ESOTERICshade ago

Ok. I got it now.

ESOTERICshade ago


I don't understand the "dial" thing. I was not aware of that posters history. What is the real username on that user. I want to look back on the history and understand this.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Be crensch. Quit as pizzagate mod. Immediately start agitating in v/pizzagate. Typical. Can now graduate to being triple most hated person on Voat.

And this gloating "I stepped down because people are scared of me." Oh God that is so cringe. You would love to believe that. People didn't post because you are a fucking asshole so stop patting yourself on the back, asshole.

People simply detest you. That is all.

Crensch ago

I love the smell of butthurt hurt in the morning.

PrepareForWar ago

Lol looks like someone isn't very well liked around here. You should try and make some friends on here because someone's gonna rat you out soon and you're going to see how fucking serious I am.

Crensch ago

Eat a dick, loser.

PrepareForWar ago

Someone's going to dox you when they do 100% serious I'm gonna burn your fucking house down. Any loved ones inside the home will be barricaded inside. You have fucked with an insane individual and you will freely wrath one day. When I find you I will physically harm you and your loved ones. For the record.

Crensch ago

If I survive that, they'll write books about what I do to you.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

My butt does not have to be hurt to know that you are a dick head.

Crensch ago

Leave it to a nigger to get physically violent when he doesn't like words.

I love that a nigger got butthurt over something I said.


DanglingGoatBalls ago

Nobody gives a fuck about you. I just hoped you were dumb enough to go out in public and act like you do on the internet, and film it. You

a coward. You won't do it.

Crensch ago

You even write like a nigger.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I might be the nigger waiting on you at Walmart. Ya never know.

Crensch ago

I don't shop at Walmart. But it wouldn't surprise me if you were a nigger in a Walmart.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I am the nigger that Walmart.

Crensch ago

Sounds like you agree with mine. You're a sick fuck and zyklon is a sick fuck and you belong together.

Crensch ago

It's so funny how so many of you seem to know that he's not a pedophile.

So many people seem to know so very much about him that they can confidently claim that.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's so funny how so many of you

Thats just how many people HATE what you have become. This is simple math.

Crensch ago

Thats just how many people HATE what you have become. This is simple math.

The above quote it is written by esoteric.

I find it hilarious that you would respond in this way to such a deep nested comment that I might have previously thought had nothing at all to do with you, that 100% has to do with a pedophile and his supporters.


Vindicator ago

Not surprising, really. We've known this crew was collaborating for over a year.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not surprising, really. We've known this crew was collaborating for over a year.

Dude, I protected pizzagate from the Qanon psyop for a long time. I'm not gonna protect it from crensch. This next few months is gonna show us where your heart is. crensch is gonna destroy pizzagate if you don't step in and show some balls. Step in dude. Nuke this shit before it grows.

Your love of Q, and disdain for Q, has nothing to do with this shit. Do not let crensch stomp on you like you are a bitch. Stand up. Crensch has NO power over you anymore.

Vindicator ago

You run this show. Act like it.

"Do what I tell you, you little pussy, or I'm going to stamp my foot and call you names."

Delete your account, Grandpa Truther. You're a liar who has never done anything here but manipulate people.

ESOTERICshade ago

Delete your account, Grandpa Truther. You're a liar who has never done anything here but manipulate people.

I don't have titties. I don't send titty pics to people manipulate people. Why you think the goats blew her ass out of here? The goats know. Wake up dude. Its past midnight. Worst move you ever made was trying to make @kevdude an enemy. Bad move for Voat. Kev told it straight up like it really is. Jerk your head out of the sand.

Vindicator ago

Interesting you would bring Kev into this when I was talking about how you fucked with pizzagate folks and destroyed their reputations by leading them into behaviors that could result in sitewide bans.

You really are a sniveling coward.

As for Kev, I didn't "try to make him an enemy". Kev proved himself to be an enemy -- of this subverse and of Voat. All I did was document it over time and share my observations. Kev's a fraud.

Bad move for Voat.

Glad to hear you admit my speaking out was effective! :-) LMAO

The truth is never bad for anyone of good will.

ESOTERICshade ago

The truth is never bad for anyone of good will.

Thats why the Q movement spreads so much disinformation?

"disinformation is necessary"

If you honestly believe there is somebody in mil intel spreading this bullshit, and the deep state could not find and kill them......

Deep state loves Q. (coleman rogers) They have probably started paying his ass. Damn you dumb. Two years ago you told me "within in two months the rothschilds, obama, hillary, will be in GITMO"


ESOTERICshade ago

I asked you several questions. You did not answer those questions because you cannot answer them. I rest my case.

Vindicator ago


ESOTERICshade ago


Not gonna waste my hours doing your homework.

Vindicator ago

LOL. 'Cause you don't have anything but made up BS.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now you gonna deny believing that Qfullofshitanon was gonna put the most powerful people on this planet in gitmo? You Q people are special.

Crensch ago

Sounds like you have a rape fantasy. Maybe you should Target a woman and tell her you're going to rape her multiple times a day for over a month.

Crensch ago

All I hear is that I hurt your feelings by bringing up the fact that you got banned for doxxing. And you still don't like the fact that I call zyklon a pedophile for talking about raping a child constantly for over a month.

I wonder why you have such a problem with that

ESOTERICshade ago

All I hear is that I hurt your feelings

Aint no fee fees on the internet. Goats just think you are disgusting. Have become disgusting. Whats going in your real life to make you take your anger out on Voat and insinuate yourself into places where you are obviously not welcome?

Crensch ago

Aint no fee fees on the internet. Goats just think you are disgusting. Have become disgusting. Whats going in your real life to make you take your anger out on Voat and insinuate yourself into places where you are obviously not welcome?

The above is written by esoteric.

@vindicator I think our boy messed up again. Aligning himself with the literal pedophile to attack me. Maybe he logged into the wrong account? I know he's done that before.

ESOTERICshade ago

Aligning himself with the literal pedophile

You need some fucking sleep.

Maybe he logged into the wrong account?

Nope. I said it, and I meant it. What the fuck is going on with you? You are losing your marbles. Go to bed. Goddamn crensch. Don't be so destructive. Its like you got little man syndrome or something. Give it a rest dude.

Crensch ago

I told you what would happen, you refused to listen. This was a long time coming.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is how I trolled you into making a Q butthole out of yourself in v/pizzagate

I'm giving you the formula. You will do it anyway. You are my pet monkey. Get used to it.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is our view of you. I'm not kidding. I'm being real.

ESOTERICshade ago

I told you what would happen, you refused to listen. This was a long time coming.

We just gonna sit back and watch crensch hurt crensch. I didn't think you could become a bigger nuisance than you already are but I have a feeling its gonna happen. I have a front row seat. Make a bigger asshole out of yourself. I'll watch and laugh.

Crensch ago

It certainly was porn to your buddy, and excusable to your mind.

siegnagel ago

I was going to post this yesterday but didn't. Q is too divisive here on /pizzagate. For what it's worth, I have some faith Q is legit and followed since day 1. Until there's high level arrests I'm still doubtful.

Crensch ago

That's funny. We both know the truth there, though, don't we?

How does it feel to doxx the owner of a website and get banned for it? You liked that place. I bet it hurt.

tech-adm ago

Do we have a definitive on what "Y" means?

ESOTERICshade ago

Do we have a definitive on what "Y" means?

I know exactly what it means but @crensch does not. It means more than one thing, as with everything in the occult, truth is layered and becomes a composite that is hard to explain. A person has to understand the occult world to understand "Y" because it is a multi layered concept. It is a reference to to the divine feminine and "the child." It is also a reference to the creative process of copulation that takes two opposites and creates a "new" thing. It is also a reference to "out of chaos comes order."

When the Judeo Freemasonic cult creates chaos it destroys the standing order, and from that the "Phoenix Rises From The Ashes" or same thing "a child is born" to be molded and shaped into a "New World Order" by the usual suspects.

Crensch ago

In other words, he has no idea what it means, either, @tech-adm

For what we know right now it is used as both a reference to Comey and to a family I have yet to learn the full name of. One more secret than the Rothschilds.

Crensch ago

You got banned from Poal for doxxing pmyb2.

How does that feel?

SearchVoatBot ago

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator, will you explain this to me? I don't understand what is so important about this.


All i see is @crensch using his Q-tards as some sort of weapon to prove an impossible position to @esotericshade.

It feels like he thinks he has a right to start a fight with ES here, just because he is barely complying with the rules.

@heygeorge, have you read this sputum?

Crensch ago

It feels like he thinks he has a right to start a fight with ES here, just because he is barely complying with the rules.

@Vindicator It feels like she thinks I don't have the right to post something that ES will find objectionable. Something he has fought others over constantly in the past.

I also think she needs to familiarize herself with the rules a bit more, since my post very clearly complies with every single rule, as illustrated painstakingly in my OP.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It seems you don't understand just how disgusting I find ES to be. I like not seeing him, and his pompous bilge. I liked it better when he stayed away. He comes back all the time now, I keep watching to see if I see repeats of earlier behaviors. It's hard because he uses alts, as you know. But he never does quite cover his NPD. That part always shows first.

I just explained to vin, I meant that it appeared you made this post for the purpose of fighting with ES. I didn't say to delete. I was hoping for an honest dialog, I want someone smarter than the people I see submitting to qrv to explain it. If you don't care to, fine. But then I will ask others if they can help me.

Crensch ago

It seems you don't understand just how disgusting I find ES to be. I like not seeing him, and his pompous bilge.

Sounds like a problem GA doesn't have.

I just explained to vin, I meant that it appeared you made this post for the purpose of fighting with ES.

Even if I did, so what?

I didn't say to delete.

I didn't say you did.

I was hoping for an honest dialog, I want someone smarter than the people I see submitting to qrv to explain it. If you don't care to, fine.

I don't believe you're worth it. Given your behaviour and who you seem to trust, I'm not of the mind that you're legit at all.

But then I will ask others if they can help me.

If you're just a woefully misled, naive, overmotional cunt, and not a shill, you should turn your microscope on those you ping and seem friendly with.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You ping pedos. Allowed one to post written kiddie porn in PG. In a submission that had FUCK ALL to do with Elite Pedophilia.

You've also been known to ping a user who got down on all fours, spread her ass cheeks wide open and BEGGED every troll on VOAT to slam her good and hard, all while gobbling down as much Mod cock as she could possibly ever cram down her Jew throat. Suddenly someone slips a pinkie in her pussy, and WHAM, she starts screaming rape.

You defended that vile piece of shit. There's no coming back from that kind of cucking. You can take your wrath out on those of us who saw her in her true form, but we all know what happened.

@heygeorge @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @NOMOCHOMO

Crensch ago

Your words read like your own personal masturbatory porn.

It's so much fun watching you meltdown over this.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Says the 'Meltdown King'

Not ever gonna apologize for calling a Witch a witch, or a Pedo a pedo.

Why didn't you see the scumbags for what they really are? Fool.

Masturbation is for jews. Human beings learn to control base urges. Too bad you haven't learned this yet.

Crensch ago

Your words look very much like what a Jew would write for their own sexual satisfaction. It's funny watching your telescopic outrage.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My no longer caring about your opinions must really upset you.

Attack away, idiot.

Crensch ago

You just wrote out a sexual fantasy in response to me. I think you have issues dealing with your own emotions so you project them onto others. it's okay, women are over emotional, illogical, unreasonable, weak-willed beings, and they need their pussy pass to be able to compete with men.

It's okay, you were born that way.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yeah, that description was not my own. But it's accurate.

Look at you trying to pick a fight w/ me. So cute.

Crensch ago

You sure seemed to like posting it.

Are you having marital issues or something? Is your husband not giving it to you enough because you're a fat ugly sow? To get off you need to post comments of a pornographic nature for other people to see?

I'm just trying to figure out what would possess you to post such a thing.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nice try, schlomo.

Crensch ago

You ping pedos. Allowed one to post written kiddie porn in PG. In a submission that had FUCK ALL to do with Elite Pedophilia.

You've also been known to ping a user who got down on all fours, spread her ass cheeks wide open and BEGGED every troll on VOAT to slam her good and hard, all while gobbling down as much Mod cock as she could possibly ever cram down her Jew throat. Suddenly someone slips a pinkie in her pussy, and WHAM, she starts screaming rape.

You defended that vile piece of shit. There's no coming back from that kind of cucking. You can take your wrath out on those of us who saw her in her true form, but we all know what happened.

Sounds like I'm getting warmer.

Vindicator ago

It feels like he thinks he has a right to start a fight with ES here, just because he is barely complying with the rules.

Seems to me, I offered folks a rule that would keep this sort of thing out of v/pizzagate, and you ripped me a new asshole and pinged a bunch of folk over it on the grounds it was censorship to expect people to stick to research instead of turning submissions into brawls. Now you're implying he doesn't have a right to start a fight with ES here?

Sorry hon. That ship has sailed.

At least @Crensch had the honor to brawl in his own submission, instead of shitting up someone else's research post, forcing them to self-delete and start over.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Seems to me, I offered folks a rule

Soundly rejected. I miss the old Vindicator before Q came along. Where did he go?

Vindicator ago

Don't know as I've changed much at all since Q came along. Can you be more specific?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Yes I can be specific. You used to be judicial, fair, and fairly well balanced. You still are for the most part. The Q thing jumped the shark long ago. Its a psyop. Us pizzagate readers don't want the Q psyop in our business. Thats really it.

Vindicator ago

How fascinating that the only aspect of pizzagate you want silenced is Q.

According to your profile, you are part of the Q Reddit migration.

You used to be judicial, fair, and fairly well balanced. You still are for the most part. The Q thing jumped the shark long ago. Its a psyop. Us pizzagate readers don't want the Q psyop in our business. Thats really it.

So, because I allow discussion of a White House backchannel communication op urging citizens to dig into pizzagate on a free-speech, anti-censorship platform, I am no longer "judicial, fair and fairly well balanced". In order to be "well balanced", I'm supposed to censor discussion of this one major topic.

That's pretty funny.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I've had a hard time converting my head into words for a few days, my typing is becoming slower and harder to get right. It happens around holidays when no one speaks english to me for days at a time. I meant to say that it felt like the post was made specifically to fight and not to inform. I am not saying it should be deleted, I've been waiting for a long time for anyone to give me a logical explanation as to why I have to trust Q, I don't trust any politicians, why should i trust some anon who does.

DJT comes from a family of scum, all his relatives are scum, PG has proven that ALL his cousins are SCUM, every fucking one of them. But somehow, magically, he's the savior of the people that his family prey upon. There is no proof.

If he meant any of the things he said to get himself elected, he would have rounded up and executed his family, deported all the felonious foreigners, and would tell Israel to give us our fucking money back or face the wrath of a Xtian nation. This is not a good man.

And he wouldn't give a fuck about reelection, if he did it right to begin with it would be a landslide, no one left to lead the left.

Vindicator ago

I've been waiting for a long time for anyone to give me a logical explanation as to why I have to trust Q, I don't trust any politicians, why should i trust some anon who does.

Who said you should trust Q or Trump?

If he meant any of the things he said to get himself elected, he would have rounded up and executed his family, deported all the felonious foreigners

Not if he believes in the Constitution, he wouldn't.

Weirdly, this "Trump is a fascist dictator meme" is exactly what the MSM pushes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Until you reverse @nomochomo's unjust banning, I'm just going to go ahead and keep believing that you don't know 'thing one' about my countries constitution.

Cuz if you did, things would be different, and I'd still be archiving. @heygeorge

heygeorge ago

I'd still be archiving.

Yeah, what happened with all that?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Crunchy banned nomo, prolly ran of letsdothis3, I had enough. Vin has refused to fix, I'll just do my own archive project. Not good at helping.

Also, I been nothing but a complete annoying twat for about a year now, and I'm nice to donqi. (although i betcha donqi doesn't think so)

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

This has made my entire week.

argosciv ago

1k views... fuggin' hell. I wonder where (what sites) it's been crossposted to.

Crensch ago

What can I say, my first real pizzagate submission is a hit! It even pisses off the exact right people.

argosciv ago

What I find peculiar regarding the other one, is that the entire thing could have been raised without even a mention of Q or Q sharing the document first. But none of your opposition raises that point.

Crensch ago

I'm not sure I fully understand but you're getting at.

argosciv ago

Nothing negative about you if that's what you might have thought. I'll explain.

In reference to "the other [submission]", this one:

  • Imagine Q didn't make the recent post with a snippet from that CIA doc.
  • Your post could have been raised on its same merits without any relation to Q being necessary.
  • Your opposition hasn't raised this point, which is peculiar in my opinion – I figured it'd be an easy way to take a swipe at the Q element of your post.

I guess what I'm saying is that setting Q aside, your case still has the same basis and although it's not a smoking gun or even the most solid case, it's not totally without basis to point out indeed that "correct the record" has been a directive/phrase in use for a long time (CIA or otherwise) and that adds (however insignificantly) to suspicions that CTR the organization may be corrupt.

Is there really any doubt that the CIA is likely involved, on some level, with organizations such as CTR and indeed CTR itself? I would hazard to say no.

What also, if someone else (not me, obviously) had posted the same theory (with or without the Q element)? Would we see the same reaction?

Crensch ago

Your edit made me chuckle.


Vindicator ago

Here is my reply to heygeorge, whose ping I saw first in pile of pings:

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for linking to that. It doesn't answer my questions, but at least I have something to start with.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am in total compliance with the rules unless @vindicator decides to start banning people simply for having an opinion he doesn't like. He is chomping at the bit to be the comment police but it didn't go over well in Goatdom.

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm sorry ES, i worded that poorly. I meant that this submission barely complies with PG rules.

I always forget that when I mention you, U probably gonna get the reading wrong.

@Vindicator understands my poor writing skills. it's annoying, I am trying to improve.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not a problem :)

Crensch ago

Hey, @vindicator, why do you think that shill cunt is pinging heygeorge?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I pinged @heygeorge because I wanted to ask him questions about it. He knows more about Q than I do, and he answers my questions.

I would rather have you and @Vindicator explain it.

heygeorge ago

It’s elsewhere, but the Qdom has been trying to parse the use of [Y] and the talk of Y heads mingled with the global elite. How this post is directly tied to elite global pedophilia I do not grasp.

It seems little more than an advertisement for Q, who is clearly far more invested in the re-election campaign of POTUS than any other interest.

I reckon this meandering post would have been flagged for deletion/resubmission if someone less notable had posted it. To someone without any prior knowledge of Q, it looks like the ramblings of a mentally unbalanced individual and lacking anything resembling coherence.

Of course, none of this is up to me, and never was. Being a usefully talented, humorous, and agreeable individual doesn’t hold nearly as much stock on Voat as it used to.

Perhaps @Vindicator would explain the Q connection more in depth. Ever since @srayzie dropped into the depths, I don’t have a Q buddy to clue me in on the intriqacies.

Crensch ago

I reckon this meandering post would have been flagged for deletion/resubmission if someone less notable had posted it. To someone without any prior knowledge of Q, it looks like the ramblings of a mentally unbalanced individual and lacking anything resembling coherence.


One of the most directly-explained and obviously PG-related posts, adhering EXACTLY to the rules, and this is what you've got?

Try harder.

Perhaps @Vindicator would explain the Q connection more in depth. Ever since @srayzie dropped into the depths, I don’t have a Q buddy to clue me in on the intriqacies.

Yeah, you lost that when you and your ilk not only didn't disavor Zyklon for threaten to rape and murder her child, but you added to the dogpile quite often.

It's telling that you bring this up without it being any real part of the subject-matter here.

Vindicator ago

It's directly tied to globalist pedo elite because Flynn, who tweeted the "Y" in association with a reference to the Weiner laptop contents, also was one of the few who tweeted about pizzagate. The Weiner laptop is also related to pizzagate, both because it allowed Weiner himself to be convicted as an elite pedo, and because the agent who investigated its contents noted "Clinton" and "Crime against children" in his notes. Then there is the fact that QAnon has associated the "Y" to the Rothschild masquerade ball, which was a real life Eyes Wide Shut type of shindig which had spirit cooking-type elements, including heads of babies in the centerpieces of the dining room tables.

As for the rambling nature of the post, @Crensch was posting about Flynn's tweet containing the Y, which we had never noticed until Q just re-posted it (even though pizzagaters posted his tweet multiple times at the time he made it, a year before QAnon was anything but a twinkle in Trump's eye). He went on to include all instances of the [Y], for the convenience of those who might want to investigate further, given the pizzagate connections. New pizzagate leads might well be uncovered, were folks on this board to look more into this aspect of the Q leaks.

It's really no different than someone posting all the pics they could find of celebrities wearing red shoes, or making the owl eye gesture, both of which I would also leave up, as long as they were properly sourced and explained their pizzagate premise.

We have over 33,000 posts examining the corruption of elite pedos. QAnon frequently says "You have more than you know". He used our research on the Biltmore Hotel pool's similarity to one depicted in Podesta's art collection to launch a whole series of leaks about the Vanderbilts and Anderson Cooper that introduced "pizzagate" to a whole new "normie" population. It's not a stretch to think if the researchers on this board dug through our trove and pushed some of the findings about Haiti, for example, out onto Twitter, he would use it the same way he did the Biltmore material.

Q has stated repeatedly that the human trafficking stuff was the final phase of the public exposure, after FISA etc. Many folks on this board are irritated by that, because they've been manning their oars a very long time. It's a situation that has been taken advantage of repeatedly by those who wanted to sow discord here in v/pizzagate. Probably BECAUSE Q is most powerful way to mainstream the mind boggling stuff we've found. It wasn't Q posts that Voat's last DDoS targeted; it was pizzagate. Those who want our pizzagate research buried have the most to gain from discouraging discussion of Q here.

heygeorge ago

wasn't Q posts that Voat's last DDoS targeted; it was pizzagate.


Probably BECAUSE Q is most powerful way to mainstream

I disagree with this assertion. I do not find it likely the Qniverse can go mainstream. Perhaps I’m wrong. I believe archived, well-sourced evidence and research unhindered by a modern day Nostradamus clone would stand the best chance. For example, and I will take something very basic and early:

The quiet change of pedo logos and immediate whitewashing of the old at Besta Pizza and online. Almost everywhere. Wow. That it something clear and indicative of disturbing behavior. It really happened, no tinfoil required.


Mysterious cryptic internet D- list celebrity posts about Y’s.

It's really no different than someone posting all the pics they could find of celebrities wearing red shoes, or making the owl eye gesture, both of which I would also leave up , as long as they were properly sourced

A ‘properly sourced’ photo of celebrity P in red shoes at event X published in newspaper Z is a concrete happening. Q postings about the letter [Y] are just ramblings of a person on the internet. It’s not a thing. It’s someone making frequently cryptic assertions at times broad and open to interpretation.

What this post would be more comparable to is if someone posted a series of images of celebrities with red shoes photoshopped on. That is the direct comparison. Would that post stay?

Vindicator ago

Q postings about the letter [Y] are just ramblings of a person on the internet. It’s not a thing.

I disagree. How closely do you follow Q, Heygeorge? He has definitively established that his leaks are emanating directly from the Trump White House, and has asserted that posts must be cryptic in order not to violate laws about leaking classified information, or give too much away. He can only point to what's out there in hopes of people putting the pieces together themselves. Pieces like the excellent Besta logo example that you highlighted.

I've been trying to disseminate stuff like the Besta logo for three years, now, and I can tell you that even at the most viral stage of pizzagate when people's jaws were dropping over Abramovic Spirit Cooking, it was hard to get even Trump-fan family members to take the existence of the pedo elite seriously. But Q has changed all that. Now I have family members, corporate professionals and friends from church who are intrigued by Q and want to be part of the movement they see people sporting bumper stickers and t-shirts for asking me about pizzagate. All of the reliable Q researchers on Twitter and YouTube talk about pizzagate/elite pedophilia as a given rather than an embarrassing hoax.

Because Q established his White House bonafides, his numerous leaks about elite child abuse -- from Pedo Island, the Biltmore pool and Haiti to Hollywood and the S8n Twitter -- amount to backchannel White House confirmation of pizzagate.

Q has mainstreamed it among Trump voters. He did it by predicting future events, revealing inside information, and doing so as an artfully orchestrated game, a puzzle people are invited to engage in helping solve. And he regularly takes their contributions and amplifies them, so the game is interactive.

If you actually believe this "isn't a thing" you've got your head in the sand.

A better question is, what kind of Thing is it? Is it really a crowdsourced effort to Drain the Swamp and take the country back? Or is it just brilliantly weaponized grassroots social networking cloaked in patriotism and saving kids?

Even if you think it's the latter (which many people -- especially survivors -- here do), it's eminently relevant to the investigation of elite child abuse, because that would mean the Q team is exploiting child abuse to consolidate political power and those of us who want to stop it had better be wise to that.

What this post would be more comparable to is if someone posted a series of images of celebrities with red shoes photoshopped on. That is the direct comparison. Would that post stay?

Are you saying @Crensch or QAnon faked something in this post? If so, please point out what, specifically.

If I had someone posting photoshopped images of celebrities in red shoes, and it were proven it WAS photoshopped, I would absolutely leave that post up and flair it DEBUNKED, just like I did with the stupid Frazzledrip crap, the Kevin Annett "tribunal", and the supposed pics showing DEWs igniting forest fires. We have many, many posts in our trove about what disinfo is being pushed to distract from pizzagate. The information warfare to discredit us is absolutely relevant, as Rule 1's definition of pizzagate points out.

A day does not go by on this board where someone doesn't mock those of us who dare to hope there's a real effort underway to stop globalist corruption as if we're idiots or brainwashed. As if hope somehow makes a person weak or helpless. It's kind of humorous, really, because it's exactly the opposite the truth. Hope is the most deadly weapon against evil. Hope leads to perseverence, perseverence builds character, character renews the drive to take the fight to the enemy, that drive makes us learn new skills and we are tempered and honed and become ever more deadly.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/funny comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Being a usefully talented, humorous, and agreeable individual doesn’t hold nearly as much stock on Voat as it used to.

You still Aces to me, bucko. Of course you might not be so agreeable when I hit you with my list of electrical questions. It's a looong list, but I am billable.

heygeorge ago

This is why God created v/electric.

Oh wait now, I created v/electric.

God is in me! Yay!

Or you could just PM me, or if you don’t want them even on Voat PM’s, I’ll give you my email address so you can dox* me!

* pls no dox no tits

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You help keep me from getting raped by the electricians around here, in my neck of the woods, and I will personally beat the crap out of anybody who dox, tit, tip, or twiddle you without Mrs. Heygeorge express written and signed permission, I promise.

Did I mention that it gonna be loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list?

heygeorge ago

The longest journeys start with a single step.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have to wait for hubby to take a fishing trip, so he will be miles away and unable to stop me from telling you all the cute little things he nigger-rigs. and he expects me to sleep at night in this giant bundle of sticks.

I want to move to a well lit cave. W/ pool, 75% of problem is pool and yard lighting.

I will finish my list.

heygeorge ago

Lol my house has some undesirable wiring as well. I just haven’t gotten ‘round to fixing it yet. Yesterday I found a sewer riser with a massive crack over four feet long. So that’s a bit higher on the priority list. Meanwhile I bought interconnected smoke & carbon monoxide alarms.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Is a sewer riser a hatch for septic? We bought a vac/home recently with septic and no hatch, lots of digging in the future.

My main water line broke last weak, you should have seen me and the plumber bailing water out of the nice hole my hubby dug. The stupid SOB showed up during a desert monsoon. Not amused, but its fixed and hole is all filled in.

heygeorge ago

A sewer riser is also called a stack. It’s just a pipe that goes up and down. Oh, and carries shit when it needs to. @thebuddha you can see here that I found a split cast iron waste pipe in my home. Fun!

Main water breaks can be difficult to track down, but I’m glad you found it. I’m not sure which stupid sob you are referring to, aka plumber or your husband. But hey, at least it’s fixed! Out here, the water company determined a neighbor’s main was leaking, so they pretty much said fuck you, fix that part and until then fuck your water. Nice!

TheBuddha ago

In the house I first lived in, here in Maine, there's cast waste pipes and stink pipes. They were pretty much the only pipes that didn't burst when I was figuring out that whole heat the house with wood and/or coal thing.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I would never call my husband a stupid SOB.

He's like you, He Smart SOB.

Did the water co. cut off everybody's water? Or did they try to get everybody else to pay for wasted water? Why do PUBLIC utility co. treat the PAYING public so poorly? Assholes.

heygeorge ago

Lol no they just cut off service to that person then made them pay extra to repair the line (out in the road) before they would restore service! Good times! It’s tough to tell the water co to go fuck themselves in this area.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It's a long walk to the river from my house, so I try to play nice.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

U mad cuz i din ax u?

gabara ago

@HeyGeorge. Now that asshole fought those fuckers and won, outing them to the general public. He took over SBBH from SRS, and provided damning evidence that forcibily removed and silenced @libby, and replaced him with a plant account they all have access to (@Trigglypuff), that an openly beautiful red headed Aryan race queen and nearly-sole CSS coder of SBBH for the second half of it's existence, and that these usurpers use )))their((( tactics against anyone speaking freely against them. Then all of Voat watched as they openly used ShareBlue/SRS/Soros/(((THEM))) tactics to silence ShareBlue/SRS/Soros/(((THEM))) and anyone else trying to destroy Voat. Everyone watched as they removed dozens of censorship rules against all users for failure to cause butthurt that they were largely perpetrating (jew tactic 101: cry to mom, get more jew gold, pay more shills, get into over again). Then Voat watched as they systematically used said tactic to remove dissenting users from mod positions, and as @heygeorge and @kevdude took over all major subs, and as they continued to takeover and subvert incoming major subs with the help of @gabara, their total victory was assured! I could go on, but there's no point. Voat is now full of blonde and red haired honeys run by the defenders free speech and there's nothing SRS can do about it. That's why the vast majority of all real shills months ago. It was all laid bare.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Wait, I'm a blonde honey. How come the only ones laid bare to me are @Don-Keyhote(stunning btw) and a couple of dudes too bashful to give me their real alts? @heygearge wut giv?

I'm gonna need a Midol and a Calgon bath now.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So Q copies Flynn and that makes him something special? Doesn't a standalone Y also mean 'why?'?

As in "YRUCunt" or "YULie". Don't spics use a standalone Y in their garbage language?

Y can't you explain this to me?

Crensch ago

It's funny watching you meltdown over this

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't understand it. You could explain it, I understand your words when you write plainly.

I've asked these questions all along, nobody answers.

Crensch ago

I don't understand it. You could explain it, I understand your words when you write plainly.

I know you don't. I did explain it. You don't understand my words when I write plainly.

Here's a hint about your cognitive error.

So Q copies Flynn

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The date on the flynn tweet is 11-4-16

The date on the earliest qmap128 you posted is 11-9-17

Was Q posting before flynn was tweeting?

Crensch ago

What is Q?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't follow Q. I'm banned from GA. qrv or qvr or whatever it is called, is nothing but a sbbh shitposting sub. I have no place to ask questions.

Will you tell me who Q claims to be?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I do remember reading that, I thought maybe more info had been provided.

So does this mean that flynn has been positively identified as being one of Q, or is it speculated?

This question isn't as inportant to me as my first one about all the random Y's and exactly what they're supposed to mean? I need more.

That's the part I'm not able to track through the qmaps. And why I asked you to write an explanation that was more of a summary. I think it might help others, too. Not just me. I've had so many questions go unanswered, I kinda gave up.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did you know there is a spic in this thread trying to sell the 'comey is a good guy because he used a Y', bullshit.

Q doesn't belong here. Too speculative, open to interpretation, and filled with too much political distraction.

siegnagel ago

Y head, or Owl. In this Luciferian elite lore which Q seems to subscribe to.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't know what Q subscribes to. But the Y head in the photos is a stag, not Minerva. I can't recall the gods name who it is supposed to represent, atm.

Madwack ago

Qanuck @TrueQanuck11

Makers of ‘Very Good Beer’

Cabal symbolism on the can.

Remind you of anything?

He also see's a pattern in breweries going up on streets named Walnut.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Doesn't the standalone Y you refer to in this link in fact finish a message to P R A Y -

Is there a reason to assume that it has dual meaning?

Fancy that, the guy bringing you news on PIZZAGATE arrests happens to use a standalone "Y" just like Q ANON does.

Who is the 'guy bringing the news'? I can't find who you mean. Is it comey?

Guessing about what some anon means when they won't clearly state it, is part of what makes Q so difficult for me to follow at times.

Then you add every TD&H stating that his interpretation is the right one, and they all differ. At some point it has all just become distracting noise.

I know you hate my guts, but would you please write a summary of what it is you are saying. I understand your words more clearly than I do the wording of the Qmap threads. And I think it would be helpful.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I figured out who is supposedly bringing the news, Flynn, right? Too bad no arrests happened when he implied they would.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

So what's Y?

Truthseeker3000 ago

The Y means the Yoni, the vagina, life, in pagan.


Vindicator ago

Well, that would certainly hook up with the Pachamama bullshit the fake pope is so enamored with. But I haven't ever seen Q reference that particular demon.

Vindicator ago

QAnon has mentioned it numerous times, as Crensch has shown above. At least some of them refer to the powerful old money families that control governments and may be involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse of children. The image above with the woman at the masquerade party wearing a golden stag's head was confirmed by Q as part of the meaning of "Y head families". I believe she was a Rothschild.

Q has spoken at length over the past two years about Rothschild banks being used to enslave populations via currency devaluation/central banking, and claimed Trump will end fiat currency in his second term.

DonnieT ago

Y represents the horns of the devil as symbolized by the rams’ head and symbol made with the hand with index and pinkie finger extended.

Latinatrumplover ago

The Y comes from Comey's name. Possibly indicating he will be the one to expose the laptop.

argosciv ago

At first I was like "lolwut, Crensch posting to v/pizzagate?"

Then I saw the comments. Top Kek. Good post.

ESOTERICshade ago

At first I was like "lolwut, Crensch posting to v/pizzagate?"

You would crawl over a mile of broken glass on your hands and knees in an effort to seek the affirmation of a person you mistakenly think has some authority. When you openly admitted to being a blood drinker I thought >>>

"Here is a moron that probably has every strain of Hepatitis on planet earth."

The day you boasted about drinking blood I knew you didn't have two common sense brain cells left to rub together.

FerdTurgeson ago

OP is a faggot

Crensch ago

Faggot above has 6ccp and has been a member for 7 days.

FerdTurgeson ago

BOOM does the dynamite! I will show myself out now that you have so thoroughly decimated me. You must be getting nervous as more and more people seem to be waking up to your shit.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That esotericshade thing and this faggot thing <SAME loser. With multiple accounts. But from what I gather from the recent HF grapevine is that it may not be connected to the blogger dude's intel drop on that other hideous loser.

ESOTERICshade ago

That esotericshade thing and this faggot thing <SAME loser.

Wrong again. I'm by FAR not the only person that can realize both political parties are dismantling our country and feeding it to Israel.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So is that how your Jewish brigade works? You would know.

Oh and fuck your political parties! You just can't STAAAAND how I insulted your precious little faggot dike kike user-asshole sock.

FerdTurgeson ago

Joke's on all of is I, Crensch performing my own hate crime on myself!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It must be lonely to keep so close to that microscope there, roller disco faggot.

FerdTurgeson ago

I don't understand what you are saying but if you are using roller disco as an insult you clearly don't have a clue.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And you have no clue how obvious all your socks are.

FerdTurgeson ago

I wear black athletic socks. That is all.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Well, that's stupid! Everyone knows that running in black socks is retarded as fuck!

FerdTurgeson ago

Only niggers and dumb white bitches "run".

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That's probably why they're not obese, mr. sock aka belly of a whale. Not in. Just that you have the belly of a whale.

As for me, I'll run my Asian ass circles around you. While you huff and puff. And...yeah, that's pretty much it.

FerdTurgeson ago

You missed the point...running is for aren't obese because you perform labour and aren't gluttons. You are bragging about being asian, and jogging, that is hilarious. It isn't because I CAN'T jog, it is because I have self respect so I DON'T jog...the only people who jog are those who have (being)rape fantasies, and the rapists

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So you rape people too, faggot? Your obese ass sure loves to vote manipulate cuz you got no life. Also never said I jogged but I already knew you couldn't. That's why you don't. Beer swelling Hillary asslicker who still can't STAND that someone trumped her! But yes, we know, you're still "with her". Your ship is sinking.

FerdTurgeson ago

Are you going to be ok? Is there someone we can call for you, sir? :)

FWIW I wasn't kidding when I told you that your delusions are taking over and you should probably take a break...the downvoats aren't BY me and probably aren't even FOR me, they are AGAINST you because you are retarded.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Riiiiight, Suuuure. Hey retard, you got so many accounts here as you bragged about it for ages. The upvotes are from YOU, and your downvoting with multiple accounts that you already have while you build up yet another account ccp and shit! But YOU will end up in the hospital. Then everyone does a happy dance because your abuse will be gone once you end up where you truly belong! With Hillary and her upcoming fate.


FerdTurgeson ago

No seriously man you need some fresh air or a fresh 'scrip for your Dr. I was having fun running with it while you were going on about socks but it isn't healthy to be THIS deep into anything, let alone VOAT. I did jump accounts but I left my old 1 (one) behind; I am not saying this because I am worried about getting into trouble, I am worried about you. Why would you think I am going to end up in the hospital? If you are truly wishing harm on people that is bad for YOU, not bad for them. Get some help.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

U mad, bruddy?

I'm going to create a board and call it something like the Disco Roller Rink, and I'm gonna have all the disco freaks and disco dancin' fools come there and dance and party. And I'm banning you and all your socks from it. I'm gonna play all th best from the 1970s. I'm going to host an event with guests like the Captain & Tennille, David Cassidy, and Telly Savalas, and those two guys from Fantasy Island.

FerdTurgeson ago

I don't at all understand what you are getting at, and no I am not mad. Without giving too much away the 70's weren't my generation, and as I think you are driving at, most of it was total shit :)

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You see you can't even blame those deaths on me.

FerdTurgeson ago

Your comment was so retarded I had to double check what you were responding to....honestly WTF are you talking about?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Proof of you being retarded confirmed!

Maybe next time use google, it still works for info on the famous people I mentioned. But of course everything goes waaaaay over your head. Sock.

FerdTurgeson ago

Good god are you still going on about this? If you think I (or anyone)am(is) going to google anything your babble about you are mistaken. I won't respond again but that won't stop you from trying, I'd wager: I am probably the most exciting thing in your life right now/

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Arrogant idiot. I literally handed you the names which you failed to connect to the punchline. If you think your stupidity is exciting, maybe you should learn English. Entertaining would be more like it. You're pathetic little 10 year old basement dweller. Yes please give up here.

@Crensch was right. As usual.

argosciv ago

FerdTergeson -> TerdFergeson -> TerdWilson -> Dial_Indicator

FerdTurgeson ago

Look at should have your own Paytriot youtube channel and milk these boomers

CMAnon ago

Everyone realizes this was an old tweet from 2016, right?

Crensch ago

You realize it was just linked by Q today, right?

CMAnon ago

Yes I know. Does Q want us to know that NYPD are charging HRC soon? Or is he just sending a coded message with the Y? Comey?

Crensch ago

Not really what I'm stating here. There's a faction of shills on PG that continually state that Q has no business here.

I'm showing them that it absolutely does.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Oh good, you fit right in with the Q crowd. Anybody who doesn't believe in Q is a shill.

Crensch ago

Sounds like butthurt.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

I bet your butt hurts after getting rammed by a line of Chaims and Tyrones. Need some ointment?

Crensch ago

Is that clever in Jewville? As a white man, I find that quite elementary.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

You didnt find it entertaining because there wasn't a saggy pair of Semitic breasts along with it. That is the only way a sex denied dick like you can find joy in anything.

Crensch ago

You seem butthurt that your best buddy was outed as a pedophile for threatening to rape a child multiple times per day for over a month.


AbrahamGoldowitz ago

I give -1990 shits about what happens to her subhuman offspring.

Crensch ago

You give 1990 shits about the label associated with your buddy, and the fact that people that help pedophiles tend to... you know... be pedophiles.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

I'm sure Semitic @Srayzie has some skeletons in (((closet))). Heard she gives good brisjobs.

Crensch ago

Your buddy, that you helped, is a pedophile. He posted about raping a child constantly for over a month.

I posit that no non-pedophile could justify doing that for any reason, especially the one about "defending muh fat cow lady's honor" for GG.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

Your people's scriptures are all about raping children. Zyklon-b is a true Aryan giving y'all a taste of your own medicine.

Crensch ago

Your people's scriptures are all about raping children. Zyklon-b is a true Aryan giving y'all a taste of your own medicine.

So you admit your buddy wants to rape children.

AbrahamGoldowitz ago

0/1990 understanding of satire.

Crensch ago

0/1990 understanding of satire.


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

Which one of those is threatening to rape and kill a child multiple times daily for over a month?

fuspezza ago

Because of Pizzagate I'm aware of Q.

By shills rejecting they actually give it credence.

In other words thanks for the flak..

amarQ144 ago


Vindicator ago

I never realized that Flynn tweet had the "Y" in it. That's somewhat amazing!

argosciv ago

Given what you showed me (~)yesterday, well, Flynn tweet and a few other things make a bit too much sense.

Not the best implications for some of pizzagate, but also a great opportunity to point out what is real and why Flynn may still be in danger and/or under duress. Will post about it down the line.


ESOTERICshade ago

The Flynn tweet and Breitbart article are 3 years old. What is the point in posting it three years later?

PrepareForWar ago

Hey if you're actually doxing these faggots send me their addresses please.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey if you're actually doxing these faggots send me their addresses please.

I have never doxed anybody in my life and I don't plan on starting now.

PrepareForWar ago

You should consider it especially if you know this @crensch faggot. I've got a 55 gal steel drum with a few holes on the side and a few bags of Sacrete with his name on it.

ESOTERICshade ago

You should consider it especially if you know this @crensch faggot. I've got a 55 gal steel drum with a few holes on the side and a few bags of Sacrete with his name on it.

Nope. Violence is not my style. I just ignore it. Works for me. I have no intention of starting a confrontation with anybody. I just look at @crensch like a zoo animal. He is an interesting study in out of control primates, but at the end of the day, I don't give a flying fuck what he does or what he thinks. Whatever it is has no bearing on me.

How is the weather in Langley?

PrepareForWar ago

Me in Langley. Lol I give absolutely zero fucks bro and you can find me in West Virginia. We still have laws against kikes and niggers here and we smell outsiders at the state line. We'll put your lifeless fucking body in a mine shaft without a second thought. So if you of you fucking fags grow a pair let me know where to find you and I'll make a trip out if state. :)

Crensch ago

Oh, hey! It's the guy that pretends to be friends with real researchers, then doxxes them off the site! He does this when he's not manufacturing consensus and vote-manipulating with his alts.

It was linked by Q again, and I noticed the loose "Y" that would look like a typo to an idiot kike shill like you.

ESOTERICshade ago

then doxxes them off the site!

Prove that I doxed somebody. You can't. I had more personal info about srayzie than anybody at Voat, and just like I promised her, I kept it to myself, in spite of what she did to me.

It was linked by Q again, and I noticed the loose "Y" that would look like a typo to an idiot kike shill like you.

You still have not explained how Coleman Rogers (pamphletanon) from the Patriot Soapbox got caught using the Q trip code but he still is not Qanon.

Delusional and vindictive, per usual.

Crensch ago

Prove that I doxed somebody. You can't. I had more personal info about srayzie than anybody at Voat, and just like I promised her, I kept it to myself, in spite of what she did to me.

Dishonest person that lies constantly and is caught manipulating votes and consensus-cracking, playing both sides of arguments and attacks PSYOP style against users with his KNOWN alts wants PROOF that he doxed, despite him knowing that furnishing such proof would get ME banned.


You still have not explained how Coleman Rogers (pamphletanon) from the Patriot Soapbox got caught using the Q trip code but he still is not Qanon.

I don't have to.

Delusional and vindictive, per usual.

I have evidence of your fuckery on numerous levels. All you have is that I hurt your feefees because you're an overemotional Jewish snowflake.

ESOTERICshade ago

gothamgirl and srayzie were the ones having a doxing contest. I had nothing to do with that.

Latinatrumplover ago

You're a fucking idiot to still believe that when proof after proof has been presented that he is military intel. You are either Ben or Will. Say hello to the pedofags at media matters for me.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

OH so that's what his problem is! He's got a LOT of accounts here. It's so telling too because who would be upvoting his crazy ass but himself!

@PuttItOut should look into this.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're a fucking idiot to still believe that when proof after proof has been presented that he is military intel.

I saw the video of Coleman Rogers (pamphletanon) using the Q trip code with my own eyes. Unless Isaac Green's Youtube channel got the shoah you can go watch it too. Thats called evidence and instead of hope. Isaac, Baruch The Scribe, and Tracy Beanz also confessed to having been part of the scam.

I still don't understand why the Qtards don't go with the evidence instead of smoking Hopium. I have said this a thousand times but I will say it again >>>>When it comes to political parties like Democrat or Republican the answer is NEITHER because they serve the same master.

If the Q tards would use their collective attention span hours to do something productive like focus on getting the Patriot Act repealed, get rid of the Federal Reserve, stop them from stealing our taxes and spending it on Israel's wars, would be of some value.

As it stands right now you are just suckers helping the Republicans feed us to Israel.

Crensch ago

Yeah, just info srayzie sent only to you showed up.

Also, other researchers you buddied up to somehow wound up disappearing and/or freaking out before disappearing.

It's ok. Nobody has to believe that part if they don't want. They can believe it's a lie, but I have absolute evidence that you manipulate votes and play both sides of attacking researchers with alts, and playing White Knight hero to them with this username.

Vindicator ago

Have you noticed you're getting the same old seven downvotes and ES is getting the same old seven upvotes.

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, just info srayzie sent only to you showed up.

Wrong again. @gothamgirl dug up her own info. I didn't even know the stuff she posted, but it was interesting none the less.

Crensch ago

No, she got it from you and kevdude.

Gothamgirl ago

No I surely didn't @Generaldouche gave all Srayzies info to @Zyklon. Remember the cunt even wrote an apology for it?

It wasn't @Kevindude or @Esotericshade.

Crensch ago

Everyone knows you and cat jumped on the grenades for Kev. Her admitting to giving you information that Kev specifically had and nobody else did doesn't actually make her the one that leaked that information.

Gothamgirl ago

Not true she gave the info to zyklon and I have no idea where she got it. We never really spoke ever probably because she was so thirsty for him, I never liked her.

But I do remember hearing she meet you in real life at some church.

Crensch ago

Not true Kat gave the info to zyklon, and I have no idea where she got it. We never really spoke, probably because she was so thirsty for him, I never liked her.

But I do remember hearing Kat meet with you, in real life at some church.

Just tell Srayzie to comback, and stop bitching. Zyklon is gone. She put lots of time into Q ,she should be here when all unfolds. I will stay to myself. I am already blocked from her sub and never comment on this one.

It doesn't evade my notice that you tried to distract from the main point of the subject by bringing up things that are only 10 chinchilly relevant and really not all that interesting. You try to tell a story of your life in order to distract from the fact that there is absolutely no reason to believe that kat had any information, whereas Kev was part of the mod Circle and she had opened up to him. He was the only one that had some of the information that came out.

Best part is, there is no reason to believe you since you stuck with a pedophile that was threatening to rape and murder her child for over a month. Healthy, well-adjusted, honest people don't do that. Jews and mentally ill sick fucks do.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh fuck off, he isn't a pedo he is just a scumbag troll.

I can't say where Kat got the info from, I can only say she passed it on to zyklon, who gave it to me.

Why are you deflecting from your meet up with that fat turd Kat?

I am not healthy and never hide that.

All of this bullshit made me have a heart attack.

I do not have any type of mental illness and I am definitely not a Jew. Only Jews keep repeating the word subhuman repetitively, such as yourself. I have no religion, gave it up after Catholics had their first Pedo scandal. I only believe in God the Almighty.

Crensch ago

I'm not deflecting anything. I never met her and it sounded like something you just pulled out of your ass to distract from the fact that you showed up once again to defend Kev.

I can't say where Kat got the info from, I can only say she passed it on to zyklon, who gave it to me.

Then why do you show up to defend him every time I bring up the fact that he was the only one with that information?

I've never seen a Jew use the word subhuman. So either you're lying about your own experience, or you don't really know anything about Jews, or you're pretending not to know anything about them because you are one.

Gothamgirl ago

"I've never seen a Jew use the word subhuman."

To best defeat the Jew you must learn what they have learned. Read the Talmud, subhuman/gentile is used quite frequently.

I defend Kevdude because you keep accusing him of giving "Me" information and it wasn't. I really know nothing about him whatsoever. As a matter of fact I made memes poking fun of him for defending Srayzie. The only conversations I ever had with him was after all this went down, he sent me messages asking me to come clean about where the info came from.

Crensch ago

They don't use the exact word. They don't want goyim knowing or having in their mind the idea that some things that walk on two legs around our downtown areas are not human.

If you don't know where the information ultimately came from, then you really have no right to say it didn't come from Kev. At the very most you could say that you specifically did not get it from him but you don't know where it came from. Instead historically you have told me specifically that it wasn't Kev.

So, let me get this straight. Because I called your kid names, your pedophile wannabe husband attacked someone that wasn't me?

Gothamgirl ago

I have been telling you it wasn't Kevdude who gave me the info, since day 1.

"So, let me get this straight. Because I called your kid names, your pedophile wannabe husband attacked someone that wasn't me?"

Yes, you, Srayzie and Shizy were as thick as thieves, and zyklon knew that. Plus you had made posts defending her, she was easiest to troll. You have a little more armour and toughness then her. He wasn't my wannabe husband, he made it very clear he was a parasite on my pocketbook, and that is all, and that's not love. But again he isn't a pedo, just a troll. He fooled you with fake shit about my family. Which started this while mess. Why don't you go and attack him on Poal? It's odd he gets such a free pass, and everyone else is chewed out over it, continuously..

Crensch ago

So you financially supported the guy that doxxed a woman off of the site.

Your narrative falls apart when we weren't thick as thieves until after you and the pedophile you financially backed started in on srayzie.

I like how you continually pop in to correct the record about Kev despite there being absolutely no reason for anyone to believe you.

Gothamgirl ago

No I didn't financially support anyone, that's what he claimed he was dating me for, when we broke up. In other words it was never real from the start.

Our first round of arguments (You and I and them) didn't include zyklon at all. I mistakenly accused Srayzie of something awful. Zyklon listened to me get stressed and cry about it, for a year.

I don't really honestly don't care what you believe necessarily, you are extremely stubborn and hard headed, that's why I repeat myself to you.

Crensch ago

I made you cry, so you stayed with a guy that was threatening to rape a child because of it.

Gothamgirl ago

No, that's when we broke up shortly after. He was stating things I could no longer defend and won't. In real life he isn't a Pedo but the comments he made, made me extremely uncomfortable.

Crensch ago

I don't care who you are, if you make those kind of comments constantly to the point that they are believed by someone, anyone, you are a pedophile.

Whatever you think you know about a person that does that otherwise is pretty fucking irrelevant.

Anyone that was still on his side for any reason after that deserves everything that happened to them. And they sure as fuck don't deserve to pretend to be pizzagate researchers.

Gothamgirl ago

I bet Srayzie went through the same horrible torment that I went through, after her kids were talked about... Do you really believe, you are any better then him? You aren't.

Crensch ago

Oh so your the thought and speech police now. Ok makes sense.

Nothing to do with that. I could ask random passers-by if they would think zyklon and everyone helping him were probably pedophiles using generic terms - what do you think they'd all say?

I bet Srayzie went through the same horrible torment that I went through, after her kids were talked about... Do you really believe, you are any better then him? You aren't.

I'm better than all of you. He threatened to rape and kill a child constantly for a month and y'all stuck by him and attacked his victim. I didn't do anything remotely like that, and you and everyone else knows it.

Those comments weren't constantly made. He was banned pretty quick after making them.

That's bullshit and you know it. Banned? Who gives a fuck, he kept posting it all over the site. "Oh he didn't post it in THAT subverse, but he sure did elsewhere, and pinged here there! Totally means it's OK to threaten rape and murder on children!"

You're a sick fuck, did you know that?

You're exaggerating and no one takes zyklon serious except you and your crew. Why is that?

You... ALL of you seem to want to defend him as not a pedophile... you take THAT seriously. Why is that?

The lady doth protest...?

I stood by him cause I loved him and I know he is for certain not a pedo. I know for certain he has beat up pedos in real life.

1) Why would anyone believe you. You're a pathological liar.

2) He posted about it constantly, daily, almost hourly, for a month straight. Who really thinks he didn't fantasize aobut it?

3) What else would a pedo-supporter say? You have a dog in this fight, because you stuck by him when he was saying those things, and you know that destroys your reputation and credibility.

I knew what he said and did, was to stand up for me.

Your definition of standing up for you:

Threatening a child with rape and murder.

Got it.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok I had enough of your delusional bullshit, you can fuck off.

Crensch ago

Ok I had enough of your delusional bullshit, you can fuck off.

Your definition of standing up for you:

Threatening a child with rape and murder.

Got it.

Gothamgirl ago

You live fantasy land, I did none of that, nor did I ask anyone too.

Crensch ago

You live fantasy land, I did none of that, nor did I ask anyone too.

You bring it up as if it's a defense of both his behaviour, and your sticking with him.

You are the one who wants children murdered for invading this country remember? Does that not include your friends, Mexican kids or not?

Invaders are invaders. My wanting to defend my people from genocide has fuck-all to do with your husband-wannabe threatening to RAPE children, and you claiming he's doing it "to stand up for you".

Your definition of standing up for you:

Threatening a child with rape and murder.

Got it.

ESOTERICshade ago

No, she got it from you and kevdude.

Just because you want it to be true doesn't mean it is. The reason you are always wrong is because your motives are to feed your ego instead of make things better. Not gonna stick around to listen to your ignorant drivel anymore tonight.

Crensch ago

Just because you want it to be true doesn't mean it is. Same with QfullOfShitAnon.

Jews always project their own flaws onto others.

Remember when I had proof of far more than you ever had proof for where claims are concerned?

The reason you are always wrong

Show me in my sticky on you where I'm wrong.

is because your motives are to feed your ego instead of make things better. Not gonna stick around to listen to your ignorant drivel anymore tonight.

I'll post some more good content to PG for you to wake up to.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'll post some more good content to PG for you to wake up to.

Knock yourself out. Waste more time. You don't bother me.

Crensch ago

Apparently I bother you enough to make you a liar, telling me in the comment above that you're not going to stick around anymore tonight.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go squat on that 3 year old rotten Qanon egg and wait for it to hatch, some more. Moron.

Crensch ago

As opposed to what you're doing, PSYOPing PG researchers off here with your crew of horseshit peddlers?

ESOTERICshade ago

Your buddy just posted this. Did you see it, jew lover? You don't fool anybody.

Crensch ago

Your buddy just posted this. Did you see it, jew lover? You don't fool anybody.

You still don't understand what he's doing, and why? And you always tell people how smart you are and how you know what's going on.

There's a reason most legitimate users here reject your horseshit, and you'll never understand why, low-IQ Jew.

ESOTERICshade ago

You still don't understand what he's doing, and why?

Sure I do. He has been doing it for 55 years. Rothschild bailed him out of bankruptcy. Sheldon Adelson game him a 100 million dollars to run for President. He won the Tree Of LIfe Award all the way back in the 1980's. He boats that he could win President of Israel in a landslide. An Israeli group is minting a shekel with King Cyrus on one side and Trump on the other.

They own his ass. He is their Shabbos Goy. You just too egotistical to admit it, or too dumb to realize it.

Crensch ago

Remember when I made you a liar in this very thread?

You're not as smart as you think you are.

ESOTERICshade ago

As usual. No intelligent or logical reply. Goodnite loser.

Crensch ago

As usual. No intelligent or logical reply. Goodnite loser.

It's spelled, "goodnight", Jew.

Crensch ago

You still don't understand anything about his Playbook. it's really quite amusing to see you low IQ faggots crying about what he's saying.

ESOTERICshade ago

You still don't understand anything about his Playbook.

I know exactly what you WISH his playbook was. His history says otherwise. In order for you to be correct he would have to have been planning to subvert his masters for almost 60 years. They own his ass and can bankrupt him in a keystroke. He might squabble with a couple of his political rivals for power but in the end setting us free is NOT in the playbook. If it was we would know. So far I have been the only one right about Q......

Crensch ago

I love how much it eats you up inside that you don't understand how people know you're a Jew. It's okay, you also don't understand Trump and that is all kinds of entertaining.

ESOTERICshade ago

I love how much it eats you up inside that you don't understand how people know you're a Jew. It's okay, you also don't understand Trump and that is all kinds of entertaining.

If you ever learn how this world is really run you're gonna feel pretty low I.Q. for having gone around and called your detractors "low I.Q."

I bet you have not even taken the time to understand why the Jews in Israel call Trump "the new King Cyrus." Because if you did you would not feel nearly as smug as you do. I can assure you of that.

Cyrus gave the Jews their "second Temple." Its not about a stone building because "temple" means total Jew dominance and rule. They are crediting Trump with helping them build their "third Temple." Total boot stomping in the face dominance and control over every human being on earth.

They had that sort of dominance 2 Times in the past, over their regions they controlled, and got their asses stomped out both times. Now with technology and banking it won't be their regions. It will be the entire the entire planet and that is why they call Trump "the new King Cyrus."

Your problem is that you KNOW about an occult world, you know it exists, but you don't understand how it works. You also don't understand that it rules the world. THERE IS A DISTINCT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING.

I understood the difference between Exoterics and Esoterics twenty years ago. You live in the EXoteric world but you cannot see the ESotseric world and its right under your nose.

When I watch Cerealbrain2 butcher Gematria and make a mockery of it I just shake my head. He's not even taking out the Hebrew vowels or anything else you have to do. Then the Qtards crowd around in wonder and say "WOW how does he do that???"

He doesn't. He is a fukn clown. He is probably a Jew laughing at you all.

Crensch ago

I can smell the butthurt from way over here.

It smells kind of like my lampshade.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Great baking, Crensch!

user9713 ago

Qtards are here to undermine Pizzagate. They're clowns that no one takes seriously, so it's no surprise that when more people began seeing the truth behind Pizzagate, you're starting to see more qtards.

Latinatrumplover ago

You're just jealous because your research sucks. We got intel, what do you have? Idiot.

Crensch ago

Yep. About what I'd expect.

Your bedfellows are an interesting sort.


AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh it's that Jay fatfuck clown! He's a stalker that is also part of the assholes that got banned from HF!

user9713 ago

Do you have a counterargument? If not, good bye.

Crensch ago

I don't need one. Nothing of yours was an argument. It was a list of opinions that match our greatest shill and his buddies.

user9713 ago

How does that post have -10 SCP, which somehow has an upvote from me?

Seems like the PG subscribers turned against you, which doesn't bode well for your red-herring or credibility.

Crensch ago

Weren't you paying attention? ESOTERICshade does vote manipulation with alts.

Nobody turned against me that mattered. Nice try on demoralizing me, though, Jew.

user9713 ago

Let me guess: he also created all the top comments and replies calling you out?

Crensch ago

The only two calling me out were you and literally ESOTERICshade username.

But keep at it, low-IQ Jew.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It's ONE and the SAME he-bitch, Hack Forums could shed some more light on that fatfuck clown face!

They doxxed him on HF. His ass is really sore from the cyber raping he's been getting. And he's a Hillary asslicker. FYI.

user9713 ago

But keep at it, low-IQ Jew.

😂 imagine that: a q-tard that hates jews. Your favorite politician is considered The King of Israel, was honored with a Good Goy award, says he would be elected in Israel with 98% of the vote and says anyone who doesn't support Israel is a democrat.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? You're not in /v/GreatAwakening; no one here is retarded as you and q believers and it's insulting that you would even try to pull off such a stunt.

Latinatrumplover ago

Its so obvious who you are, Ben. We know your kind.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Hey bitch! GTFO!

user9713 ago

Sorry, I won't let qtards taint PG research with their retarded beliefs that someone from the Trump administration is communicating with them on 4chan about a secret war against the swamp where no one gets arrested ever.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow you really are delusional. If I don't "agree" with you, you think you can claim something but your whole slithering comment just reeks of shill and reeks of the same C_A spook-speak that tries to cover up the actual criminal enterprise that you are no doubt part of!

user9713 ago

Okay, let me ask you: why are you perfectly fine with associating the world's biggest morons with PG research? What purpose does it serve, other than to discredit PG?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You are the one trying to discredit PG. Not Q. Q Anons have been proving the corruption and have exposed it far and wide while you continue in some sad little quest of divide and conquer. Isn't that right, Jay?

ESOTERICshade ago

while you continue in some sad little quest of divide and conquer. Isn't that right, Jay?

Since you have not figured it out yet >>>>Democrat vs Republican is the biggest and most successful divide and conquer game in the U.S.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Since you haven't figured it out yet, I don't think in any political terms or remotely identify with anyone. And I hate everyone, I hate all parties and I hate all your damned religions! Including all your alternate accounts that you're using to abuse the system. So in that respect you're an asshole from an asshole, the bloody asshole of anusville.

ESOTERICshade ago

Dude there is enough evidence in this one thread alone to prove to you that unfortunately Trump is the best Shabbos Goy President Israel ever had. Your refusal to mentally process it is your own fault. Or maybe you are a zionist too? Probably so....

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're like some warted fish creature that sucks so bad that even when you implode like a wraith, you still can't get it. Fuck you bitch. Israel was taken over by Satan, but t's a fucking piece of land! A bunch of fucking sand and I STILL don't give a rat's ass what your fucking shill problem is! I know you are still butthurt over Hillary losing an election!


Correction "Satan" has overtaken this world and the last three years are his army revealing themselves. Are Trump and Q a part of said army?

Was Pizzagate a result of planted Cookie Crumbs to lead free thinkers to their evil ways?

Revelations of this duality reality!

People heart centered will be the

Glitch in the Grand Plan of the dark ones!

ESOTERICshade ago

I know you are still butthurt over Hillary losing an election!

I don't like that satanic evil bitch. You operate exactly like the rest of your Zionist Cult. You ignore the facts and details that prove Trump is a devout Zionist and stick strictly with the insults. Thats because the facts are not on your side. Its also exactly the way cults operate. You are a brainwashed cult member, or more likely sitting in a cubicle in Israel.

The only good thing about Trump is that he does not spout SJW talking points. Other than that he is fucking traitor just like Hillary.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So tell me, why do you love Hillary so much? If you want to be roller disco, you got to ditch that bitch!

Oh and your ranting foaming attack is hilarous. You prove what a jew you are, projection and keeping at it like a banshee. If you want to believe I'm in some cult, so you have a reason to lick Janet Reno's dick (cause that was a man) then why don't you go ahead and put your money where your mouth is? Or is Reno's dick taking up all the room in there?

ESOTERICshade ago

then why don't you go ahead and put your money where your mouth is?

Not a problem.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

So do you just have this rage to go after anyone who disses EyeTheKike, I mean, EyeTheSpy? Oh and I don't care what you look like, multi-sock.

ESOTERICshade ago

So do you just have this rage to go after anyone who disses EyeTheKike, I mean, EyeTheSpy?

I'm just solidly kicking your ass with facts and proving that both Trump and Hillary are traitors to the U.S.

Rothschild bailed Trump out of bankruptcy. Trump won the high jew honor of getting the Tree Of Life award in the 1980's. Soros invested in Trump Towers. Zionist casino scumbag Sheldon Adelson bankrolled Trump's campaign. Trump desecrated the most holy city in Christianity when he obeyed his jew masters and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Trump and his father both donate to Chabad Lubavitch. An Israeli group is minting a shekel with Trump on one side and King Cyrus on the other side.

Trump says voting for Democrats is disloyal to Israel.

Trump says take the guns first and worry about due process later.

I could sit here and kick you all over the playground all day with nothing but facts while you spout your fifth grade insults, but I won't, because you bore the fuck out of me. How is the food in the kibbutz in Israel?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're not kicking anyone's ass, Hillary lover.

All you're doing is EXACTLY what Hillary and her followers do. You spew on and on about Trump when I never even fucking mentioned him and you're so seething on and on about him and showing your little libetal memes which are not facts. And the facts you think you have are twisted and delusional and you don't get the trolling Trump is doing on your ilk.

And then you rush into all your alternate accounts and downvote everything I have said everywhere else, showing how completely unhinged you are and how you are the one getting your ass kicked without my even trying. I just have to live and you're wroth and dripping with rage. Also, stupid, I don't click on your links to whatever dumbshit you got there as your "evidence" because a wart like you who actually comes in with the insults and bullshit, isn't important to me.

In all your rage, you only called Hillary a satainist. That's not an insult to someone who worships satan. However, you keep her well guarded and protected without nary an angry word against her. Let alone any kind of meme. With your vile actions, your vote abuse, and continued abuse, while you sit there and claim how great of an abuser you are, which are ALL Hillary tactics, the only thing you've done here is drive me further into Trump's arms.

You're too pathetic, just like your other accounts. You don't even try to hide it.

@PuttItOut check on the vote manipulation of the estrogenshaud^

ESOTERICshade ago

ROFLMAO! otay buckwheat...errr...buttwheat.

user9713 ago

You are the one trying to discredit PG.

I'm not wasting any more time on your clown world arguments. Good bye.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You wasted a lot of time being a clown and using your alternate accounts to abuse and violate. As if you had any kind of an argument to begin with. I know who you are. Jay.

sheepdoggie ago

Original Breitbart article with Eric Prince Audio inverview :

The OTO is also an owl reference. The two O's are eyes and the T the brow.

The rumor is that Hillary is Crowleys sex magick daughter. Tom Horn and others have done the home work and most recently on SGT a two part. Its pretty mind blowing.

You have to remember grown men, hardened, were in tears regarding what the saw and discovered. You have to push this pretty far.

Essentially the SGT report goes into the Portal that Jack Parsons opened and died in his lab from. The government is into somer really deep stuff, and they are not inclined to talk, at all.

Look up Tom Horns Hilarion . Its bad and its so out there it does not sound real. But the more I look into this stuff, its the same result. The level of evil proves itself.

The election of Trump was either shifted by the military, knowing about the implications of Hillary or by GOD. I tend to believe the later, because the previous things I mentioned are true and virtually unbelievable.

The Portal could very easily be construed as the 'looking glass' also. The military was highly involved once they started to dabble.

Vindicator ago

The OTO is also an owl reference. The two O's are eyes and the T the brow.

Do we have anything from OTO writings themselves confirming this?

Vindicator ago

@think- see parent. You've researched the OTO -- ever seen any reference to owls?

@gamepwn, you've documented a lot of Moloch owls in various tv shows and movies...ever heard of this being part of the OTO? (see above)

I'm curious how that Hillary email where she talks about the "Owl/Minerva Rule" applying to the removal of Qaddafi might play in, here. We never got to the bottom of that, did we?

I've wondered if it has to do with the famous quote by Hegel:

Only one word more concerning the desire to teach the world what it ought to be. For such a purpose philosophy at least always comes too late. Philosophy, as the thought of the world, does not appear until reality has completed its formative process, and made itself ready. History thus corroborates the teaching of the conception that only in the maturity of reality does the ideal appear as counterpart to the real, apprehends the real world in its substance, and shapes it into an intellectual kingdom. When philosophy paints its grey in grey, one form of life has become old, and by means of grey it cannot be rejuvenated, but only known. The owl of Minerva, takes its flight only when the shades of night are gathering.

Is this the "Owl/Minerva Rule"? Are they using this quote by Hegel to justify Eugenics (if we build it, we’ll be able to justify it philosophicaly)? Wikipedia notes that Hegelianism motivated both Marx and the guy who described fascism.

A connection to the OTO would certainly be an interesting lead in that context. Especially given the way Qaddafi died.

ESOTERICshade ago

"Owl/Minerva Rule"?

Secrecy. Being kept secret. Among other interpretations....

Coloradical2 ago

Moloch is a bull, not an owl.

Vindicator ago

The Eqyptian hieroglyphic for "M" is an owl.

They are associated in Ancient Egypt with suffering and death, and their ability to turn their head 270 degrees, looking forward and back, make them a type of "Y head" or "bicapitate" (two-headed) animal.

think- ago

Thanks for the ping. I didn't come across an owl reference when looking into the OTO, but I will try to dig a bit.

And my - ahem - knowledge of Hegel's philosophy is, unfortunately, very limited... 😎

Vindicator ago

So is mine, but what I read today made my eyes bug out.


I've read somewhere John Lennon's signature doodle is said to be an OTO reference

Latinatrumplover ago

Comey provided the missing [Y] in his tweet from Q's second (duplicate) post. One with the Y and then again without. And a Higher Loyalty is Comey's book.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

...still. I feel queasy about Comey turning out to be on the side of good. Was sooo looking forward to him being hauled off with a tow truck.

derram ago :

General Flynn on Twitter: "RT #spiritcooking w/ #NeveryHillary Y #DrainTheSwamp - NYPD Ready 2 Make Arrests in Weiner Case via @BreitbartNews"

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