Godwillwin ago

A heavy breathing video had some Chinese torture pictures flashed in one of their videos. Is this the same Asian torture this JSOC anon writes about tge CIA being involved in?

Godwillwin ago

Verrrrry. Interesting. I don't know anyone in the military. I wonder if any regular military guys - you know that live in a base in Florida etc - could shed any light on this? My sisterinlaw dated a soldier about 10 years ago in college. He was probably 22. She claims he was nuts. He was a sniper and was nuts. She said he'd cry but made no sense and would have rage and sexually aggressive. Then would cry. Of course, I assumed the horrors of war are what led to his fragile mental state, but maybe SOME guys like him know about this stuff?

Do some veterans from the Vietnam war know? A lot of those guys have mental troubles too. But again, I always figured because they had to kill and saw so much violence and death. But maybe there's more?

I'd like to go to a veterans shelter and talk to some of these guys. Maybe they know the truth but have been drugged etc to seem crazy?

I'm reaching I know. But I think more people have to know the truth. They just have not been taken seriously or are too afraid to speak up

Piscina ago

Thank you. That puts a lot of pieces together for me.

dFrog ago

Great read. Thanks, fam.

blackfyre_rebel ago

So I'm an American living in Northern Thailand. I've lived in the Golden Triangle area about 1 and a half years.

Only looking into my 2ND fucking article, I found this:


From 2008:

"Foiling one of the biggest attempts of human trafficking in the country, the police earlier this month intercepted a group of more than 100 villagers trying to cross over to notorious Golden Triangle in Myanmar from Yunnan province.

Two human smugglers - referred to as "snakeheads" in China - were arrested for trying to sneak 124 people out of the country in two batches, the Xinhua News Agency reported Thursday.

A third smuggler, who escaped arrest, is still at large.

The snakeheads, according to the police, had "overseas backing", Xinhua said."

Fucking A! I wish I would have looked into this a year and a half ago! I will definitely be talking to some connections here of people who fight trafficking before I go.

Godwillwin ago

Why is it called the golden triangle? Isn't D.C. Called that too?

blackfyre_rebel ago

It's the premier spot in the world for opium harvesting. Northern Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and parts of China.

Dressage2 ago

This is a great post and fully describes what that rogue CIA element has been up to for years!

SturdyGal ago

Thank you meowski. This explains everything.

rwb ago

Votes much appreciated :-)

11-11 ago

This is amazing and, if the author is correct, explains a lot.

Thanks much for posting

r3dtr1x ago

My brother was recently promoted to Lt. Colonel in the USAF and he arrived in Germany on Tuesday of this week, the same day the CIA dump hit Wikileaks. He is doing logistics for JSOC. I tried to talk to him a bit about the CIA stuff (because it's now in the public domain), and of course.. as usual.. his response was "hmmm, that's interesting. I hadn't heard about it. I'll have to check out the news". I should know, by now, to quit trying to talk to him about current events. He knows, and I should know, that he's likely monitored, or at least recorded 24/7. He's very much a Trump supporter tho, and says everybody he knows in the service is.

Godwillwin ago

I wonder if you could write something on pAper inside a book or on a menu or in a newspaper and hand it to him asking him to reply in the same way?

He'd have to make sure that while writing they weren't watching him. Surely they can't see him every second of every day, can they ?

Celticgirlonamission ago

Very weird my brother sent me this link and told me to read it https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/local/cia-challenge-coins-symbolism-and-dark-humor-can-be-had-for-a-price-on-ebay/2016/09/21/94e65cf4-7134-11e6-8365-b19e428a975e_story.html

So I read the article, and I sent back something like cool or awesome...well he sends me a pic of a coin with yota, weapon and bullet on it after a few mins of me texting him back...all I could do was ask if he got it recently and he said yeah...I promised him I wouldn't share pic, and I'm one to keep my promise. He flew to Va a couple weeks ago and he told me it was for training..... there's only one thing I gathered from this...no questions asked. It was pretty weird though...he's been in military marines and held federal and local law enforcement jobs, over 30 years, just never and intelligence that I know of 😂

Godwillwin ago

One of the coins in the picture says tertia optio which translates to third option. Here's the website to tertia optio.


General McChrystal, the JSOC general talked about by the anon on 4chan, is on the advisory board of third option


Some of The programs they provide are summer call and counseling to children of fallen soldiers and officers. I'm not saying they are abusing children of fallen officers. But Maybe they kind of brainwash them about what and who the CIA is though https://www.thirdoptionfoundation.org/programs/#programs-1

Godwillwin ago

Does he know you are researching pizzagate? Maybe he's dropping you a clue?

Celticgirlonamission ago

Yes he does, he also knows I've been very vocal about child sex trafficking calling names of everyone envolved...I've lost friends and some family thinks I'm crazy...I don't care, I'll continue to do so until this all comes out and the kids are safer again

Godwillwin ago

Interesting. I won't quit either. For my sanity and the kids of course, I hope arrests are sooner rather than later.

So I've never watched Star Wars- crazy, I know. But maybe we need to figure out the meaning behind yoda etc in the coin

Touchdown50 ago

Same here except he retired already last year . He still has a t.s. Clearance but wont talk about anything. Hes not a trump supporter nor hillary.

Godwillwin ago

I wonder if you could write something on pAper inside a book or on a menu or in a newspaper and hand it to him asking him to reply in the same way?

He'd have to make sure that while writing they weren't watching him. Surely they can't see him every second of every day, can they ?

Touchdown50 ago

Nah he would tell me this and he has before I can tell you but then ill have to kill you. His own words with a straight face

Godwillwin ago

I suppose there's no sense in pushing the subject then ;)

Touchdown50 ago

Not enough if i want him to give me the psycho eyes.

Jem777 ago

This is great. Tells the story of child trafficking & MK Ultra. CIA started with children developing multiples in NAZI germany then tried it on POW's then back to children with some real Satanism.

redditsuckz ago

Full Text of David McGowan Programmed To Kill NWO Illuminati Freemasons MKultra Monarch


Godwillwin ago

What is this? I missed this?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

That is an excellent assessment of our present situation. Those who have just been recently red-pilled might be taken aback by the overwhelming information, but considering the easy lay-mens term read. I'd say it's a very good way to see the path of how we got to where we are and we're we might be heading.

meowski ago

It's an anon post but definitely fits with the rest of my research.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Why not link the actual post, so we don't have to go blind trying to read this? :-)

rwb ago

I think this is it. Looks a bit different but content seems same: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/112812288/

meowski ago

Nice 1, added

Millennial_Falcon ago

Upvote for you, sire. :D

Northern_Soul ago

OH NO.. THE MOLE IS ON THE LOOSE @Millennial_Falcon

Grand_Deception ago

Annihilation of the Evil Machine

Jem777 ago


meowski ago

I don't have the link. If you can find it, I'll add it.