StandswithanAR ago

They are mistaken. I've inspected every consenting female I've ever met and every one had a vagina. Or maybe I'm just lucky.

Conway ago

Front hole monologues.

emperorbma ago

They do realize that this play is how they normalized lesbianism right? "Never interfere with your enemy when they are destroying themselves." Keep on destroying your foundations, shitheads!

TheTruthTheFacts ago

thats true... Obama.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Aren't the boards that determine these things at universities populated entirely by stupid college students who consider themselves deep and profound?

Beefandcheese ago

This is fucking hilarious. Another perfect example of the left consuming itself.

ardvarcus ago

This is hilarious. The politically correct propaganda of past decades isn't politically correct enough for today's snowflakes.

think- ago

from the article:

EMU is not the first university to reconsider its position in hosting “The Vagina Monologues.”

American University’s Women’s Initiative chose to change the event to the “Breaking Ground Monologues” in an effort to “broaden the focus from specifically female genitalia to multiple identities and bodies.”

In 2015, a student group at Mount Holyoke College decided to cancel its annual performance of production, saying the play excludes the experiences of transgender women who don’t have a vagina.

In 2016, a study published in the otherwise serious journal Pediatrics (April 2016, VOLUME 137 / ISSUE 4) titled “Unintended Consequences of Invoking the “Natural” in Breastfeeding Promotion” claimed that using the term to describe a biological function that only a “natural” born female can perform is “ethically inappropriate” for government and medical organizations.

To describe breastfeeding as natural “reinforces rigid notions about gender roles” that may be “offensive” to those who were not born female, according to the report.

Is it only me, or is this shit getting worse from day to day?!

@MolochHunter @gamepwn @shadow332 @Vindicator @Shizy

gamepwn ago

LOL it really is insanity. No matter what they try to do they will not be a woman nor the other way around. Sorry but most of us guys want our women to have real vagina haha not an abomination.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, they've definitely sped up the game plan on the whole transgender shitshow.

Shizy ago

It's getting worse!

think- ago

Yep! Where are the good ol' feminists? I mean, this has been a feminist classic. No protests?!

Shizy ago

I'm thinking we will see some push back from them if this trend to suppress this continues. It's a staple to those lesbians, I mean feminists!

think- ago

Well, as far as I know there are some feminists group that are against bathroom bills, and point out that women need 'safe spaces', but they seem to be a minority. Most feminists nowadays seem to be totally brainwashed re 'transgender rights'.

Shizy ago

Those old school feminists I can handle, and some of them I actually like. It's the new nutty ones that are ridiculous!

think- ago


Blue333 ago

Lol - I love it when they eat their own

AlternateSelection ago

They are insane and proud of it.

Owigotprcd ago

I think it's pretty great that they're destroying themselves.

watts2db ago

I remember about 15 years ago I was taking some grad level courses and saw posters advertising vagina monologues didn't give it much attention but thought briefly to myself "talking vaginas? wth is this shit?"

phoenix883 ago

And bread is cancelled in the cafeteria because not all guests have functional teeth.

Gimme a break.

kestrel9 ago

If people trying to storm the border knew they were entering an 'Island of Dr. Moreau' nuthouse with no walls, they'd march the other way and take asylum in Mexico.

newoldwave ago

What's next? Penis talks?

archiveyourshit ago jfc archive it you nigger faggot. cloudfare is shit and so is every other comment enabling OP.

ZoMg So EpIc WiN LeFtUrDs BtFo!!! UpBoAtS?? :DDD

pby1000 ago

Women have front holes, dumbass.

RakerKey ago

Every one of the women that I know DO have vaginas . .

Marku1 ago

pretty soon if this madness continues most fags will discover a third hole in their heads, will call it, hmmmm lead poisoning.

Charilko ago

I adore it when they start eating each other like this.

edistojim ago

and that overall, ‘The Vagina Monologue’ lacks diversity and inclusion.”

This may be true, but one thing they do have in common is being Bat Shit Crazy. Every last fucking one of them.

GasChamber ago

The left eating itself again. It really shows that they aren't the bleeding hearts they claim to be. They are nothing more than primal savages and will stab their own mother in the back for the slightest amount of personal gain. No good civilization can come from liberals.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I thought,id laugh agter reading,this but my mind doesnt even,know how to process these things anymore. I,just stare blankly and try to wake myself up 9nly to realize this is reality., I'm scared you guys. Lmfao

Ricky_Bobby ago

Blacks can only talk about blackness and women can only talk about having a pussy.

moviefreak ago

That is true. Just read through Reddit.

C_Corax ago

I dunno, "fronthole monologues" sounds just fine by me:)

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

These Lefty assholes just need to go. Enough of this insanity.

RakerKey ago

Dumb feminists

ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago

We'll also need Arizona Bay created, stat.

SaveTheChildren ago

Those 3 things are all fake btw.....

Guardbuddy ago

Ah yes, tell us more of your wisdom about how literally everyone is a tranny and that nukes don't real for some reason.

SaveTheChildren ago

Nukes are obviously not real if you just go to source footage and see how cinematic it all is and how theres no proof whatsoever of nukes or their destructive power. Btw you can eat uranium just fine, no problems.

NeoGoat ago

Hiroshima, Nagasaki??????

SaveTheChildren ago


NeoGoat ago

Thanks for answering. What about nuclear power plants?

SaveTheChildren ago

Power plants themselves are hoaxes. Power is created and distributed locally. Thats why theres small power stations and powerlines everywhere. Power plants are HOAXES. disneyland props. They are probably using the steam towers for weather modification, not electricity generation.

I have a youtube video on the powerplant hoax if youre interested.

Electricity is atmospheric. Think lightning...all those looooooong powerlines are producing energy.

chuckletrousers ago

But you're still paying the ((joos)) for electricity, aren't you? You're a fraud and a liar.

Guardbuddy ago

Why don't you go and eat some uranium and hopefully die from stomach cancer? <3

SaveTheChildren ago

Cancer is from being a degenerate tranny pumping hormones and eating garbage and drinking bad water

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Tell you what? I will buy some radioactive isotopes that can't be made into fissile material and give it to you to eat.


Radiation causes cancer and death.

commonsenseisded ago

That's a good way to use feminists degeneracy against them.

facepaint ago

Given the show's glorification & justification of lesbian pedo-rape, I won't shed a tear.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

But some men do so it evens out, right?

UberAngler ago

Please rain down upon us, Giant Meteor.

Kekalicious ago

We need another massive oil spill in the gulf, Then a hurricane to pick it up, light it and spread the wealth over the panhandle. = winning.

acheron2012 ago

Legit LOL!

The cancer eats itself.

Anonbeur ago

A simple correction - "hole monologues" as the 100+ genders within the psychopathology of the lib-tard all have holes - plural!

PewterKey ago

Can't change the name, the creators put a legal barrier in place to prevent censorship. A different theater ran into issues when people complained about "Vagina" being on a huge sign in the middle of town, they attempted to change it and were forced to revert back to Vagina or shut down production.

It's just great because it's 2nd wave feminists verse 3rd wave feminists here. So feminist aunts or mothers that raised little purple haired sex-positive [sic] communists are going to have wonderful thanksgiving fights over this.

HeavyBrain ago

I am identify as soild shell kin and find your assumption that everyone has holes -ism and -phobic.

NeoGoat ago


Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

People go into life shackling debt to participate in this nonsense. Think about that.

Gargilius ago

I do think about that, and chuckle a lot - one of these things that keeps a smile on my face...

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Think about that.

I came to the conclusion that degenerates commiting suicide (financial, intellectual or physical) is a GREAT THING.

If only we could ban them from voting, that'd be even greater.

UnknownAlias365 ago

Hopefully you didn't just come to that conclusion.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Not just, but still years too late.

Asashio ago

Unfortunately degrees are still a literal necessity in some fields.

Experience is generally worth more, but lots of places have "must hold at least x degree" type criteria.

Intrixina ago

A degree in lesbian dance therapy will only get you a job of being a teacher of lesbian dance therapy.

Gargilius ago

Sure, but it is possible to get a perfectly fine education and the degrees you need to get the foot in the door without breaking the bank ; e.g., community college then state university ; pick a real degree - aka STEM - from a legit place (look up the demographics and what other degrees they teach - ‘degrees’ in something-studies? run); and you’ll be fine. That or trade school - you’ll make more money if you are not lazy.

Asashio ago

I was addressing the forced participation in the madhouse more than the cost, but you're not really wrong.

watts2db ago

degrees in mathematics, engineering, physics, chemistry etc are good degrees in therapeutic gender fluid dancing not so much

Asashio ago

But nowadays you have to put up with the college bullshit regardless. If not in your core studies (which seems to be lucky even in STEM nowadays), then in mandatory "general knowledge" classes outside of your major.

It's awful.

Justwhiteofcenter ago

Where I live taxpayers pay for it.

Gargilius ago


aka you if / when you are successful- and you’ll be paying for all the useless something-studies crap as well.

mad_saxon ago

Higher Education has literally become Jewish Marxist Indoctrination centers.

Schreiber ago

Fortunately for everyone, only in select few countries, namely Western Europe and North America.

Steinmacher ago

show how stupid the left is... it's not the "woman have vaginas monologues"

so funny to watch them attack each other tho. and either way, a stupid feminist show was cancelled.


andrew_jackson ago

Yeah. This was a good find by OP. Not sure how old you are, but when I was in college the VM was the edge of the far left, shock art so offensive that even the libtards of the day deplored it.

...and now it's too conservative for neoliberal academia.

Steinmacher ago

I'm so old when I was in college people didn't even say "vagina" out loud...

TalkingAboutThings ago

I'm not convinced we've reached the peak. I think it could get a lot worse. We don't even have gulags yet.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

They cant get the gulags until they have full control of the state.

TalkingAboutThings ago

Agreed, and due to demographics, it's only a matter of time.

memememema ago

ITs called google reeducation camps.

ardvarcus ago

Naw, they're called hospitals -- where they make you "better."

ItsBad ago

It. Keeps. Getting. Worse.

kestrel9 ago

So the campus cows are full of bull.