WisperFairy ago

Once they get the children, they get it all. I would be defending myself if I still had children.

grantedrights ago

It is pushed on various fronts > @gorillion @goatboy @septimasexta good post ! @letsdothis3 @truthseeker3000 :-D good question you post > compare to were no 5G net will be installed Palm Springs, Geneva and Israel :-D

Those who support mandatory vaccination... How far are you prepared for the enforcement to go?!.... How many more vaccines will be added to the schedule? At what point in time do we say no more? What happens when your child gets sick and the Government take YOUR child and forcibly drug them?!.... We are on a slippery slope to forced unlimited drugging with no say in the ingredients, the dose or type... Already some families children have been drugged and/or vaccinated against their will... I don't trust the Government do you? Do you "think" our Government REALLY have our best interests at heart?... Before you support "mandatory" drugging, segregation and discrimination please think about how this can be used against YOU and your family in the future...

check the post >> vaccine against religion .. less funny than it sounds :-DD

and here is another nexus just like (and related via pubert blockers) to elsagate > social engineering > pharma agro chemical

all parts > Supply Chain of Oppression ..

AlternateSelection ago

Is this what leads up to the Escape from New York scenario?

gustodog ago

Somehow I doubt this will be applied to orthodox Jews.

septimasexta ago

Actually, they used the Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn as an excuse to pass this law. Most of the measles cases this year were from this enclave. They do not vaccinate by choice and have always used religious exemptions. CDC records show that this same group has, in the past, imported measles into their community from a returning community member who had visited another measles afflicted community overseas ( 2013 - London). This year it was triggered by members returning from Israel, who had over 2000 measles cases. No one died, and the Hasidic community has ongoing natural immunity. It is the "moderate" jewish communities who are pushing vaccines in New York.

fogdryer ago

Nazi germany

Truthseeker3000 ago

I’d love to know if ALL people are required to vaccinate their children, including certain religious groups and kids of elite families. For example, did Ivanka and Jared Kushner have to vaccinate their three kids? Why is it only middle and lower class? It’s only obvious they are killing us off through our kids. Autism is 100% caused by vaccines I’m absolutely convinced I’ve seen it so many times over.

Omnicopy ago

The sea is going to cover New York!!!!! Good riddance

septimasexta ago

California and New York have fallen. Now they are coming for the rest of us. We must not be divided in this fight.

numina18 ago

Aha, this is probably why that bill was pushed through the NY State legislature. Take the kids away and use them for trafficking. Hmmmm.

goatboy ago


Parents who fail to form a well regulated militia risk losing children to CPS in NY if they fail to comply with mandatory vaccines.

Form militia so we’ll regulated that the world ends the minute the fuckers come for your kids.

fightknightHERO ago

in Germany they can take your kids if they display nationalistic attitudes so this (((vaccine))) compliance just a stepping stone to legalizing the abduction & rape of your children

i hope to god some CPS agents get shot over this

septimasexta ago

Is Share Blue paying you overtime? This is an opposition tactic! DO NOT MAKE ONLINE THREATS. It hurts our work. We are RESEARCHERS.

Rawrination ago

It's not (evil) CPS agents that should get shot. It's them, their bosses, their bosses bosses, and every member of every one of their extended families. Go God Damned BIBLICAL on their asses.

septimasexta ago

Is D.B paying you overtime? An opposition tactic! DO NOT MAKE ON LINE THREATS. It hurts our work. We are RESEARCHERS.

Gorillion ago

Normalizing the idea that "The State Owns Your Children".

danjo_kandui ago

I thought they were a pro choice place? I guess as long as your choice is murder.

Lansing-Michigan ago

California legislature sent a bill to Gov. Jerry Brown which did away with the statute of limitations on rape and pedophilia ....he vetoed it. very important as there is so much of it in LA/hollywood.

Skirmish ago

RFK is suing new york. AustimOne Media on YT is a great resource for people still undecided, and for people who fear our future.

lamplight ago

I've been following the Vaccine movement. The fact that the Pharm companies cannot come up with data that shows the vaccine's have been tested adequately and are safe is at least a start in the fight against vaccines in the courts. Parents in NY and wherever vaccines are mandated must start a class action suit against them until proof that they are safe can be proven. That might stop CPS from grabbing children for a while.

NinaSparrow ago

Amen to that!! This is their way of "trying this out on the public", because we all know they want to do this to the whole country. We all need to stand up to this. Wow this is total BS!!

septimasexta ago


The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children: CALIFORNIA

"Parents who now want to protect their children from the dangers of the CDC vaccine schedule, either by refusing certain vaccines or following a different vaccine schedule, are left with almost no options. As a result, many parents are choosing to homeschool their children to escape the mandatory vaccine mandates."

"Pro-Pharma Lobby Now Wants to go Into Homes and Check Medical Records of Homeschool Children"

IOWA, HF 272 "The bill reads, “The board of directors of a school district shall conduct quarterly home visits to check on the health and safety of children located within the district who are receiving independent private instruction or private instruction.”

The bill also states that these home visits “shall take place in the child’s residence with the consent of the parent, guardian, or legal custodian and an interview or observation of the child may be conducted.”

If parents do not provide consent then the school district “the juvenile court or district court upon a showing of probable cause may authorize the person making the home visit to enter the home and interview or observe the child.”

This bill essentially puts homeschooling families on the level of parents who have been accused or have had a finding of child abuse or neglect." https://vaccineimpact.com/2019/the-next-mandatory-vaccine-battleground-homeschool-children/

Vindicator ago

Yep. There is a guy writing great books about the history of vaccine development. His name is Forrest Maready. I've read his book on Polio, The Moth and the Machine and his most recent book, The Autism Vaccine. He goes into detail about how the Rockefeller Foundation funded the development and mandating of vaccines, as well as how they add aluminum because vaccines without it are totally ineffective. Toxic metals kick the immune system into overdrive, triggering it to attack whatever is in the system -- live virus vaccines, human dna fragments from aborted fetal cell lines the viruses were cultured in, the metals themselves, and often the individual's own cells, causing autoimmune issues. Very very interesting.

@septimasexta @letsdothis3

QAnon has mentioned serious issues with some vaccines. I think (and hope) we are going to hear more about this soon.

Lansing-Michigan ago

A lot of alternative cures for cancer have a chelating component. ......which flushes metals out of the body. Did not know that toxic metals kick the immune system into overdrive..........could this be the cause of so many auto immune diseases in the late 20th century and still on the rise? Vaccines used to be few and far between. ..not so many given at one time. The Rockefellas took over US medicine in app. the 20s and 30s making it virtually ineffective to cure disease and more a part of the depopulation agenda.

Vindicator ago

Yes, yes, and yes. I think it's about eugenics and population control. If you're sick, you can't fight back.

NinaSparrow ago

Good Lord help us. I can't even imagine having children in NY.. the panic & helplessness these paarents must be feeling is utterly horrific.

septimasexta ago

From Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s website:

VACCINATED VS. UNVACCINATED CDC vaccine docs legally obtained through FOIA

In 1999, vaccine safety data showed dramatic increased risk for Autism (RR 7.6) as well as sleep disorders (RR 5.0) and speech disorders (RR 2.1) RR over 1 should trigger safety investigation. SEE WEBSITE: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/06-25-19-Vaxxed-vs-Unvaxxed-Slides.pdf

The HepB vaccine was the first "recombinant" vaccine introduced (1987). It also contains aluminum adjuvant. http://www.biologydiscussion.com/biotechnology/vaccines/types-of-recombinant-vaccines-3-types/10080

MINUTES FROM EMERGENCY MEETING (at Simpsonwood) CALLED AFTER ABOVE DATA WAS PRESENTED: https://www.safeminds.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/simpsonwood-transcript-scientific-review-of-vaccine-safety-datalink-information.pdf

CALIFORNIA AUTISM EXPLOSION "School districts cite pressures from mandated costs of special education and retiree pensions for their difficulties in granting teacher raises, lowering class sizes and expanding programs like summer school and the arts. Overall student enrollment statewide is declining, but the proportion of students with expensive-to-treat disabilities, primarily autism, has exploded from 1 in 50 special education students in 2001-02 to about 1 in 8 in 2016-17.” https://edsource.org/2019/california-governor-and-lawmakers-at-odds-over-new-special-education-funding/612935

"The third wave of the anti-vaccination movement was focussed on autism discovered in 1943. It appeared in children all over the globe and became unmanageable by the 1990's. The severity is reflected by the fact that in California the prevalence increased 600% in the period 1990 – 2002.[40] It was the parents who raised their voice only to be ridiculed and demonized. They were asked to deny their own eyes as they watched and even video recorded their children regress after taking vaccines.

A lot happened during this period. In 3rd April 2000, a study titled "Autism, a novel form of mercury poisoning" by Sallie Bernard et al found 200 symptoms of autism to exactly match mercury poisoning and ascribed it to the use of the mercury containing compound Thiomersal in vaccines. Published in Medical Hypotheses in April 2001 after a thorough review, it created quite a stir and was vehemently criticized.[41]

The din refused to fade and became shriller still when a freedom of information act petition by Congressman David Weldon exposed the minutes of a high profile meeting of 51 officials belonging to the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, and highly placed government officials who had met in Simpsonwood, Northcross Georgia, USA on 7th – 8th June 2000 to discuss two CDC studies that found undeniable association between mercury containing vaccines and autism. The relative risk found in both the studies was 7.62[42]; any figure above 1 being a sure indication.[43]

CDC correspondence between the author Thomas Verstraeten and top notch scientists revealed he had manipulated the data at his level from a RR of 11.35 and unable to do so any further sent an SOS for help, "The association will not go away." Consequently the meeting was held where the guests decided to bury the association even as a member conceded his grandchild would not receive vaccines, another expressed concerns over targets to be met, while a third highlighted a similar role of the vaccine adjuvant aluminium which he felt had equally disastrous consequences. All of them agreed that these results should not reach the public.[44]"


septimasexta ago


MINUTES FROM EMERGENCY MEETING (at Simpsonwood) CALLED AFTER ABOVE DATA WAS PRESENTED: https://www.safeminds.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/simpsonwood-transcript-scientific-review-of-vaccine-safety-datalink-information.pdf

SEE PAGE 4 OF ABOVE Simpsonwood document. DR. KEVIN SULLIVAN WAS THERE (June 7-8, 2000)

This is the same guy:

"Department of Justice U.S. Attorney’s Office Northern District of Georgia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Emory Professor Arraigned on Child Pornography Charges" https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/emory-professor-arraigned-child-pornography-charges

"Department of Justice U.S. Attorney’s Office Northern District of Georgia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, March 1, 2017 Emory Doctor Goes to Prison for Downloading Thousands of Images of Child Pornography" https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/emory-doctor-goes-prison-downloading-thousands-images-child-pornography

He was jailed before Trump took office.....

septimasexta ago

PLEASE CALL House Committee on Energy and Commerce AND TELL THEM TO LET THIS BILL DIE IN COMMITTEE (Sponsored by a Clinton friendly Dem)

H.R.2527 - Vaccinate All Children Act of 2019116th Congress (2019-2020) https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/2527/text

Overland_bound ago

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51OUNGcIFPL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg Dr Mary’s Monkey is a great read about the polio vaccine and the possible link to cancer.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Me and Lee by Judyth Baker is about the same time period in New Orleans.......she was working on inserting cancer viruses into vaccines for the US govt. Well documented.

septimasexta ago

Good comment. There is a tsunami of vaccine truth coming out because of alternate media on the internet. That is why their current (desperate) two-pronged attack is aimed at vaccine info censorship as well as a huge push to get forced-vaccine laws in place at the state level. Citizens, THIS IS OUR ALAMO!

GODFATHER OF VACCINES UNDER OATH (Highwire with Del Bigtree) SEE 29:55 in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTIz7FpfuMw

WATCH ALL 9 HOURS! YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES. Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! - Part 1/9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGDNsqk0KR0

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

Great videos. Thanks for the links. Of course we know that Dr. Tim Alefantis is a vaccine scientist at Sanofi.

septimasexta ago

Looks like they are pulling out THE BIG GUNS!

"UN Headquarters to host groundbreaking discussion on vaccine misinformation and growing distrust Experts, UN officials and private sector representatives to convene to address drivers of vaccine hesitancy and stagnating immunization rates worldwide" https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/un-headquarters-host-groundbreaking-discussion-vaccine-misinformation-and-growing

FACTS make me vaccine hhhhhhheeeeeeeessssssssiiiiiiitttttttaaaaaannnnnntttttttt.......

NinaSparrow ago

We need to download all the info we can get on vaccines & print them out & file them away before they wipe them off the internet.

septimasexta ago

I've been doing that for years. Good comment!

Vindicator ago

Dozens and dozens of young teenage girls have entered menopause after being pushed into receiving the ineffective HPV vaccine. It's sick. Now they are saying they need boosters.

Someone needs to start a business selling fake immunization records.

letsdothis3 ago

God, I feel sick.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, it's pretty bad. I've personally had several adverse reactions to vaccines. I will never ever have another one. Nor a contrast MRI -- they're lying about the safety of gadolinium and deliberately give it to monkeys to make them ill for research purposes.

NinaSparrow ago

Excellent idea! My Mom never allowed us to get them. She faked our records for school. But that was in the 80's & 90's.. its so much harder nowadays.

septimasexta ago

Now they're pushing it on BOYS!

Currently in California, they're trying to pass SB 276 in the Assembly to plug the "loophole" for responsible doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccine injured patients and siblings. California would ONLY go by the ACIP "recommended" contraindications (which hardly cover all potentially harmful situations). Autism is not recognized as a contraindication.

letsdothis3 ago

Today, you can lose your children to CPS for simply wanting to obtain a second opinion from a different doctor for medical treatments for your children.

So, what is Trump doing about all this? I'm just asking...

septimasexta ago

Good question. He originally appointed Bobby Kennedy Jr. (and Del Bigtree) to investigate vaccine safety. They actually met with HHS. After that, nothing from the Whitehouse. However, Del and Bobby have continued their fight to expose Big Pharma, and are doing a great job. Except, Adam Schiff is trying to shut them down via social media censorship, along with many other vax truth-tellers. Concurrently, there is a push at the state level to pass forced vaccination laws. The states are beginning to fall like dominoes, including New York. If we don't stop them, every child AND ADULT in America will be FORCED VACCINATED. On a positive note, Trump's last HHS head tried to publicly suggest THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should enact such a law. Trump fired him. There is HUGE PERSECUTION for any public figure who DARES to shutdown the vaccine gravy-train. Trump appears to be acting under the radar....we hope.

septimasexta ago

SCOTT GOTTLIEB (Trump's former FDA chief, who had to step down after an attempt to publicly call for Federal forced vaccination) ELECTED TO (pharma co.) PFIZER’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Thursday, June 27, 2019 https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/scott_gottlieb_elected_to_pfizer_s_board_of_directors

Comment from Age of Autism:

"To my Democrat Friends in this fight, and you are my friends and fellow warriors in this fight; Trump set up meetings for Kennedy, Wakefield, Bigtree, an array of unknown as yet -- talented lawyer all to meet with the heads of the federal agencies of health.

It is not up to Trump nor Warren for that matter, any "one" on the face of the earth to say "Oh, just stop with the vaccines. " Can you imagine what would happen? My mind almost blows up, imagining how many ways that would all blow up.

Out of these meetings came ammunition for the wheels of justice -- finish that thought, and have hope.

Here is from Children Defense:

" Robert Kennedy spoke first and gave a brilliant presentation on how the drug companies have established tremendous control over many politicians, the news media and elsewhere. He delivered a barrage of statistics and facts that shocked even me on some of the things that the drug companies have been getting away with.

Here’s the good news! We all know about the 1986 law which makes the drug companies immune to lawsuits, but Mr. Kennedy revealed that his team has discovered loopholes that will allow them to sue the drug companies!!! One such loophole is fraud. Mr. Kennedy said that they can easily prove fraud! He also said that they are going to be hitting the drug companies with multiple lawsuits from different angles and by different law firms. In addition, he said that they have lawsuits planned that will hit the drug companies with a trillion lawsuit and that would only be the beginning!!!

The New York legislators made some serious mistakes in rushing this bill through the way they did. These mistakes, the legal teams plan to raise in their legal challenges.

In the short-term, they are working on legal challenges that hopefully will result in a Stay in the recent law. If the Stay is granted, it would mean that the law could be put on hold until the matter is settled in court which could take years.

I should also add that the room was packed with highly intelligent, resourceful and fired up parents. The meeting broke up into groups who started to layout plans to tackle this issue from different angles. This included working to remove those politicians in 2020 who voted in favor of this horrific bill. It was pointed out that some of those politicians won their last election by just a few hundred votes. Some of the committees included: educating the public, community resources, political action, protests, and civil disobedience. We had, for example, a law professor from an Ivy League school there providing instructions on proper civil disobedience. As I said, that were lots of very serious and fired up people in that room!

Two of our top priorities now are to make more people aware and get more people involved. Those who are interested in getting involved, no matter where you are, just message me.

We have an uphill battle to ahead to defend our children from being poisoned, and those of you who are conscious and understand the seriousness of the vaccine issue, need to get involved and rally together to defend our children, as well as our various constitutional and legal rights which are now threatened."

Trillion of lawsuits - "Love" Love, love,

Posted by: Benedetta | July 05, 2019 at 03:09 PM " https://www.ageofautism.com/2019/07/former-fda-chief-gottlieb-sings-god-bless-america-paycheck-i-love.html#comments

letsdothis3 ago

Trump appears to be acting under the radar

Or it's theatre.

septimasexta ago

I know enough to know that this issue is not simplistic. It involves the top of the pyramid. One has to be careful how you play your cards. This is global and is a major source of NWO funding and control. Pray for Trump. It won't hurt.

Vindicator ago

Wise words.

letsdothis3 ago

this issue is not simplistic

For sure.