grantedrights ago

@septimasexta @letsdothis3 follow the wifes @qdini > Br!n F*ckerzwerg & Lee Harvey O .. pharmacist ... swald

what relates season 3 Utopia to > ""Foundation""

Ger.trude Stein was an American author and poet best known for her modernist writings, extensive art collecting and literary salon in 1920s Paris.

why was D1vina InS1dia shelfed ? the trailer had put davinci code to shame @corpse_washer :-D

and yeah the "forced" is the key point .. maybe evil smart dust works better that way.. HAARP $ back to ahuwahzeus > psychotronic / orsini

@ bern666 @ masterluzifer :-D

@13buddha The Satanic Temple's Rapid Increase in Membership, Recent Granting of

Tax-Exempt Status, thats what i m preaching :-DD weak link huge impact > flat tax on consumption .. taking care on AMAZ!ON robotax as well !

and Creation After School Satan Clubs

so let people watch & share

Corpse_washer ago

I dont speak frog so i wouldnt know. The description is shady, yes.

Corpse_washer ago

I dont really watch movies, i looked up the book.

grantedrights ago

thats the point > the film was well in the making .. then scrubbed .. than guy unheard off

kinnda validates the book kinnda EXTRA ~~~~



Corpse_washer ago

Well, im not going to learn french to read it even if it contains the recipe for the elixir of immortality. However, it does not necessary validates a book that its movie adaptation is cancelled. Most books are too complex to make a movie from it and have the audience understand the meaning and you could argue that an important book should be read and not eviscerated by making a dumb movie from it. In my experience, nothing is really hidden, or is hidden in plain sight by making a movie about it. If you ban something, people will get curious why it is banned. Having it in french is close enough to banning anyway. I would need to read it to form an argument further about its content.

grantedrights ago

argos :-D

septimasexta ago

Children’s Health Defense: The Dangers of Gardasil

septimasexta ago


"A shortage of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in China has led thousands of women to seek treatment in neighboring countries, causing price increases and vaccine shortages, reports the Financial Times (FT).

This is important since 28% of the world’s cervical cancer patients are reported to be in China.

These Chinese women are concerned they will not be able to complete their vaccinations on schedule to prevent cervical cancer.

The Chinese market currently features Merck's original Gardasil, which protects against just 4 types of HPV, and Cervarix from GlaxoSmithKline, which protects against 2 types.

It appears that during October 2017, Gardasil 9 became ‘temporarily on limited supply.’ Merck, Gardasil’s manufacturer, said they ‘expect this vaccine shortage to continue through July 2018.’ "‘delay-or-shortage


"Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) has been identified as the cause of cervical cancer."

Determinants of cervical human papillomavirus infection:differences between high and low onocogenic risk types, PK Chang et al, J Infect Dis 185(1):28, 2002. A survey of Hong Kong women who participated in cervical cancer screening found that the overall prevalence of HPV was 7.3%. Previous induced abortion was an 87% statistically significant increased risk for HPV for women at high risk for HPV, a 51% statistically significant increased risk for women with any HPV, and a 97% statistically significant increased risk for women with unknown risk for HPV. Other risk factors for HPV included lifetime number of sexual partners, smoking, and having smokers in the family.

"Induced Abortion in Taiwan," P.D. Dong, R.S. Lin, J. Royal Soc. Health 100-108, April, 1995 In a study of 17,047 women in Taipei, Taiwan who attended family planning services centers in 1991-1992 55% of the women had a normal Pap smear, 44% had an atypical finding and only 0.9% had dysplasia. A significantly positive trend was found between those women having had increasing numbers of induced abortions and the incidence of cervical dysplasia (P<0.01)

"Papillomavirus Infection Among Abortion Applicants and Patients at a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic," P.A. Csango et. al.. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 19(3): 149, May/June 1992. A Norwegian study found that 6.1% of induced abortion applicants had human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The proportion of high-risk HPV was 89.7%. HPV appears to be a risk factor for cervical cancer.

"Induced abortion as cancer risk factor: a review of epidemiological evidence," Larissa I. Remennick, J. Epidemiol Community Health 44(4): 259-264, Dec. 1990. This article reviewed several studies on women in the Soviet Union and surrounding areas. It was reported that the majority of cervical cancers in Armenia were registered in three cities where induced abortion rates have been high. Where induced abortion rates have been lower in other regions, cervical cancer incidence has also been lower. Similarly, induced abortion and cervical cancer is high in migrant women, while cervical cancer and induced abortion is low in indigenous women. The author suggested that mechanisms of induced abortion influence on cervical carcinogenessis may be multiple. The first mode of action may be via general endocrine stress in the reproductive system resulting from termination of pregnancy related processes. Another is through mechanical trauma and possible infection associated with the dilation and curettage or incomplete evacuation of the embryo and placenta. Chronic inflammatory lesions may arise in cervical tissue on the site of this trauma, as well as cell abnormalities. In the course of time, the latter may undergo malignant transformation and/or facilitate the action of exogenous carcinogenic agents.

"Human Papillomaviris Infection and Other Risk Factors For Cervical Neoplasia: A Case-Control Study," E.A. Morrison, G. Ho, S.H. Vermund, G.L. Goldberg, A.S. Kadish, Int'l Journal of Cancer 49:6-13,1991. A case-control study of inner city women in a Bronx, New York hospital during 1986-88 found that infection with human papillomaviris (HPV) was the major risk factor for cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions."

letsdothis3 ago

This is all really beginning to make sense now..

About the Design Futures Council

The Design Futures Council is an interdisciplinary network of design, product, and construction leaders exploring global trends, challenges, and opportunities to advance innovation and shape the future of the industry and environment. Members include architecture and design firms, building product manufacturers, service providers, and forward-thinking AEC firms of all sizes that take an active interest in their future.

In 1993-94, at the Smithsonian Castle on the East Coast and at the Salk Institute on the West Coast, a network of regional and national design firms began sharing ideas, benchmarks, and proprietary financial analysis with each another.

..During this time, Greenway Consulting was working with other clients allied to the design professions who became enthusiastic about supporting the network. Those clients included Cecil Steward of the University of Nebraska, Doug Parker of Steelcase, Jonas Salk of the Salk Institute, Jerry Hobbs and Paul Curran of BPI/VNU Communications, and Arol Wolford of CMD. In addition, principal leaders from Gensler; Skidmore, Owings and Merrill; Hammel, Green and Abrahamson; Perkins and Will; CommArts; and two dozen other firms provided leadership vision and energy.

Shortly thereafter, this leadership network officially became the Design Futures Council. They met in the offices of Greenway Consulting in Washington, D.C., and in meeting rooms at the Smithsonian Institution’s Castle. Invitations for programs and sharing of ideas came from the American Institute of Architects, the American Consulting Engineers Council, the Industrial Designers Society of America, the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, the World Future Society, the International Interior Design Association, the American Society of Interior Designers, the Design-Build Institute, the Design Management Institute, and many colleges and universities.

Notable Senior Fellows [include]:

David Childs, Consulting Design Partner, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill; Steve Chu, Nobel laureate and Secretary of Energy, U.S. Dept. of Energy; Michael Crichton, Design Advocate, Author, Film Director; Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States; Zaha Hadid, Architect, Zaha Hadid Architects; Craig W. Hartman, Design Partner, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill [the Cathedral of Christ the Light for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland]; Louis I. Kahn^, Architect and Educator, University of Pennsylvania; Bruce Katz, Founding Director, Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program and Vice President, Brookings Institution; Ray Kurzweil, American author, inventor, and futurist; Alice Waters, Founder, Chez Panisse Foundation [and so many more..]

Voat post: Home Office directed police NOT to investigate children being trafficked by Muslim gangs...A random meander from Gordon Brown, through London with Freud comms and Murdoch to the yachting community..

David Magie Childs (born April 1, 1941) is an American architect and chairman emeritus of the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.[1] He is best known for being the architect of the new One World Trade Center in New York City......

His major projects include: in Washington, D.C., 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Four Seasons Hotel, master plans for the National Mall, the U.S. News and World Report headquarters, and the headquarters for National Geographic; in New York City, Worldwide Plaza, 450 Lexington Avenue, Bertelsmann Tower, and One World Trade Center; and internationally, the Embassy of the United States, Ottawa, and the Changi international terminal in Singapore.

..In September 2015, King Salman of Saudi Arabia rented every single room at the Four Seasons Hotel in order to accommodate his entourage while he met with President Barack Obama. The hotel added an extensive amount of gold gilded furniture and laid red carpet in every hallway in order to meet the royal party's tastes.[9] In that same month, Strategic Hotels & Resorts sold itself to The Blackstone Group for $6 billion, giving the Four Seasons its first change in ownership.

septimasexta ago

"Bruce Katz, Founding Director, Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program and Vice President, Brookings Institution;"

Richard C. Blum, DiFi's husband, is a long time member of the Brookings Institute, founder of the American Himalayan Foundation, and MANY other Boards and Foundations. Check this out:

WOW! David Magie Childs is certainly well connected. The Globalists cover EVERY ANGLE of life. They are trying to build their own Garden of Eden......

letsdothis3 ago

Ray Kurzweil > transhumanism > fututurism > eugenicist . Jeffrey Epstein

Transhumanists believe that technologically “upgrading” humankind into a singularity will bring about a utopia in which “poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past.” In fact, eminent transhumanist Ray Kurzweil, chief of engineering at Google, believes that he will become “godlike” as a result of the singularity.

But the truth is that transhumanism is merely a more high-tech revision of eugenics conceptualized by eugenicist and UNESCO Director-General Julian Huxley. And when corporate philanthropists like pedophile Epstein—as well as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, and Google executives such as Eric Schmidt and Larry Page—are the major bankrollers behind these transhumanism projects, the whole enterprise seems ominously reminiscent of the corporate-philanthropic funding of American and Nazi eugenics.

But before these sex scandals were the highlight of Epstein’s celebrity, he was better known not just for his financial prowess, but also for his extensive funding of biotechnological and evolutionary science. With his bankster riches, he founded the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation which established Harvard University’s Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

Epstein, a former CFR and Trilateral Commission Member, also sat on the board of Harvard’s Mind, Brain, and Behavior Committee. He has furthermore been “actively involved in . . . the Theoretical Biology Initiative at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, the Quantum Gravity Program at the University of Pennsylvania,” and the Santa Fe Institute, which “is a transdisciplinary research community that expands the boundaries of scientific understanding . . . to discover, comprehend, and communicate the common fundamental principles in complex physical, computational, biological, and social systems.”

The scope of Epstein’s various science projects spans research into genetics, neuroscience, robotics, computer science, and artificial intelligence (AI). Altogether, the convergence of these science subfields comprises an interdisciplinary science known as “transhumanism”: the artificial “perfection” of human evolution through humankind’s merger with technology. In fact, Epstein partners with Humanity+, a major transhumanism interest group.

Voat related posts:

Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

In this paper, I will argue that Kurzweil’s transhumanism contains a dimension of transgressive and millenarian spirituality that is best understood as an emerging form of contemporary esotericism.

The second part of my argument is that transhumanism, as a movement, is currently merging with and mobilizing parts of the occulture. Transhumanist milieus appear to be converging with the technophilian, science-oriented wing of what used to be the “NewAge movement”, and with fashionable “Eastern” religious systems. Thus, transhumanism adds a new set of discursive elements to what Kennet Granholm calls the “discursive complexes” that make up contemporary esotericism.

he World Future Society (WFS), founded in 1966, is a community of futurists and future thinkers.[1] Through publications, global summits, and advisory roles to world leaders in business and government, WFS members are credited with establishing the foundations of futures studies. Notable members and authors have included Buckminster Fuller, Herman Kahn, Gene Roddenberry, and Margaret Mead.

By 1970, the organization had 4,000 members representing a variety of different backgrounds and industries, with chapters and committees in 56 cities across the globe. Prominent members and contributors have included Ray Kurzweil, Peter Drucker, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

septimasexta ago

I have reported on Epstein's science funding/influencing in the past. He had his science meetings with top scientists on the big island, and then transported them to Little St. James for special R&R......

This is how the Globalists have taken over "science" research and keep the scientists in line.

Epstein is absolutely a key figure. Who does he work for? Rothschilds?

letsdothis3 ago

Notes: Also related

tag words: New York Yacht Club, United Way

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks to @fogdryer for the following article:

The REAL History of Polio – 20 Things You Didn’t Know -


A pesticide common in the 1800’s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. This super toxin was also used as a dye, in many items, including wall paper and paint. It was the sole focus of murder mystery novels at the time, as arsenic was known to be a very efficient way to stage a murder “for unknown reasons”, as arsenic kills but is hard to detect after the victim succumbs to the poison.

This pesticide worked by causing neurological damage in the bugs, causing organ failure...Polio consists of symptoms synonymous with neurological damage, causing organ failure.

Parents report finding their children paralyzed in and around apple orchards. One of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops of the time (with lead arsenate or copper arsenate) were apple orchards.

Dr. Ralph Scobey and Dr. Mortind Biskind testified in front of the U.S Congress in 1951 that the paralysis around the country known as polio was being caused by industrial poisons and that a virus theory was purposely fabricated by the chemical industry and the government to deflect litigation away from both parties.

In 1956 the AMA (The American Medical Association) instructed each licensed medical doctor that they could no longer classify polio as polio, or their license to practice would be terminated. Any paralysis was now to be diagnosed as AFP (acute flaccid paralysis) MS, MD, Bell’s Palsy, cerebral palsy, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Guillian-Barre, meningitis etc etc. http://bit. ly/1Ml3rpX This was orchestrated purposely to make the public believe polio was eradicated by the polio vaccine campaign but because the polio vaccine contained toxic ingredients directly linked to paralysis, polio cases (not identified as polio) were skyrocketing…but only in vaccinated areas. Today most vaccine inserts declare paralysis as a potential side effect but “reframe it” as Guillian Barre or simply “paralysis”.

The first polio vaccine was worked on by Dr. Jonas Salk and human experiments using this vaccine were conducted purposely on orphans in government/church run institutions because they were vulnerable and didn’t require any parental consent signatures, as they had no parents. The vaccine was “declared safe” by “medicine” (as they always are even though that vaccine was killing and paralyzing monkeys in test trials) and that vaccine gave 40,000 orphans polio, permanently paralyzed hundreds and killed at least 10 children. All injuries and deaths under reported of course by the same authorities who orchestrated the atrocity. This was called The Cutter Incident.

The next “improved” polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions, carried both the SV 40 cancer virus as well as the AIDS virus. Every step of the way, medicine declaring they know for sure, that this time, they have everything straightened out. Same story then, same story now.... Cancerous tumors, still being pulled out of people today, are riddled with SV40 cancer viruses from the government’s “safe and effective” and “approved” polio vaccine.

fogdryer ago

so there was never a need for the vaccine...………...hmmmm

septimasexta ago

Yes. What we have been told about Polio does not line up with the FACTS. GREAT RESEARCH. I've been down this rabbit hole before!

letsdothis3 ago

Inspiring video. I hope you don't mind that I use this post to do a data dump of new connections to pizzagate and other controversies as I try to get my head around the whole vaccine scandal:

Starting with Jonathan Salk, son of polio vaccine scientist Jonas Salk (one of the founders of the Salk Institute):

Jonathan Salk is co-author with his father, the late Jonas Salk, of A New Reality: Human Evolution for a Sustainable Future. ..Jonathan is a highly respected adult, child, and adolescent psychiatrist. A graduate of Stanford University and the University of Southern California School of Medicine, he completed his training at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine where he is currently Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry. He has lectured and taught about the theory and practice of psychiatry and is in full-time private practice, as well as Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council and member of the Advisory Board of the Population Media Center.

About gridCONNEXT

gridCONNEXT convenes world-class experts to explore and unleash market innovations enabling the transition to a modern 21st century grid...With the rapid adoption of cost-competitive clean energy, energy storage, and electrified transportation – along with new business and regulatory models supporting resiliency, zero-carbon resources, and customer choice – this event offers an unprecedented opportunity to connect with key stakeholders and explore what’s next in the utility sector.

Past Representatives from Select Organizations [include]:

Amazon Web Services (AWS); Citigroup; Dentons; IBM; Lockheed Martin; New York Power Authority (NYPA); Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E); Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL); ProterraRappahannock Electric Cooperative; Schneider Electric

The GridWise Alliance represents the broad and diverse group of stakeholders that design, build, and operate the electric grid.

Clean Edge, Inc., founded in 2000, serves corporate, government, NGO, utility, and financial clients working to transition to a low-carbon, clean-tech future.

SALK Institute and Planned Parenthood .. See Genesis of the Salk Institute: The Epic of Its Founders By Suzanne Bourgeois

SALK Institute and the GULBENKIAN Institute

Some of those listed below were present at the IGC for only part of the year. Jan Andersson (Univ. Stockholm/FCG) Jorg Dieter Becker (Univ. Bielefeld/FCT) José António Belo (FCG) Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte (Salk Inst./FCG) Sergiy Bobrovnyk (Palladin Inst. Biochemistry, Kiev/OTAN) Paula Parra Bueno (FCT) Jorge Carneiro (FCT) Cláudia Rocha Carvalho (Univ. Fed. Minas Gerais/FCG) António Gil Pereira de Castro (ICBAS/FCT) Pierre-André Cazenave (Univ. de Paris VI/Inst. Pasteur/CNRS /FCT) Sukalyan Chatterjee (FCG/FCT) Melvin Cohn (Salk Inst./FCT) Suzanne Bourgeois Cohn (Salk Inst.)

Voat posts re GULBENKIAN Institute

Relation to the United Nations?...

At the UN under Secretary General Antonio Guterres there has been entirely unaddressed bribery, including offers of weapons for oil by UN non governmental organization China Energy Fund Committee of Ye Jianming which Guterres refuses to even audit - while roughing up and banning the Press which asks him about it.

On December 21 after Guterres and his spokesman had not answered a single one of Inner City Press' 35 written questions during the week and Guterres prepared to take off on another 11 day trip to Lisbon, still-banned Inner City Press reported and shows that Guterres has essentially killed off the UN's already weak public financial disclosure system. Guterres' own most recent online disclosure is from 2016, here, and it omits for example his listed role through 2018 in the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Now this, which we report exclusively - the China Energy Fund Committee, implicated in the UN bribery conviction of Patrick Ho, has been linked to Guterres' Gulbenkian..

Other links...HHMI, Bill & Melinda Gates, Wellcome Trust and Gulbenkian select 41 International Research Scholars -

Any further connections with Luciferianism?...Yvette K. Centeno - literature and alchemy: She is the Director of the ACARTE Service of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

RELEASED in FULL: UNHCR 2002 'Sex for Aid' West Africa report corroborates long-term abuses, where no action had been taken to monitor or redress reports by @kestrel9

Peter Newell and Rachel Hodgkin have been involved in the setting-up of no fewer than eight of the most important organisations involved in children’s rights, including the Children’s Rights Office and the Children’s Rights Development Unit. All have enjoyed the support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Gulbenkian Foundation Charles Napier of PIE – worked for Nucleus – also funded by Gulbenkian Foundation

For newbies: PIE stands for the Pedophile Information Exchange

Also mentioned in this post by @think- European Commission Is Putting Paedophiles' Privacy Ahead Of Fighting Online Child Abuse

Then of course we can find a connection with Marina Abramovic in: Marina Abramovich with the Dutch Queen Beatrix. The Queen wears for the occasion a pizza brooch!

The British oiligarchs, including the British crown with its hidden controlling stake in Anglo-Persian Oil and the Rothschild’s merchant Marcus Samuel at Royal Dutch Shell, sought to counter this German threat to their commercial and strategic interests. They used Armenian-born naturalized British citizen Calouste Gulbenkian–the architect of the Royal Dutch / Shell merger–in


The Dutch royal family not only gave its royal imprint to Royal Dutch Petroleum, they are still rumoured to be, along with the Rothschilds, one of the largest shareholders in Royal Dutch Shell, from the days when Queen Wilhelmina’s Anglo-Dutch Petroleum holdings and other investments made her the world’s first female billionaire right through to today. Bernhard’s guest list at the Bilderberg Group reflected his position in the oiligarchy; alongside him at the Swedish conference were David Rockefeller of the Standard Oil dynasty and his protege Henry Kissinger, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, E.G. Collado, the Vice President of Exxon, Sir Denis Greenhill, director of British Petroleum, and Gerrit A. Wagner, president of Bernhard’s own Royal Dutch Shell.


The oiligarchs’ interest in the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry converged in companies like I.G. Farben, a drug and chemical cartel formed in Germany in the early 20th century. Royal Dutch’s Prince Bernhard served on an I.G. Farben subsidiary’s board in the 1930s and the cartel’s American operation, set up in cooperation with Standard Oil, included on its board Standard Oil president Walter Teagle as well as Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., itself headed by Jacob Schiff of the Rothschild broker family. At its height, I.G. Farben was the largest chemical company in the world and the fourth largest industrial concern in the world, right behind Standard Oil of New Jersey.

The reference to IG Farben is interesting because that company was known for producing dyes and insecticies which contained ingredients which match the symptoms of polio according to these articles ..continues below...

letsdothis3 ago

The Polio Myth

This poster appeared during the time when they thought a still undiscovered virus was causing the polio epidemics - a virus that must be spread by flies. Such adverts led to a greatly increased use of insecticides - which tragically were found by leading scientists working for US government agencies to cause precisely the same kind of paralytic damage to the spinal column nerves that were found in cases of polio. Their research simply was ignored...

Pesticides in Agriculture

Watson records the history of the development of pesticides and the pesticide industry explaining, for example, that many compounds used as early, non-selective pesticides, such as copper acetoarsenite, or Paris Green, a toxic dye, were by-products of industrial processes. Other substances used as pesticides included compounds of arsenic, mercury and sulphur as well as nicotine and hydrogen cyanide. Clearly such pesticides were as potentially lethal to those who used them as to the pests they were intended to destroy.

..It is interesting to note that some of the leading agro-chemical companies of the 20th century developed their expertise in pesticide chemistry as manufacturers of chemical warfare agents. Organophosphorus compounds, for example, act on the nervous system of mammals and insects inhibiting irreversibly the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. This causes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to overload the nervous systems of affected organisms with constant transmission of signals between motor neurons, resulting in eventual death. The nerve agent Novchok, a topic of international news in 2018, is an organophosphate-based compound. Other examples include Tabun, based on insecticide development by the German chemical company, I.G. Farben in 1936, and VX, a nerve agent developed at Britain’s Porton Down defence laboratory in the 1950s and based on the organophosphate insecticide, Amiton.

Paris Green

Paris green (copper(II) acetate triarsenite or copper(II) acetoarsenite) is an inorganic compound. It is a highly toxic emerald-green crystalline powder[3] that has been used as a rodenticide and insecticide,[4] and also as a pigment, despite its toxicity. It is also used as a blue colorant for fireworks.

At the turn of the 20th century, Paris green, blended with lead arsenate, was used in America and elsewhere as an insecticide on produce such as apples. The toxic mixture is said "to have burned the trees and the grass around the trees".

[Many paralyzed children who were diagnosed with polio were found in apple orchards..]


Arsenic - atomic number is 33

septimasexta ago

Thanks for the leads. Salk info especially interesting.

letsdothis3 ago

Also, I forgot to include this link.. Jonathan Salk weirdly on Reddit

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks . Yes, the Salk stuff is eye opening. Going to look further. (Just fixed the broken link to the book showing some relationships between Planned Parenthood and the beginnings of the Salk Institute). This is beginning to look like some very dark stuff.

auralsects ago

Ya a jew and an Armenian, imagine that

septimasexta ago

Remember, Gate's father was head of Planned Parenthood:

"Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation"