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angelafogo ago

Also. People. We need to research what the hell they were doing in Sedona’s john of god center

think- ago

There was an annual meeting at Sedona, organized by John McCain, and Lynne de Rothschild, IIRC.

Less well known than the Bilderberg meeting, but many say at least as important.

@letsdothis3 @ASolo @AppliedAspergers

sore_ass_losers ago

Sedona is a New Age hotspot, known as an 'energy vortex', and I'm sure a beautiful spot.

It would be interesting to know when the John of God center was active and when de Faria himself visited there.

Apparently there's a big intersection between Globalism and the New Age. There was guy in the UK, Benjamin Creme, who promoted Maitreya, a New Age Christ to replace all religions living incognito in London. Sounds like a crackpot but...

The spiritual thrust of SI [his magazine Share International] is clearly obvious in each issue that is published. Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine.

They include articles written by:

  former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali

    present Secretary General Kofi Annan

    former President of Ireland Mary Robinson

    Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization
    and former Prime Minister of Norway

    the Dalai Lama

    recently even Britain’s Crown Prince Charles

Even though the average man off the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite.

think- ago

The Dalai Lama and Prince Charles, huh?

Creme promoted the Theosophist tradition.

That's really interesting. Will look into it, thanks! :-)

@letsdothis3 @ASolo

sore_ass_losers ago

I'm going off on a tangent, but: H.P. Blavatsky and her successor Alice Bailey were not quite mediums, they communicated consciously with living supernatural personages in the Himalayas. Bailey had a concept of 'externalization of the hierarchy', that this hierarchy of entities should be revealed and rule the planet. Creme was influenced by these and others and also got telepathic messages. He organized transmission meditations, his followers around the world would meditate at the same time to send healing energy. So they are not quite mediums in the sense of Joao de Deus's spirit possession; there's some parallel with the group meditation.

think- ago

That's interesting. Especially since we know how much influence Blavatsky and Bailey had on occult movements in the 20th century, too. (But I could swear that at least Blavatsky 'channeled' deceased people as well. Will have to look that up.)


sore_ass_losers ago


Mediumship in Spiritism and Spiritualism is the ability of certain people —known as mediums— to mediate communication between dead people and living human beings.

Traditionally, Theosophists have been opposed to this practice.

Here's a quote from Blavatsky:

Mediumship. A word now accepted to indicate that abnormal psycho-physiological state which leads a person to take the fancies of his imagination, his hallucinations, real or artificial, for realities. No entirely healthy person on the physiological and psychic planes can ever be a medium. That which mediums see, hear, and sense, is "real" but untrue; it is either gathered from the astral plane, so deceptive in its vibrations and suggestions, or from pure hallucinations, which have no actual existence, but for him who perceives them. "Mediumship" is a kind of vulgarised mediatorship in which one afflicted with this faculty is supposed to become an agent of communication between a living man and a departed "Spirit." There exist regular methods of training for the development of this undesirable acquirement.

letsdothis3 ago

Blavatsky SAID she channeled...

sore_ass_losers ago

(Regarding 'SAID': Well, I'm repeating all these claims as is, it doesn't mean I believe the claims.)

I looked it up briefly before I posted, she was involved in mediumship and sometimes debunking fakes I think.

What I meant was that her claim to fame, the thing that she did, was communicating with living super-natural entities. She remained conscious and did not assume their personalities.

I found a good term for 'JoG': a full incorporation trance medium. He loses his consciousness and lets the dead spirits control his body.

I've been wanting to bring this up, this is as good a place as any, JoG's main spirit Loyola also had psychic powers:

Íñigo also experienced a series of visions in full daylight while at the hospital. These repetitive visions appeared as "a form in the air near him and this form gave him much consolation because it was exceedingly beautiful ... it somehow seemed to have the shape of a serpent and had many things that shone like eyes, but were not eyes. He received much delight and consolation from gazing upon this object ... but when the object vanished he became disconsolate".[23] He came to interpret this vision as diabolical in nature.

So visions, but I find this part interesting:

There he encountered some women who had been called before the Inquisition. These women were considered alumbrados (Illuminated, Illuminati, or Enlightened Ones) – a group that was linked in their zeal and spirituality to Franciscan reforms, but had incurred mounting suspicion on the part of the administrators of the Inquisition. At one point, Íñigo was preaching on the street when three of these devout women began to experience ecstatic states. "One fell senseless, another sometimes rolled about on the ground, another had been seen in the grip of convulsions or shuddering and sweating in anguish." This suspicious activity had taken place while Íñigo was preaching without a degree in theology. Íñigo was then singled out for interrogation by the Inquisition; however, he was later released.

So he induced ecstatic states in Illuminati followers. Critics say he was in the Alumbrados (predecessor to the Bavarian Illuminati), a Converso, and a Cabalist. He was investigated as an Alumbrado but released with an admonition, other sources say.

think- ago

@sore_ass_losers: please see parent. Thanks.

think- ago

Yes, that's what I seemed to remember.....thanks!

letsdothis3 ago

Many people thought she was a charlatan too - using props at seances... I've wondered if she was working for someone... remember my post on the origins of contemporary modern art in the Western world in pizzagagateart subverse..(Russia) ?

think- ago

I've wondered if she was working for someone

Interesting thought. Yes, of course she might have been a charlatan. Will re-read your post.