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MercurysBall2 ago

The camp that houses 35,000 of Haiti’s earthquake homeless is a sprawling mess of tarps and bedsheets, of steamy air and brimming latrines, of people who’ve lost everything — houses, possessions, family members — yet whose first thoughts concern the children.

“No child in Haiti is in school now,” said Jacky Coutia, a member of the camp’s leadership committee. “There are so many children here, they’re just racing around.”

Coutia was talking to some visitors to the camp, built on a former military airfield in battered Port-au-Prince. Among them was Louise Ivers, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, physician at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Haiti clinical director of Partners In Health (PIH) , the nonprofit group that runs mobile clinics there. The camp houses about 12,000 children, evidenced by homemade kites fluttering overhead and a pickup basketball game nearby. The camp also has several trained teachers — who could start a school if they could find tents for a classroom.....

East of Port-au-Prince, near the Dominican border, is the field hospital established under the leadership of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in Fond Parisien...

As the recovery begins, Harvard affiliates will keep their sleeves rolled up. Roles will be played long term by Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) faculty members, including Joia Mukherjee, assistant professor of medicine and a Brigham and Women’s physician, and Paul Farmer, who holds appointments at both HMS and HSPH and who is also a physician at the Brigham. Along with Ivers, they work through Partners In Health, which Farmer co-founded decades ago and which has lengthy experience providing health care in rural Haiti.

Roles will be played in the intermediate term by figures such as Hilarie Cranmer and Michael VanRooyen of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), who also have appointments at HMS and HSPH and who willed a field hospital out of the dried grass outside Port-au-Prince in the weeks after the quake. S. Allen Counter, a professor at HMS and in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and director of the Harvard Foundation, recently worked on the shelter problem by procuring and distributing 150 tents to homeless families in Port-au-Prince, a follow-up to an earlier relief trip.

The field hospital, an HHI-led collaboration with the University of Chicago, Love A Child, and other partners, provides broad-based care for earthquake victims, including amputations, skin grafts, treatment of infections, and physical therapy. There are special teams for unaccompanied minors and outreach teams to identify those whose medical needs are unmet, and to improve local health care capacity.

..Jennifer Scott, an instructor in obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology at Harvard Medical School and an obstetrician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, worked at Fond Parisien in mid-February, spending half her time at local clinics.

MercurysBall2 ago

Interestingly, we see that the Harvard Medical School is connected with the Blavatnik Institute and Harvard's The Department of Global Health and Social Medicine :

In this post: Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

In 2016, Oxford University opened its doors to the new Blavatnik building - home to the Blavatnik School of Government. The language in the Guardian article and the architecture of the building had me thinking New World Order and the UN. So, I google Blavatsky and Blavatnik and got a link to transhumanist Anders Sandberg, a colleague of Nick Bostrom and many links with Jeffrey Epstein.

[A Name You may have Never Heard] ...this man is a Very Important cog in the Globalist Machine.......share this [Lord Mark Malloch-brown]

L. M Mollach-Brown tied to Blavatnik School of Government...Billionaire. Ukrainian. Ties to Russia. Gives millions to US universities. Owns Warner music. Invests in Hollywood. Trying to buy major movie studios. Ties to Abromovich. Pics with DS elite: B. Clinton, best friends with Harvey Weinstein and Brett Ratner (spit), Steve Mnuchin frequently visits L. Blavatnik’s yacht, Naomi Campbell, Prince William, etc.) Donates to U.S. political campaigns and politicians.

kestrel9 ago

Regarding Mark Mollach-Brown, I had this

Mark Malloch­‐Brown is a former number two in the United Nations as well as having served in the British cabinet and foreign office. He now sits in the House of Lords and is active both in business and in the nonprofit world. He also remains deeply involved in international affairs.

He is currently chairman of SGO and its elections division Smartmatic, a leading elections technology company. He is on the boards of Investec and Seplat, which are listed on the London as well as Johannesburg and Lagos stock markets respectively. He is also on the board of Kerogen, an oil and gas private equity fund. He is a senior adviser to FTI Consulting where he previously led its EMEA practice.

He served as deputy secretary-­general and chief of staff of the UN under Kofi Annan. For six years before that he was the administrator of the UNDP, leading the UN’s development efforts around the world. He was later minister of state in the foreign office, covering Africa and Asia, and was a member of Gordon Brown’s cabinet. Other positions have included vice‐chairman of George Soros’s investment funds as well as his Open Society Foundations philanthropy, a vice president at the World Bank, and the lead international partner in a political consulting firm. He also has served as vice chairman of the World Economic Forum. He began his career as a journalist at the Economist.

He chairs or is on the board of a number of nonprofit boards including the International Crisis Group, the Open Society Foundations, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and the Centre for Global Development. He is a former chair of the Royal Africa Society.

Malloch-Brown is also a distinguished practitioner of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and was formerly a visiting distinguished fellow at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. He has a number of honorary degrees. He was knighted in 2007 for his contribution to international affairs.

He is the author of The Unfinished Global Revolution and in 2005 Time Magazine put him on its list of the 100 most influential people in the world. He continues to write, broadcast, and lecture about international issues. 

He's also talked about here:

Soros had been bragging for years about his longstanding scheme to stage a "hostile takeover" of the Democratic Party. It was Soros money that catapulted Howard Dean into the chairmanship of the Democratic Party, following his failed bid for the 2004 Democratic Presidential nomination. After the defeat of Sen. John Kerry in November 2004, Soros launched the Democracy Alliance, a behind-closed-doors cartel of billionaires, who pooled their funds to establish a parallel Democratic Party structure, modelled on the Soros-bankrolled "civil society" revolutions in such locations as Ukraine, Georgia, and Serbia.

Soros's bankrolling of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's "Rose Revolution" has drawn recent media attention, after Saakashvili's murderous attack on South Ossetia, which nearly triggered war between Russia and NATO this Summer. What was largely ignored in the fog of the Russia-Georgia war was the role of British Foreign Office figure Mark Malloch-Brown—Soros's longtime British partner and "handler." First, as head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and later as vice chairman of both Soros's offshore Quantum Fund and his Open Society Institute, Malloch-Brown was Soros's full partner in all the filthy Caucasus endeavors. It was only at the point that Soros was about to take a lead role in launching Obama's Presidential campaign, that Malloch-Brown went home to "Mother" and became the number two man in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

But until that moment, in mid-2007, Malloch-Brown was Soros's 24-7 link to the British Crown for more than 20 years, a role that earned the Foreign Office mandarin his British knighthood.

George Mark Malloch Brown, Baron Malloch-Brown KCMG PC (born 16 September 1953) is a former UK government minister (2007 – 2009) and United Nations Deputy Secretary-General (2006), as well as development specialist at the World Bank and United Nations (1994 – 2005), and a communications consultant and journalist. He was Minister of State in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British government with responsibility for Africa, Asia and the United Nations (June 2007 - July 2009). Following his appointment to government, Malloch Brown was created a life peer on 9 July 2007 as Baron Malloch-Brown, of St Leonard's Forest in the County of West Sussex[1] (his title is hyphenated but his surname is not). Malloch Brown was previously at the World Bank (1994–1999), the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (1999–2005) and briefly United Nations Deputy Secretary-General (April to December 2006). He had previously worked at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (1979–1983). He is also a former journalist for The Economist, development specialist, and communications consultant. He has served as Chair of the Royal African Society,[2] among other non-governmental and private sector roles, such as membership of the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group.

... He began his career as a journalist at The Economist and also led the international practice of the Sawyer Miller Group, a US political consultancy...