jthepk ago

Its a good book, as is enders shadow. Enders shadow is a little more ruthless tho.

shachalnur ago


shachalnur ago

hello there ,is this site compromised/

shachalnur ago

what a d r e n o c h r o m e is a frobidden word?

shachalnur ago


hello .have been away for a while and dunno what's going on here

There are words I don't see here like 'Adrenochrome'

is that because it's not allowed?

just in case I cracked the code .

Maria sriver helped a lot

"green, can't you see they're ALL green "

she screamed holding white flowers.

Google HIV wikipedia or just google HIV images

You'll see HIV is green.

Twitter suspended me when i started to spill the (S)words yesterday look @shachalnur

Every muh coronavirus famous bloodsucker got HIV

if there's someone that can spread the news ,good.

if I'm not allowed to talk about this stuff ,blocked and shadowbanned all over the place

please just tell me and I'l, go

read my old posts here ,you'll see there's a lot of stuff i alrady predicted years ago.

or on zodlikeproductions with a z.

threads 'world theories' or 'world affairs' posts by shachalnur.

Or wait untill I get back on twitter .

i cracked the whole code ,it's very clear what's going on.


cryptopancakes ago

Saw the green symbols over and over even on Jimmy Kimmel's videos where he's wearing all green, random journalists tweeting cryptic one-worded tweets that say "Evergreen" which was Hillary Clinton's nickname by the Secret Service, Matthew McConaughey's weird videos, etc. Thanks for your insight on the color green. Hope they've been tainted after all their adreno-chrome consumption. Wicked, evil people.

MercurysBall2 ago

I had a look at the trailer for the film, and thought it was total crap.. but the pushing and careful grooming of millenials by Deborah Brix which we can see here and here is interesting.

Ender’s Game is Already a Reality for the U.S. Military

Troops are being trained with military technology inspired by an iconic science fiction novel

..I’m in a convention center in Orlando, Fla., at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference, the largest military simulation conference in the world. And I’ve just experienced the Army’s most lifelike training simulation yet: the Dismounted Soldier Training System which, after two years and US $57 million in development, will arrive at bases this year.

Yes, it’s the stuff of science fiction, most notably Ender’s Game, the best-selling 1985 novel by Orson Scott Card that has whiz-kid cadets fighting an alien space fleet through a video game (the book was based on a short story by Card of the same name, published in 1977 as Analog Science Fiction and Fact). Among military geeks, the book—which is being officially released as a $100 million film starring Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley on 1 November —has been a blueprint for the future for years. As Michael Macedonia, the former director of the Army’s simulation technology center, told The New York Times in 2003, “Ender’s Game has had a lot of influence on our thinking. The intent is to build a simulation that allows people to play in that world for months or years, participate in different types of roles, and see consequences of their decisions.”

..The University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) is a U.S. government–funded research and development organization in Playa Vista, Calif., that makes some of the most convincing military simulations around. According to ICT, one of its training tools, the Joint Fires and Effects Training System...

..The use of video games for military training began in 1980. Battlezone, a popular arcade hit that pitted players against three-dimensional (albeit wireframe) tanks, was modified for the Army to school Bradley Fighting Vehicle gunners. But when he was writing the Ender’s Game short story and novel, Card didn’t find much in his neighborhood arcade to inspire a vision for the virtual warriors of the future. “None of the games I had seen were remotely useful in preparing soldiers for either combat or leadership,” he says.

..The Army has just begun rolling out its most ambitious mission simulation project yet. Costing $27 million to develop and $490 per system to deploy, the Integrated Training Environment is a suite of government off-the-shelf hardware and software tools that allow a commander to combine virtual humans and real brigades together in what Blake calls a “blended environment.”

[*“blended environment.” - the same technology already being used in large scale music events..]

Beyond Ender’s Game

To get a glimpse of where our war games are going in the future, I head to the Mixed Reality Lab at the ICT. ..

MercurysBall2 ago

On Deborah Brix :

We Are Being Played Who exactly is handling the Corona Virus Task Force in the US? I look in to the back ground of Debra Birx which leads us to PEPFAR, which leads us to Bono and Bill Gates and the swampy depths of the Frankenstein Medical Industrial Complex.

Metalmonkeybaby ago

Thats interesting that name Caris, wasnt that on the instsgram of ping pong guy

Lansing-Michigan ago

After the American people get their Pittance Checks and the gigantic slush fund is established for the corporations, watch for the corona virus scare to be over. Rand Paul went to the senate gym to work out after a staff member was diagnosed with the virus. They weren't scared.......Just us peons have to stay away from crowds.

MercurysBall2 ago

It's quite clearly the destruction of the middle class.

In the UK, a large proportion of the population is ignoring calls for 'social distancing'. It will be interesting to see the disease numbers compared to other countries over the next few weeks.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Reading Ender's Game made me realize humans are fucking retarded, and put me on the path to fascism in 2nd grade.


MercurysBall2 ago

I knew nothing about the book or the author. Looking into it now is giving me a whole other perspective on the military.

eyeswideopennow ago

Don’t you remember they communicate by book reviews on amazon? Search the reviews of the book

meowski ago

Who gives a shit what some celebrity's wife reads

MercurysBall2 ago

I look for clues everywhere. Including your own submission history .. like this post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1712786

Though you only cut and paste someone else's work from another forum, I'm finding plenty to run with. I'll let you know when I post about that.

Otto- ago

I'll give you credit, this is not especially noteworthy to me and I wish we had stronger threads to dig, but I wouldn't call it a disinfo tactic anymore than I'd point out those twitter responders as shill agents; just genuine people who're scared & angry about someone they have many reasons to distrust. Perhaps some more history of Hanx as a child procurer would help?

On account of criticizing the thread, it's not like I have any better (yet) alternatives to offer, neither of us do. Hopefully, with my country's workforce soon in full lockdown, we'll all have plenty time to cross research.

Hopevoats ago

You do realize that you are in the pizzagate sub? Or are you lost?

meowski ago

Pizzagate != Qtard.

Pizzagate doesn't mean you obsess on every stupid esoteric detail in a pathetic attempt to bury any meaningful research into actual child abuse. This is a well known disinfo tactic called the Forum Slide.

You people are insufferable.

Sanpa33 ago

Who the fucks goes to vacation in Australia by packing up a typewriter and books?

OpakapakaCaca ago

Thought he was filming something?

314159123456 ago

Sir Joseph Banks

Clubbooradley ago

Tom and Rita are currently in a position to help mankind like no others can: they’ve been diagnosed and (at least apparently for Rita) cured of this virus.

Tom and Rita could give in-depth insights into every aspect from diagnosis, to quarantine and treatment, to eventually beating it.

Given their celebrity and the fact that the public is quarantined and starved for details on this virus, their firsthand accounts could possibly save countless lives, alleviate suffering, and make them truly world wide heroes, even bigger than they already are.

I’m confused as to why they haven’t reached out to humanity in this respect. The very same humanity that made them who they are.

Out of all the blue-check celebrities who respond to their posts, none of them are (publicity at least) asking these questions either. Don’t these people have families they’re worried about? If not for their sake, for the sake of their fans? Where is the panic in this particular segment of society, the same panic that is cultivated daily in the MSM?

This crisis seems a very odd time to live up to the stereotype of the narcissistic movie star.

Metalmonkeybaby ago

They don't see themselves that way. I don't really even know that the fans are indeed the ones who elevate them in status, I mean truly, that probably isn't how it works, but thats a different issue. The point is, they feel themselves on another level and don't much give a shit about us, neither their "friends", and of course none of them worry about it since as you can well see they recieve highest level medical care and do just swell. They are fucking disgusting in my opinion, all of these stars are vile

PrincessCinderella ago

I can see taking a book or two books on vacation (I do that). But taking an old typewriter on vacation doesn't sound normal, so probably a lie.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Hanks collects typewriters and loves them.

PrincessCinderella ago

I collect sewing machines and love them. Old heavy Singer sewing machines. But I don't travel on vacation out of the country and take one with me!

carmencita ago

If you scroll down on Rita’s tweet to Jim Carey he has a face there with triangular pieces that look like pizza. They are in the corona virus floret design. Maybe I’m over analyzing this so please take a look.

Lowbatt34 ago

Creepy ass Madonna is so overloaded with lip fillers and Botox it is difficult for her to move the muscles in her face.

MercurysBall2 ago

An Orson Scott Card Quote: "With false names, on the right nets, they could be anybody. Old men, middle-aged women, anybody, as long as they were careful about the way they wrote. All that anyone would see were the words, their ideas. Every citizen started equal, on the nets."

Madonna also posted a bizarre video of herself in the bath.. and she was babbling on about how we are all equal... https://twitter.com/M2Madness/status/1241774662956220418

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Enders Game - Children, including the novel's protagonist, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, are trained from a very young age by putting them through increasingly difficult games

spazalicious ago

I think one of the most interesting things about the book is how at the end, Ender thinks he's just doing another simulation but it's actually the real deal and he saves the human race. Does this somehow play into what Rita is conveying? I'm not sure how - unless she's telling her fellow elites this is it, it's not a game anymore?

Vindicator ago

Didn't Pompeo just say yesterday during the press conference that we're in a live exercise or something like that?

Yep: https://twitter.com/TruthBe53952128/status/1241211526956056577


MercurysBall2 ago

Yes, I clocked that.

Hopevoats ago

Weird. Trump says "Shoulda' let us...shoulda' let us know."

Vindicator ago

I think he was referring to China hiding the epidemic initially. He has talked about that repeatedly. China has also been telling their people that our soldiers there for the international military athletic games prior to the outbreak brought the virus, even though none of them got sick, of course.