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letsdothis3 ago

Inspiring video. I hope you don't mind that I use this post to do a data dump of new connections to pizzagate and other controversies as I try to get my head around the whole vaccine scandal:

Starting with Jonathan Salk, son of polio vaccine scientist Jonas Salk (one of the founders of the Salk Institute):

Jonathan Salk is co-author with his father, the late Jonas Salk, of A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future. ..Jonathan is a highly respected adult, child, and adolescent psychiatrist. A graduate of Stanford University and the University of Southern California School of Medicine, he completed his training at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine where he is currently Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry. He has lectured and taught about the theory and practice of psychiatry and is in full-time private practice, as well as Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council and member of the Advisory Board of the Population Media Center.

About gridCONNEXT

gridCONNEXT convenes world-class experts to explore and unleash market innovations enabling the transition to a modern 21st century grid...With the rapid adoption of cost-competitive clean energy, energy storage, and electrified transportation – along with new business and regulatory models supporting resiliency, zero-carbon resources, and customer choice – this event offers an unprecedented opportunity to connect with key stakeholders and explore what’s next in the utility sector.

Past Representatives from Select Organizations [include]:

Amazon Web Services (AWS); Citigroup; Dentons; IBM; Lockheed Martin; New York Power Authority (NYPA); Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E); Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL); ProterraRappahannock Electric Cooperative; Schneider Electric

The GridWise Alliance represents the broad and diverse group of stakeholders that design, build, and operate the electric grid.

Clean Edge, Inc., founded in 2000, serves corporate, government, NGO, utility, and financial clients working to transition to a low-carbon, clean-tech future.

SALK Institute and Planned Parenthood .. See Genesis of the Salk Institute: The Epic of Its Founders By Suzanne Bourgeois

SALK Institute and the GULBENKIAN Institute

Some of those listed below were present at the IGC for only part of the year. Jan Andersson (Univ. Stockholm/FCG) Jorg Dieter Becker (Univ. Bielefeld/FCT) José António Belo (FCG) Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte (Salk Inst./FCG) Sergiy Bobrovnyk (Palladin Inst. Biochemistry, Kiev/OTAN) Paula Parra Bueno (FCT) Jorge Carneiro (FCT) Cláudia Rocha Carvalho (Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais/FCG) António Gil Pereira de Castro (ICBAS/FCT) Pierre-André Cazenave (Univ. de Paris VI/Inst. Pasteur/CNRS /FCT) Sukalyan Chatterjee (FCG/FCT) Melvin Cohn (Salk Inst./FCT) Suzanne Bourgeois Cohn (Salk Inst.)

Voat posts re GULBENKIAN Institute

Relation to the United Nations?...

At the UN under Secretary General Antonio Guterres there has been entirely unaddressed bribery, including offers of weapons for oil by UN non governmental organization China Energy Fund Committee of Ye Jianming which Guterres refuses to even audit - while roughing up and banning the Press which asks him about it.

On December 21 after Guterres and his spokesman had not answered a single one of Inner City Press' 35 written questions during the week and Guterres prepared to take off on another 11 day trip to Lisbon, still-banned Inner City Press reported and shows that Guterres has essentially killed off the UN's already weak public financial disclosure system. Guterres' own most recent online disclosure is from 2016, here, and it omits for example his listed role through 2018 in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Now this, which we report exclusively - the China Energy Fund Committee, implicated in the UN bribery conviction of Patrick Ho, has been linked to Guterres' Gulbenkian..

Other links...HHMI, Bill & Melinda Gates, Wellcome Trust and Gulbenkian select 41 International Research Scholars -

Any further connections with Luciferianism?...Yvette K. Centeno - literature and alchemy: She is the Director of the ACARTE Service of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

RELEASED in FULL: UNHCR 2002 'Sex for Aid' West Africa report corroborates long-term abuses, where no action had been taken to monitor or redress reports by @kestrel9

Peter Newell and Rachel Hodgkin have been involved in the setting-up of no fewer than eight of the most important organisations involved in children’s rights, including the Children’s Rights Office and the Children’s Rights Development Unit. All have enjoyed the support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Gulbenkian Foundation Charles Napier of PIE – worked for Nucleus – also funded by Gulbenkian Foundation

For newbies: PIE stands for the Pedophile Information Exchange

Also mentioned in this post by @think- European Commission Is Putting Paedophiles' Privacy Ahead Of Fighting Online Child Abuse

Then of course we can find a connection with Marina Abramovic in: Marina Abramovich with the Dutch Queen Beatrix. The Queen wears for the occasion a pizza brooch!

The British oiligarchs, including the British crown with its hidden controlling stake in Anglo-Persian Oil and the Rothschild’s merchant Marcus Samuel at Royal Dutch Shell, sought to counter this German threat to their commercial and strategic interests. They used Armenian-born naturalized British citizen Calouste Gulbenkian–the architect of the Royal Dutch / Shell merger–in


The Dutch royal family not only gave its royal imprint to Royal Dutch Petroleum, they are still rumoured to be, along with the Rothschilds, one of the largest shareholders in Royal Dutch Shell, from the days when Queen Wilhelmina’s Anglo-Dutch Petroleum holdings and other investments made her the world’s first female billionaire right through to today. Bernhard’s guest list at the Bilderberg Group reflected his position in the oiligarchy; alongside him at the Swedish conference were David Rockefeller of the Standard Oil dynasty and his protege Henry Kissinger, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, E.G. Collado, the Vice President of Exxon, Sir Denis Greenhill, director of British Petroleum, and Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Bernhard’s own Royal Dutch Shell.


The oiligarchs’ interest in the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry converged in companies like I.G. Farben, a drug and chemical cartel formed in Germany in the early 20th century. Royal Dutch’s Prince Bernhard served on an I.G. Farben subsidiary’s board in the 1930s and the cartel’s American operation, set up in cooperation with Standard Oil, included on its board Standard Oil president Walter Teagle as well as Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., itself headed by Jacob Schiff of the Rothschild broker family. At its height, I.G. Farben was the largest chemical company in the world and the fourth largest industrial concern in the world, right behind Standard Oil of New Jersey.

The reference to IG Farben is interesting because that company was known for producing dyes and insecticies which contained ingredients which match the symptoms of polio according to these articles ..continues below...

letsdothis3 ago

The Polio Myth

This poster appeared during the time when they thought a still undiscovered virus was causing the polio epidemics - a virus that must be spread by flies. Such adverts led to a greatly increased use of insecticides - which tragically were found by leading scientists working for US government agencies to cause precisely the same kind of paralytic damage to the spinal column nerves that were found in cases of polio. Their research simply was ignored...

Pesticides in Agriculture

Watson records the history of the development of pesticides and the pesticide industry explaining, for example, that many compounds used as early, non-selective pesticides, such as copper acetoarsenite, or Paris Green, a toxic dye, were by-products of industrial processes. Other substances used as pesticides included compounds of arsenic, mercury and sulphur as well as nicotine and hydrogen cyanide. Clearly such pesticides were as potentially lethal to those who used them as to the pests they were intended to destroy.

..It is interesting to note that some of the leading agro-chemical companies of the 20th century developed their expertise in pesticide chemistry as manufacturers of chemical warfare agents. Organophosphorus compounds, for example, act on the nervous system of mammals and insects inhibiting irreversibly the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This causes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to overload the nervous systems of affected organisms with constant transmission of signals between motor neurons, resulting in eventual death. The nerve agent Novchok, a topic of international news in 2018, is an organophosphate-based compound. Other examples include Tabun, based on insecticide development by the German chemical company, I.G. Farben in 1936, and VX, a nerve agent developed at Britain’s Porton Down defence laboratory in the 1950s and based on the organophosphate insecticide, Amiton.

Paris Green

Paris green (copper(II) acetate triarsenite or copper(II) acetoarsenite) is an inorganic compound. It is a highly toxic emerald-green crystalline powder[3] that has been used as a rodenticide and insecticide,[4] and also as a pigment, despite its toxicity. It is also used as a blue colorant for fireworks.

At the turn of the 20th century, Paris green, blended with lead arsenate, was used in America and elsewhere as an insecticide on produce such as apples. The toxic mixture is said "to have burned the trees and the grass around the trees".

[Many paralyzed children who were diagnosed with polio were found in apple orchards..]


Arsenic - atomic number is 33

septimasexta ago

Thanks for the leads. Salk info especially interesting.

letsdothis3 ago

Also, I forgot to include this link.. Jonathan Salk weirdly on Reddit

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks . Yes, the Salk stuff is eye opening. Going to look further. (Just fixed the broken link to the book showing some relationships between Planned Parenthood and the beginnings of the Salk Institute). This is beginning to look like some very dark stuff.

auralsects ago

Ya a jew and an Armenian, imagine that

septimasexta ago

Remember, Gate's father was head of Planned Parenthood:

"Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation"