flyingcuttlefish ago

I didn't realize this story goes to politician - Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-Ohio) - seems he was assist. coach back then.

VERY SIMILAR to Hassert.

Sex Abuse Scandal At Jim Jordan’s Old Team Will ‘Get Worse’ For Him, Warns Ex-Wrestler

MilitaryTribunals ago

Ohio State had a special counsel to work on this investigation; deep swamp monsters and purchasers of Steele Dossier, Perkins-Coie.

Isnt that a shit kicker in the ass? Best part is Jim Jordan is not named within.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the link!

MilitaryTribunals ago

No problem, always using it when Jim Jordan is owning someone in any given hearing, and suddenly the left cares the Ohio State victims. Shuts their asses down real fast. 😂

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Free speech is not free in pizzagate. See my big red flair? This is what happens in communism just before they kill ya. First they flag ya, and then then they kill ya. Ohhhh pizzagate...I miss the good old days. @vindicator, me and @kevdude put you in the lead mod spot. Neither of us are gone. See?


what a laugh.......voat is was nice to meet ya....


Vindicator ago

Lies. @Crensch made me a mod, trusted me to lead post-Falcon, and handed the Ownership reins to me when he thought it was best for the board. Kev repeatedly thwarted my efforts, threatened to demod me, and fucked with the mod team I built. As did you. Stop causing drama.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

lol, crensch gone. Exactly what v/pizzagate needed too. Now you the head man, also exactly what v/pizzagate needed. You do a good job. Im glad you are the owner of pizzagate. Why you crying? I don't understand.

Vindicator ago

Says the guy crying. LMAO

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Is it starting to dawn on you yet that srayzie, the internet sex freak, sent her own pictures to you guys to false flag me, (the anti Q) because I was not pro Q? And blew her self up at the same time. The rest of Goatdom smelled that ploy and they drove her ass out of here. You don't know what I know because I have never told it all and I won't. She is borderline psychotic and she told me that herself. That ain't my fault, thats her fault. I have nothing to do with her past. I hate it for her just like you do, but I didn't cause her bad decisions. Erase that blind spot and things will become a lot clear. She sent her nude pics to at least 3 people on Voat that she herself told me about. I don't think any of those people betrayed her. She did it her own self and I know that. Let it go bro, let it go.....

MolochHunter ago

if Srayzie 'false flagged' you, why did you completely validate her characterization of you as a dodgy manipulative motherfucker by mass sock-puppeteering consensus cracking ?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I cannot explain why other people do the things they do. I also don't care. For me personally it has always been about the survival of v/pizzagate. The rest of this bullshit is just personal drama.

MolochHunter ago

then why create so much, asshat

so little is consistent between your words and actions, feller

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Being a creator, with long vision, ain't always easy bro. We have a v/pizzagate, and we have a Q community, that are seperate from each other. Pizzagate is the golden egg, the think tank, and the place from which really well thought out thoughts flow.

Qville is the the place where we publish our findings and let it get blasted to the masses.

This shit is working. Don't mess it up :)

MolochHunter ago

YOU mess it up

when YOU fuck with innocent peoples heads with consensus cracking sock puppeteering bullshit

evil thrives in darkness. You spew darkness out of every orifice

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You spew darkness out of every orifice

Understanding that "Qanon" is a zionist psyop is not "spewing darkness", that is just your mind fucking with you.

MolochHunter ago


Vindicator ago

My problem with you is your giving Voat rules the finger, in order to silence views you don't like. You're a dishonest elitist piece of crap who targeted multiple individuals for destruction. Srayzie was only one example.

It's telling that you are still trying to use srayzie to shield your own evil. Disgusting.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

My problem with you is your giving Voat rules the finger, in order to silence views you don't like. You're a dishonest elitist piece of crap who targeted multiple individuals for destruction. Srayzie was only one example.

It's telling that you are still trying to use srayzie to shield your own evil. Disgusting.

Me and kevdude arranged for you to the owner of this sub. Here you are. You are doing a great job. I could not be more happy with the way you run this sub. You do a great job. Why this tantrum? I have zero complaints with what you do. Why are you throwing a tantrum in the best post you ever made in your whole career?

Suggestion: Throw the self admitted blood drinking argo overboard. He is a whole bag of dead weight. Scratch this post and post it again fresh and hope he don't fuck it up. This was a huge great post and then BOOM here come the blood drinking argosciv to snarl it up.

Before its too late click "source", and select all and copy it. I already did it in case you don't catch it fast enough I will give you the entire source code for your post. Your post is massive good and it deserves to be studied without the input and bickering the local blood drinker brought into this. Peace.


Vindicator ago

"Tantrum." What a gaslighter you are.

You and Kev caused more drama on this board than any other users in its history (assuming you are actually two different users, LOL). Neither of you had anything to do with my being here. You are the one shitting up my submission, and I certainly won't delete it and start over when this thread demonstrates perfectly what a duplicitous enemy of pizzagate you are.

Wanna prove you're a good guy? Delete all your comments in my thread and leave this subverse. That is what someone who thinks this is a great submission being ruined by drama would do. Someone who is honest.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Neither of you had anything to do with my being here.

Kevdude was in control of this subverse when MilFalcon got booted out. That made you next in line for lead mod. How you think that happened? You think that somehow by magic it just happened? We made it happen. If you think otherwise, then explain it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Kevdude was in control of this subverse when MilFalcon got booted out. That made you next in line for lead mod. How you think that happened? You think that somehow by magic it just happened? We made it happen. If you think otherwise, then explain it.

Well, finally the truth comes out. So you and kevdude were the ones who were spamming PG with all that garbage that MF sifted through every day. Overwhelming him to the point that you could then slip a submission in that he made a mistake on, and deleted. All so that Kevdude could demod him.

You guys forgot to keep spamming the board, after you got him demodded. Rookie Mistake.

Making it really easy for me to see that's what you did, just waited for you to fuck up and brag about it. THANKS.

Kevdude is wise beyond anything you understand about this website.

He was the most useless and unreliable mod PG ever had. fucking IDIOT.

then me and kevdude just swapped one psychopath for another.

Says the narcissist

I wonder if @kevdude sees it this way?

@Vindicator @heygeorge @MadWorld @Deshy (fyi)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

In order for pizzagate to survive we needed to broaden the horizon a little bit. the view had to be expanded. MilFalcon could not see the future. I dont think @vindicator is a true Qtard anymore. I think he is growing out of it. Regardless, of all the Q shit, vindicator is the best mod pizzagate ever had. Thats where im at.

Vindicator ago

Apparently you didn't see my crossposts of this submission in GA and QRV. The reason I looked into it was because Q has repeatedly said "Follow the Wives". I could give it the QAnon Watch flair as a Valentine's Day present for you GoatScrotum, to commemorate you think my best submission is one based on Q research. :-)

Better tell Soros you're gonna be here a while longer!

Oh, wait...he might not be able to make payroll.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Apparently you didn't see my crossposts of this submission in GA and QRV.

Apparently I did not. I ain't gonna look either. Carry on....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator ban ES and all his alts. for deliberately sabotaging the PG Mod team, please. After all, he just admitted that he and kevdude are conspirators.

@heygeorge @erickaliberhall @crensch @think-

DanglingGoatBalls ago

@Vindicator ban ES and all his alts. for deliberately sabotaging the PG Mod team, please. After all, he just admitted that he and kevdude are conspirators.

@heygeorge @erickaliberhall @crensch @think-

Vindicator IS the best mod pizzagate ever had. Like his Qtardia or not, he is obviously the best choice. Why you being so cranky tonight?

Here I was thought me and you and Donkey was all gonna go out on a date, and now this.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Don-Keyhote is white, you are not.

he's young, you're not.

he's smart, you're not.

he's fun, not you.

He would never treat me the way you have.



DanglingGoatBalls ago

@Don-Keyhote is white, you are not.

Sorry baby, but I'm a full blooded white boy.

He would never treat me the way you have.

All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I'm gonna keep sending you love songs until I woooooo you over.

Gimme Shelter | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Leave me alone, or would you like me to take this to the boys in sbbh, and tell them how much a jew you act like. I'll tell them everything I can remember. Better still, we'll go to PreviewVoat and discuss it in front of Putt. He'll be able to back up my memory.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Nope. You got the wrong guy. I did what I thought was best at the time. I am now pretty much far removed from this shit. You do whatever you think is best. I will not participate.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Here's a little test, ES.

A White Man, who isn't narcissistic, and doesn't act like a Fiddler on the Roof, would be able to give a girl the last word.

Even though she thinks he's a Giant Beta Cunt.

Have you ever allowed someone to have the last word? I doubt it.

As a matter of fact, whenever anyone says 'women don't belong on the internet, cuz they too emotional.' I always thing to myself, 'Well those faggots ES and argosciv are hella more cry-baby than I am, wtf'

So, can you man up and let me have the last word, after i told you to leave me alone, or are you gonna jew-out?

@heygeorge @Vindicator Betcha he jews. :D

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


DanglingGoatBalls ago

So you and kevdude were the ones who were spamming PG with all that garbage that MF sifted through every day.

Of course NOT. We would never do that. It was a simple administrative decision. Mil Falcon was pissing everybody off. @vindicator was the obvious choice. this shit is not complicated.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are foolish to try and gainsay. Wretched Waste.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The World

DanglingGoatBalls ago

"nope, youre still a bitch"

That hurt my feelings.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

He was the most useless and unreliable mod PG ever had. fucking IDIOT.

Not true. @kevdude just stayed in the background and let things run. He did not intrude, but he helped in critical times. Kevdude did a lot for Voat, a whole lot. One vindictive little bitch and her titties unwound a lot of goodness around here.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

He was the most useless and unreliable mod PG ever had.

ahahaha, you know nothing.

Vindicator ago

As I recall, it was Kev who -- after unleashing Hojuruku and refusing to reban him -- helpfully pointed out the links showing Hojuruku was offering a bounty on Voat and several other platforms on both me and srayzie. It was very confusing at the time, because I was getting ping spammed approximately 40 messages per day including harassment from Anon subs and trying to vet Hojuruku's "edits" to his submission. This was just a week or two after Kev had threatened to demod me for not promptly replying to pings in a rule-breaking post, when I went out of town for the weekend to visit a family member with cancer, leaving the new mods in charge. I still don't really get what Hojuruku was trying to accomplish exactly, though he bragged about doxing one of the founding r/pizzagate mods somewhere in that OE thread with Donkey. I do know that Kev got srayzie involved in defending me, and in trying to drive off Hojuruku, who I believe is mentally ill and repeatedly doxed himself (the reason Falcon banned him in the first place). Thankfully, @Crensch put an end to the whole thing by rebanning Hojuruku.

The whole thing was quite similar to Kev's behavior supporting the shill that was driving people off the board in December 2016: ArmySeer. That's the guy who was banhammering pizzagate researchers and undermining mods from his fake v/pizzagateshills subverse, which people thought was a notification from a v/pizzagate mod, causing them to freak out, attack the mods, and get banned for real. Kev would not allow me to ban AS for multiple rule violations. In fact, he contributed to ArmySeer's toxic drama-fanning disinfo subverse. When AS finally gave up after I repeatedly neutered him with linked evidence, he asked Kev to take over his subverse.

Kev was a shill. It's a beautiful thing that he screwed up and exposed himself to legal action and had to scrub his account. Probably the same reason ES had to. Cracks me up.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Kev was a shill. It's a beautiful thing that he screwed up and exposed himself to legal action and had to scrub his account. Probably the same reason ES had to. Cracks me up.

You are delusional as fuck. Before Trump is done he will pass a law making it criminal to be anti-semitic. We are getting distance from that.

we aint planning on going to jail.

Vindicator ago

Awww. You should know by now that I never make claims I can't give evidence for, ES. :-)

Kev deleted his virtually invincible account right after he fucked up and admitted publicly that he would post revenge porn on srayzie. Revenge porn is illegal in California, Srayzie's state. Since he also admitted he had it, and someone did indeed send it around to try to damage her, that put him in a dicey position.

Since you deleted your account right after he did, and you also admit to having it -- and srayzie can prove to the authorities to whom she sent it privately, when -- logic supports my conclusion. (Assuming you and Kev are indeed different people).

In the end, srayzie took you both down. Beautiful! I assume she could also go after you both legally and collect damages, if she wanted to. As I've said in the past, I would gladly dox myself and testify publicly to everything I witnessed, for the sake of justice.

Before Trump is done he will pass a law making it criminal to be anti-semitic.

Hilarious to hear you complaining about that, since you tried very hard to convince everyone on this board not to speak out about Jewish involvement in pizzagate and think it's "a racist hellhole". should probably delete this account, too, since I can easily prove it's yours.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Hero, you just won the dumb nigger award, again.

Vindicator ago

You're gonna have to keep holding your own balls, GoatSack.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

holding my own balls is what i do best.

Vindicator ago

I didn't spend any time at all. I have been archiving and filing away your lies and BS for years, as I see it in real time.

The satisfaction of exposing you is more than enough compensation all by itself.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The satisfaction of exposing you is more than enough compensation all by itself.

Please do make an ass of yourself. We aint this much fun since srayzies hogs ate my little brother.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It's a beautiful thing that he screwed up and exposed himself to legal action and had to scrub his account.

I haven't been able to find where is shows that kev had to scrub for that reason. Do you have a link for that, by any chance?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I am following your line of reasoning. Except i don't see kev admitting to having any porn. Nor is he saying that he's going to release any porn. What I do clearly see is kev fucking with the Retarded Masturbatory Bestiality Posting Suspected Pedophile @theoldones

Since the only porn pics i have heard that got heavily circulated were the ones of the guys that sarzy collected, I would imagine that she probably wouldn't want to play that kind of game. There's a lot of people who have seen her as poison for as long as I have, and I'm sure they protected themselves against her sedition, like I did.

If I were a guy and had her porn pics sent to me, I'd delete my account, too. That way when the crazy cunt releases her own pornography collection, and accuses some beta slob w/money of 'revenge porn', in order to sue the sucker and his poor family out of existence, the smart ones can say they deleted, before the fact.

You really have no clue or concept as to how fucked up in the head these pornographic drama queen criminal coal-burning types can be. Typical dude.


Deshy ago

Since the only porn pics i have heard that got heavily circulated were the ones of the guys that sarzy collected

Linky? This sounds interesting. :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

DMs. I'm afraid that they would be retaliated against, if I told. I am quite disappointed that people don't feel comfortable enough with the mods of PG and GA, to tell them all the crap that witchiepoo pulled. But I understand.

On a lighter note, there's some fine. manly flesh roaming around Voat. Mighty Fine ;)

Deshy ago

:D I nooooo, lol

Pm pics! Just kidding I’m good, my imagination is uber wonderful, thanks!

Lady, you crack me up! I love reading your posts and yes you are right about many things concerning GA and PG mods, I have observed the same things you have, to a degree. Keep hollering the truth from the rooftops and have a cracking day!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah, i can't figure out why men think that just because they worship and adore their wing-dings, that means that everyone should feel same. My imagination has always kept me in good company, as well.

Thank you for compliment, you pretty funny, too. Giggling through the tragedy of life, is the only way to travel. Hope your day is good, as well.

Vindicator ago

Since the only porn pics i have heard that got heavily circulated were the ones of the guys that sarzy collected

First I've heard of this.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That's odd.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ohhh, scary. Jews like to identify as white, and we have documented the proof of that here. I'm not afraid. Since when is it illegal for whites to be self hating?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Then @vindicator and @crensch is gonna come pick our bones. We can invite @heygeorge and @expertshitposter to be a witness. How bout it.

ExpertShitposter ago

I'm going to kill everybody with a gun.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Trust the plan. The plan is that me and Qanon, donkey, and you, is gonna go on a date. We gonna go to Asia and eat some bats and get Corona Virus. Then we gonna lay on the beach. Game?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Are you going to leave me alone? Or am I going to have to start hating on you?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Are you going to leave me alone?

Absolutely. You got it.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

So far over the last hundred years, so goes Europe, so goes the United States. I have always watched Europe to see what will happen in the U.S. The European Union and Russia made it a criminal offense to be anti-semitic. I have every reason to believe it will also happen in the U.S. @vindicator ain't never been known for his long forecasting ability but he is a diligent nigger.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Whatever you say dickmeth. All the anti semites in US have guns, and 75% are niggers. good luck.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Whatever you say dickmeth.

That was harsh. I think you need a spanking.

Vindicator ago

"Kevdude was in control"

"Kevdude is wise beyond anything"

"Me and Kevdude"

"Me and Kevdude"

"Me and Kevdude"

"You seem upset"

"Stop crying"

Your Jedi mind control LARPing is pathetic.

For the record, just two weeks after MF was axed, Kev orchestrated a drama shitshow by stickying a rule-breaking post and threatening to demod me and everyone else. It was a very thinly veiled attempt to delegitimize and fracture a well-liked, trusted new mod team that was succeeding very well with the new 24 Hour Grace policy we'd instituted, which both Kev and you opposed. A week or two after that, he unleashed massive chaos and an attempt have me driven off the Internet by unbanning Hojuruku and refusing to reban him, which lead to that pedo putting a bounty out to dox me across mulitple platforms. Those two incidents are what first put @Crensch on guard against Kev, who is the biggest shill Voat has ever known.

And far from "putting me in charge," you attempted to undermine me numerous times, repeatedly pushing the idea I am a Zionist and support Luciferians, the same person as @EricKaliberall, that mods are connected to intel. Oh yeah...then there was the time you tried to get Kev to demod me for deleting a disinfo thread claiming pizzagate is about vampires, a topic you pushed yourself on the gullible. And we shouldn't forget the time you asked the subverse to make you the owner so you could kick out everyone you didn't like:

Hand us the password to the main name that started this sub. I will go in and change the password and nobody but me will be able to get in. I will fire everybody that needs to be fired.

Yes, ES. I really do have all of your bullshit archived. No one on this board is going to believe you're anything but a failed shill.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I am not gonna read all that shit. You wasted your time. Do what you will. I don't care.

Vindicator ago

Evidence does have that tranqulizing effect on you, doesn't it? LMAO

YogSoggoth ago

Nice work on the butterfly research Vin. Could you answer a question? Could this be mentioned here even though no actual children were involved? I say maybe, because it is like Nexium, which has the same elements.Lawrence Ray charged with running sex cult using daughter ...

Search domain

Vindicator ago

Unfortunately, since there are no minors involved, this falls outside our purview...unless you can connect the dude to players who ARE involved in hurting kids. Then it might be connected. It would depend.

YogSoggoth ago

No minors, "YET." Nexium only had hearsay of such before proof. Then it was allowed because of the connections with Clinton/Bronfmans, ect. I think we are dealing with the same group of people, unless there is the odd chance that this guy was just a random psychopath that used to hang out with a top cop in NYC. Chances of that are slim, in my opinion. We will probably see if I am right in my assumptions. My gut feeling is usually right, and this ain't no Roy Moore/ Kavenaugh case. I have been extra busy, otherwise I would have more.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Current Wexler yacht location.

Zoom out to the what geographic location. Right now its north of St. Kitts at Anguilla. I suspect Ghislaine Maxwell is probably hiding out on his yacht.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Les Wexner

This fucker needs to be put out of business. He is the scourge of the earth.

Vindicator this might be the best post I have ever seen you make. This is a great post. My hat is off to you brother. You made a lot of critical connections in this post. It should be cross posted to the Q subs to help the Qiddies learn nuance and connections among subtle things.

Vindicator ago

Tunnels and shuttered adoption agencies, anyone?

Hello...missed this interesting deleted thread by @Gilderoy about a network of tunnels and a shuttered international adoption agency in Columbus near the research institute:

there are unused underground tunnels close to other places of interest, possibly providing easy, discreet subterranean passage in a chain of child-trafficking locations.

How this connection was derived is the result of some twists and turns:

It started while NotFBIAnon's mystery photo of the 3 Columbus big shots (the mayor, fire chief, and Columbus school board member) at the Stonewall Columbus Gay Pride Festival last year was being discussed last week on this thread. During the discussion, the recent FBI raid and closing down of an Ohio adoption agency, the European Adoption Consultants in February was brought up.

This led to another VOAT thread discussing how a branch of the European Adoption Consultants is located in Columbus a block or so away from the SEIU 1199 HQ in Columbus. In this thread, VOATer @HerbVendor mentioned the proximity of the adoption agency to the Battelle Memorial Institute, the Wexner Medical Center (Jeffrey Epstein managed Leslie Wexner's money until Epstein went to prison) and Ohio State University.

@HerbVendor also disclosed the fascinating information that there is an underground subway (not open to the public) which runs under this particular section of Columbus, OH. He/she related this personal anecdote:

I know someone who used to service the Battelle facility, when they were in their one day everything started shaking like an earthquake, but were told it was just the trains... OSU campus buildings also have a lot of underground access as well, wouldn't be surprised if there were tunnels too...

On another, semi-related note, apparently there is DISA fusion center in Columbus somewhere too.

MilitaryTribunals ago

Lebron James was going to open a Blaze pizza franchise only a few miles or less from this location, but when FBI raided and shut down European Adoption Agency in a suburb of Cleveland called Strongsville, he cancelled his plan without comment on why the sudden change of heart.

Check out Lebron's foundation logo too; is that a crown or stick people consisting of an adult in the center and two children on each side all holding hands? 🧐

Vindicator ago

@MolochHunter see parent. We had research three years ago about tunnels and an adoption agency shut down near Wexner's hospital. o_O

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#91735) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#91734) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Lol3737 ago

Southern Air Transport, known CIA front company, was moved from its HQ in Miami to Rickenbacker airport in Columbus thanks to Epstein and Wexner

Vindicator ago

Any documentation?

Lol3737 ago

https:// freepress. org/article/spook-air

Vindicator ago


Lol3737 ago

https:// www.mintpressnews. com/genesis-jeffrey-epstein-bill-clinton-relationship/ 261455/

SuckaFree ago

Good job, @Vindicator. Looks like you've already made a pretty good start. Gonna dig on me own and see where it goes.

Vindicator ago

Excellent! Thank you

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Blue Morpho, if I recall correctly, is a butterfly in the Amazon. There is an organization down there named Blue Morpho where you can go do ayahuasca! I looked into it a few years ago and it seemed extremely cultish.

Just an aside, but that would be a possible link to mind control given that ayahuasca and LSD both send you into orbit. One may be maleable on ayahuasca as well as on LSD, in line with the CIA experiments of the 50's and 60's.

Vindicator ago


Hard to tell if Guiffre has it on her Twitter in hopes people will catch on and investigate, or if she isn't quite a free of Epstein as it appears.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

or if she isn't quite a free of Epstein as it appears.

plancktonne ago


There's also scopolamine from Colombia, also known as Devil's Breath and hyoscine. A sort of Zombie drug where people have no free will, but do the bidding of their handlers, and also have no memory of what happened to them. It is allegedly used by agencies to induce subjects to engage in horrific acts, such as cannibalism and recording them to compromise them.

throwaway3336841947 ago

Ug. Apparently, I haven't let my mind wander far enough as to the horrible things this drug could be used for...I imagined lots of things, but somehow skipped the thought of suggestive wickedness for blackmail & being recorded... <shudders> Pretty scary thoughts & ideas, for sure

MolochHunter ago

I wonder if Abigail and the Wexner's have any patronage of Mermaids , the NGO that pushes transgenderism in children ?

There was another billionaire family friends of Epstein that are major sponsors

Im betting the Nationwide Childrens Hospital now has a clinic to 'assist in transitioning '

Vindicator ago

Interesting thought.

I just found a case of a Chinese couple doing research on kids there who were busted a few months ago for attempting to take their research to China, just like the people at Harvard recently in the news. Something is very wrong, here.

Vindicator ago

@HennyPenny contributed some excellent research noting Abigail Wexner is also on the board of KIPP Charter Schools, which targets low income and minority kids and has had problems with the founder sexually abusing students.

Vindicator ago

Folks, I've been poking around in our archives and editing this to include interesting stuff, and I think we need more diggers, particularly into this National Children's Hospital, it's directors, and the research they are doing on children. The Abigail Wexner Research Institute page says there are over 1,000 clinical studies going on.

Who are those scientists? What are they researching? Please help dig!

Vindicator ago

@jangles, as I recall, you have a background in the field of medical research. Could you skim over the research at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute mentioned above and see if there is anything suspicious we should dig further into? I am wondering if it wasn't Junkermann that lead to Voat's last DDoS outage, but the further buried activities of Abigail Wexner.

, , ,

jangles ago

@vindicator - I have long questioned the activities associated to biopharma's 'synthetic' claims for their products as the complicated peptides and proteins needed for their production may not be sourced ethically. v/peptidegate and a relevant link

Here is a oversimplification in form of a short film....Cream

As for the Wexners & their bold efforts to play god while searching for their 'magical' elixirs; I doubt they have high ethical standards for the peptides and proteins sourced for the synthesis and production of their 'synthetic' biopharmaceuticals. I believe they think they are doing humanity a service and will likely try to exploit this current coronavirus outbreak to expand their R&D efforts.

"researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital have developed a novel synthetic peptide that mimics an essential component of bacterial biofilms. When used as a vaccine, it redirects the natural adaptive immune response to disrupt bacterial biofilms so the immune system and/or traditional antibiotics can now effectively clear the infection"

Vindicator ago

Excellent reply. Thanks!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

@jangles is smart as hell. If you can convince him to put his big brain on it, i'm betting he can come up with something. You cracked a huge nut with this post vindicator. You just split into another seam of serious evil corruption. Great job bro. Much respect....

argosciv ago

Fuck off outta here with your fake respect for @Vindicator, @ESOTERICshade.

You're so fucking full of shit it's laughable. Remember that time you tried to convince everyone (most especially srayzie) that you aren't @rarepeeks? I remember. I also remember the time you, while pretending that you aren't RP, threatened me from said account in PM. I also remember all the times you tried to convince myself and others to join your anti-mod / millennial_falcon / Vindicator / @Crensch campaigns.

You can pull out all the propaganda, chilling effect, smear flashcards in response to this, but it only serves to further the point that you're a bullshit artist who'll make up anything and twist others' words to serve your own divisive agenda, to fraudulently compliment others in order to buddy up to them and have them push your narrative/agenda.

If @jangles has any sense, they won't take your confidence-trap bait.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

PS: Guess what... the police are indefinitely watching everything now. Believe me when I say I'll be talking to them about you specifically.

ROFLMAO, MY SIDES :) Special agent satanic blood drinker FBI man is talking to the police about me. Can comedy get any better than this.

argosciv ago

Your fear is palpable. Even elevating your smear tactics to accuse me of being FBI now.

Why jump to that, ey? As I've always been, I'm just a lone civilian – you got reason to be fearful of the FBI have ya?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Since you declared you will be talking to the police about me, I am absolutely trembling in fear. Drink less blood my nigga, that shit is rotting your brain.

argosciv ago

Keep rolling out that tired contortion of context and facts, see how far it gets ya. Your fear is further exemplified by your reliance on that already refuted/debunked talking point regarding blood consumption.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

already refuted/debunked talking point regarding blood consumption.

nigger, I still have the screen shots of you talking about the glorious wonders of drinking blood. And that you are a dragon, blah blah blah...If I wanted to torment you I would post them to every comment you ever make. Have I done that? NO. That should give you a clue that I am actually sort of proud that you stopped posting satanic music in every thread people post and making an ENORMOUS asshole of yourself.

I admit, you have improved a lot. You stopped trashing threads with satanic music and seem to have your mind gathered up better. You used to be a HUGE nuisance. I noticed, and thats why I left you alone and never think about you anymore.

Dude, if you fuck with me, I will post the screen shots of your blood drinking ass to every comment you ever make for the rest of your natural fucking life. You hear me son?

Lets not go there because this is not about us, its about the research. So far, this is a tragic day for you bro. Just shut the fuck and keep doing better.

argosciv ago

And like I said, your continued contortion of fact to fit your smear campaign speaks volumes.

You're that easy to trigger, I just have to say "Hi" and you'll devolve back to your failed talking points.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You're that easy to trigger, I just have to say "Hi" and you'll devolve back to your failed talking points.

Say "Hi" and see what happens....roflmao

argosciv ago

Already proverbially have and look at how triggered you are. You're that fucking predictable now.

Anyone who has questions of me has but to ask privately in good faith. Meanwhile, you rely on a stale agenda which ultimately failed to put a divide between myself and the most respected users here. But please, keep trying and give me more evidence to put forth regarding your organized stalking/disinfo campaign.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Yes I am esotericshade, and you can go fuck yourself you self pronounced satanic blood drinking mod ass kissing creep. You don't run me. You don't tell me what to do.

You think you are important because crensch lets you kiss his ass? Think again. Crawl back in your hole and drink some fucking blood you little fame seeking cretin.

I have always respected @vindicator even though we had a death match about Qanon being in pizzagate. I chased the Q kids into their own subs instead of diluting pizzagate with confusion and guess what?


so fuck off

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#94337) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@DanglingGoatBalls: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

argosciv ago

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <insert flashcard smear talking points here>"

Pathetic fuckin' cunt.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Me: blows smoke off fingernails, deciding if I should waste my time tormenting a blood drinking satanic mod kissing lizard....naaaa...the blood drinking lizard ain't pissed me off bad enough yet for me to waste my time, yet.........

argosciv ago

A lizard now? Careful, mate, you're dipping into "reptilians from Mars!" territory there. Fuckin' dunce.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You're beyond obsessed with trying to silence me for seeing through the propaganda you spew.

Nigger you paranoid. I would not waste ten minutes a day thinking about you. But spending one minute triggering you into an argo fit, makes me SMILE. I just contributed a link to a site that can track the Wexler yacht, named Limitless, where Ghislaine Maxwell is likely to be hiding to this thread, what have you done lately?

argosciv ago

Nigger you paranoid.

COINTELPRO 101. Call them crazy/paranoid.

Fuck off outta here.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I had no idea licking crensch anus could make a satanic blood drinker so important. I would try it myself, except, I don't need to feel like "Big Argo On Campus." If that shit taste in your mouth makes you happy, go for it. Mix that crensch anus with the blood you drink. You might actually turn into that "Dragon" you claim to be. roflmao

argosciv ago

That the best you got, mate? Fucking lol. Still no denial of threatening me via @rarepeeks ey?

Keep churning out the bullshit. It sucks that I'll have to put more work on @PuttItOut, but as I promised, I'll be talking to the police about you specifically. I'll have a track record of honesty and being forthcoming. You, on the other hand, will have a track record of being dishonest, divisive, threatening and attempting to subvert this subverse and v/GreatAwakening for your own perverse agenda of brainwashing and malicious psychological warfare against benevolent pizzagaters, including mods like @Crensch, @Vindicator, @srayzie and @EricKaliberhall.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'll be talking to the police about you specifically.

About what? You smoking mushrooms again. Its argo chimpout day. I'm gonna smoke a cigar....nigga you is crazy.

I complimented @vindicator on a massive well done thread, I added a link to track the Wexler yacht, and you chimping out like a bitch. One of us had a good day, and trust me, it wasn't you. You just trashed the best thread @vindicator ever made with you petty little hatred. Well done.

Vindicator ago

No, you showed up to create drama to toxify a dig. I've given you your Esoteric username flair GoatBalls, so all our members know you deleted your account and can't be trusted.


kestrel9 ago


create drama to toxify a dig.

Just another day in the life of PG's resident narcissist.

Vindicator ago

So true.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Cool. Next time you make a good post, and I want to add good info to it like how to track the Wexler yacht where Ghislaine Maxwell might be hidng, I will just use a different name. I aint petty. I don't care. I was just adding good info. I post here on a regular basis. You just don't know it. I add info through the comments several times a month, you just don't realize it.

Vindicator ago

Fine with me. It amuses me to have a Brock shill throwing his brethren under the Swamp Draining bus, even if it's a lame attempt to legitimize sock puppet accounts. I am confident the minute you fuck up with one of them, we'll notice.

argosciv ago

Cool. Next time you make a good post, and I want to add good info to it like how to track the Wexler yacht where Ghislaine Maxwell might be hidng, I will just use a different name. I aint petty.

HAHAHAHA! "Look gaise, I'll try to manipulate readers by using yet another alt which I'll pretend isn't me, like I did with @rarepeeks – bit it's okay, I'll drop 'good info' because that totally absolves me of my ongoing disinformation and attempts at brainwashing, right?"

"Also, I'm not petty, but I'll resort to my petty lies and contortions to silence the only pizzagater with experience to back what they say"

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The smell of hurt Q Butt is sort of obnoxious, but ok, if you say so. I ran the Q kiddies to their own subs. That is my greatest contribution to pizzagate, EVER. I cannot even tell you how proud I am of that accomplishment because as far as I am concerned the life of v/pizzagate hang in the balance. I fought like hell to drive them to their own subs, it worked. v/pizzagate, instead of being a noisy airport of "disinformation is necessary" just still sits here in its own little pocket, functioning, like it should, with people that really care. That was my goal. I met my goal. I fought tooth and nail to get rid of MilFalcon and put @vindicator in the lead role.

  1. Q is in its own sub
  2. @vindicator is the lead mod

I wanted both of those. I feel pretty damn good about it all. My time was well spent.

Vindicator ago

You've attempted to remove every mod in recent history, GoatBalls.

Q has not been "run out of this sub". As Q reveals more and more pizzagate truths, our research will spread far and wide. I get new followers every day on Twitter, most of them woken by Q, and they regularly see our research. In fact, Q himself taps it from time to time. You succeeded in hurting a few pizzagate researchers who had to delete their accounts. The fact that you take pride in this is all anyone needs to know about your evil intentions.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You've attempted to remove every mod in recent history,

Except you. I helped removed MilFalcon and put you in his place. Me and @kevdude worked to put you in the lead spot. I'm happy about it. You are the best mod pizzagate EVER had. You have exceeded my expectations. I had to fight you to drive Q to its own subs but it would have destroyed pizzagate. Sorry about that bro, but it was necessary for pizzagate to survive. I hope you realize that. My time was worth it.

As Q reveals more and more pizzagate truths,

That nigger has done nothing but piggyback on our research.

our research will spread far and wide.

I hope so. Thats all we ever wanted.

I get new followers every day on Twitter, most of them woken by Q, and they regularly see our research.

I am genuinely happy about that, AND THAT IS EXACTLY HOW THIS SHOULD WORK. v/pizzagate should be the incubator and research think tank, and the Q crowd should learn from pizzagate and spread the news.

This is working perfectly and this was my vision the whole time. I'm not sure what you are missing about that. If you had "disinformation is necessary" crowding the nest egg (v/pizzagate) it would be a madhouse and the goodness would not develop.

Q himself taps it from time to time.

No shit sherlock. Thats because he is not a super secret intel agent. He watches the news, gleans from v/pizzagate, does a little research, and spins it into cryptic questions so that people are spurred to research on their own. I'm fine with all that and it is driving the evil people crazy, and thats good.

You succeeded in hurting a few pizzagate researchers who had to delete their accounts.

You wrong about that.

about your evil intentions.

My evil intentions were exactly these:

  1. Get rid of MilFalcon and put Vindicator as leader of v/pizzagate
  2. Stop putting "Qanon intel drops" into pizzagate because they didn't follow the rules and it was a nightmare for our little research facility.
  3. Get rid of crensch. And you have to admit, getting rid of crensch and you being in charge is the best thing that ever happened to pizzagate.

I wanted all three of those, so I am evil. Ok. It all works. It was ugly at times, and it took work, a lot of hours. So look at it now?

v/pizzagate is the research facility, and the Q community is the distribution output. THOSE HAD TO BE SEPERATE AND THAT IS WHAT I WANTED.

I'm happy.

argosciv ago

You smoking mushrooms again.

Are you that retarded or just plain out of bullshit to spin? Smoking mushrooms? Jeezuz fuck mate, think before you respond. Or, y'know, take that extra minute and learn when you should stop with the bullshit instead of continuously proving my point about your dishonest contortion of fact.

argosciv ago

cc: @EricKaliberhall (sorry, 1 too many pings in above comment)

argosciv ago

^ cc also: @PuttItOut @Cynabuns

argosciv ago

EricKaliberhall ago

Well said argo!

argosciv ago

He's fucked. I'm gonna talk to the police about him specifically (in case you missed the edit).

Twodivinehipsters ago

Nationwide children's hospital is evil. They tried so hard to steal my daughter and kept her too long. Every time I questioned why she was being overfed and supposedly had eating issues which prolonged her stay they threatened to take her. She was there way past even her due date and the only problem was supposed eating issues, her not being able to eat 1 oz over what her stomach could hold made them use the feeding tube. If she had issues eating why did she leave nearly overweight? The research scientist I met there seemed nuts as well. The study they wanted us to do seemed harmless but then I noticed a lot of babies being kept there for up to like 2 years being used for research. Lots are adopted out too, which is bc they make it so hard for the parents to bring them home. And the social workers lie to parents to make it even more difficult. Then when that didn't stop us the social worker resorted to false CPS reports right after they discharged my daughter. She admitted to it and laughed at me. Seriously.. Getting my daughter out of that hospital was a nightmare! And then they wanted to give her an experimental shot IN OUR HOME when they let her out and created chaos when I refused. They harassed us for months until it was too late to give her the shot. Sorry for ranting but I could write a book on those psychos. Thank you for looking into the evil people working at Nationwide Children's hospital. They abuse and kidnap so many children and no one talks about it. If the general public was aware how corrupt they are they wouldn't get away with it so easily.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Well Twodivine, hopefully this will be the break you've been looking for! Praying for you!

flyingcuttlefish ago

a had a small amount on that hospital scheme here -

on the 971 blog I have tagged all related posts with "Ohio" for a search term.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for contributing your experiences. Sorry you went through that. Hope your daughter is okay now. Has anyone documented medical kidnap in relation to NCH? We should get that linked up here.

Benkitchen105 ago

Some interesting connections. Been digging into other avenues recently.

Clinton F, Rothschild , Royalty, Tate Art Foundation all linked via one person. It's like a spider web of networks. Epstein still has active relatives and connections who own property lettings agencies, art galleries and modelling agencies, many with the same directors across the board.

Vindicator ago

Looking forward to some posts on that. :-)

JastheMace ago

Ummmm, as an ex HS wrestler....How was the older, weaker..."Team Doctor" able to molest stud college wrestlers??? I'm just not buying it.

MilitaryTribunals ago

This! ☝️That is what I have been saying the whole time.


Jews buy their way into everything then believe they earned the spot.

EyeOfHorus ago

Remember these names faggots. They are talmud occultist who rape gentile children.

Les Wexner founded THE MEGA GROUP with Bronfman and Spielberg in 1991.

The Mega Group is their Front Organization for trafficking + occultism + media propaganda.

Wexner funded Jeffrey Epstein

Bronfman funded Keith Raniere/NXIVM

Every boy and girl that they raped was a Gentile. None were Jews. FBIAnon was right.

Benkitchen105 ago

There seems to be a common theme. Art galleries, property letting agencies and talent / modelling agencies. It's a network of people who often have the same ties. The UK is ridiculously entrenched within this Epstein guy. Many of his connections are still actively operating for a fact.

Vindicator ago

It would be excellent if you turned each of these into links to our relevant supporting research.

Barfin ago

spielberg, amblin entertainment. NAMBLA

carmencita ago

I think he purposely took those letters out of NAMBLA for a reason. At that time many wouldn’t notice. But now, yes.


HalmoniKim ago

Going after Jordan too....

Rep. Jim Jordan accused of participating in OSU sexual abuse cover-up by ex-wrestler

JastheMace ago

...but Trump just said he looks good in a tight shirt???

Vindicator ago


DanglingGoatBalls ago

Rep. Jim Jordan accused of participating in OSU sexual abuse cover-up by ex-wrestler


Indeed, it is, considering:

The House GOP has unanimously approved Jim Jordan to be the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee & Mark Meadows to be top Republican on the House Oversight Committee.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived here ...

there is something very strange about Ohio if you read all the stories ....

blogged this -

Lansing-Michigan ago

Have long thought Ohio was very evil.....just an intuition. Also Fl. and Penn.

MrPim ago

In Dayton is the intersection of I-70 and I-75. Essentially the crossroads of America. This has been a human trafficking corridor for ages. Its not even a secret, its stuff that's on local news.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

And isn't that the heart of the opiates crisis too? I seem to recall reading that the county Dayton is in is numero uno in the USA. I saw an interview with the Coroner there and his small morgue had piles of 20 and 30 somethings dead from ODing. He said they desparately needed a much bigger facility.

MrPim ago

I don't know if its #1 but its up there. Essentially anything illegal goes through here at some point. In the early days of the opoid thing people would drive down to florida to visit the pill mills. If they started in the NE they travelled through here.

Vindicator ago

Thanks FC! I've edited the submission several times today as I've found more stuff.

flyingcuttlefish ago

there is supposed to be a CIA-drugs-flights nexus in Ohio too. A real pit.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have a cluster of bits on that ...

Vindicator ago

I just found a deleted submission from three years ago about tunnels and a shuttered adoption agency near Wexner's Research Institute. Had to add that in Comments here. I think there is more to find.

flyingcuttlefish ago

do put it here if you find it. This thread links to my blog....

redwing14 ago

its pretty wild, that theres so low accountability that this type of thing happens. You'd think the law enforcement would be all over this, but who knows whats going on with the law enforcement and everything in the gov't.