23353252? ago

Yeah, no one gives a shit that the photos are fake. That is gaslighting.

There is cannibalism going on and it isn't a fucking vegan playing a practical joke.

23353200? ago

Does blocking/reporting work on here, are mods active? I usually just move on from a clear shill post don't bother since it's anonymous, usually :) That fuck who posts the wins of the day in every post needs to be killed too.

23353715? ago

If you don't like freedom of speech, go to reddit.

23353679? ago

So you would rather see tranny porn?

GTFO retard.

23353279? ago

That fuck who posts the wins of the day in every post needs to be killed too.

Spoken like a true shill.

If you don't like the wins of the day, GTFO.

23353456? ago

Idiot; someone is REPOSTING them in every new article about 5 times. Do you read??

23353635? ago

Better than tranny porn.

I love reading them over all the time, reminds me of all the winning going on.

23353270? ago

^^ found the libtard.

23353029? ago

Thanks I guess? We really don't care. People are free to say stupid shit and to lie.

23353179? ago

Do you know what's worse than anything on here? It's people saying (on other peoples behalf no less) that 'we don't care' or that they dont care. Well good for you, but WE DONT CARE that you came on here to say something completely pointless and nagative. Stop being a fucking cunt and keep your negativitiy to yourself.

23353260? ago

We don't care.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Enjoy the show.