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sore_ass_losers ago

I've run into this blog too and posted the link on v/pizzagate. This has allegations of sexual abuse and rape of women and young girls and even mentions children. The blog is from 2008 but allegations in comments come down to the present day. The allegations sound plausible and credible.

Someone chimes in that they know Portuguese and if the allegations are true how come there is nothing on Brazilian websites. There's a mention that there were allegations in Brazil but they were scrubbed from the web. I think the timeline for this would be around 2009.

According to comments other males at the Casa also participated in sexual abuse of female seekers and to threaten would-be whistleblowers.

A seeker came to the Casa at great expense and effort, sensed the negative vibes, and was on the next bus out.

JdD had a center in Sedona Arizona which had a sexual scandal and suit:

Why is the John of God Casa Inc. And Elisabetta Dami being sued? County of YAVAPIA # V1300CV201180393

Defendant Elisabetta Dami accused of Fraud,extortion,Bribery , sexual assault . Criminal conduct is said to have taken place at personal residence and Commercial property" John of God Casa" both owned by Elisabetta Dami.

This also gives the history of the recent revelations. A Dutch model went to the Casa, got abused by JdD, and decided to speak up on social media. Here is one of her accounts:

angelafogo ago

Look what i found

She is mentioned in the comment section of the blog. She was buying houses in italy to set up a john of god house

sore_ass_losers ago

Yes. She's actually famous as a children's book writer.