1m0n2U ago

Totally on board with this theory. I've always believed Will Smith's kids are cloned. His daughter looks like him, while the son looks like the mother. Maybe cloning yourself into the opposite sex is another Baphomet worship similar to transgenderism?

theooeht ago

Maybe cloning yourself into the opposite sex is another Baphomet worship similar to transgenderism?

Oh, nice! Yes, it never even occurred to me! Absolutely this makes complete sense.

So sometimes the mothers are carrying their own clone ... just crazy.

UpVoat for you.

1m0n2U ago

Thanks! Hate to even think about the levels of depravity they stoop to. Creepiness is off the charts with these people.

theooeht ago

Hey, you're welcome.

I wanted to get this out there just in case any of this was true. The signs are there that it is. It's been rumored for years that stars weren't acting the same ... that they didn't look the same. While it could be because of all the cosmetic processes they receive to ''stay young'', there could be this more insidious reason. I mean, if we think about it logically from a financial standpoint, the cabal used to have to kill cash cows when they got out of line. This way, they don't have to. They just slip the clone in place and keeping on milking that cow.

1m0n2U ago

Right on. I've been researching this for some time and completely believe they are far more along with cloning than the general public is led to believe. China basicly has a cloning factory where they're churning out about 100,000 animal clones per year whether they be dogs or cows, but I think humans are part of this, too. And who knows what's going on down in the D.U.M.B.S.

A great YouTube channel about cloned celebrities is Vrillex. He used to post regularly, but it's been a little bit since his last post. He may have moved to a new platform. Two of the most convincing clone theories involves Kodak Black and 21 Savage. What is it with rappers? Are they really the biggest cash cows? Maybe the elite use them to keep old fashioned slavery alive? Trippie Red admits to being a "3rd Generation Clone." Then, there's B.o.B. who's pretty convincing when he's talking about the cloning. Fascinating and terrifying topic indeed!

theooeht ago

Had no idea about the rapper connection. And, yes, rappers are huge cash cows. Remember, they also push their fans towards the ''thug'' life. Now that is something that constantly needs to be replenished. Both to perform and executive operations and to create domestic terrorism in neighborhoods.

I'll check out who you said. Not familiar with the names, but, hey? I can learn.

1m0n2U ago

I hadn't considered the thug life aspect and all that goes with it. I can believe that and it explains why they're using the rappers for cloning projects. Great way to keep the dirty money flowing. Not to mention how many of the rappers are in the closet and used by the elite and other rappers who are trying to keep their heterosexual image. It's really no wonder why Obama invited Lil Wayne and other rappers to the White House.

theooeht ago

Glad you brought up the homosexual aspect.

There is a ton of abuse going on and most of it has been scrubbed from the web. I did a search awhile back, maybe over a year ago and all this stuff came up about rappers speaking and speculation of some success rappers being killed because they were talking about being raped by radio executives. Or talking about little children being raped. Gone. All of it gone. I'll try another search engine, but some of it was on video. I do remember that because it was the rapper's own words.

Yes, they are very victimized and it's a shame.

Synacked ago

Farms. Literal baby farms.

theooeht ago

Yes, I believe that's what we're talking here.

Places to breed and clone before the children are sent to these indoctrination camps like NXIVM.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I think they only resort to cloning for specific bloodlines. Pumping babies into slaves to make more slaves is much easier and less expensive to do the old fashioned way.

theooeht ago

You could well be right. But what they're looking for is still a mystery. What in the genetic markers is a marker for having no soul?

And it stands to reason if your genetic make-up does not include a soul, that a clone would not have one either.

But even with the babies, they are careful as to who they choose.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I suppose the word "soul" has different meanings to different people. I don't believe you can have anything that is alive that doesn't have a soul. Just because people do evil things doesn't mean they don't have a soul, they're just evil. And even that determination is in the eye of the beholder.

theooeht ago

No doubt, but there is such a thing. In esoteric books and teachings, it's mentioned ... including the concept of being born without a soul. I guess it would most closely align with what science has learned about psychopaths. They are natural-born killers with no capacity for empathy. Sociopaths do horrendous crimes also, but they are made that way through trauma-induced shutdown of compassion, etc. I think maybe what you're getting at is that only God can distinguish what is going on inside a killer's heart or mind because sometimes a human being will commit egregious crimes ... a whole series of them ... and somewhere along the line, their conscience kicks in. The sense of regret and the realization that whoever that was was not them. It's what it means in Christianity for no sin to be too great not to be forgiven. But ''we'' have no way of telling of a person saying they regret their actions is being truthful. God is the only Supreme Being that can make such a determination. I would tend to agree with that ... that some people do change, but ....

There are also monsters.

followthedolla ago

One of their big turn-ons is killing their offspring and forcing others to do the same, can't recall which sodomite deity did the same and they just follow the lead

theooeht ago

Holy fucking shit! Was looking around and guess what's coming out in October of 2019?

GEMINI MAN starring Will Smith

And it's about CLONING! The original man and clone do battle!



1m0n2U ago

Ha! Just read your comment about Will Smith and I just commented about him and his kids. There's def something strange about him and his family.

SaneSmith ago

He's a closet Scientologist, he's all sorts of strange.

followthedolla ago

Once you see it all hollywood productions are filled with masonic/satanic symbolism and movies like that are predictive programming and to discredit critic.

Also that movie is coming out on 10.11.2019... 1+0+1+1+2+0+1+9=15 =1+5=6, these moon worshippers are obsessed with numbers and there are no consequences

theooeht ago

Well, the cloning fits in with why David Bowie and others were so concerned about these ''magical children'' that he didn't let any of his semen, hair or nail clippings get into the wrong hands. I go into it in another submission about Crowley. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3220800

The thing is that a lot of stars are concerned about these things, but if they were cloning them, they should be concerned. And semen, bodily fluids, hair and nail clippings all have DNA that can be replicated. The only thing I can't grasp onto is the aging factor. I mean, they would have to wait until the clone were an adult to approximate the age differential. Other than that, yeah, hell, it could work! If some star were acting up, they could threaten to get rid of them and use the clone.

theooeht ago


Hadn't heard it put this way, but imagine being forced to kill yourself?

That's gotta put these wanna-be rising up through the pedo ranks through some psychological torture.

followthedolla ago

Yeah, I bet my balls it's a part of their initiation to kill themselves too, I think Max Speirs talked about it. That Danish banker Bernard something also made remarks about the torture they are forced to go through when rising up the masons ranks

theooeht ago

They would almost have to. I mean, look at what they do to those children.

I believe I did see a movie where that happened. I don't even remember what the movie was, but somehow this guy had to kill the replica. Maybe it was a cyborg and not a clone. Like I said, I don't remember, but it was this highly emotional climactic scene.

An even sicker thought is if a child were made to kill their clone. Now that would break them down. And if you think about it, those women in NXIVM were broken down. They may not want to admit it, but they were so this cabal is expert at torture.

letsdothis3 ago

The possibilities are blowing my mind. So much information is coming out now it's difficult to keep up. Here's a question: any connections with Ghislaine Maxwell and the ocean project she just closed down?

theooeht ago

Since I just ran across the cloning aspect, I haven't had time to investigate the major players involved in this. However, if this is what was going on, I have no doubt she was involved. But the fact Epstein made that flight alone with Junkermann means that this was private Need to Know info.

I ran across an article the other day where it ended with this impassioned statement on the elite turning themselves into gods. I believe this is what they referring to. If they had clones for harvesting and to hide behind, only a very limited few ... those at the top of the pyramid ... would even know the authentic originator of the rest. And this right here, the cloning thing, if that did get out to the public, that would also awaken a good deal of those still sleeping.

Thanks for the comment. I'll try to find that other article and about Ghislaine and others that might be involved ... and try to figure out how.

letsdothis3 ago

I ran across an article the other day where it ended with this impassioned statement on the elite turning themselves into gods.

This is exactly why I have a problem with all those 'scientists' involved with the transhumanist movement and were funded by Epstein and found themselves on a plane nicknamed the Lolita Express. I'm currently reading 'Infiltration' which I think will throw some more 'light' on the matter.. INFILTRATION by Dr Taylor Marshall Book Trailer

theooeht ago

I totally agree with you.

It's the same with mental health professionals allowing children to choose their gender at three and be given hormone blockers at four. While I see nothing wrong with an adult making these types of decisions, for anyone concerned for mental health not to be screaming bloody murder and stopping this, well, it defies logic. The same with cloning ... or even impregnating and seeding the world with this perv's DNA. I would morality / ethics ranks just as high on the Richter scale as IQ. If you have an IQ and no morals, there is no such thing as intelligence inhabiting your body. For anyone to take this seriously, let alone not spread it far and wide that this is what he was doing, is as bad as those that hid what Raniere was doing ... or Church of Satan ... or Manson.

And Dershowitz was right there listening in. While I understand that in certain stratospheres that you rub shoulders against some pretty scummy people, A PEDO?!!!! I mean, come on!

Verite1 ago

With all due respect, doctors are not giving hormone blockers at age 4. That is completely misinformed. They are however counseling adolescents before they go through puberty about their processes and LEGITIMATE trans orientation. And if it is deemed legitimate as a post to a confusing phase, then “countries” are experimenting with administering hormone blockers to suppress puberty until the attain the legal age of 18. And then if the individual is as determined and efinote about his or her gender identity at 18, when they are legal, they can then un suppress the hormones associated with puberty, but administer the hormones that match the gender identity. That way when the individual has transitioned and is “legal” they don’t have the “physical” burden of having been born into the wrong body. It is especially important for males transitioning to females, as once they have transitioned they don’t have a larger more masculine male body. We have hermaphrodite’s that are born with both sets of genitals. Even though it is not common in nature, it is a naturally a curling phenomenon i.e. it is natural according to mother nature and therefore God. So let’s get the science and the facts straight regarding the trans community and their struggles. This is a logical and humane way to treat the topic And this population demographic. If we think about it, it makes a lot of sense so that trans people walking around with a better fit into so-called society and not be the target of misinformed fear mongering intolerant people.

theooeht ago

With all due respect, you are repeating the NWO Globalist Pedo Elite Cabal narrative like a pro. None of what you say is conclusive, and if we're being honest (I am anyway), you know that this is just a foot in the door to enter phase two which begins something like: ''We let children choose their gender so why don't we let them choose who to love?'' This social experimentation is all about putting the onus on children to decide whether or not they want sex which, of course, they can't decide. And, of course, they shouldn't be allowed to decide what gender they'll be either. The fact this conversation is even coming up is harmful enough. The fact that books are being written to foster this conversation is outright abuse.

Let me state clearly that I do understand there are variables at work in human physiology. While most times, babies are born with clear definable genders, there are instances where hermaphrodites are born. Given this, I can envision a situation where the chemistry or brain functioning is at odds with gender. And, further, even if this is not the case, if an adult, for whatever reason, wants to proceed down the transgender path, I have no objection to them doing so. It's their life and they get to decide what to do with it. However, the introduction and grooming of a Gender Identity issue is tantamount to child abuse. In my opinion, what the Satanist Angelina Jolie did to her daughter Shiloh is and was actionable child abuse. The fact the child was missing a front tooth at three is worrisome, but reading about how Jolie hated her daughter sends chills down my spine. Then we get to African adoptions where crazy PedoWood celebrities are adopting children considered orphans when orphans has now been determined to be defined as maybe possibly having one biological parent. Yet another bizarre misinterpretation of a pretty simple word. But the question is why the always adopt the transgender one? With a percentage that is low, it seems every single time a PedoWood crazy celebrity adopts a child, they end up identifying with the sex other than the one they were bestowed with biologically.

As for hormone blockers and my mention of the age of four, I was being snarky and sarcastic, but sarcastic because that is the age that children are nor enrolled for ''transgender camp''? Can the idiocy become more disturbing? But I am not far off the mark because in this article:


The first claim is that Lupron is safe. But thousands of patients who have been treated with Lupron for non-sex-related conditions would disagree.

Lupron was originally Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved to treat prostate cancer, but it’s now routinely prescribed for other conditions such as endometriosis and “precocious puberty” — i.e., puberty that begins too early (generally considered under age eight for girls, under age nine for boys).

To paraphrase, if ''precocious puberty'' begins before eight, girls are routinely given Lupron. The age before eight is seven, so we can deduce with certainty that girls are being given a hormone blocker at least by the age of seven. We can speculate that it's even earlier, but since it does not precisely state that, we will go with seven for girls and eight for boys. These are outrageous ages to be giving anything. But what are the physical effects and ramifications of these drugs? From the link given:

Many of these patients have experienced extreme side effects that shattered their health and their lives, including severe joint pain, osteoporosis, compromised immune systems, and mental health issues such as severe depression and even suicidal ideation. The FDA has received 24,000 reports of adverse reactions, about half of which the agency has deemed serious.

Lupron manufacturer AbbVie has been fighting lawsuits over the drug for years. In one case pending in federal court in Illinois, 60-year-old Terry Paulsen claims she has endured severe medical problems related to receiving two injections of Lupron for endometriosis 14 years ago. “My body is on fire,” she said. “My joints have arthritis everywhere.” Since her Lupron treatment, Paulsen has suffered not only constant pain but strange rashes, severe osteoporosis, and multiple surgeries.

In another lawsuit, gynecologist David Redwine testified as an expert witness about the adverse effects of Lupron he has observed over 31 years of medical practice. Noting that Lupron’s suppression of the pituitary-gonadal system may affect a body’s immune response, Redwine concluded that the plaintiff in that case suffered extreme bone density loss and other symptoms as a result of being administered Lupron beginning at the age of 17.

Many Patients Suffer From Lupron-Related Side Effects

Tragically, many other young patients have endured similar adverse effects. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on a younger patient’s trauma after receiving Lupron treatment for precocious puberty. Now 22, Brooklyn Harbin was injected with Lupron at the age of 10, and soon found herself in such severe pain that she ended up a wheelchair while still in fifth grade.

Dr. Ken Sinervo, an Atlanta-area gynecologist who specializes in endometriosis surgery, reports having seen many women suffering memory loss and joint pain after Lupron treatment. He was quoted as warning that “Lupron or any of the similar types of medications should never be used in someone under the age of 21.”

But of course, all gender dysphoric patients who might be placed on Lupron to delay puberty are years younger than 21. Plus, there’s a serious added danger to using Lupron merely to stop normal puberty in a gender dysphoric child. Such treatment is “off label,” meaning the FDA hasn’t approved the drug for this purpose, nor is there reliable research showing the safety of such use.

The research and consulting firm Hayes, Inc. warned that “the literature is too sparse and the studies [that exist are] too limited to suggest conclusions” about safety and effectiveness of using Lupron and other GnRH agonists on healthy children to prevent normal puberty. The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) points out that puberty blockers alter a patient’s body in myriad ways:

In addition to preventing the development of secondary sex characteristics, GnRH agonists arrest bone growth, decrease bone accretion, prevent the sex-steroid dependent organization and maturation of the adolescent brain, and inhibit fertility by preventing the development of gonadal tissue and mature gametes for the duration of treatment.

Here is another reasoned approach -- one that identifies the problem which is that the child absorbs the burden and the pressure:


“I think it’s putting a lot on the shoulders of these children,” said Dr. Eric Vilain, a pediatrician and geneticist who heads the Medical Genetics division at UCLA. “It’s putting them on a path that will have a lot of medical and surgical consequences.”

Vilain believes early social transitions unfairly push children to thinking they should identity as the opposite sex. He said these transitions can lead to unnecessary medical interventions for transgender kids.

“People telling me that these boys who behave like girls are in fact girl inside -- I’m saying well, where is the girl?” he asked. “Is their brain different? Are their other genes different? I still have not seen that.”

According to Vilain, physicians are far too willing to recommend social transitions for children. As a result, Vilain believes the vast majority of children currently undergoing social transitions in the U.S. might not actually be transgender and, thus, might not be best served by embracing a sex that doesn't match their gender.

"If the children are pushed in this belief it will be much much harder for them to get out of this belief because everyone will have agreed on it very, very early on," Vilain said. "What worries me is that, indeed, there might be in the upcoming years a considerable number of these children that are placed on a path that we don’t fully know the outcome."

Beyond this, I'm very word of this LGBTQ mafia that has developed and bullying all other voices. This burgeoning growth of this mob is becoming not only troublesome, but scary in its influence to shut down diverse opinion. As an early supporter of the movement way back when, I advocated and voted for people of the same sex to marry. Again, I was hooked by the baited line of people have the right to choose who to love. I absolutely believed that and discounted the wise counsel that promised it was a Pandora's box. I thought the notion ridiculous and, oh, how wrong I was! Now we have MEN./ BOYS allowed in women's bathrooms ... in little girl's locker rooms based on a man/boy identifying as a woman/girl not wanting to be in a male locker room, but there is no weight given to women/girls who do not want a pair of male genitals in their face. Then we have the lovely transgender males being allowed to compete in women's sports? Really? Why do you suppose men and women's sports have been kept separate all these years? And when anyone says anything, the freight train is just sent down the hill with hysterical glee. Mario Lopez states a not disrespectful opinion of what is going on and he's made to apologize and threatened with the loss of his job? And last, but not least, we have the ''scholarly'' opinion that there are 15 genders? STOP!

I feel I've been lied to and used. I feel the real agenda is not what it seems. The real agenda is legalizing child molestation and I will not go down that road.

letsdothis3 ago

If you have an IQ and no morals, there is no such thing as intelligence inhabiting your body.
