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@letsdothis3 @think-

George Soros is funded the documentary about this

PETALING JAYA: The Kleptocrats, a documentary on the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) scandal, has made its debut this week at the 2018 Doc NYC, an annual documentary festival.

Directed by Britons Sam Hobkinson and Havana Marking, the 86-minute documentary tells the story of the scandal and those connected to it, including former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, businessman and now fugitive Jho Taek Low, and Hollywood celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio.

It also follows the investigations conducted by journalists from publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Hollywood Reporter, who worked to uncover the scandal.

In a review on Screendaily, film critic Allan Hunter wrote that “interviews with (then-opposition) politician Tony Pua, political cartoonist Zunar and activist (now MP) Maria Chin Abdullah remind us that a great story was also a national tragedy.

The executive producers of the documentary include Alex Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros.

letsdothis3 ago

Is this a counter narrative, or is this Malaysia thing a justification for regime change?

This is about controlling the narrative. The scandal was and is HUGE.. and now it's been touted as 'money laundering'... it's about far more than that as my link to the other post tries to point out.

It also follows the investigations conducted by journalists from publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and The Hollywood Reporter, who worked to uncover the scandal.

Sure they did. People were picking up the story on international websites while it was being downplayed in the US.. When they could no longer contain the story up step our intrepid left media to 'come to the rescue'. Note that Jho Low was allowed to get away.


think- ago

Check out the real estate portfolio of Tavistock... just for starters...


letsdothis3 ago

Tavistock Institute from Hell The Tavistock Institute was fincanced by the Rockefeller Foundation and is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology. What it really does is implement psychological torment on those who expose corruption in society. Today the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums. The USAF and DARPA run covert programs on the internet using research developed from the Tavistock Institute. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking and psychological torture on those researching "conspiracy" or on those opposing the criminals running society. The word "Conspiracy Theorist" is a term these criminals created as a form of neuro-linguistic programming to automatically discredit those that research or investigate criminality. The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and the House of Windsor. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons working for the British Crown. Usually mentioning the word "Tavistock" on a conspiracy website will get you banned immediately. The websites Conspiracy Outpost, Godlike Productions, and Lunatic Outpost are entirely Tavistock operations. The moderators Cinnamon and UKshep on Conspiracy Outpost are highly trained Tavistock agents and extremely sadistic. Cinnamon is a psychotic child murdering Amazon-feminist and electronic gang stalker. Craig Oxley is a high level member of the Tavistock Institute which was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and one of his agents is Ed from Outer Light. There is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. Craig Oxley's site states on its header "Support the Promethians." David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock's agendas. Rockefeller Jr. is pure evil and he needs to be hunted down and executed. The Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are also covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Carnegies created the Carnegie Mellon University which is involved in technologies including human-computer interaction and cognitive sciences. The Carnegies develop electronic torture systems. John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were both friends and rivals. The Carnegies are currently a British nobility headed up by David Carnegie the 4th Duke of Fife and his sons Charles Duff Carnegie the Earl of Southesk, George William Carnegie, and Hugh Alexander Carnegie. The Carnegies are ruthless and evil.

Andrew Russell the 15th Duke of Bedford and Marquess of Tavistock is the top overseer of the Tavistock Institute and he is worth over 500 million. Andrew Russell is one of the most evil beings on the planet. The Russell family also co-founded Yale University and Skull and Bones which is a military death cult that uses electronic weapons like voice to skull torture. The Bush family are top members of Skull and Bones and work with the Tavistock Institute and command the use of voice to skull torment technologies. Its not all electronic. This has been going on for thousands of years before electronics existed. The Tavistock Group is an international investment firm headquartered in the British Crown's commonwealth of the Bahamas. Tavistock Group is owned by the Lewis family with Joe Lewis and they also have a charitable foundation connected with their investment firm. Joe Lewis is worth about 5 billion and was a business associate of George Soros and they both made billions on Black Wednesday. They use their billions to finance criminal agendas like Tavistock's psychological torture programs or social mind control programs. Charities are often used as a disguise for criminal pay offs. The Tavistock Institute is pure evil and involved with ruthless mind control and has the entire internet running brain reading software developed by DARPA. Dr Eliat Aram, Robert Branagh, Joel Featherman, Joanna Hill, Julie Newlan, Christopher Warhurst, Alice Long, and Cliff Oswick are all Council members of the Tavistock Institute and also lawless criminals. Major "Alternative Media" outlets are part of the FBI's COINTELPRO operation or similar agencies and programs intended to infiltrate political organizations in order to disrupt, subvert, and radicalize them. Some start out legitimate and later become compromised. They operate as fishing nets drawing in opposition. The entire inter-net is used like a net and managed by criminal hacking groups connected with military and intelligence agencies. Anonymous is a COINTELPRO group created by the CIA and NSA. The legitimate opposition that they cannot manipulate are targeted and persecuted. The government works with privatized organizations like Stratfor Intelligence which gather information on the legitimate opposition. Infowars uses Stratfor.

These groups are then connected with secret societies which covertly carry out persecution for payment. Secret Societies use criminal style initiations to incorporate its members so that they can blackmail members if they try to turn against them. Secret Societies are organized crime groups and include Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Chabad, fraternities, sororities and they work with less organized and unofficial groups like Wiccan cults, and New Age cults. Facebook and smart devices use Tavistock brain reading software as part of their social engineering program. Organized religion is also involved including Christian Churches and especially the Church of Latter Day Saints. Freemasons and Jesuit agents at the Department of Defense work with the British Tavistock Institute and run COINTELPRO like operations based on psychological programs developed by the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute works with MI6 headed up by Alex Younger and MI5 headed up by Andrew Parker. These agencies work with the CIA and USAF. They are involved with most of the major alternative media outlets like Godlike Productions, Lunatic Outpost, Conspiracy Outpost, David Icke Forum, Infowars, Reddit Conspiracy, and DiscloseTV. Alternative media channels like these use brain reading software along with disinformation agents that gather intel on people who speak out. American Intelligence Media is a very evil Cointelpro-Tavistock alternative media operation. They hire commenters to dictate the narrative and gatekeepers to target people who disrupt their programs. Their goal is to understand and control the minds of their opposition. They are also involved in electronic harassment. They develop Alternative Media programs or themes like QAnon which are intended to distract, undermine, and misdirect the opposition against corruption. The ones involved in these Tavistock operations are ruthless sadists and all out criminals.,-15th-Duke-of-Bedford

Andrew Russell, 15th Duke of Bedford and former Marquis of Tavistock which was recently passed to his son

David Rockefeller Jr.,-4th-Duke-of-Fife

David Carnegie, 4th Duke of Fife

Joe Lewis


Joe Lewis owns the Tavistock Group, with more than 200 assets across 10 countries.

Skull and Bones was formed in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft.

Samuel Russell (4 November 1660 – 24 June 1731[1]) was one of the founders of Yale University.[2][3]

The ‘psycho-electronic’ type of mind control I’m discussing here is the covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope. This harassment includes electronic mind/body attacks, street harassment skits, destruction of family and other relationships and destruction of careers.

One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture. Voice to skull technology is sometimes referred to as “synthetic telepathy”.

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller Sr. were an “odd couple” when they made a joint appearance to defend their new charitable foundations 100 years ago.

Scientists from the Center of the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) — a joint program between Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh

Byron M. Yu, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and biomedical engineering at Carnegie Mellon, said this work demonstrates the utility of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for basic scientific studies that will eventually impact people's lives.

think- ago

Thank you, very interesting info. (Although I admit I'd like to see sources for some of the stuff he writes.)

Godlike Productions always seemed to be a clown operation to me - check the user agreement they want you to sign before you can create an account.



I think there's a mixture of disinformation sprinkled in here

in my research tavistock foundation/institute and tavistock group are different organizations, I haven't seen evidence linking the two?

re: rockefellers funding Tavistock. They probably have, but the foundation was created by the British military/Government Psychologists in the 1920's to study hypnosis and PTSD in soldiers. Idk if Rockefellers are "financing" Tavistock, or one of many channels by which money is funneled to the foundation

letsdothis3 ago

Further musings on connections between the Tavistock Institute and Tavistock Group:

Tavistock Institute VI: The Tentacles -

In part I & II ...We looked at a brief history of how they were developed for the purpose of helping soldiers that suffered shell shock (PTSD) after WWI. When they learned how successful trauma was for molding individuals, they went right to work. Dr. Karl Lewin, who was the head of OSS, the precursor to the CIA, headed up things in the US. This trauma based mind control philosophy is partly attributable to Theodor Adorno's, Authoritarian Personality, although there are other influences as well. The key to their control technique is trauma followed by very subtle psychological influences. Using Freudian psychotherapy to induce a permanent state of mental illness the identity of the subject is effectively erased. Once the mind is "opened" up, the web of Tavistock driven organizations go to work. Before we look into how Tavistock works in more detail and how it relates to almost everything that happens (even Pizzagate), we should look at who exactly the Tavistock actors in America are.

It is axiomatic that no organization works without funding, so in addition to the American taxpayer footing most of the bill, there are other financial interests at work here also. One of the biggest contributors is the Rockefeller Foundation. Also, George Soros and his friend and business partner in the Tavistock Group, Joe Lewis. The Tavistock Group is an investment front based in the Bahamas that, along with Soros, made a fortune crashing the British Pound. Here are some of the tentacles of this enormous web made up of governmental and non-governmental research facilities:

Stanford Research Institute...Flow Laboratories: Effectively runs the National Institute of Health....Merle Thomas Corp.: Analyzes satellite data for the Navy.... Brookings Institution...Hudson Institute..National Training Laboratories...The Institute of Applied Behavioral Sciences and the NEA (National Education Association, the teacher's union). International Institute of Applied Behavioral Sciences... Wharton School of Finance and Commerce: (University of Pennsylvania) The Wharton School is one of the nation's leading business schools. They also do research for the United Nations, the IMF, The World Bank, the Ford Foundation (who donate generously), The Defense Dept. The USPS, and many more....Institute For the Future...Institute for Policy Studies... MIT- Alfred P. Sloan School of Management...RAND Corp.

As you can see, Tavistock has their tentacles woven throughout America: politically, socially and economically.

Okay, we need links..

The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists


So far we openly know of the connection between George Soros and the Clinton Foundation through large donations and shared ideology, and we have identified links from the Tavistock Institute's research playing into large parts of federal organizations involved with domestic populations. However, Soros can also be more directly linked to the Tavistock Institue. Soros has closely worked with Joe Lewis, particularly in regards to Black Wednesday where they both made inordinate amounts of money from the pound crashing. Lewis also is the main investor of the Tavistock Group, which was founded out of the first generation of Tavistock Institute's staff.

That's what is says in the management handbook link above. But is it the same Tavistock Group that we are looking at today?

One of the Group's major investments is the Lake Nona Medical City in Florida

The concept of the medical city began in October 2005 when the Tavistock Group donated $12.5 million and 50 acres (20 ha) of land to the University of Central Florida to help establish a medical school.

Google "tavistock institute" and lake nona brings up this document

Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute | Lake Nona Teaching is conducted through the Department of Security and Crime Science, which offers a broad range of qualifications which cater to students, academics, and practitioners alike including formal undergraduates degrees, taught master's courses, and PhD programmes.

ISABS | Behavioural Sciences | Human Process | T Groups ... LIVE FORWARD. Lake Nona is a community of and for the future. Where it’s not about what has happened, but what is happening. Where better opportunities are being created for generations to come

Home | Lake Nona Bateson Centennial Timeline 2004. May 2004 Circolo Bateson Roma meets at University of Roma III for "Gregory Bateson: I Cent'anni di un Pensiero Vivente"

There are lots of references to Gregory Bateson at Lake Nona. he was the husband of Margaret Mead.

Gregory Bateson (9 May 1904 – 4 July 1980) was an English anthropologist, social scientist, linguist, visual anthropologist, semiotician, and cyberneticist whose work intersected that of many other fields. In the 1940s, he helped extend systems theory and cybernetics to the social and behavioral sciences. He spent the last decade of his life developing a "meta-science" of epistemology to bring together the various early forms of systems theory developing in different fields of science.[2] His writings include Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972) and Mind and Nature (1979). Angels Fear (published posthumously in 1987) was co-authored by his daughter Mary Catherine Bateson.

..Although initially reluctant to join the intelligence services, Bateson served in OSS during World War II along with dozens of other anthropologists.[20] He was stationed in the same offices as Julia Child (then Julia McWilliams), Paul Cushing Child, and others.[21] He spent much of the war designing 'black propaganda' radio broadcasts. He was deployed on covert operations in Burma and Thailand, and worked in China, India, and Ceylon as well.

Voat posts include: Ping Pong-Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) by @AngB23

tag words: Esalen Institute; Batesoman: Mead; EMDR

Lateral Eye Movements Increase False Memory Rates - [That's a whole other post]

I had more connections but I just discovered a possible link between Shapiro and Epstein.. going to take a look...At any rate, The Tavistock Group works with people like Tiger Woods and the whole 'Heroes' industry and mass min control.. you should look into them...

