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letsdothis2 ago

So many barristers at Blackstone Chambers .. I'll start with Anthony Lester, Baron Lester of Herne Hill,_Baron_Lester_of_Herne_Hill

a member of several organisations working for racial equality such as the Society of Labour Lawyers, Fabian Society, Council of the Institute of Race Relations, British Overseas Socialist Fellowship and the National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants.[7] In 1968, he co-founded the Runnymede Trust think-tank with Jim Rose. He was chairman of the Runnymede Trust from 1991 to 1993. Lester is a member of the Joint Committee on Human Rights.

Lester is a patron of the Family Planning Association, previously called the National Birth Control Committee. He represented the FPA in a contentious case in Northern Ireland where it was widely claimed that the FPA were trying to use strategic litigation to introduce liberalised abortion laws into the country.

Lester is Patron of the FPA (Family Planning Association) and a member of the Joint Committee on Human Rights. Lester was special advisor to Roy Jenkins at the Home Office in the 1970s – when Jenkins was concealing the paedophile gang in north Wales in his capacity as Home Secretary (see post ‘The Most Dangerous Man In The World – Part I), although it’s obvious from Lester’s other affiliations that Roy was certainly not the only person known to Anthony Lester who was concealing child abuse or the associated abuses in the mental health services.

Lester was given his peerage in 1993. Once those five witnesses to the activities of the paedophile gang in north Wales were safely dead after the firebomb attack (see post ‘The Silence Of The Welsh Lambs’), once Sir Peter Morrison had stepped down as MP for Chester, once Mary Wynch had been shafted by Michael Howard at the Home Office (see post ‘A Few Of The Relevant Politicians Re Mary Wynch’s Case’) and once the North Wales Police had satisfied themselves that there was not a paedophile ring in operation in north Wales. The North Wales Police who at the time employed Superintendent Gordon Anglesea who later went to prison for abusing children in care in his capacity as a member of the paedophile ring which did not exist.

In 2007 Lester acted as Jack Straw’s advisor when Straw was Secretary of State for Justice.

Lord Lester practices at Blackstones Chambers. His colleagues there include Michael Beloff QC. Michael Beloff is a friend of the Blairs and was the legal advisor who in 1996 ordered the insurers of Clwyd County Council which ran the ‘child protection’ services investigated by the Jillings Inquiry to withold from everyone (even the Councillors) – and then pulp – all copies of the Jillings Report on the grounds that what happened to the children was indefensible.

letsdothis2 ago

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

The Foundation is based in Kings Cross, London, and has a staff of approximately twenty-eight. Trustees include James Hughes-Hallett (chairman), Sir David Bell, Tom Chandos, Joe Docherty, John Fairbairn, Beatrice Hollond, Thomas Hughes-Hallett, Kate Lampard, Sir Jonathan Phillips and William Sieghart, Eleanor Updale.

Sir David Bell

Sir David Robert Bell KCB (born March 1959 in Glasgow) is a public policy analyst who is Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Sunderland.[1] He was previously Vice-Chancellor of the University of Reading for 6 years.[2] Prior to that, he was Permanent Secretary at the Department for Education[3] and its predecessor departments from 3 January 2006 until 2012. Before that he was Chief Inspector of Schools at the Office for Standards in Education from 2002.

Melanie Shaw tweet

Why do ppl think Melanie has never been mentioned in newspapers, tv or radio ?

Chairman of Media Standards Trust was Sir David Bell who is Common Purpose trained & Chairman of Trustees of Common Purpose.

Mel is caught in CP web. All UK agencies are CP traind
