for showing me how much a fucking shill you are. I was asked to look at your research and help with it by Vindicator once, now I see it as just bullshit from a fanatical shill.


KillerKap ago

As a researcher you should realize how weak it is to begin to draw "conclusions" about the Q program because they hyperlinked to disgusting suspicious websites that deal with relevant subject matter. Wether or not those sites contain stock images has nothing to do with the number of reasons for linking them in the first place.

This entire board spends time linking to entertainment and art pieces having to do with the subject and no one here makes judgements about Abromovic just because in her public spirit cooking she uses pigs blood. Neither should you sit here and concern troll Q just because he linked to sites that may be signaling the exact same way.

Q may be faker than 3 dollar bill but this your "concerns" here have absolutely nothing to do with that. Do better and you wont get nailed on it rightfully. This is voat, If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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gamepwn ago

Nah, fuck you, you unquestioning piece of shit swine. I don't bow down to anyone and question everything, including Q.

KillerKap ago

I spammed a few pots back at SBBH because they were doing it to QRV. You can see where I posted it lol...

BeforeEaster ago

You are right that KillerKap is Evil.

You are also right to question Q’s motives and integrity.

What was the MAP you found on 8chan before it was shut down?

What are ley lines?

KillerKap ago

fuck off esoteric faggot. Graham Hancock wants his lines back.

offender ago

What's up with all of these retarded Qniggers? Q is an 8chan admin larp, stupid boomers.

Shillaxe ago

Q stands for Quarantine. ? The Storm will be Storm Troopers ? everone will turn in "germ" covered paper money for digital currency ? Bitcoin went up $7,000 since I first said this. 3 weeks ago , stay alert.

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kazza64 ago

you trust snopes ?

3141592653 ago

Snopes is BS

loooooongtimelurker ago

i think Q is saying that we shouldn't take anything for granted without a dig - and that includes anything posted by Q. There's a lot of newbies coming on board and they are fresh and clueless and enthusiastic and have no level of discernment. They can easily be lead astray - lesson learned new kids on the block.

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darkknight111 ago

I’d argue that the point is that the sick shit in those images is actually happening for real. Doesn’t matter if the actual images are fake. The images indicate the deeds being done.

Remember that it is the cabal’s MO to use fake stuff to distract from real deeds. Also, to use “humor” to show their actual behaviours.

KillerKap ago

Exactly. these people wouldnt just post real images of murder on facebook ffs. People you need to think! However just because these are artists interpretations does not clear them from wrong doing,

This is the same board that links artist after artist of painters that podesta is into.,.. this is literally no different. The real question is what kind of sick fucks are into making this shit in the first place

loooooongtimelurker ago

Yes it's definitely brought spirit cooking into the spotlight again - its all over twatter. In fairness I'm not invested in the reason why he posted the content, I'm happy if it red pills someone or even one little soul is saved.

NinaSparrow ago


Amen to that!!!!

Call_Of_Goat ago

You all are really going to love it when Trump bends that ass over

Blacksmith21 ago

It's symbolism. It will be their downfall. "Art"

Call_Of_Goat ago

Still waiting on that




Well damn that's taking a while




Guess I'm lucky I'm not one of those kids in a cage cause they would have raped me a few hundred times and killed me. By now




Damn no wonder they are not in fear

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darkknight111 ago

The “rotisserre” is a prop from Unit 70 Studios.

Tony Podesta actually has some of their stuff in his art collection.

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NinaSparrow ago

My God that is absolutely horrific!

I've never seen that particular piece of trash they call art & I thought I'd seen it all.

3141592653 ago

Do u have a pic or link? Thx

darkknight111 ago


Here’s the piece I’m talking about. Main difference I’m talking about are the white spots on her PJ’s. The PJ’s in the film are red though.

Heisenberg123 ago

Where's the proof that Podesta owns it?

darkknight111 ago

That image IIRC is from the real old stuff. As in either the original /pol digs or the early 2017 voat stuff.

Heisenberg123 ago

So how exactly do we prove it's in Podesta collection? :thinking:

siegnagel ago

That's Krampus of Germanic folklore. Santa gives the good kids presents and Krampus kidnaps the bad ones.

NinaSparrow ago

Omg 😭 What the actual FUCK!?! That absolutely looks like it's supposed to be her. Wow.

Of course Podesta owns this. Sick bastard.

Idk what is worse, owning that piece of trash.. OR "creating" it.

Dear God 😭🙏

3141592653 ago

Much appreciated, comrade

darkknight111 ago

Its about what the point is.

That being of satanic cabals practicing cannibalism.

WhoIsQReally ago

Why would they discredit followers of their own ‘movement’?

What does Satan do?

None of this is funny.

Is Q sick?

Why would they need to create a fake movement with disinformation?

Who would name themselves “dark knight” and “111”?

What is the logo for the Monster energy drink and what is the Pakistani outfit named?

ababcb ago

Why would they discredit followers of their own ‘movement’?

What does Satan do?

Why would they need to create a fake movement with disinformation?

Are they trying to get ahead of the pedovore/blooddrinker angle of pizzagate because they are starting to worry that the stuff you have been talking about may soon reach a wider audience?

Who would name themselves “dark knight” and “111”?

What is the logo for the Monster energy drink and what is the Pakistani outfit named?

111 is mark of the beast because it looks like hebrew (i think) letter for 6. The monster energy drink uses this letter 3 times. Is the Pakistani outfit a criminal organization like the Chicago outfit? something like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_grooming_gang or are you being literal and talking about something like the national dress of pakistan? https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/10138310/kate-middleton-pakistan-outfits-shalwar-kameez-kurta/

3141592653 ago

Who would name themselves "WhoIsQReally"?

Vindicator ago

I bet it has to do with Racine

WhatIsTheHolyGrail ago

Is there really is a connection to CERN, Sustainable Development, Qatar and Art in Embassies there? Does Q know?

Are the ships and tents for all of the kids in tunnels? Are only people who took Adrenochrome are getting the bad strain? Real people probably are not affected, right? Why would Q allow that, or is disinformation and death necessary?

Steve Bannon probably has it all figured out with Barr and Durham ready to take action. Did Comey flip?

Do you think they will announce arrests of Hillary Clinton, the Podestas and Bill Gates on 4/10/20 or 4.11?

Does @darkknight111 believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and only way to Heaven?

Do you? Or will Q show you the way instead while the Mark of the Beast is implemented?

Virus X must be a coincidence, right? What is the difference between a Plan and an Agenda?

Do you really believe the first person to get the virus in the US was on January 15th?

ababcb ago

Virus X must be a coincidence, right? What is the difference between a Plan and an Agenda?

“Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.”

Plans are subject to change but the agenda never changes. Was Virus X released because Donald Graeff was arrested? Was Coronavirus released because Keith Raneire got arrested?

Do you really believe the first person to get the virus in the US was on January 15th?

You said it was first in Racine Wisconsin as early as October 2019. I am also pretty sure it spread like wildfire throughout the United States because a huge percentage of the population claims to be sick around january if you start a conversation about this in any random online community.

Qropaganda ago

Does it seem likely or even remotely possible to have spread so fast if it began in the US on January 15th?

Why can’t they tell everyone The Truth about the Virus? What would happen?

Why is Detroit an epicenter?

Who is being targeted?

Harvey, Weiner, Epstein, Dahmer, Graeff, Reniere and others drew outside the lines.

Some people have to be arrested or appear to get a slap on the wrist when:

1) They need to seal information

2) The people know too much and demand ‘some’ action

3) Egos get bigger than necessary to enable The Agenda

Who did Abid and Omar Awan work for? Does Q not know?

How are the ISI, Chicago Outfit, Sicilians, Franciscans, Irish, Russians and other mafia connected to the Pilgrims Society?

What agencies did Epstein work for? Was he top tier or a middle man?

They cannot allow The World to know The Truth or The Agenda will fail.

They are cowards like Q and deceiving the world to Trust The Plan that enables The Agenda.

They only fear the World finding Jesus Christ with The Truth.

They are opening the Gate to Hell and attempting to close the door to Heaven forever.

What was Jeff Epstein researching with top global scientists?

Why did Q say The Truth would put 99% in the hospital?

Was Jesus Christ the Ultimate Cure?

ababcb ago

Does it seem likely or even remotely possible to have spread so fast if it began in the US on January 15th?

No but I honestly can't even tell to what extent the reports about it spreading are true. Are they using faulty tests or some other method to inflate numbers? Are they just lying outright? It's really hard to believe anything that comes out of the controlled "experts" mouths when it's so obvious that their controllers are responsible for the virus in the first place.

Why can’t they tell everyone The Truth about the Virus? What would happen?

Why did Q say The Truth would put 99% in the hospital?

There were rumors on the chans a little while ago that some rogue nation had released a virus with an incubation period of 10+ years that infected more than 99% of the population but was lying dormant. Is that true and is it "activated" in some manner by 5G?

I'm not sure what the truth about the virus is. If the wild speculation above is correct then people would lose their minds if they were told that they were all infected with a dormant virus. But I have no idea if that's really the case or not.

Why is Detroit an epicenter?

Who is being targeted?

Is it because Detroit is on the Detroit river and near a lake? Four out of five 5g towers in Detroit are right next to the Detroit River, including a cluster of three: https://www.verizonwireless.com/5g/coverage-map/?city=detroit

Is it African Americans who are being targeted? and if so, is that because the average black person doesn't have much of a voice so the effects of 5G and the reaction to it can be gauged and fine tuned before it is applied to the whole population? similar to how the cia dealt drugs in black communities for decades before they created an opiod crisis targeting the much larger white population?

Who did Abid and Omar Awan work for? Does Q not know?

I completely forgot about Omar Awan. He's the guy who died in a fiery Tesla crash just like that FBI agent did. The automatic doors conveniently locked him inside. That must be a small glimpse of what life will be like in a "smart" city. Omar was an anesthesiologist affiliated with Memorial Hospital Pembroke. Didn't Abid Awan work for the same congressmen as Imran? they worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz even after they were outed for being spies.

Anyone in Qs position would know about the Awans, didn't he mention them early on?

What agencies did Epstein work for? Was he top tier or a middle man?

CIA and Mossad is what is usually claimed. He has to be a middle man since Wexner appears to have been the one in control of Epstein.

How are the ISI, Chicago Outfit, Sicilians, Franciscans, Irish, Russians and other mafia connected to the Pilgrims Society?

This is a difficult question to answer. When looking into this I continually run into the date 1947 in all sorts of different context. Here are a few things i've noticed looking into some of these groups:

the ISI was founded only a few days after the article about Virus X appeared, on January 1st 1948. The ISI was the brainchild of the former British Indian Army Major General Sir Robert Cawthome who selected Syed Shahid Hamid to set up the agency. When Hamid retired he helped found and became a patron of the Aligarh Old Boys Association and established Sir Sued School and Sir Syed Science College for boys and girls at Tipu Road, Rawal Pindi. The Old Boys Association operates primarily out of countries that have historical ties to the British Empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Boys

The ISI also carries out terrorist attacks in India which is a country that, at least on it's face, obtained independence from British rule.

ISI successfully intercepted two American private-sector weapons dealers during the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s. The second American weapons dealer was Eugene Clegg, a teacher in the American International School. One American International School employee and under cover agent Mr. Naeem was arrested while waiting to clear shipment from Islamabad customs.

Al Capone was the leader of the Chicago outfit and he died in 1947. Not sure if that's related at all. The Outfit's extortion of labor unions gave it leverage over the motion picture industry. In the early 1940s, a handful of top Outfit leaders went to prison because they were found to be extorting Hollywood by controlling the unions that compose Hollywood's movie industry, and manipulating and misusing the Teamsters Central States Pension fund. Unions and Hollywood have always been associated with left wing movements and communism. Jim Distler (aka Jimmy Gambino) is an associate of the Chicago outfit crime syndicate and also has ties to the Russian mafia.

During the disorder of the Russian Revolution of 1917, armed gangs proliferated until they became a very significant factor which controlled society. As the police and court system were re-established in the Soviet Union the NKVD secret police nearly exterminated (i.e. took over) the criminal underworld completely. Under Stalin, the forced labor camps (Gulag) overflowed with political prisoners and criminals, and a new organized group of top criminals arose, the vory v zakone, or "thieves in law" which formed as a society for ruling the criminal underworld within the prison camps, "who govern the dark gaps in Soviet life beyond the reach of the KGB". while the Communist Party had a steadfast grip on government and society, the Vory had something of a monopoly on crime. After the breakup of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, the vory assumed a leading role within the Russian criminal hierarchy and the group was able to "infiltrate the top political and economic strata while taking command of the burgeoning crime network that spread murderously through the post-Soviet countries."

During the Brezhnev era, and in the 1970s, small illegal businesses sprang up throughout the country, with the government ignoring them, and the black market thrived. Also during the 1970s and 1980s, the United States expanded its immigration policies, allowing Soviet Jews, with most settling in a southern Brooklyn area known as Brighton Beach (sometimes nicknamed as "Little Odessa"). Here is where Russian organized crime began in the US.

When the USSR collapsed and a free market economy emerged, organized criminal groups began to take over Russia's economy, with many ex-KGB agents and veterans of the Afghan war offering their skills to the crime bosses.[4] Gangster summit meetings had taken place in hotels and restaurants shortly before the Soviet's dissolution, so that top vory v zakone could agree on who would rule what, and set plans on how to take over the post-Communist states. It was agreed that Vyacheslav "Yaponchik" Ivankov would be sent to Brighton Beach in 1992.

So basically organized crime and the Soviet state were intertwined from the very beginning of the USSR. I don't seem to be coming to a very good answer to how these groups connect to the Pilgrims society however. The strongest link I can find is that on of the Gambinos had connections to the Russian mob and Russian organized crime has been heavily involved with communism since the birth of the USSR and, if the membership list of the Pilgrims society on this site is to be believed, https://wikispooks.com/wiki/The_Pilgrims_Society then some of the people on that list can be linked to communism in some way, most notably Jacob Schiff who helped finance the bolshevik revolution.

They are opening the Gate to Hell and attempting to close the door to Heaven forever.

What does this mean? What is heaven really? What is actually hell?

What was Jeff Epstein researching with top global scientists?

Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation

The foundation has also supported NEURO.tv, a video series featuring experts discussing topics related to the brain,[8] and the OpenCog project, an open-source software initiative for Artificial intelligence.

I also have a vague memory of him researching some kind of breeding program so he could create some strange lineage.

loooooongtimelurker ago


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lopus ago

I guess, even Q knows that THESE websites are not showing reality.

Because everyone would get arrested, if it would be real.

But I guess, what Q wanted to tell us, is: THESE THINGS are happening.

Somewhere, at certain Places...

(but probably not exactly on these websites)

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