holafpi ago

Hi, I am trying to find a trustworthy link between Elizabeth Dami and Joao de Deus. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to go about it?

SearchVoatBot ago

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LeeDoverwood ago

So, they have a branch office in Sedona Arizona. Interesting. https://unityofsedona.com/crystal-bed-healing-room/

wokeasfook ago

Not a second pizzagate but the answer to the number one debunker question "where are all the victims?".

We always knew victims were't your regular children but carefully selected children who don't have loving parents who miss them. That is the role played by the catholic church and others. Access to children in order to act as the procurement arm. Now we have this John of God story to point to anytime we're asked where are all the victim?

The answer is, everywhere. The 18 year old veteran porn star. How long were they being abused and conditioned for their roles in the porn industry. The victims become prostitutes and pornstars. They are raised like chickens on farms like John of Gods.

This guy ties the entire Pizzagate/pedogate story together with a bow on top.

Where are all the victims was always the most difficult question to answer. Not anymore. That question has just become the lead-in to the biggest red pill of all on this subject.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SweetTea73 ago

Truly strange. I was looking into the jog/ Oprah connection on YouTube. It pulls up an older video where she talks to Wayne dyer about jog. Wayne starts talking about video? Pic? Of entities that have been recorded coming out of jog. I just watched it last night, so crazy timing....I actually didn't finish it all

carmencita ago

Last week Cindy McCain was at SkyHarbor Airport when she saw a woman with a child that was not the same ethnicity she reported to police and then claimed she thwarted a Child trafficking incident. Lie. The police refuted her story after they investigated. Cindy has been posted about before. One of their Childten was adopted. I can’t believe she jumped through all the hoops that other adoptive parents had to. She also cochairs on Arizona’s Human Trafficking Council.

think- ago

This woman is a joke - and now they push that she was the one who exposed John of God? Haha.

Amy Biank

I have been a guide at the Casa for many years, here is my take on what is happening.

Is Joao (John)highly charged sexually? Yes. Has he taken advantage of his position as a healer to seduce women and girls into allowing him to take sexual liberties? Yes.

Healing and sexual energy go hand in hand. They are the same. It takes great personal strength for a healer to use one and put the other aside. Even good, kind people can be corrupted by the strength of this energy.

That's bullshit. Either you are a decent person, and respect the boundaries of others, or you don't.

It is up to you as a spiritual explorer to develop the life skills to not lose yourself in the energy of a healer and to protect teach those who do not have those skills!

No. It's up to every 'healer' not to be transgressive, and to respect boundaries.

Is the Casa an instrument of financial gain for Joao? No

Thats obviously a lie.*

I know for a fact that Joao does not care about the money the Casa brings in outside of the enormous cost of running such a large enterprise. Once as a tour guide, I handed him $10,000 cash (donations from a large tour) and 5 minutes later I saw a ragged nun leave his office, tears streaming down her face, with the whole wad of cash!

Of course. /s

Are there any "safe" "holy" places in the world? No

You are only as safe as your own poise and discretion can allow.

Is the healing at the Casa a fraud? No

The Casa is a hospital that turns no one away! Thieves, con artists, perverts, the mentally ill, delusional people, stubborn people, egotistical people and people with all physical illness are treated.

Everything is real, nothing is real. God is so loving he allows us the freedom to explore ourselves and our world in any fashion we choose, and always there is the opportunity to heal!

What would I wish for...

I wish for every person in the world to have an adventure, a pilgrimage, a sacred journey. I wish that people would be strong, know themselves, stay in their bodies and make wise choices about their journeys. I wish that people would have the courage to tell the truth to each other and their children without embroidering it with emotional detail. I wish for all people to draw wisdom from experience rather then expression.

I wish for people to not abdicate their human rights for the illusion of safety. I wish for people to be so wise that they can experience life without the need for laws or government.


It's obvious why she doesn't want any laws, isn't it?

So Defango on YouTube got it all wrong when he claimed that she was the one who exposed everything, and that she had a blog that called John of God out. The blog in fact was run by someone else, and Amy B. only left a comment, and a shitty one no less.

So why would Defango promote her in this way? I also read a Tweet by a woman who did a video interview with her (not yet posted), and also said Biank 'exposed' John of God.

@angelafogo @girlinashittycountry @ASolo @sore_ass_losers @AppliedAspergers

Pcpoet09 ago

defango is a trickster he loves leading people down rabbit holes that are dead ends.

think- ago

Well, he obviously fucked up this one.

angelafogo ago

Its all full of double faced shillers working for them. Just like in pizzagate. This is why this thing is big. They are scared we see through their smoke screen. Bittencourt was investigating the destiny of the babies and the families that “adopted” them, thats why she got induced into suicide. If the truth gets out the shit will hit the fan.

angelafogo ago

Also Bittencourt specifically stated that the operation was being managed with the help of the spiritual guides. Thats why Amy Bianks was so quick to come up as a saviour. She’s into it deep.

think- ago


think- ago

Interesting comment from the blog linked in OP:

has anyone heard of the latest scandle of JOG in Sedona - seems he did it again, and the female owner of the centre tried to pay the women off....


So he might have assaulted several women while in Sedona, but only one of them went to the police?

think- ago

I think this is important when we try to understand why some people say John of God has healing powers:

And I think Joao has created an amazing EXPECTATION of healing at his place

There are quite a number of remarkable healings that are reported at the CASA. However, one thing most people don't figure in, is the huge number of people he processes thru, in any given day.

He on a good day can have many hundreds, even a 1,000 people passing by him in a single day. Almost all of them are pretty ill.

So if you have 1,000 a people a day that's 365,000 a year. the casa is only open certain days, but even if you have "only" 50,000 or 100,000 people a year passing in front of one person, they are bound to be credited with some healings, Especially because many, many of the people visiting Joao are also doing many other alternative and/or conventional treatments simultaneously. Statistically, a certain number of them are going to get well, even with cancer or other serious illnesses.


AppliedAspergers ago

So if these accusations existed online this far back, the timing of his downfall might be intentional.

angelafogo ago

Maybe they were buying time. I insist this is a human trafficking operation and not for adoption purposes but SRA related.

AppliedAspergers ago

People sometimes legitimately adopt for $40k. I wish I could believe that was what was happening here.

angelafogo ago

Exactly my point. If you can spend 40k you would not go to the black market with all the liabilities it has. You can adopt legally and do the paperwork right protecting yourself of possible future legal issues. This is the price a buyer pays for a baby with the intention of keeping its identity under the radar and with nobody looking for it.

think- ago

Regarding Unity of Sedona:

This guy does their Sunday service, he wrote a book about Tantra (always a red flag):


angelafogo ago

Thanks for this

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome.

sore_ass_losers ago

That strange "Obat Aborsi" stuff at the end of Amy Blank's blog is apparently ads for a pharmaceutical used off-label to induce miscarriages, in Indonesian!

angelafogo ago

Yes. But i think it is a front for fetus trafficking.

sore_ass_losers ago

I actually logged in tonight to post the most 'far-out' allegations from Dangerous Diane's blog:

John of ? Is a fraud , pedifile, evil soul... More importantly is his Adgenda... He together with the Russian Government are moving now in creating and colonizing a hybrid race to try and become a superpower by 11/11/11. They are interbreeding young Brazilian girls with a Dangerous Alien race! The US will do nothing to intervene cause many of them are part of the entire plot. Certian Crystals are being Actvated by the Alien threat and placed in locations that are instrumental in enlisting the masses. Approaching or trusting These evil Beings will bring eminent danger.. A young Australian recently went to Brazil for a healing never to return. You will not hear this on the news.. She was never found.. Beware there is a cult center in Sedona Arizona that is called John of God Peace center. Do not enter, or enter at your own risk. This evil must and will be terminated . Protect your self from evil. Speaking out and exposing of this evil and taking the stand to fight back wit love and truth is the only way to end this mass deception for now and our future... Please take a stand in truth and love.. Thank you

The FBI would have to do the Job they swore to uphold under oath. Hard to believe, but it's true!. Also This Joao demon Is very Clever and Methodical , very well connected , it has been said that he works with the CIA and his other partners such as Drunvalo and Chavez work for the Russian Government. Who can we trust? Joao is definitely a Sexual Predator But his main adgenda along with certain Goverment Officials Globally, protect him. They are Covering up the biggest deception in the history of our planet.... Creating a Hybrid Race , colonizing in many places world wide, working with Bildaburg Groups and many alike , their plan to build a new Hybrid race will fail miserably!!!! But if any Honest soul reads this and will commit to help take down this New Age Evil Cult , I'm on the front lines with you.!!!Let's stop these Evil Tyrants now ! I am remaining Anonymous because I am and will remain on the Front lines. Be not in Fear cause In The present and in the End All Evil Will fall on on their own swords. And shall never return!!!You know who you are.

These appear to be the same person, someone else chimes in later, more sober sounding with better spelling:

In researching this man I stumbled on a person expressing concern (08)over his friend who committed suicide as the friend felt Jon was taking over his mind and he resented the intrusions. The young person was asking about Jon manipulating "fragile" people, meaning he thought his friend must have had mental health issues to think someone was taking over his mind. I'd like to make this point. Spiritual power cuts both ways.It can be used to help or to hurt. I have heard of this type of attack before and yes, it is possible and it does not mean the victim is crazy. Many believe that psychic attack can't happen to them if they just believe in Jesus or don't give it space. That also is not true. There is a reason only a few priests are excorcists.Not all have the gift to deal with it. It takes a great deal of prayer work and blessings to deal with that sort of thing. I notice some here know but are afraid to spell it out. The one posting on aliens and such, although it sounds bizarre may be closer to the truth. You are dealing with unseen things.They can represent themselves as ANYTHING because you can't see them and they can change shape.

These allegations were even more bizarre at the time before we knew about the baby farms. Perhaps the sex slavery and baby trafficking are just side effects, they could have had some occult purpose.

JdD's religion/wordview is all about spirit possession. They could have been breeding these babies with occult rituals to invoke entities to incarnate. Sounds crazy yes, but consider Jack Parson's 'Babalon Working', a rocket scientist essentially doing this same thing.

If you don't like the notion of spirit possession, which is commonplace in Brazil, think of mind control alters or split personalities.

Vindicator ago

This sounds like the plot of the X-Files.

sore_ass_losers ago

The truth is out there!

I think it's somewhere between Mulder and the Amazing Randi. Hey, UFOs are officially real nowadays, as inexplicable flying phenonema that exceed our publicly known capabilities.

In considering JoG, is he a criminal who used occultism to exploit his victims or an occultist who has no problem with criminality? My take is he's the latter. He thinks he's a medium (but no doubt exaggerates his occult powers). I'm willing to entertain the notion he may have had occultist motivations for his criminal acts.

Yuke ago

That's an example of what I would say is mixing falsehoods with reality to make the reality seem ridiculous by association, and thus, dismissed and ignored and then memory-holed. The reality is enough.

think- ago

That's possible. On the other hand: It's not important what believe to be true, it's important what they believe to be true. Meaning: Maybe they really have the delusion that they can create a mixed race of humans and demons. Who knows?

@angelafogo @girlinashittycountry @ASolo @letsdothis3 @Vindicator

angelafogo ago

Its not a delusion. Joan is not a person anymore, he is a container for something else. Thats why he calls himself an entity or a sum of entities. Hubbard had something similar and Osho as well. Call it whatever you like. I have seen it. Call it fragmented personalities or demons. There is very little science can do to explain a phenomenon that is real, but talking about it might be detrimental to our cause. The enemy has many tactics and one of them is calling us loonies so that people who hasnt been red pilled will dismiss us before checking the evidence themselves. So i must insist, lets concentrate in spreading and digging for information. So much has been found so far. This case might mean much more. Going metaphysical is not the way just yet.

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm not suggesting anyone accept these comments at false value. Yes, they could be posted by allies of JdD to discredit this blog. Maybe even pre-emptively squash rumors of the baby farm (but I think it would be odd for them to bring them up/start them). However I take them as genuine and well-meaning although more than a little paranoid.

Occultists have their own reality.

For instance Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard along with Marjorie Cameron, followers of Aleister Crowley, really did engage in a ritual to supposedly open a portal to another world, invoke an archetypical entity, and conceive a magical child. Ridiculous?

Hubbard went on to create Scientology. Crowley's OTO often pops up as a villain on v/pizzagate. These ridiculous beliefs shape our reality.

sore_ass_losers ago

If you are willing to consider JdD's mindset and consider entity possession (read alters, split personalities, or negative thoughts if you like):

JdD bills himself as 'the entity known as John of God'. He in turn claims to channel Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order, who was not a famous physician, and two local Brazilian bacteriologists/epidemologists.

Seekers at the Casa see the humble, rural surroundings, the white clothing, the simple non-worldly saint-like guru who works for free, and all the other meditating seekers. They see all the miracles. Christians have a notion that 'Satan can't heal' (although Christ warns about evil people who can 'cast out demons') and think John's 'Deus' is theirs also.

They completely surrender their will to this guy and allow, even hope they will be chosen for this, JdD to perform blood rituals on them if he likes. The blood splashes on their white clothing in an occult ritual.

A lot of these seekers come to realize the Casa is an evil place, that they are saddled with negative entities as a result of their experience there.

I developed this understanding from the following webpage about these issues (thanks to @permindex ):

"Feeling Worse After Seeing or Asking for Help from John of god."

I have heard from people who’s lives have been overwhelmed by pain and hardship since their contact with Jog. I believe that those people are at a place in their evolution where being bound by Reptilian and other Dark energies is not in harmony with their Soul purpose… instead of absorbing those Dark energies peacefully their Souls and Bodies fight back and try to prevent it from happening. These people are literally fighting for their own freedom, and that is why they are under such psychic attacks, challenges, pain and suffering.

I do acknowledge that Jog (the entity) really does let his truth be known if we are willing to just see… he is described as an entity apparently by his own instructions. The whole organization is clear that it is entities that are doing the work. “The entity known as John of god” is how he is described. It is the Humans who have interpreted that or fell for the belief that he/they are of the Light, so we can only blame ourselves if we refuse to see what is in front of us (and I fell for this too).

Hard as it may be to believe but the Dark Entities are fully capable of doing healing too. It is a dangerous assumption to believe that healing only comes from the Light. The Dark has their own agenda which is to prevent your spiritual growth and that is the main reason why they do this… to make sure you are bound tight by invisible Contracts, Implants, Vows, Oaths, Allegiances, being on your committees and councils, and anything else they can get away with in return for the healing. By consenting to the Healing you also consented to all the rest.


Lastly some of the entities are described as 'Grey Aliens', which ties in with the odd alien baby breeding allegations:

As an Energy Healer I have spent a fair amount of time from February 2014 onward removing J.o.g and Reptilian contaminations from people who went to Jog or sought his healing long distance. This page is to share with those interested and particularly other healers that their is another connection that needs to be removed to really free people from the Jog experience. That connection is the Grey Aliens.


Lansing-Michigan ago

Read a book once on New Orleans....The catholics were ready to set up shop when Spain first discovered America. What did they do to start there in that beautiful city, set up a space for torture. Back then, our founding fathers had a deep distrust of the "papists"....for just such reasons. Now all these years later, it seems to be a prerequisite for the Supreme Court to be a catholic. clarence thomas is a jesuit...no respect for women.

angelafogo ago

This is all Crowley... Again, lets focus on finding what happened to the babies and spreading this information.

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes, Crowley. He and JdD are on the same wavelength. JdD was perhaps even more of a Beast. The Seekers at the Casa told JdD 'do what thou wilt' with me, they totally surrendered, including allowing him to cut them in blood rituals.

I'll focus on whatever I want to focus on and post wherever. This topic is allegations in Dangerous Diane's blog.

sore_ass_losers ago

You double posted this on v/news: https://voat.co/v/news/3032029/16734245/10#16734245

I'll copy my comment from there:

I've run into this blog too and posted the link on v/pizzagate. This has allegations of sexual abuse and rape of women and young girls and even mentions children. The blog is from 2008 but allegations in comments come down to the present day. The allegations sound plausible and credible.

Someone chimes in that they know Portuguese and if the allegations are true how come there is nothing on Brazilian websites. There's a mention that there were allegations in Brazil but they were scrubbed from the web. I think the timeline for this would be around 2009.

According to comments other males at the Casa also participated in sexual abuse of female seekers and to threaten would-be whistleblowers.

A seeker came to the Casa at great expense and effort, sensed the negative vibes, and was on the next bus out.

JdD had a center in Sedona Arizona which had a sexual scandal and suit:


Why is the John of God Casa Inc. And Elisabetta Dami being sued? County of YAVAPIA # V1300CV201180393

Defendant Elisabetta Dami accused of Fraud,extortion,Bribery , sexual assault . Criminal conduct is said to have taken place at personal residence and Commercial property" John of God Casa" both owned by Elisabetta Dami.

This also gives the history of the recent revelations. A Dutch model went to the Casa, got abused by JdD, and decided to speak up on social media. Here is one of her accounts:


letsdothis3 ago

Someone chimes in that they know Portuguese and if the allegations are true how come there is nothing on Brazilian websites.

The few comments that I've seen from Brazilians all say that they are afraid for their own safety when they post.

angelafogo ago

This is all SRA stuff. So i insist, we need to find out what they did to the babies. Thats why Bittencourt was murdered.

angelafogo ago

Please research Sedona. Something is going on there.

angelafogo ago

Also. People. We need to research what the hell they were doing in Sedona’s john of god center https://unityofsedona.com/crystal-bed-healing-room/

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

While it wouldn’t surprise me to find that this Elizabeth character is into some creepy stuff, the woman who claims to be her neighbor has spelled Sadona incorrectly. The town is Sedona, Arizona. I find it questionable that she cannot spell such an integral part of her address correctly. Any idea when this was posted? I couldn’t find a date.

LeeDoverwood ago

Or it's an intentional misspelling. SADona.

angelafogo ago

The E is not so far away from the A in the keyboard. That was written in a hurry by just a regular angry housewife.

ASolo ago

My God. Have we uncovered CDANS "Church"?

Geffen, Oprah, Arizona, all the usual suspects and a place mentioned many times in several cdan blinds oft times bordering Utah.

Piscina ago

That's what I was thinking too.

angelafogo ago

Post a link please

ASolo ago

The Church - Crazy Days and Nights


The most disturbing part of this is that I still don't think that John of Gods church fits and a few others still do, and even the blind itself implies there are other churches involved. Something tells me that this church might contribute to their efforts in this blind but is not the church in question.

lckypscs ago

I was thinking the same thing! Glad somebody else sees it!

think- ago

There was an annual meeting at Sedona, organized by John McCain, and Lynne de Rothschild, IIRC.

Less well known than the Bilderberg meeting, but many say at least as important.

@letsdothis3 @ASolo @AppliedAspergers

sore_ass_losers ago

Sedona is a New Age hotspot, known as an 'energy vortex', and I'm sure a beautiful spot.

It would be interesting to know when the John of God center was active and when de Faria himself visited there.

Apparently there's a big intersection between Globalism and the New Age. There was guy in the UK, Benjamin Creme, who promoted Maitreya, a New Age Christ to replace all religions living incognito in London. Sounds like a crackpot but...

The spiritual thrust of SI [his magazine Share International] is clearly obvious in each issue that is published. Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine.

They include articles written by:

  former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali

    present Secretary General Kofi Annan

    former President of Ireland Mary Robinson

    Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization
    and former Prime Minister of Norway

    the Dalai Lama

    recently even Britain’s Crown Prince Charles

Even though the average man off the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite.


Lansing-Michigan ago

Some of the good researchers on this site need to investigate ley lines. They are the energy networks all over the world which correspond to our chakra system. ........the study of them is common in the east but not the west.The places these ley lines cross each other are considered to have a lot of energy that can be spread by location only. Minot , ND, where we keep our nukes is on such a cross road. The catholics like to place huge cathedrals on them as well...it is said by Dr. Joseph Farrell, I think, that when they played the organ very loud with certain music like Back, the messages were broadcast ...by a way that is not commonly known, with power. Thomas Jefferson built his house on a cross roads..I think our forefathers knew of these things and it is just one more thing kept hidden from us lowly people. Have tried to find information and good maps of ley lines and to me, it is almost impossible. Big red flag.I think Sedona Arizona is on a cross road. ...a powerful one. New age people go to the area like a mecca.Dr. Farrell also thinks entire countries can be brain washed..he thought Germany was during Hitler's time. And it is an explanation as to why America has been so blind to pedophilia. Mass mind control.......All the experiments the nazis did are an enigma to me.Why has no one asked just what exactly they wanted to do with their findings.

sore_ass_losers ago

I was big into ley lines in my youth, reading Alfred Watkins The Old Straight Track and John Michell. Watkins rediscovered them; it's true you can lay a ruler on a map and neolithic sites, cathedrals, even natural peaks (if I recall correctly) line up. Later on I tried to find alignments in the US, looking at mounds, etc., with limited success.

I'd say they're more like acupuncture meridians than chakras. (In China ley lines are called dragon paths.)

I would expect Sedona and Abadiania to be on the confluence of ley lines.

I've run into books by modern researchers who take a more scientific approach to ley lines and claim they are a measurable phenomenon.

Here's a bit about Sedona's vortex energy:

Many people come to Sedona for a true spiritual experience. The uplifting vortex energy is part of the attraction to this area for inner journeys & retreats. Our knowing of Sedona as a place of special energy goes back to the time of the native people who were here, starting 11,000 years ago. They consider Sedona sacred. People now view Sedona as a place of awakening.

When the mainstream culture began to have an awakening to eastern and indigenous ways of healing and spirituality in the 1970’s, people began to look at Sedona with an intuitive eye to understand the high energy here. At that time Paige Bryant, a gifted clairvoyant, studied some of the energy patterns in Sedona and had her own special experiences at four places in Sedona that are the most widely known traditional meditation sites now - Bell Rock, Airport Mesa, Boynton Canyon and Cathedral Rock. In the thirty years since then, many other intuitive guides have identified other special energies in Sedona, and native people have also shared the location of some of their ancestral sacred sites in high energy areas.

...and yet the mystery remains. What is the complete nature of the vortex energy in Sedona? There is a slight measurable residue of magnetism in the places where the energy is strongest. The Juniper trees that twist like a vortex show areas of amplified energy. Scientists are now using satellite technology to study and understand earth energy patterns, and perhaps some of what we're experiencing in Sedona is the way the earth cycles energy in various wave patterns. We experience this subtle energy as energy in motion on the surface of the earth and can often feel it - and its effects - if we take the time to open and align to the energy.


For Abadiania there's some sort of crystal energy there (well Arizona has lots of minerals too):

His sanctuary, the Casa Dom Inácio, is located near an open portal atop a Quartz Crystal mine in the small town of Abadiania, Brazil.

I have to admit, I am 'into crystals'. I feel quartz especially has some energy which is useful for humans. Brazil has some amazing crystals. Particularly the neighboring state to Goias, Minas Gerais.

Here's a 4-ton crystal they brought from Brazil to Sedona:


This huge 4-ton crystal has been transplanted to the Casa in Sedona from Brazil. Monica said it has been changing colors over the past year, from white to a pinkish hue as it takes on the qualities of love and compassion. It's a female crystal, whose male counterpart will arrive at the Casa in the next few weeks.


I also have to admit, JoG's crystal bed looks interesting to me. It's a series of artificially cut Vogel crystals that are suspended over the chakras and each is illuminated with the appropriate color of it's chakra.


Marcel Vogel was a scientist who worked for IBM developing liquid crystals. He claimed our bodies are liquid crystal and developed these Vogel cut crystals and a protocol for working with them.

@think- @permindex

think- ago

I also have to admit, JoG's crystal bed looks interesting to me. It's a series of artificially cut Vogel crystals that are suspended over the chakras and each is illuminated with the appropriate color of it's chakra.

The concept might be intriguiging on first sight, especially when you have made valid experiences with crystals, but all people that looked into it, or even bought the crystal beds for an incredible high price agree that it is a scam, unfortunately.

Regarding Sedona: Well, the landscape is beautiful and intriguing, and there is nothing wrong with feeling good when being at a place, and feel that is has a 'special' energy, whether it is somehow measurable with scientific methods or not.

It's just sad that so many New Age and esotericism scammers went there as well, and dupe people.

sore_ass_losers ago

I don't think all buyers agree the 'crystal bed' is a scam, I see a lot of enthusiasm on the web and places offering sessions. No doubt it was over-priced. Of course it's going to be harder to advertise, better not mention the JoG connection.

Color therapy is a thing. Nowadays we use red light to clear up the skin, blue light good for oral hygiene, etc.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Bach, not Back. Sorry.

think- ago

@swordfish69: please see parent

think- ago

The Dalai Lama and Prince Charles, huh?

Creme promoted the Theosophist tradition.

That's really interesting. Will look into it, thanks! :-)

@letsdothis3 @ASolo

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm going off on a tangent, but: H.P. Blavatsky and her successor Alice Bailey were not quite mediums, they communicated consciously with living supernatural personages in the Himalayas. Bailey had a concept of 'externalization of the hierarchy', that this hierarchy of entities should be revealed and rule the planet. Creme was influenced by these and others and also got telepathic messages. He organized transmission meditations, his followers around the world would meditate at the same time to send healing energy. So they are not quite mediums in the sense of Joao de Deus's spirit possession; there's some parallel with the group meditation.

think- ago

That's interesting. Especially since we know how much influence Blavatsky and Bailey had on occult movements in the 20th century, too. (But I could swear that at least Blavatsky 'channeled' deceased people as well. Will have to look that up.)


sore_ass_losers ago


Mediumship in Spiritism and Spiritualism is the ability of certain people —known as mediums— to mediate communication between dead people and living human beings.

Traditionally, Theosophists have been opposed to this practice.

Here's a quote from Blavatsky:

Mediumship. A word now accepted to indicate that abnormal psycho-physiological state which leads a person to take the fancies of his imagination, his hallucinations, real or artificial, for realities. No entirely healthy person on the physiological and psychic planes can ever be a medium. That which mediums see, hear, and sense, is "real" but untrue; it is either gathered from the astral plane, so deceptive in its vibrations and suggestions, or from pure hallucinations, which have no actual existence, but for him who perceives them. "Mediumship" is a kind of vulgarised mediatorship in which one afflicted with this faculty is supposed to become an agent of communication between a living man and a departed "Spirit." There exist regular methods of training for the development of this undesirable acquirement.


letsdothis3 ago

Blavatsky SAID she channeled...

sore_ass_losers ago

(Regarding 'SAID': Well, I'm repeating all these claims as is, it doesn't mean I believe the claims.)

I looked it up briefly before I posted, she was involved in mediumship and sometimes debunking fakes I think.

What I meant was that her claim to fame, the thing that she did, was communicating with living super-natural entities. She remained conscious and did not assume their personalities.

I found a good term for 'JoG': a full incorporation trance medium. He loses his consciousness and lets the dead spirits control his body.

I've been wanting to bring this up, this is as good a place as any, JoG's main spirit Loyola also had psychic powers:

Íñigo also experienced a series of visions in full daylight while at the hospital. These repetitive visions appeared as "a form in the air near him and this form gave him much consolation because it was exceedingly beautiful ... it somehow seemed to have the shape of a serpent and had many things that shone like eyes, but were not eyes. He received much delight and consolation from gazing upon this object ... but when the object vanished he became disconsolate".[23] He came to interpret this vision as diabolical in nature.

So visions, but I find this part interesting:

There he encountered some women who had been called before the Inquisition. These women were considered alumbrados (Illuminated, Illuminati, or Enlightened Ones) – a group that was linked in their zeal and spirituality to Franciscan reforms, but had incurred mounting suspicion on the part of the administrators of the Inquisition. At one point, Íñigo was preaching on the street when three of these devout women began to experience ecstatic states. "One fell senseless, another sometimes rolled about on the ground, another had been seen in the grip of convulsions or shuddering and sweating in anguish." This suspicious activity had taken place while Íñigo was preaching without a degree in theology. Íñigo was then singled out for interrogation by the Inquisition; however, he was later released.


So he induced ecstatic states in Illuminati followers. Critics say he was in the Alumbrados (predecessor to the Bavarian Illuminati), a Converso, and a Cabalist. He was investigated as an Alumbrado but released with an admonition, other sources say.

think- ago

@sore_ass_losers: please see parent. Thanks.

think- ago

Yes, that's what I seemed to remember.....thanks!

letsdothis3 ago

Many people thought she was a charlatan too - using props at seances... I've wondered if she was working for someone... remember my post on the origins of contemporary modern art in the Western world in pizzagagateart subverse..(Russia) ?

think- ago

I've wondered if she was working for someone

Interesting thought. Yes, of course she might have been a charlatan. Will re-read your post.

think- ago


allonthesameteam ago

Was JoG at Enchantment resort? Did events actually happen there? I knew of the yearly meetings there and wonder if they coincide. Thoughts?

think- ago

@ASolo @Vindicator @sore_ass_losers: please see my edit above. Thanks.

angelafogo ago

Thats quite something that they chose Sedona for their ritual meetings. This center has mk ultra written all over it.

Lansing-Michigan ago

The new age movement is CIA ...(1) David Wilcock , one of their movers and shakers, used to write comments on a website I frequented often. He would criticize the author of the website routinely..promise posts and not deliver. Nobody ever responded to my comments so I just volunteered one to David, stupidly thinking he would read it but not too many others. Because he admitted to being a former alcoholic and drug addict..and I have been to AA, I asked him if he was back on the sauce. All Hell broke loose from his ardent followers. One follower had paid attn . to his real behavior and stated David would not allow criticism on his website. Certainly not new agey at all. He did not really write a book that got lots and lots of attn. , showcased in Barnes and Noble ....a friend who had been to his "events" said he often referred to his dick...not new agey at all with all the spiritual old ladies in attendance. His popularity began to wain. He became more bizarre, pushing a blue avian alien who he had direct contact with......got a side kick named Corey Goode who has had some kind of criminal record that people are aware of. Believe me , when anybody's books get pushed this day and age, the govt. is giving them a stamp of approval.(2) My father was a pedophile in Durham , NC. One of his dear friends was Joe Ryan , who started the parapsychology dept. at Duke University. They were so close, they each knew when the other would call on the phone prior to picking it up. My father, who was dirt poor , had many friends who were doctors in Durham and one very prominent lawyer. Joe Ryan had a case of the books , Course in Miracles in his office. ..to give out. This is a new age book purported to be written by Jesus himself with a huge following. ..lots of good stuff in it. I have studied it.Big message is to forgive. Certainly new agey. Also this world is not real. Now this harkens back, to me, of the Bible, you will have a mansion in the sky ..be humble and worship God.Slaves obey your masters, wives obey your husbands..Same thing.Also if your brother harms you , do not take him to court....modern day tort reform. So , if we ignore this world that is not real, we allow the elites to do anything they want. And we should not take them to court. Voila...I think when I was a little girl, they did some MKUltra stuff to me but have nothing definitive to prove it. Only a few memories. I believe these reasons are why the churches have been so full of pedophiles and people keep their mouths shut. It goes against their teachings. The programming is only believable if you have lived it. I have.

letsdothis3 ago

There are earlier articles.

think- ago

Ah, got you now, lol. Do you know from which year?

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago

For example- From 2005: http://web.archive.org/web/20170714154255/https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Primetime/story?id=482292&page=1

use Google search .. also, from one of the discussions online, it appears that people were calling him out from the 1990s.

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

angelafogo ago

I dont see any first hand rape accounts in those articles. The interesting thing is in the comment section, not the article itself, and the snow ball effect it creates. That is why Amy Bianks had to come up to try to deactivate it, in the same way she has now come up.

think- ago

So they use Amy Biank as a kind of gatekeeper who tries to control the narrative?

In the video @AppliedAspergers linked in his post, she said the workers at the 'Casa' knew what was going on - only the workers, not the guides?

I'm also concerned that some people are now claiming that Amy Biank is the central person who exposed John of God, in order to discredit Sabrina Bittencourt and her work.

AppliedAspergers ago

Yes. That is worrying.

Piscina ago

A taskforce has been set up to look into the allegations by Bittencourt and Maria do Carmo.

This article shows Bittencourt's video about JOG.

Another article about the fact JOG kept sex slaves and sold their babies.

girls between the ages of 14 and 18, mostly black and low income, would have been used as sex slaves.

This article says he sold babies for up to $70,000 each.

think- ago

John Of God did not mind that he was publicly represented by Gail Thackray as an event organizer...an ex Hustler centerfold, she has the largest collection of porn images in the world called Falcon images and also she is a co-owner of Barely Legal porn franchise where they film 18 years old girls in porn movies…..just google her. She was a close partner with Larry Flint…read more about her in the link above……She was also producing porn movies and act in soft porn movies

Yes, I'm currently writing a post about her.

angelafogo ago

Thanks for the post. Have you searched what is going on in Sedona? There is a john of god center and they use cristals, there is a comment that they horrible things in there.

Piscina ago

He has/had a crystal healing room and a center in Sedona. One of the commenters in your link said that the center had a large perimeter fence with pyramids or triangles. She said they were phallic.

Piscina ago

So these 'entities' they worship and allow to take over their bodies are not 'of God' but clearly of Satan.

whentheclockstrikes ago

Satan is their God.

letsdothis3 ago

there is a comment that they horrible things in there.

Have you got a link for that ?

angelafogo ago

Its in the comment section of the dangerous diane blog. A user says they are doing wors things than in brazil. Most probably mind control related. https://unityofsedona.com/crystal-bed-healing-room/

think- ago

You might want to put a space between 'https:' and the rest of the link, so that the websites don't get a pingback to you and your post here.