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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@Vindicator, will you explain this to me? I don't understand what is so important about this.


All i see is @crensch using his Q-tards as some sort of weapon to prove an impossible position to @esotericshade.

It feels like he thinks he has a right to start a fight with ES here, just because he is barely complying with the rules.

@heygeorge, have you read this sputum?

Crensch ago

Hey, @vindicator, why do you think that shill cunt is pinging heygeorge?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I pinged @heygeorge because I wanted to ask him questions about it. He knows more about Q than I do, and he answers my questions.

I would rather have you and @Vindicator explain it.

heygeorge ago

It’s elsewhere, but the Qdom has been trying to parse the use of [Y] and the talk of Y heads mingled with the global elite. How this post is directly tied to elite global pedophilia I do not grasp.

It seems little more than an advertisement for Q, who is clearly far more invested in the re-election campaign of POTUS than any other interest.

I reckon this meandering post would have been flagged for deletion/resubmission if someone less notable had posted it. To someone without any prior knowledge of Q, it looks like the ramblings of a mentally unbalanced individual and lacking anything resembling coherence.

Of course, none of this is up to me, and never was. Being a usefully talented, humorous, and agreeable individual doesn’t hold nearly as much stock on Voat as it used to.

Perhaps @Vindicator would explain the Q connection more in depth. Ever since @srayzie dropped into the depths, I don’t have a Q buddy to clue me in on the intriqacies.

Vindicator ago

It's directly tied to globalist pedo elite because Flynn, who tweeted the "Y" in association with a reference to the Weiner laptop contents, also was one of the few who tweeted about pizzagate. The Weiner laptop is also related to pizzagate, both because it allowed Weiner himself to be convicted as an elite pedo, and because the agent who investigated its contents noted "Clinton" and "Crime against children" in his notes. Then there is the fact that QAnon has associated the "Y" to the Rothschild masquerade ball, which was a real life Eyes Wide Shut type of shindig which had spirit cooking-type elements, including heads of babies in the centerpieces of the dining room tables.

As for the rambling nature of the post, @Crensch was posting about Flynn's tweet containing the Y, which we had never noticed until Q just re-posted it (even though pizzagaters posted his tweet multiple times at the time he made it, a year before QAnon was anything but a twinkle in Trump's eye). He went on to include all instances of the [Y], for the convenience of those who might want to investigate further, given the pizzagate connections. New pizzagate leads might well be uncovered, were folks on this board to look more into this aspect of the Q leaks.

It's really no different than someone posting all the pics they could find of celebrities wearing red shoes, or making the owl eye gesture, both of which I would also leave up, as long as they were properly sourced and explained their pizzagate premise.

We have over 33,000 posts examining the corruption of elite pedos. QAnon frequently says "You have more than you know". He used our research on the Biltmore Hotel pool's similarity to one depicted in Podesta's art collection to launch a whole series of leaks about the Vanderbilts and Anderson Cooper that introduced "pizzagate" to a whole new "normie" population. It's not a stretch to think if the researchers on this board dug through our trove and pushed some of the findings about Haiti, for example, out onto Twitter, he would use it the same way he did the Biltmore material.

Q has stated repeatedly that the human trafficking stuff was the final phase of the public exposure, after FISA etc. Many folks on this board are irritated by that, because they've been manning their oars a very long time. It's a situation that has been taken advantage of repeatedly by those who wanted to sow discord here in v/pizzagate. Probably BECAUSE Q is most powerful way to mainstream the mind boggling stuff we've found. It wasn't Q posts that Voat's last DDoS targeted; it was pizzagate. Those who want our pizzagate research buried have the most to gain from discouraging discussion of Q here.

heygeorge ago

wasn't Q posts that Voat's last DDoS targeted; it was pizzagate.


Probably BECAUSE Q is most powerful way to mainstream

I disagree with this assertion. I do not find it likely the Qniverse can go mainstream. Perhaps I’m wrong. I believe archived, well-sourced evidence and research unhindered by a modern day Nostradamus clone would stand the best chance. For example, and I will take something very basic and early:

The quiet change of pedo logos and immediate whitewashing of the old at Besta Pizza and online. Almost everywhere. Wow. That it something clear and indicative of disturbing behavior. It really happened, no tinfoil required.


Mysterious cryptic internet D- list celebrity posts about Y’s.

It's really no different than someone posting all the pics they could find of celebrities wearing red shoes, or making the owl eye gesture, both of which I would also leave up , as long as they were properly sourced

A ‘properly sourced’ photo of celebrity P in red shoes at event X published in newspaper Z is a concrete happening. Q postings about the letter [Y] are just ramblings of a person on the internet. It’s not a thing. It’s someone making frequently cryptic assertions at times broad and open to interpretation.

What this post would be more comparable to is if someone posted a series of images of celebrities with red shoes photoshopped on. That is the direct comparison. Would that post stay?

Vindicator ago

Q postings about the letter [Y] are just ramblings of a person on the internet. It’s not a thing.

I disagree. How closely do you follow Q, Heygeorge? He has definitively established that his leaks are emanating directly from the Trump White House, and has asserted that posts must be cryptic in order not to violate laws about leaking classified information, or give too much away. He can only point to what's out there in hopes of people putting the pieces together themselves. Pieces like the excellent Besta logo example that you highlighted.

I've been trying to disseminate stuff like the Besta logo for three years, now, and I can tell you that even at the most viral stage of pizzagate when people's jaws were dropping over Abramovic Spirit Cooking, it was hard to get even Trump-fan family members to take the existence of the pedo elite seriously. But Q has changed all that. Now I have family members, corporate professionals and friends from church who are intrigued by Q and want to be part of the movement they see people sporting bumper stickers and t-shirts for asking me about pizzagate. All of the reliable Q researchers on Twitter and YouTube talk about pizzagate/elite pedophilia as a given rather than an embarrassing hoax.

Because Q established his White House bonafides, his numerous leaks about elite child abuse -- from Pedo Island, the Biltmore pool and Haiti to Hollywood and the S8n Twitter -- amount to backchannel White House confirmation of pizzagate.

Q has mainstreamed it among Trump voters. He did it by predicting future events, revealing inside information, and doing so as an artfully orchestrated game, a puzzle people are invited to engage in helping solve. And he regularly takes their contributions and amplifies them, so the game is interactive.

If you actually believe this "isn't a thing" you've got your head in the sand.

A better question is, what kind of Thing is it? Is it really a crowdsourced effort to Drain the Swamp and take the country back? Or is it just brilliantly weaponized grassroots social networking cloaked in patriotism and saving kids?

Even if you think it's the latter (which many people -- especially survivors -- here do), it's eminently relevant to the investigation of elite child abuse, because that would mean the Q team is exploiting child abuse to consolidate political power and those of us who want to stop it had better be wise to that.

What this post would be more comparable to is if someone posted a series of images of celebrities with red shoes photoshopped on. That is the direct comparison. Would that post stay?

Are you saying @Crensch or QAnon faked something in this post? If so, please point out what, specifically.

If I had someone posting photoshopped images of celebrities in red shoes, and it were proven it WAS photoshopped, I would absolutely leave that post up and flair it DEBUNKED, just like I did with the stupid Frazzledrip crap, the Kevin Annett "tribunal", and the supposed pics showing DEWs igniting forest fires. We have many, many posts in our trove about what disinfo is being pushed to distract from pizzagate. The information warfare to discredit us is absolutely relevant, as Rule 1's definition of pizzagate points out.

A day does not go by on this board where someone doesn't mock those of us who dare to hope there's a real effort underway to stop globalist corruption as if we're idiots or brainwashed. As if hope somehow makes a person weak or helpless. It's kind of humorous, really, because it's exactly the opposite the truth. Hope is the most deadly weapon against evil. Hope leads to perseverence, perseverence builds character, character renews the drive to take the fight to the enemy, that drive makes us learn new skills and we are tempered and honed and become ever more deadly.

SearchVoatBot ago

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