PT 2. CALIFORNICATION CONNECTION: LA the Cesspool, Crowley, Bowie, the Zodiac Killer and Manson
RELEVANCY: This expands on the connection of Crowley with California. This was alluded to in the original post and Part II will attempt to document his influence of disseminating evil in the bitter pill known as Satanism. It will give substantive proof that: (1) secret societies are connected; and that (2) Crowley's visit to California left a lasting indelible stain that has spread and leaked into all stratas of society. Make no mistake about it, Satanism is the underbelly of the elite cabal.Also to warn you, this is long so I'll have to pull a Swordfish69 and break it up in the replies.
I’ll begin with this:
1:19 Sneak attack by the Zodiac
:51 Coming to the light of day
1:03 You and I both know ... everything must go away ... what'da you say
I chose to use Dark Necessities by the Red Hot Chili Peppers to demonstrate the unyielding popularity/obsession with the dark side and the insistence that they are evil by design. The lingering allure of the Zodiac Killer is alive and well and given tributes vis a vis popular songs, but why? Does The Zodiac hold a special places in their hearts because of what we know of his exploits? Or because of what we don't know? Was he one of them?
But that’s going to take a while to get to, so let me skip to providing absolute proof that Masonry and all the rest of these secret societies are one in the same and completely compatible. While each has their unique spin, these aren’t differences. Instead each amplifies and fulfills the other. In other words, the Satanism Crowley practiced is one in the same as Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and all the rest.
It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools. Its symbolism contains a reunification of the hidden traditions of the East and the West, and its resolution of these traditions has enabled it to recognize the true value of Aleister Crowley’s revelation of The Book of the Law. …
This is how the O.T.O defines this unification. They are the ones proving my point for me. For instance, if Crowley were to go to a Christian church … a legitimate Christian church … do you imagine his manifesto would be compatible with theirs? That it could combine and accepted as compatible with Christ’s teachings? Only if the church were not Christian. And Crowley was not only a member of this O.T.O., he headed the organization:
Aleister Crowley served as the Outer Head of the Order from 1922 until his death in December of 1947.
Further, Aleister Crowley embraced Baphomet … the same Baphomet currently in vogue in PedoWood. The following site tries to debunk Baphomet as not evil. Yeah, just because everyone evil is worshipping Baphomet doesn’t make the horned god evil. Yup, that really bolsters their argument.
Eliphas Levi’s Baphomet was also adopted by Aleister Crowley, most famously in his Gnostic Mass. The deep symbolic nature of Baphomet fit well with Crowley’s interpretations of Renaissance and Medieval ritual magick. It also incorporated familiar elements of binary cosmology that supported Crowley’s hermetic ideology. Crowley described Baphomet as a divine androgyne, representative of mystical perfection through a union of opposites. He also equated this union of opposites to that which occurs when a sperm and egg join. This line of thought, triggered by his reflections upon Baphomet, was profoundly influential in Crowley’s theories of sex magick.
Crowley also connected ideas of suppressed knowledge and secret worship, thus Baphomet, with Satan. He argued that contrary to traditional Christian thought, Satan represented “not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade ‘Know Thyself!’ and taught Initiation. He is ‘The Devil’ of The Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection… He is therefore Life, and Love.”
Oh, I get it now … The Devil is the friend of man so he isn’t bad either. So Baphomet isn’t bad just like Satan isn’t bad. Right … sure. Tell that to the children who’ve been tortured. And because of Baphomet, we have the concept of the ADROGYNE which is also trending in PedoWood and across the country.
With that out of the way, I’d like to next delve into Crowley travels to Los Angeles. One would think that someone of his stature would attract scruntiny, but the absence of information about why he traveled to California is alarming. Who did he visit? Why did he visit? There only seems to be more questions than answers … like this article … it only says that he might have stayed at the Krotona Theosophical Society:
The British mystic visited in November 1915 and described Angelenos as a “cinema crowd of cocaine-crazed sexual lunatics.”
I would say he got that right, but there is significant date I found. The year 1924 is called out for Crowley being in California and staying at a place called the #CECIL HOTEL.
It's here things get strange … or perhaps strange-R. But the curious thing about LA is that there are locations that are haunted … or cursed. These occult incidents … murders … seem to cluster around these hotspots and the Cecil Hotel is one of those places. There have been a series of incidents that have taken place there, including a recent horrific death of a young woman named Elisa Lam. Some of you might have seen the final video taken of this girl in an elevator. It trended for a long time and it really is terrifying. She really seems to be conversing with things that aren't there, but some of you might be confused over my saying ‘’recent’’. After all, if it was recent how could Crowley’s stay in 1924 possibly have anything to do with it? Answer: Plenty … and it ties in with why there are these hotspots … and clustering of people, too.
Yes, as a note of interest, it’s not only strange incidents that happen in these locations. Infamous personalities also show up … personalities that make headlines for all the wrong reasons. For instance the Cecil Hotel is rumored to have hosted Elizabeth Short, of Black Dahlia fame. Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker is another ominous guest. And did you know that the building itself has an ‘’Evil Twin’’.
The Cecil Hotel Had An Evil Twin
A little research turned up something interesting — the Cecil Hotel had a double, and it was located in London. The Cecil Hotel in London was built in 1886 and torn down in 1930. Built of stone block and red brick, this was no rooming house for outcasts, it was in fact #a luxury hotel accommodating corporate power and the global elite.
Did we get that last part? THE GLOBAL ELITE. More:
The hotel had its own built-in masonic hall and so, it was a favorite meeting place for many Freemason lodges in the London area, including those noted for worshiping Lucifer.
LUCIFER? The Cecil Hotel in London? And there it is again. Another source saying that Freemason lodges WORSHIP LUCIFER.
But what about Elisa Lam?
The Poem “Jephthah” And More Bizarre Coincidences
On November 18 of that year, Crowley, still at the Cecil Hotel, was initiated into the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn by its prestigious leader, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. Crowley, always a prolific writer, penned some interesting poetry during his stay at the Cecil, including one in particular that is pertinent to our discussion.
The poem Jephthah, written during his stay at the Cecil, has been cited by conspiracy theorists as somehow foreshadowing Elisa Lam. The poem tells of Jephthah, a Judge of Israel, who ended up burning his daughter as a sacrifice. The daughters name, coincidently, was Seila, which also works as an anagram for Elisa.
I would say that’s pretty compelling stuff. And all the details of the death including the video can be found on the link provided. And here’s another link that provides more details about the Cecil Hotel
YogSoggoth ago
Here is another androgynous incarnation looking to lure children. and
Bern666 ago
Good hunting......a tip for you🖇 Look up Ethereum (crypto) and all in the ETH alliance companies and their logos you will be amazed. Next tip Vitalik Buterin/Joe Lubin new thing Moloch DAO///// 😂
theooeht ago
Thanks for the tip.
Funny you should mention this. Saw a van today with what looked like a head of Satan on it. I guess it was the company's logo for whatever reason. Can't remember the name of the company. It was just that horned head I was staring at.
Vindicator ago
@theooeht, we need some kind of statement about how this relates to the abuse of kids by the global elite, especially for the noobs. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit. Please have a look at our submission rules in the sidebar. Titles really need to show a pizzagate connection as well (for future reference, since they can only be edited for the first 10 minutes).
theooeht ago
Done. Let me know if this is enough.
Vindicator ago
Yep. That's better. Thank you. Flair removed. :-)
think- ago
My suggestion would be to link to part 1 on top of your OP, so that people can read the old post first.
theooeht ago
Oh, yeah!
Of course ... will do.
Didn't even occur to me.
think- ago
Thank you. Much appreciated.
theooeht ago
UR welcome.
derram ago :
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shewhomustbeobeyed ago
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theooeht ago
(CONTINUATION OF 3 OF 3) Here’s an excellent article on whether Manson was behind The Zodiac crime spree.
So this fits in with Lucifer rising. Remember the Red Hot Chili Peppers? ‘’Everything must go away.’’ And Black Sun or for Bowie ‘’Black Star’’. And Ophiuchus is indeed the Holder of the Snake. And there is what we started out with … with the connection Rosales drew between Raniere and The Zodiac Killer. There it is with Aleister Crowley: ‘’The Zodiac Killer, along with Crowley, believed they could gather slaves for the afterlife.’’
But again, how does something done so long ago affect what is taking place now? Here is where speculation comes in and a theory that I will share. This is not a ‘’claim’’ and I have no proof except for the evidence. A theory would have to fit the evidence. So the theory is that magickal rites and rituals are intended to affect DARK MATTER. The results are not instantaneous. It ‘’packs’’ or ‘’stacks’’ Dark Matter, changing and altering what is to be by feeding it what it needs to be altered … influenced. Dark Matter is the precursor of what is to be.
Someone asked me if I’d get to Luciferism … Dark to Light …
This is the principle. This is Dark Matter to existence.
think- ago
check out the videos about the Gotthard tunnel opening in Switzerland - speciifically those that show the part of the ceremony that took place inside the tunnel.
It shows a black sun rising.
The whole ceremony is very obviously a satanic ritual. It tells the story of some villagers, but unlike in the traditional folk tale, the devil wins in the end.
@letsdothis3 @swordfish69
YogSoggoth ago
Black hole sun, soundgarden, same thing.
21yearsofdigging ago
Not for me. There is a HUGE struggle but in the end, good wins out. They won for so long but that time is short plus timelines only exist in this dimension. Lots more going on than meets the 'eye'
think- ago
Yes. I only meant the perverted version of the old folk tale that was used for the ceremony, not the development of things in general.
theooeht ago
That was the Nazi symbol. And Blackstar ... Black Sun ... Bowie was said to admire Hitler, but he put that down to "Crowleyism", and it might be true. People are influenced. Especially when they down three million drugs. It's hard for me to think straight when I have a beer so I can imagine what they go through.
That one link about I think O.T.O ... the Solar Lodge was it? That instructing women to hate their children while pregnant. To me, that sounded so much like Angelina Jolie and the way she hated Shiloh. There was a real hatred.
I can't wait until I get to the third part of this. There's a quote from somebody quit unexpected about this separate group of Democrats and how they're trapped with nowhere to go. Paraphrasing, of course, but the person was onto something. They knew what was going on and it was that faction that has been silently eroding away the good people involved in politics and/or controlling them through this blackmail.
letsdothis3 ago
Appreciate the work you must have put in for this post (and the previous ones)..
However, Satanists are the serfs to the Luciferians. The MSM like to paint the 'alt-right' as bible thumping 'conspiracy theorists' who see Satanists as Devil-worshipping crackpots. Meanwhile, so-called Satanists like the Satanic Temple say 'we're atheists, nothing to see here folks, we're just demonstrating against Christians'. Meanwhile we have organisations like the Lucis Trust at the United Nations, at the heart of globalism, who the majority of people are still unaware of and who are preparing for the Second Coming of the Prince of Light. Bush: ' A Thousand Points of Light'... Child Care ' Bright Horizons' ...New Christmas Celebrations increasing in importance in cities worldwide.. 'Festival of Light' .. the high-speed train from Las Vegas to the fire devastated areas of California like Paradise Brightline... It's not difficult to spot...
theooeht ago
Well, you see, you're parsing between Lucifer and Satan. I'm telling you that most people don't care. They would see Luciferians as Satanists ... hence the folding in and blending of Thelema with the O.T.O. and Rosicrucians, and Masons, and whatever the hell else they're calling themselves these days. I think it's best if we stick to Satanists. There's Satanic Ritual Abuse which we know is real. There is not Luciferian Ritual Abuse ... although there is.
There is also a really good reason that I'm not about to switch and get into esoteric distinctions. It has to do with this specific terminology used in something that will appear in Part III. Yes, it has to do with Satan and an extremely important event which occurred. This term, "Satan" was used and not "Lucifer". So, yes, Lucifer is a distinction ... point noted. But it is Satanism and Satanism will be the topic of the next post. Thanks.
letsdothis3 ago
We're not 'most people' here on Voat. There's a huge distinction between the two.
Yes, it's real. There are also psyops around that topic instigated by Luciferians to discredit communities like this one.
Another tease :-)
I await the next instalment :-)
theooeht ago
(CONTINUATION 2 OF 3) But what of Crowley’s influence? We know the cover of Sgt. Pepper features him … and that Ozzy Osborn sang about him, but in terms of Crowley’s stint in LA and the lasting influence, one of the best evidence involves singer David Bowie. Seems he had quite a bad time in LA ... and hints of Mr. Crowley ushering it in.
WHOA! No, seriously … WTH. What was that again? And what does 'creating a satanic [version of him] Rosemary's Baby'style'' even mean? And speaking of Rosemary, did you know Ted Bundy named his daughter “Rose”?
In any event, here is Bowie, in his own words, describing his time in LA:
Of course we have this famous picture of Bowie imitating Crowley’s dress and pose and even one of him adopting a Baphomet pose. So whether what he said is the truth, we’ll never know.
I don’t know what to believe. Especially about Bowie being afraid of a magickal doppelganger … this Rosemary’s Baby-type child ….? It doesn’t really make sense, does it? The Devil having sex with Mia Farrow (Rosemary) was what caused her to become pregnant with his child. So how would that work exactly? Does David have a vagina that I don’t know about? And even if he did, AND could emit sperm, how would it be his double? Am I missing something? I mean, I am familiar with Crowley's, MOONCHILD, a novel he wrote. It was said the diet outlined in the book was what was given to Sharon Tate, but I can see that those allegations have been scrubbed from the web. nd of the time Jack Parsons spent with L. Ron Hubbard. Here is an archived link to a detailed article. And pls note that:
So there it is. The nexus of producing magickal children out of thin air. This:
‘’…dripping animal blood on runes, and masturbating in order to 'impregnate' magical tablets.’’
Of course, this is the takeoff point for Bowie thinking they produce another him. By getting a hold of his sperm or intimate body parts (like hair, fingernails, etc.), he thought a doppelganger of him could be produced. This answers so much … like the rumors of celebrities being offed and having a double take their place. It goes back to the original ‘’Paul is dead’’ rumor. George Harrison calls the imposter ‘’Faul’’. And there is the quote about Bowie drinking milk and eating Peppers. Is that why the album was named Pepper? And is this is the template for producing and recreating an exact double. In Rosemary’s Baby, it was not an exact double. It was the son of The Devil to challenge God’s son. So these are two different processes apparently. The experimentation Parsons and Hubbard carried out with “The Scarlet Woman” Marjorie Cameron. Here is an interesting tidbit about her:
I wanted t be sure to include this because the Kabbalah and Hebrew lettering are a part of this. They fit in and will be examined more deeply in Part III of this series.
But what of this OTO? Was Manson a member? He has been named as a member of the Solar Lodge that had its own set of crimes going on. Here seems to be a pretty good detailing. But they rely heavily on Manson’s name not being found in the FBI records. Given the recent revelations about the FBI, can credence really be given to this? Doubtful.
Also denied is Manson’s involved with Scientology. Note that Crowley is involved with these organizations.
But was Manson the Zodiac Killer?
Note how author Howard Davis is savaged for this theory? Sort of like the bullying tactics this group uses, don’t you think? And remember, that Ted Bundy was operating at this exact same time and WAS ACTIVE IN CALIFORNIA!
lopus ago
huh.. many Bowiefans would have loved a Doppelganger Bowie for themselves... LOL. I am a big Bowie fan. And of course it would creep me out if he was on the wrong side.
It think, that he probably was involved with the evil powers at the begin of his carreer, but that he was not very fond of them and drowned himself in cocaine, until moving to Berlin, where he made a radical cut with the past.
I also think that he probably witnessed some evilness at his time in L.A. - or even took part. But I also think he did not really enjoy it. Think of his album "outside" from the nineties. It was based of a "diary he wrote in the 70ties"... and it's about the horrible murder of a 15 years old girl "Baby Grace", and some evil people kidnapping her and giving her drugs - and in the end her murder was called an "art crime" - a horrible murder as art!
In the nineties everyone just thought it was a reaction to artists like Damian Hirst and all those Psychopath-movies. But, you never know... as I now learned about Abramovic and her ilk I started to listen to "Outside" in a different way... what if he wanted to tell the public something...?
Bowie always refused to talk about that time in the seventies, he always said, he cannot remember, as having taken too much cocaine.
Interesting people here are his manager DeFries allegedly had worked fot the DOD! and Bowie's first wife Angie, who indeed helped him to become "Ziggy" and famous, was American and daughter of an Army veteran. I do not say anything against Army veterans, but didn't we find out, that many of those rockstars of the 60ties came from Army-families? (MKULTRA?).
So maybe these people helped Bowie, who was struggeling for years, to become famous...? (just a thought) And then maybe he cut the strings when moving to Berlin..? Well, that would make sense to me. He stopped being "Ziggy" - the creature his manager created and went to Berlin, which was sourrounded by "the wall" then, to record experimental albums "Heroes" and "Low"...
Or maybe he joined another "club", that helped and protected him afterwards? Well, could also make sense, although I do not know, what other "club" that could have been.
theooeht ago
I'm actually with you on this. I'm not sure about Bowie.
I really can't figure out if the break was sincere ... and whether all those songs were done as a way to tell us outsiders what was going on. And if there were indeed a cult murder, he legitimately might have amnesia, although I suspect that part is untrue. I believe he always remembered and him saying he didn't kept him alive.
I know for a fact he was not exclusively going after young girls ... so the pedophile part ... not sure. I met a woman he slept with on tour and he wasn't young ... and neither was she. She was a stunner ... and his type ... but it certainly wasn't age.
I brought the doppelganger up because there has been TONS of discussions about this on Voat and other forums. People insist Beyonce isn't Beyonce, and Paul was swapped out. Somebody even suggested that the entire group was swapped out and that The Beatles were all doppelgangers. But these wouldn't be doppelgangers, these would be magickal children. Is there a difference? I would think so.
And I remember a lot of talk about Tate and that diet she was on. Also the lifestyle. It was identical to the Crowley Moonchild regime outlined in his book ... so what was that about? I would swear up and down that baby wasn't Polanski's. And I don't think it was a case of her having an affair and lying. I believe she believed it was.
So Bowie remains an enigma and is only included to confirm Crowley's tremendous influence on LA. It also confirms that these people are under intense pressure ... pressure like we can't believe because there's ''magic'' that will get them. So the intent was not to do a wrap-up smear on him, it was to more confirm since he is on tape saying this. It's not somebody saying he said it. There aren't too many other examples. One notable one is the Jolie video.
lopus ago
yes, agree about the pedophile stuff. Bowie might have been promiscous and slept with a lot of people, also (too young) groupies included (think Lori Maddox), but I never saw him as a typical pedo chasing the young.
I also do not think that he was really gay - maybe a bit bisexual. But when you have a look on his "taste" in partners, you will mostly find very tall + confident women - some of them with a touch of masculinity (guess he might have been attracted by Michael Obama, lol!).
But, yes he was interested in Crowley (listen to "Quicksand") - and also fascinated. I read that he also was in touch with Kenneth Anger. And he liked William Burroughs. But I also think that he was "too cool" to get really into this. His fascination seems to me like the fascination of a scientist and spiritual researcher.
Later in his life he lived like a rather conservative family man, taking care for his daughter, which, I think, is pretty normal.
theooeht ago
Women: high cheekbones, strong defined jaw, large expressive eyes. That's what he liked in addition to the characteristics you mentioned.
I don't know. I think someone with a curiosity would find all this fascinating and want to dig into it. But at some point, when you found out what they were doing, I would think he'd back away. But then again, he was in the music biz and wanted to make movies. While you can make movies elsewhere, the primo location is .... yup .... PedoWood. So I can readily see how he ended up in that cesspool.
Like I said, I don't know. This whole pizzagate thing has taken my blinders off on some that I have admired for a long time. But those are pretty well proven to be scumsucking pedos. Him? Maybe he danced in two worlds? He understood and absorbed the occult and infused his works with these concepts while trying not to actually do harm? Or get involved with those that carried out harm? I mean, there's the theory of sacrifice, but if really did see a girl drugged and killed ... quite a difference, eh? And what if you were at an event that posed as "art" and you saw this? Everybody is standing around and you can't start shouting, "STOP! STOP! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" or either: (1) you'll end up suffering the same fate; or (2) your career will be ended and your life ruined. Now some might think the latter is the worse of the two fates.
So here we have a guy that always acted polite ... and I know that he acted nicely because the woman I met told me how nice he was and how they'd corresponded after the hookup. No ill-temper, arrogance, or egotism displayed. Just a nice guy, but is that all he was. Would he really let anyone know the secrets if they weren't in the cabal? Plus every single scumbag heretofore has been branded with the image of being "the nicest person". Think Gaga. Think Spielberg. Hell, you mention Spielberg isn't and you have no life left ... not in PedoWood you don't. So until something more conclusive comes down on Mr. Bowie, he'll remain an enigma. But digging on the daughter might reveal something. Usually it's through their kids you can see how sick they were. I'm thinking Cobain. I'm thinking Jolie. I'm thinking Theron. I'm thinking, Stefani. I'm thinking Will & Jada Pinkett Smith. Oh, and Iman also. I've never heard anything the least bit scandalous about her and she seems like such a lovely person what with her giving her clothes away. And she was devoted to him. Sometimes that's a way you can tell. What they draw to them and who cares about them. But not with pizzagate. Nothing is a surety in this sick game.
think- ago
You might want to look into the painter Balthus, who did pedo art, and his son, stan Klossowski I think is his name.
He was Bowie.s blueprint for the Ziggy stardust personality. He's heavily into alchemy, and wrote several books about it. Got a lot of his knowledge from his father, who was friends with a lot of our usual suspects, like Bono, the Dalai Lama, Madonna etc.
theooeht ago
Will do that.
I might revisit this entire subject with more particulars, but the next part will be onto something else ... something I never heard about and is so crucial to what is transpiring.