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DanglingGoatBalls ago

Is it starting to dawn on you yet that srayzie, the internet sex freak, sent her own pictures to you guys to false flag me, (the anti Q) because I was not pro Q? And blew her self up at the same time. The rest of Goatdom smelled that ploy and they drove her ass out of here. You don't know what I know because I have never told it all and I won't. She is borderline psychotic and she told me that herself. That ain't my fault, thats her fault. I have nothing to do with her past. I hate it for her just like you do, but I didn't cause her bad decisions. Erase that blind spot and things will become a lot clear. She sent her nude pics to at least 3 people on Voat that she herself told me about. I don't think any of those people betrayed her. She did it her own self and I know that. Let it go bro, let it go.....

Vindicator ago

My problem with you is your giving Voat rules the finger, in order to silence views you don't like. You're a dishonest elitist piece of crap who targeted multiple individuals for destruction. Srayzie was only one example.

It's telling that you are still trying to use srayzie to shield your own evil. Disgusting.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

My problem with you is your giving Voat rules the finger, in order to silence views you don't like. You're a dishonest elitist piece of crap who targeted multiple individuals for destruction. Srayzie was only one example.

It's telling that you are still trying to use srayzie to shield your own evil. Disgusting.

Me and kevdude arranged for you to the owner of this sub. Here you are. You are doing a great job. I could not be more happy with the way you run this sub. You do a great job. Why this tantrum? I have zero complaints with what you do. Why are you throwing a tantrum in the best post you ever made in your whole career?

Suggestion: Throw the self admitted blood drinking argo overboard. He is a whole bag of dead weight. Scratch this post and post it again fresh and hope he don't fuck it up. This was a huge great post and then BOOM here come the blood drinking argosciv to snarl it up.

Before its too late click "source", and select all and copy it. I already did it in case you don't catch it fast enough I will give you the entire source code for your post. Your post is massive good and it deserves to be studied without the input and bickering the local blood drinker brought into this. Peace.


Vindicator ago

"Tantrum." What a gaslighter you are.

You and Kev caused more drama on this board than any other users in its history (assuming you are actually two different users, LOL). Neither of you had anything to do with my being here. You are the one shitting up my submission, and I certainly won't delete it and start over when this thread demonstrates perfectly what a duplicitous enemy of pizzagate you are.

Wanna prove you're a good guy? Delete all your comments in my thread and leave this subverse. That is what someone who thinks this is a great submission being ruined by drama would do. Someone who is honest.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Neither of you had anything to do with my being here.

Kevdude was in control of this subverse when MilFalcon got booted out. That made you next in line for lead mod. How you think that happened? You think that somehow by magic it just happened? We made it happen. If you think otherwise, then explain it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Kevdude was in control of this subverse when MilFalcon got booted out. That made you next in line for lead mod. How you think that happened? You think that somehow by magic it just happened? We made it happen. If you think otherwise, then explain it.

Well, finally the truth comes out. So you and kevdude were the ones who were spamming PG with all that garbage that MF sifted through every day. Overwhelming him to the point that you could then slip a submission in that he made a mistake on, and deleted. All so that Kevdude could demod him.

You guys forgot to keep spamming the board, after you got him demodded. Rookie Mistake.

Making it really easy for me to see that's what you did, just waited for you to fuck up and brag about it. THANKS.

Kevdude is wise beyond anything you understand about this website.

He was the most useless and unreliable mod PG ever had. fucking IDIOT.

then me and kevdude just swapped one psychopath for another.

Says the narcissist

I wonder if @kevdude sees it this way?

@Vindicator @heygeorge @MadWorld @Deshy (fyi)

Vindicator ago

As I recall, it was Kev who -- after unleashing Hojuruku and refusing to reban him -- helpfully pointed out the links showing Hojuruku was offering a bounty on Voat and several other platforms on both me and srayzie. It was very confusing at the time, because I was getting ping spammed approximately 40 messages per day including harassment from Anon subs and trying to vet Hojuruku's "edits" to his submission. This was just a week or two after Kev had threatened to demod me for not promptly replying to pings in a rule-breaking post, when I went out of town for the weekend to visit a family member with cancer, leaving the new mods in charge. I still don't really get what Hojuruku was trying to accomplish exactly, though he bragged about doxing one of the founding r/pizzagate mods somewhere in that OE thread with Donkey. I do know that Kev got srayzie involved in defending me, and in trying to drive off Hojuruku, who I believe is mentally ill and repeatedly doxed himself (the reason Falcon banned him in the first place). Thankfully, @Crensch put an end to the whole thing by rebanning Hojuruku.

The whole thing was quite similar to Kev's behavior supporting the shill that was driving people off the board in December 2016: ArmySeer. That's the guy who was banhammering pizzagate researchers and undermining mods from his fake v/pizzagateshills subverse, which people thought was a notification from a v/pizzagate mod, causing them to freak out, attack the mods, and get banned for real. Kev would not allow me to ban AS for multiple rule violations. In fact, he contributed to ArmySeer's toxic drama-fanning disinfo subverse. When AS finally gave up after I repeatedly neutered him with linked evidence, he asked Kev to take over his subverse.

Kev was a shill. It's a beautiful thing that he screwed up and exposed himself to legal action and had to scrub his account. Probably the same reason ES had to. Cracks me up.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Kev was a shill. It's a beautiful thing that he screwed up and exposed himself to legal action and had to scrub his account. Probably the same reason ES had to. Cracks me up.

You are delusional as fuck. Before Trump is done he will pass a law making it criminal to be anti-semitic. We are getting distance from that.

we aint planning on going to jail.

Vindicator ago

Awww. You should know by now that I never make claims I can't give evidence for, ES. :-)

Kev deleted his virtually invincible account right after he fucked up and admitted publicly that he would post revenge porn on srayzie. Revenge porn is illegal in California, Srayzie's state. Since he also admitted he had it, and someone did indeed send it around to try to damage her, that put him in a dicey position.

Since you deleted your account right after he did, and you also admit to having it -- and srayzie can prove to the authorities to whom she sent it privately, when -- logic supports my conclusion. (Assuming you and Kev are indeed different people).

In the end, srayzie took you both down. Beautiful! I assume she could also go after you both legally and collect damages, if she wanted to. As I've said in the past, I would gladly dox myself and testify publicly to everything I witnessed, for the sake of justice.

Before Trump is done he will pass a law making it criminal to be anti-semitic.

Hilarious to hear you complaining about that, since you tried very hard to convince everyone on this board not to speak out about Jewish involvement in pizzagate and think it's "a racist hellhole". should probably delete this account, too, since I can easily prove it's yours.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Hero, you just won the dumb nigger award, again.

Vindicator ago

You're gonna have to keep holding your own balls, GoatSack.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

holding my own balls is what i do best.

Vindicator ago

I didn't spend any time at all. I have been archiving and filing away your lies and BS for years, as I see it in real time.

The satisfaction of exposing you is more than enough compensation all by itself.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

The satisfaction of exposing you is more than enough compensation all by itself.

Please do make an ass of yourself. We aint this much fun since srayzies hogs ate my little brother.