SweetTea73 ago

Poor Alex Jones has been screaming for years that they're trying to turn frogs gay....

SweetTea73 ago

Umm, not sure about this, but someone posted on the Donald about planned parenthood having a memo out in the 60's or 70s about wanting to spread homosexuality. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/bwpugq/why_do_people_still_deny_the_homosexual_agenda/

Hmmmm_m ago

That's awful jewy of him.

Vindicator ago

I doubt any Trump voter is going to vote Dem because gays are also voting for him.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#49249) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Vindicator: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)


why is Trump selling a shirt that promotes Transexuality?

Vindicator ago

You think Trump greenlights every tshirt on his campaign website?


Considering this is a divisive Campaign issue.


that or you're calling Trump inept.

Vindicator ago

that or you're calling Trump inept.

I believe, Nomo, that were I to deploy such a shit-tier rhetorical device, you would quote me some debate term in Jew brackets.

Trump has always supported gays. That's no secret. A lot of people had to hold their noses to vote for him because of it. I doubt they will care, now that they've seen the results he can get.

Why are you trying to pick a fight?

auralsects ago

Why are you trying to pick a fight?

Very suspicious indeed.

Trump has always supported gays; why is this NOMOHOMO character (suspicious shill name, frankly), like, BRINGING IT UP?

You're so awful at this, Vindickeater. Your shilling is just so blatant and slimy. Me, one could call obnoxious, but never so cringe and SLIMY like you, the way your insinuations creep in.


You dirty goddamned Jew.


were I to deploy such a shit-tier rhetorical device, you would quote me some debate term in Jew brackets.

That's because I study logic and recognize them. Name the "shit-tier" tactic or swallow your pride.

You said:

You think Trump greenlights every tshirt on his campaign website?

You asked that question to infer that Trump wasn't responsible and thereby absolve him of guilt.

Trump has always supported gays

You like BlackSmith21 are ignoring the heart of my question which is why should we support TRANS ACCEPTANCE TRUMP when we know it's a slippery slope to pedophilia?

nobody has answered that question outside of "get more votes"

Why are you trying to pick a fight?

I'm pointing out the massive amounts of cognitive dissonance you've internalized.

Vindicator ago

That's because I study logic and recognize them. Name the "shit-tier" tactic or swallow your pride.

I'm not a proud person, Nomo. I came here in humility. And, although my daughter was a state champion debater, I grew up poor and had to work after school and did not get to participate in any cool clubs. Maybe you can tell me which species of bullshit that was.

You asked that question to infer that Trump wasn't responsible and thereby absolve him of guilt.

Your TDS is coloring your perception. I asked it, because it's retarded to think that a guy who has spent a half-century delegating to thousands of employees and is now the leader of the free world (worrying about things like bludgeoning Mexico with tariffs to try to shut down human trafficking across our border) is inspecting t-shirt designs.

As for your question about why you should support Trump -- I don't give a crap whether you support Trump. He has my vote because he is sticking it to my enemies and building a wall on the border. You go vote for Pedo Biden if you want to.


I asked [You think Trump greenlights every tshirt on his campaign website?] because it's retarded to think that a guy who has spent a half-century delegating to thousands of employees...is inspecting t-shirt designs.

You've repeatedly ignored that it was launched along with DJT tweeting his support for the lgbTransexual community for Pride Month.

You're trying to distance the president from his own campaign.

Are you now saying Donald Trump isn't running his Twitter acct? is that "delegated"? (Edit: If so, there go your Trump-Tweet "Q proofs")

Either Trump made an inept delegation, or he approved it and is immoral.

Edit: And here's a comment displaying your dissonance


"Yeah, they've definitely sped up the game plan on the whole transgender shitshow."

but Trump does it and its okay?

I grew up poor and had to work after school and did not get to participate in any cool clubs. Maybe you can tell me which species of bullshit that was.

Waahhhh Waaaaah. How old are you? ..and you're still complaining about highschool? Put up or Shut Up. Don't accuse other people of trickery if you can't identify it.

But since you asked me to point out the "species of [sic] bullshit"....btw, you probably mean "specious"....I'll identify the trickery you just employed:

I grew up poor and had to work after school

(((Appeal to Pity))) +

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_folks You're seriously trying to frame us as having a class divide you dishonest fuck?

Your TDS (((Trump. Derangement. Syndrome.)))

Ad Hominem. Vin claims my distaste for Trump has pathologically turned me loony. This is a modern Thought Terminating Cliche used by Trump supporters to smear any justified criticism of Trump as (((insane)))

You go vote for Pedo Biden if you want to.

(((False Choice)))


although my daughter was a state champion debater

lol. must get it from mom.

(((also a sad Appeal to Authority through your daughter's achievements)))



this is the kind of dishonesty I see demonstrated from @Vindicator.

Constant accusations of trickery, while he plays dumb and uses similar trickery

Vindicator ago

I'm happy to let the folks decide if I'm being duplicitious or not and judge my good will.


how can people know if you're being duplicitous when you refuse to engage in the debate?


instant response to this, how about you respond to the Parent?

Vindicator ago

A) Because I am working my way down through 27 notifications in my inbox since last night.

B) https://files.catbox.moe/rsmyls.png


how long do 27 notifications take Vin?

Vindicator ago

Well Nomo, I now have 127, because the submission I made yesterday was the most controversial one on Voat.

Take your baiting and petty attempts to create a toxic environment elsewhere.


A. You promise to respond after you get to 27 other comments.

B. You instead create a controversial post that floods your inbox.

C. You accuse me of "baiting" and "creating a toxic environment" when I try to hold you to your word and get a straight answer


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nomo, I agree with everything you say except that it is the mods job to 'denounce' Trump's LGBTQ agenda.

Their job is to enforce our subverse rules. No more, no less.

If you want to call @Vindicator out on a human level that is one thing.

As a mod he has guidelines.


it is the mods job to 'denounce' Trump's LGBTQ agenda.

I'm not saying it's his job as mod. I'm calling him out on a human level and referencing his status as mod

I'm saying it's relevant to Pizzagate Investigation that a Moderator of the sub refuses to denounce Trump's advocacy of Transexuality while simultaneously claiming

""Yeah, they've definitely sped up the game plan on the whole transgender shitshow.""

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If it will make any difference I denounce Trumps LGBTQ agenda. I think he should be doing more to help combat their agenda, not suck votes off them. I am disappointed.


I appreciate knowing where you stand, it makes a difference to me because you are clearly being honest and not obfuscating anything, nor promoting pragmatism over strict moral codes.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Just cuz i voted for the shithead, doesn't mean I'm happy. I don't have to be happy. And I ain't trusting no damned plan, my plans differ. But I do wish it was all true.


I wish it was all true too, but I'm not going to live in a Fantasy Larp while Trump sucks Tranny Dick

@vindicator if you keep blindly "Trusting the Plan" you're going to wake up one day with a dick in your ass.



notice you've neglected pizzagate to focus on drama in other subreddits

it's splitting your focus

Vindicator ago

notice you've neglected pizzagate to focus on drama in other subreddits

I don't go to Reddit, Nomo.



this faggot won't denounce Trump endorsing the Tranny Agenda

but he has time to correct me.


A) kk talk soon.

B) you poor bastard

MolochHunter ago

oh noes! the Dilemma !

Bit of a long bow to draw : Trump puts out a rainbowy MAGA hat = endorsement of child grooming / perversion

I'll concede the slippery slope argument , though we might disagree on the gradient of that slope

but you should also be honest enough to concede that of the credible / candidates available going into 2020, our kids are considerably safer in a Trumpian world than any likely alternative


lesser of two evils is the beginning of cuckery.

MolochHunter ago

and anywhere you stand is unavoidably a slippery slope to somewhere else


not when you trudge uphill and embrace the hard road of being moral.

MolochHunter ago

i suppose that depends on your idea of normalcy

seems to me Trump sits in a happy medium between acceptably perverting children and throwing gays off the roofs of buildings, and that seems pretty normal to me


so is it a slippery slope, but you're okay with it.

MolochHunter ago


Trump has one foot on the slippery slope to pedo normalisation, and the other foot on the slippery slope towards throwing gays off the roofs of buildings

i thought that was reasonably inferred by my previous comments, surprised you're not sharp enough to have established that and want to keep needling


a man cannot serve two masters.

auralsects ago

throwing gays off the roofs of buildings

Even those are dudes they CAUGHT with cell phone video of their own illicit acts.

You can be as gay as you want in your head. You, personally, Morecock-Hunter.

You just can't flaunt it and undermine the social value of "gay is wrong and illegal" -- as the West had until the Jews (see: Weimar Republic).

Omnicopy ago

Horrible idea Trump! Ivankaand Jarod at it again!!! He’ll lose votes this way

auralsects ago

Look at this fucking thread XDDD

Trump's mentor was a gay Jew pedophile blackmailer. He's from NYC and used to do coke and watch dudes blow each other with Cohn at Studio 54.

He's said repeatedly that he has never felt the need to ask God forgiveness, to Christians faces at their own summits

The fact that Christians shill for such a kike degenerate shows how worthless "Christians" are, LMFAO

think- ago

[–] auralsects 1 points (+1|-0) 2.9 hours ago

Having a single gay experience doesn't make you gay. I should know, I've had dozens.




@Blacksmith21 @darkknight111 @SandHog

Blacksmith21 ago

Suck a dick once, and you're a dicksucker for life.

auralsects ago

Here's a redpill for you: women are even more depraved and nasty than faggots.

It's been demonstrated they get sexually stimulated by literally anything, including footage of copulating monkeys https://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/25/magazine/25desire-t.html

Nothing discovered in this sub will ever be more dystopian than womens legal equality to men

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL....Auralsex is a pillowbiting fudgepacker!!!


auralsects ago

Bro click "bottom" below OP

It's literally you saying not all faggots are bad.

So I'm confused if you think I'm bad.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

shop.DJT - https://archive.is/sBdq6 and https://archive.is/OoCfI

washingtonblade - https://archive.is/3Bkx8

nytimes - https://archive.is/z3Q6j and https://archive.is/0HDmI

nbcnews - https://archive.is/qKzJt

huffpo - https://archive.is/8vUxf

BONUS PIZZAGATE EVIDENCE: NSFW - https://files.catbox.moe/kyqbv7.PNG

Brought to you by our good friend - @ESOTERICshade - thnx

carmencita ago

It's on the Trump/Pence site and the shirt says LGBTQ. Pretty straight forward. (Sorry). All I can say is it could be to get votes, but really isn't that giving up your principles? I mean, after all, he is a Christian and they do not believe in homosexuality. They actually abhor it. So really, I don't know what to say about this. And also Pence, being from Indiana, the whole bakery thing This could turn into a real BRUHAHA. Of course die hard Trump fans will find excuses and his haters will surely come up with some very dicey language. 2020 will be very interesting.


it could be to get votes, but really isn't that giving up your principles?

my thoughts exactly

070978098098 ago

imho he's just "playing the game" and attempting to garner some votes from the LGBT community... it was created by the Luciferians and it's already there in place so why not play off it. It's a conservative hat - there isn't a RAINBOW FLAG BROADCASTING HEYYYY LUCIFEEEEEEEEERRRR, it's just a multicolored lettering.

carmencita ago

:) Yes, I find it very peculiar.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I find it totally unacceptable.

carmencita ago

Ditto. That too.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Why should Pizzagaters continue to support Trump when he continues to court the the Trans community and normalizes deviancy by propogating the self-destructive, sinful "Pride" meme?"

Because not every homo is a chimo. A lot are freaks. Many are victims of childhood trauma. Homosexuality and its variations are not 100% monolithic.

Personally, most of the lifestyle is alien and abhorrent to me. Except hot, femme lesbos. I can get behind that.


Why should Pizzagaters continue to support Trump when he continues to court the the Trans community and normalizes deviancy by propogating the self-destructive, sinful "Pride" meme?"

To which you reply:

not every homo is a chimo...Homosexuality and its variations are not 100% monolithic....hot, femme lesbos. I can get behind that.

so you answer a different question, then push the gay agenda.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not pushing any gay agenda. Personally, I think it's revolting, but I don't care what people do in their bedrooms. I do care what gets shown to our children - tranny book readings, for example. Watching Mayor Buttplug kiss his husband makes me throw up in my mouth. A little.

That said, not 100% of the gay community are Leftists. There are plenty of them who are #MAGA.

Someone said - to get votes. Yes, to get votes. The Deep State probably has the equivalent of a nuke for election fraud, and #MAGA still needs every vote it can get. And represented by people of all walks life. Yes, there are good faggots and dykes out there.

The trannies...different story. Pure mental illness. I've never met one that wasn't a burning dumpster full of San Fran shit. They should be institutionalized IMO.

Are we a little more along the same lines now?


I'm not pushing any gay agenda. Personally, I think it's revolting, but I don't care what people do in their bedrooms


Except hot, femme lesbos. I can get behind that.


The trannies...different story. Pure mental illness

but trump supports Transgenders..

Blacksmith21 ago

A hat with rainbow font = support for trannies?

Are you saying you aren't pro-Trump?


not just a hat. An official rainbow Tshirt with the slogan:

"LGBTQ for Trump"

= Support for Trannies

I am not Pro-Trump if he's normalizing the Tranny Agenda

ArielQflip ago

I agree. Trannies are weird and I abhor them. I went to the Pride parade in my town. No nakedness save 4 women with pasties on. One thing I did notice. Huge Democrat Party Tent. I believe the Republican tent was denied but I'm not sure. There were some MAGA people there and had Trump swag on. No children in drag but there were children there loving the rainbows everywhere. Unicorns stuff as well. No open sex or anything really. I saw couples holding hands and hugging. I live in a blood red state.

auralsects ago

I sat down and calculated that Jews (2%) write 26% (1/4) of the TOP 60 TRANNY "CHILDRENS BOOKS" https://voat.co/v/whatever/3213617

Looks like its not just muh ELITE CABAL FAKE JEWZ and the Jews as a race are just often sociopaths.

Meanwhile Muslims in UK shut down the child LGBT indoctrination thru sheer physical intimidation.

You MAGA kikeshill faggot-lovers are so graceful in perpetual defeat, thank god you'll all die off soon.


I'm coming back to this comment, because I'm finding similar stats re: trans children authors

Blacksmith21 ago

You don't know the first thing about stats. You can't even balance a checkbook. Fuck off and enjoy the bag of dick flavored downvoats.

theooeht ago

Could you please provide a link where this is sold?

The link in the article doesn't work and when I went to the apparel page, this t-shirt is not there. There is a discussion of it on Twitter, but the only links are to other articles and not the store.


theooeht ago

Thanks. The first link doesn't work. And the second way is a cached page, but that link is the one that doesn't work. So it was taken down?

There's this one that features a LGBTQ shirt


I guess to address the issue, I'm not sure what your problem is with the shirt. DJT was always a gay supporter. He is/was a liberal democrat. He still is. That's why this is just all so weird to me. The liberal democrats are no longer liberal democrats. They've normalized socialism, infanticide, and violence in the spate of eight Manchurian Candidate years. It's frightening. If you listen to the Manchurian Candidate speak before the idoctrination hit, you'll hear him say that illegal aliens should not be admitted to the country and that everyone has to wait their turn to get in. But then, WOOSH! The Matrix hit and nobody remembers anything.

If you find Trump supporting gays and LGBTQ wrong, then you'll always disagree with him on this topic. However, he's not supporting them to the exclusion of common sense. For instance, he did not think the military was the place for transgenders to get surgery. Nor was he for transgenders being admitted to women's/girl's dressing rooms. I gotta say I'm in agreement with him so far. What I'm not for is the indoctrination of youth and the very very serious problem of asking kids to pick their sex and leaving off the biological sex on a birth certificate. That's all into whacko land and where the liberal democrats have migrated to.

So I'm not seeing a problem, but thanks for the post and for the links.

auralsects ago

Are you stupid? It took like ten years to go from gay marriage being illegal to child trannies.

Then the ostensibly most powerful man alive does something that affects nothing (trannies in military), then BROADLY NORMALIZES THE 99% OF TRANNIES with official merch bearing his name.

Then desperate fools (you) defend him with the military token gesture. Played like a fiddle.

heygeorge ago

Trump campaign wants votes.


Ding Ding Ding.

at any cost. fuck damaging culture and children. Praise Kek and Chaos.

Cleareyes ago

I noticed that he did come out about LGBT support at the same time the dems came out with statements that he would put gays in internment camps etc. He likely knew their play beforehand and got in front of it. Any LGBT person who checked it out would see his recent statements of support and it wouldn't add up.

In any case, no gay person is going to change their ways by both sides butting heads. I watched testimonies of gay people who's homo urges went away after they accepted Jesus into their heart and had their own spiritual experience, if getting them closer to being Trump supporters brings them closer to the word of God just by the odds of exposure, even one of them changing and accepting Jesus would be a joyous event for the Creator. God wants us to forgive and be loving to others, that is the way we change people one by one.

Either way one event such as this would not be enough for me to flip support, not by a long shot. God works in mysterious ways and when you trust Him, events like these just don't matter anymore, it's all about the big picture. And yes, the votes for upcoming election as poster above said.

Kek and Chaos? Is that praising other entities as gods instead of the one true God?

061916 ago

I'm pretty sure @nomochomo was being sarcastic but most redditfags use 'praise kek' as a typical remark at the end of a sentence.

Search 'Kek trump' and you'll find connections to an ancient frog God and Korea. Coincidence? Maybe.


by embracing pragmatism to "get votes" he is praising Kek and Chaos

A moral, Christian man would not promote Transgender ideology

Cleareyes ago

Okay I didn't see anything yet about overt transgender support and in the link provided in OP it states-

"However, after taking office the Trump administration wiped any mention of LGBT rights from the White House website. As his days in office ticked by, Trump issued a transgender military ban; the White House ignored World AIDS Day; proposed a budget cut to global HIV programs; and proposed to roll back protections for transgender people in health care."

Then this recent link - https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/05/24/trump-administration-takes-aim-transgender-healthcare

I'm okay with a leader making emotional expansive statements to quell a divisive group, but taking real action that deals with the underlying problem itself. Thats smart politics, can't play the game if you don't get in position.

I'm a moral woman (now) who has surrendered to Christ, yet i know good hearted gay people and it has been very hard for me to swallow that pill myself, figuring out ways to reach them. I understand now the only way i can do this is by getting close and being supportive and loving, trying to drop beans that may resonate with them. I just don't see any other way, at least in my real life connections. Have to run but will come back later if anyone else has something to weigh in, thanks for sharing your point


what does T stand for in LGBT?

ideologicidal ago

Recalling that PDJT is a master troll, is possible that (just in time for pride month) he is injecting politics into the legbuttQ community?

The Human Rights Campaign is a big player in American politics. Same as Planned Parenthood and unions (think: firefighters). The fate of the latter two speak to Trump's intentions for the former, methinks.

Phantom42 ago

Yeah yeah, whatever. It's always the same shit with you people. BUTBUTBUT IT'S GOTTA BE 4D CHESS!

Fuck you, and anyone who supports or defends the traitor.

ideologicidal ago

President Trump is simultaneously courting evangelical Christians and the LGBTQQIA community.

Conventional wisdom says that's impossible, because conventional wisdom is 2D(2 party). PDJT is orchestrating multiple narratives among multiple demographics, maintaining plausible deniability all the while. He is reshaping the Republican party while systematically exposing and hobbling the Democrats. All within the bounds of the Constitution, using a twerter feed and public appearances.



Phantom42 ago

I don't give two fucks about your party, your pandering to different groups, or any of that.

Send every faggot to an asylum or Hell, and anyone who defends them.

Trump is a traitor as he goes against natural values. Straight, White, Christian. That is what an American is. Then he goes against nature by pandering to the fags and whatnot while allowing the most illegal immigration ever instead of sending a KOS order and allowing the public to go hunting.

Traitor, liar, deceiver. All traits of a Jewish pawn. Considering he married his daughter off to one, it is no surprise.

ideologicidal ago

kek, found the N@zi.

American history stretches beyond the last 300 years. Humans have been here for 15 millenia. Your "natural values" are a historic abberation.

Phantom42 ago

Yes, I am a National Socialist. Deal with it.

NowThatsInteresting ago

I’m sure all the “non whites”, “non Christian” and “non straights” can deal with the fact that cavemen still exist. The real question is: Can you deal with us giving a fuck?

As far as I’m concerned we are hunting pedophiles, anything else i.e political affiliations or race should not enter any of our discussions.

And yes I know I’m in lions den, exactly where I have to be.

Phantom42 ago

Member for 3 months, little participation.

That is very interesting, glownigger.

NowThatsInteresting ago

Lol curious, do you bang on your chest while screaming out loud? I can imagine you perfectly 🤣🤣

Phantom42 ago

No, I tend to remain rather quiet and reserved actually.

NowThatsInteresting ago

That’s good on you. You come across quite angry though 👀

Phantom42 ago

It is a quiet and cold anger. Though you wouldn't be able to tell looking at me. A bit of a hard-ass, maybe, but not angry.

NowThatsInteresting ago

Look, I’m white but this shouldn’t matter in here. Only how we get to expose these imbeciles. Anything else is meaningless. Are you telling me we didn’t find and expose straight, Christian and white pedophiles? I think the ratio to people of color is quite alarming. Yet I wouldn’t let anyone start slandering white people for being our main problem. So why are we hitting out at i.e black people. It just doesn’t make sense. I’d love for you to convince me otherwise.

ideologicidal ago

Then I admire your candor and your courage in voicing your convictions, even if I fundamentally disagree with those convictions.

I'm an unrepentant homosexual degenerate, myself. A niggerfaggot, if you will. One that is grateful to have access to a Free Speech platform like this.


Recalling that PDJT is a master troll, is possible that (just in time for pride month) he is injecting politics into the legbuttQ community?

Maybe he's Trolling the Dems....Maybe He's Trolling the Conservatives. He's been very pro LGB since 99, and courted the trans community throughout his 2016 campaign


"Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P."




ideologicidal ago

All I'm saying: keep a video-capable device handy if you're going to a Pride celebration this year. PDJT has elevated tensions and (we) gayfags know how to bring the drama. The possibility of viral video clips is elevated.

As far as President Trump goes, the fact that he can troll with a statement as bland and uncontroversial as "people should not be murdered for engaging in consensual sex" speaks to his mastery.


I'll be there. Dressed as a Clown.

ideologicidal ago

That's actually pretty brilliant, anon. Perfect camouflage. Feel free to get gaudy with the makeup, keep in mind you'll be competing with drag queens.


when are they generally? summer?

I can out honk them I promise

ideologicidal ago

Local events vary, but typically June to commemorate the Stonewall Riot.

Be careful, though, your honking could disturb the bears...


Be careful, though, your honking could disturb the bears...

The possibility of viral video clips is elevated.