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think- ago

from the article:

EMU is not the first university to reconsider its position in hosting “The Vagina Monologues.”

American University’s Women’s Initiative chose to change the event to the “Breaking Ground Monologues” in an effort to “broaden the focus from specifically female genitalia to multiple identities and bodies.”

In 2015, a student group at Mount Holyoke College decided to cancel its annual performance of production, saying the play excludes the experiences of transgender women who don’t have a vagina.

In 2016, a study published in the otherwise serious journal Pediatrics (April 2016, VOLUME 137 / ISSUE 4) titled “Unintended Consequences of Invoking the “Natural” in Breastfeeding Promotion” claimed that using the term to describe a biological function that only a “natural” born female can perform is “ethically inappropriate” for government and medical organizations.

To describe breastfeeding as natural “reinforces rigid notions about gender roles” that may be “offensive” to those who were not born female, according to the report.

Is it only me, or is this shit getting worse from day to day?!

@MolochHunter @gamepwn @shadow332 @Vindicator @Shizy

Vindicator ago

Yeah, they've definitely sped up the game plan on the whole transgender shitshow.