carmencita ago

At one time Deaconess was owned by Tenet. This is no longer true. They no longer maintain their records. Deaconess was a slum hospital. It’s the hospital with the pile of money under the sheet. @Wolftrail7272

MercurysBall2 ago

Thanks for that carmencita. Didn't know that. I'm interested in them now because of the affiliation with Harvard Medical School

carmencita ago

If I have time I will try to help. Something really stinks about Hanks & his wife & the virus. Hasn’t set right with me since I heard it. All these elites claiming it well really - they are constantly protected and they surely live in sterile surroundings. No. I just don’t believe it.

MercurysBall2 ago

Mormon Church Member characterizes vaccines as "a one-size-fits-all medical intervention based on a (secret) combination of human sacrifice and cannibalism." by @septimasexta


" In addition to studying ANTHRAX, Plotkin also studied the poliovirus in Koprowski's lab. "

Stanley Plotkin involved in this: "DID ARMY CAUSE ANTHRAX OUTBREAK IN MILL? Documents related to '57 research project leave unanswered questions" Published: 10/07/2002

"Today, WorldNetDaily presents the first of a two-part report on the federal government’s involvement with anthrax. In this story, WND investigates a 1957 outbreak of anthrax in a textile mill that happened to be the site of Army experiments on a vaccine for the disease. Tomorrow’s installment examines the federal investigation into the post-9/11 anthrax attacks."

"Anna was stunned by her husband’s sudden death. He was only 49 years old. She had never seen Antonio sick before. She didn’t know what to tell her seven children. Anna buried her husband three days after he died. The church was full of Antonio’s friends and relatives, but nobody from management at the Arms Textile Mill attended Antonio’s funeral. Nobody, at the time, told Anna that the Arms Textile Mill was the site of tests being conducted by the Biological Warfare Laboratories at Fort Detrick, Md. It would be another 45 years before Anna ever heard about the tests."

"In an amazing coincidence, at the same time as the deadly Arms Mill outbreak the manufacturing plant was the site for tests using an experimental vaccine. Tests on the mill workers – who were considered at risk for anthrax due to handling animal products such as goat and sheep hair – had begun quietly in May 1955 and were sponsored by the Biological Warfare Laboratories of the U.S. Chemical Corps at Fort Detrick. The prototype vaccine tested at the mill had been developed by Fort Detrick scientist Dr. George G. Wright. The vaccine was briefly produced a few years later by the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, today Merck and Co. Inc. Company head George Wilhelm Merck was a principal advocate for biological warfare in the 1940s and 1950s and was a founder of Fort Detrick. Wright’s vaccine is essentially the same serum administered today to American troops and others at risk of anthrax. Nearly a half-century beyond the Arms Mill outbreak, no definitive scientific explanation or cause for the epidemic has been discovered."

"Speculation that the Arms anthrax epidemic may not have been a coincidental occurrence has been the subject of quiet debate among scientists for years. In 1999, former United Nations official and BBC correspondent Edward Hooper published a book entitled, “The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS.” Buried deep within Hooper’s 1,070-page opus is a brief section that concerns the Arms outbreak. Hooper’s research inadvertently led him to the incident through his unrelated interviews with Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin. At the time of the Arms tests, Dr. Plotkin worked for the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service, Wistar Institute, and was assigned the task of medically evaluating the outbreak."

"The 1959/60 annual report for the Commission on Epidemiological Survey, part of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board, contains the minutes of a meeting held on March 23, 1960, which was largely devoted to anthrax. Dr. Harold Glassman of Fort Detrick (whose assistance had been acknowledged at the end of the Plotkin/Brachman paper) was the main speaker, and he opened his address with a review of the anthrax organism, including ‘ease of preparation and stability in storage and as an aerosol.’ He was especially interested in air-sampling studies at the Manchester mill and with the case of a young military volunteer who had died of inhalation anthrax at Fort Detrick in 1958 after receiving a series of inoculations of killed and live vaccines, including one against anthrax. [Glassman] stressed the fact that the Soviets appeared to have recently developed an attenuated anthrax vaccine for humans, and said that there was an urgent need from the U.S. side for ‘an examination of the protective properties of various vaccine preparations.’ Clearly, the Manchester [Arms Mill] vaccine trial had not provided all the answers.” After this, Hooper added that a portion of Dr. Glassman’s presentation “was omitted from the minutes, presumably for security reasons.”" READ THE REST MORE INFO!

septimasexta ago

Thanks for the reminder. Plotkin's understudy, Dr. Walter Orenstein, was in charge of rolling out the "new" enlarged vaccine schedule (including Merck's experimental Hep B vaccine) after the passage of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. He still keeps his eye on things through Emory University and ACIP. He is listed as a co-editor on Plotkin's latest editions of his seminal work VACCINES - used as the main textbook in vaccinology courses.

"Plotkin (Russian: Плоткин) is a surname of Russian Jewish origin, which indicates a person from Plotki, a name of several villages in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.[citation needed] It may also refer to:

Alice Playten (1947–2011), born Alice Plotkin, American actress and singer

Andrew Plotkin (born 1970), American writer

Brian Plotkin (born 1984), American soccer player

Chuck Plotkin, American record producer

Diana Plotkin, American political activist

Faith Plotkin (born 1947), American writer

Gordon Plotkin (born 1946), British computer scientist

Hal Plotkin (born 1957), American journalist and public servant

James Plotkin (born 1970), American guitarist

Mark Plotkin (born 1955), American botanist

Stanley Plotkin (born 1932), American physician, vaccinologist, and immunologist"

Many of the jews in Russia were communists. America has been heavily influenced by these Russian immigrants from the 50's.

I have wondered if the claimed "Russian anthrax threat", on which our modern vaccine program was based, was just a cover for a more nefarious use of this research.

MercurysBall2 ago

Tom Frieden

was the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and he was the administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry from 2009 to 2017,[6][7] appointed by President Barack Obama.

Frieden started leading an initiative called "Resolve to Save Lives" to prevent cardiovascular disease and epidemics.[79] The effort is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and housed at a nongovernmental organization in New York City

In June 2019, Frieden pled guilty to disorderly conduct in New York City. In 2018 he faced misdemeanor charges of forcible touching, third-degree sexual abuse and second-degree harassment, which were dropped.[100][101] Frieden issued a statement shortly after his arrest, stating the allegation "does not reflect" his "public or private behavior or his values."

septimasexta ago

Good thing Trump got rid of him.....and all the others.

CDC is a snake pit.

derram ago :

Philadelphia (4/8) Movie CLIP - A Pharmacy Pick-Up (1993) HD - YouTube :

How 'the GOAT' Tom Hanks became the Face of this Thing & Corey Feldman the '9th Gate' - YouTube

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