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letsdothis3 ago

Re Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

GRAND RAPIDS, MI — Bethany Christian Services says it will comply with a legal settlement prohibiting adoption agencies with state contracts from turning away same-sex couples.

..Bob Wheaton, a spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, confirmed that Bethany will abide by terms of the settlement.

“The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is pleased that the department will be able to continue its long-standing partnership with Bethany in providing services to children and families,” he said in a statement.

Related voat post by @fogdryer : Colorado adoption agency, claiming a boy brought from China had an undisclosed history of sexual abuse that led to the rape

An Indiana couple is suing a Colorado adoption agency, claiming a teenage boy brought from China had an undisclosed history of sexual abuse that led to the rape of their two younger children. The civil lawsuit was filed against Chinese Children Adoption International (CCAI) on behalf of the couple and their two Chinese boys.

The couple is seeking compensation for damages and an injunction that requires CCAI to put in place protocols to prevent harm to families and their children, according to the lawsuit filed by attorneys from Saeed and Little LLP in Indianapolis. The couple from Terre Haute, Indiana, began adopting Chinese children after their six children became adults, the lawsuit states, adopting a child identified as N in 2014 through Bethany Christian Services.

Migrant Children Are Being Given To An Adoption Agency Linked To Betsy DeVos

Migrant children have gone to Bethany Christian Services, an adoption organization with deep ties to the DeVos family.

.. between 2001 and 2015, the Dick and Betsy DeVos Foundation (the philanthropic organization run by DeVos and her husband) gave $343,000 in grants to Bethany Christian Services.

Between 2012 and 2015, Bethany received $750,000 in grants from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, which is run by the Education Secretary’s father-in-law, the billionaire founder of Amway Richard DeVos, and his wife Helen.

Furthermore, Brian DeVos — a cousin of Betsy DeVos’s husband Dick — was the Senior Vice President for Child and Family Services at Bethany as recently as 2015, and Maria DeVos — who is married to Dick DeVos’s brother Doug — has served on the board of Bethany.

letsdothis3 ago

Between 2012 and 2015, Bethany received $750,000 in grants from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, which is run by the Education Secretary’s father-in-law, the billionaire founder of Amway Richard DeVos, and his wife Helen.

Voat posts re Amway

Stephen Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group, Oxford University, MIT and AI... Think there may be an Epstein connection? Let's take a look..

When I saw AI at MIT/Oxford, I wondered if Stevey boy knows Jeffrey... and came across these most interesting tweets from February.. someone was tracking flights (see tweets for flight path images):


DeVos' (Amway/Spectrum Health) N253DV 2/7-2/8/19 Grand Rapids-D.C. (~1h landing)-Vero Beach DeVoses have a house in Vero Beach but could the flight be connected to Schwarzman, Hannity and Epstein's flight to Palm Beach today (2/8/19)?

Trump called Betsy Devos as his Secretary of Education. The Devos center was exposed for selling baby parts to China.

"Since 1989, Betsy DeVos and her relatives have given at least $20.2 million to Republican candidates, party committees, PACs and super PACs, according to an analysis. (A tabbed spreadsheet is here.) Amway, the multilevel marketing giant now known as Alticor that earned much of the family its wealth, gave another nearly $3.6 million to the party prior to 2002. And that’s just at the federal level — family members have given hundreds of millions more to state and local level politics and to nonprofit groups, think tanks and media outlets championing their favored conservative causes."/end quote.