fogdryer ago

so people will go far to hide/deny the truth...………………….hmmmmm

lack of evidence huh!

mintmachine ago

The Sawman, the Priest and the Fi Fi Dossier – Let’s Look at the Evidence [UPDATE]

Vindicator ago

Not super helpful

ASolo ago

The Sawman, the Priest and the Fi Fi Dossier – Let’s Look at the Evidence

mintmachine ago

Its a pity this will not get more widely read, it might be worth posting as a stand alone post on a new thread

ASolo ago

I agree. I should try to work it into a thread I'm just so under the weather I can hardly think straight

mintmachine ago

I was meaning start a new thread

Criticalthinker615 ago

Was showing us the face carved in her vagina not enough to convince everyone?

mintmachine ago

That was Cathy O'Brien


I know that both Fiona and David Schurter helped a group trying to get the Hampstead children returned to their Mother and bring to Light the filth that had been going on in Hampstead. I have only good things to say about them both. Roy Belfast N I

Omnicopy ago

I would like to say just because you are a SRA survivor doesn’t mean you are always right. Just remember that people. I don’t agree with supporting homosexuality. I don’t agree with Fiona’s support of homosexuality. There are some good people out here that are getting slammed from women that support Fiona that are wrong. So just remember being a survivor that necessarily equate with being 100% on the truth.

The_Raven ago


Why haven't you added the 'Debunked' flair to your thread like you said you would?

This is a crowdsourced investigation for a reason. Perhaps the community will debunk this? If so, I will give it the flair.

Will you please honor your word by labeling your thread as debunked and give Fiona this little bit of justice?

Vindicator ago

Really? Who debunked it? I saw one very small element of it debunked. I also personally saw Fiona pitch a bunch of baseless claims, fabrications and straight up lies about multiple people trying to help kids -- supporting the idea she is, indeed, fraudulent. And she's hidden the evidence of her BS by hiding her tweets.

This is Voat, not Facebook. Justice does not equal blindly accepting whatever someone says just because they've claimed victim status. Nor does Justice equal turning a blind eye to vicious, dishonest, hurtful behavior just because someone claims they're a victim. That uncritical attitude creates a giant window of opportunity to spread disinfo, attack those actually interdicting child predators, and sow confusion, drama and infighting in the community. The reason the community voted in the ruleset we have requiring evidence of all claims, as well as moderators to administer it, is to prevent exactly that kind of manipulation.

mintmachine ago

Looks like Vindicator will not back up his own statement and say which parts are not debunked. Par for the course. The Sawman, the Priest and the Fi Fi Dossier – Let’s Look at the Evidence [UPDATE]

mintmachine ago

Again I ask @vindicator - Which parts of the post you posted has Fiona not debunked? You posted it, you said it, please back that statement up otherwise you will just be seen as biased. Please back up your whole statmetn above or withdraw it, thankyou

mintmachine ago

What facts in the article pertaining to Fiona do you feel have not been debunked? @vindicator @The_Raven

The_Raven ago

I see him replying to others about Fiona, but doesn't seem to want to address your question. I think a thread needs to be created to address all evidence and viewpoints together. The subject matter is becoming too disjointed and scattered to come to any definitive conclusion about her.

OneOfSrayziesAlts ago

When the questions hit too close to home in addition to the known patterns of the DS of using silence as the answer to people’s it isnt hard to imagine what team they are on.

mintmachine ago

Yes he does not seem interested in the truth, i wonder why he is a moderator of v/pizzagate?

iCUsusKunt ago

Because he has a badge, a gun and probably already demonstrated to what he is capable of in order to secure his position discreetly.

I am not saying Fiona is above ever being questioned, but i mean, Are people seriously fucking doubting her intent, honesty or capacity to discern and convey information? I personally have witnessed Fiona on multiple occasions make a point of mentioning her intellect mid interview when it wasn't called for at all. But you know what she is a fucking highly intelligent woman who was literally raped and tortured as a little girl not just for shits and gigs but also so some of the worlds biggest egomaniac "experts on the human mind" could demonstrate how fucking brilliant they were. Yet clearly they underestimated this little girl because she is no walking computer void of personality waiting for her next command. She's comes across as an outspoken, free thinking individual, with that kind of mentality that knows no surrender. She's a fucking Trooper! Seeing her make trivial jokes and laughing during an interview that also involved discussing some seriously dark shit (which IMO is a good way of staying balanced and not feeling emotions while talking about the fucked up shit that use to happen) has got to make ya smile she made it through that with intelligence and sense of humor in tact. She also did not just hide away ashamed of all the vile shit done to her (like i probably would of) she decided she had fish to fry and cant nobody deny she fried some big fucking fish! including many that were not on anyone's radar. That's a list i think would be worthy of being made for reference.

Excuse my incoherent rant but that's my style.

TL:DR Anyone who has been paying attention the last few years especially here in pedo safe haven Jewstralia AKA CIA/Mossad stomping ground, should easily see that "Vindicator" is hardcore shilling for shekels while failing to pass it off as healthy skepticism.

argosciv ago

Oh, what a shock to see these two pushing the "fear the Voat Angel" narrative: (oh look, a flustered double reply due to "Whether Q is a LARP or not is really none of my concern as he/she/it hasn't advocated for anything dangerous")

Funny that ES is complaining that he might end up with 0 CCP, after spending months threatening me, lying about me and brigading me through sockpuppets and manipulating other users and recently reviving the effort to do so. Such a hypocrite.

@Crensch @kevdude

Vindicator ago

He must be really worried, now that we've exposed his sock puppets. He can't upvote himself with impunity and longer.

The_Raven ago

That uncritical attitude creates a giant window of opportunity to spread disinfo

Yes, and you opened this exact door when you SKIMMED the docs supplied by a Twitter user, then posted it here without offering absolutely no critical interpretation and now that Fiona has supplied evidence to thwart the claims in the docs, you just keep beating the drum that she can't be trusted. I think it's YOU who can't be trusted. As you can see from your original thread, any investigator bringing forth info is down voted quite a bit while everyone gloating about Fiona being a fraud is up voted many times over. Yea, justice reigns supreme in this sub. So many people on the up and up as we can all clearly see.

I think it's pretty despicable of you to not add the debunked flair when Fiona herself offered evidence. Instead, you want to play tit for tat by pretending that a thread can only get the 'debunked' flair when a Voat member supplies the evidence. That's really shitty. Maybe this needs to be brought to the entire Voat community to see what they think of your "standards"?

Piscina ago

Just so that people know what Fiona is responding to: :

Vindicator ago

Fiona was definitely the aggressor. Here is her October attack on a whole group of people trying to help kids:

kingzos ago

Fiona keeps being proven right, with evidence. Her detractors can only make ad hominem attacks, since they have no evidence to support their own claims.

Here is her post proving that Craig Sawyer was pulling money from both his charity and the production company through kickbacks. Note the V4CR public financial statement (IRS Form 990 for 2017) confirms the payments coming out of the charity, disguised as "security consulting"

Follow V4CR insider Lorelei Hoyt, the private investigator who ACTUALLY did the sting operations for Sawyer. She also posts evidence. The Sawyers have never addressed any of these claims.

Why does Craig Sawyer say he has maintained a TOP SECRET clearance and is running covert Tier One operations? Why haven't they arrested a single sex trafficker, or released any documentary footage? Jenny Moore was found dead 3 days after calling him out on Twitter

No kids rescued. No child traffickers arrested. No documentary. $100,000 from Alex Jones and at least half a million from the public. Evidence that money is being syphoned (embezzled?) from both the charity and the film production company. Why are people on this forum not concerned by that, but deeply concerned that the Barnett family owned a house with a piano in it?

Vindicator ago

No one asking questions on this board is making ad hominem attacks. Please show me where that is happening.

The Barnett post you cite about Sawyer was impossible to vet because all she included for evidence was thumbnails too small and too low resolution to examine. The entire second paragraph was completely deceptive:

Well, I finally obtained the irrefutable evidence of Sawyer’s fraudulent and highly lucrative child advocacy business. Multiple former V4CR staff have blown the whistle on Sawyer’s crimes. And I mean crimes. Sawyer is only licensed to gather donations to his not-for-profit in 5 USA states. Yet he collects moneys from multiple states in which he is unregistered, and in which he is legally mandated to register. His latest target was Idaho.

This looks like a smear to me.

I don't know whether Sawyer is good or bad, but I do know a little bit about taxes. V4CR is (PDF) a registered 501c3, that has filed Form 990 and disclosed it's funds. Barnett appears to be claiming this is fake -- despite the fact 4VCR is subject to IRS review and is in good standing with the IRS.

Barnett is implying he is illegally collecting contributions, despite the fact that V4CR warns potential donors right on their site they are not yet registered in every state.

According to this article, not all states require it AND it is an extremely labor intensive and time consuming process for those who do.

Charitable nonprofits frequently think they need to register to solicit donations in all 50 states. Fortunately, not all states require this. The number of states that do require charitable solicitation registration varies in some circumstances (e.g., depending on the type of organization)...Currently, 37 states and D.C. broadly require charitable solicitation registration and renewal, unless a specific exemption applies.

There are 9 states that do not require charitable registration: Delaware, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, Vermont & Wyoming. Texas has limited registration requirements that are only applicable to law enforcement, public safety and veterans organizations. Arizona requires charitable veterans organizations to register if they are soliciting money or other support in the state. Finally, Louisiana only requires registration if a charity engages paid, professional solicitors to fundraise in their state, while Missouri exempts 501c3, 501c7 and 501c8 organizations, upon application.

The charity is quite new and only collected $552,004 last year. Seems a bit unfair to expect them to have been able to complete that exhaustive process already, let alone claim this is "irrefutable evidence of Sawyer’s fraudulent and highly lucrative" "crimes".

That is not an honest assessment based on evidence. This should raise major red flags for anyone genuinely interested in the truth about all these characters.

More info on charities:

Note the V4CR public financial statement (IRS Form 990 for 2017) confirms the payments coming out of the charity, disguised as "security consulting"

"Disguised"? Doesn't V4CR set up pedo stings and then go in with local law enforcement and highly trained veteran volunteers to apprehend the perpetrators and rescue the kids? Are you actually telling me to you think that can happen for free?

Follow V4CR insider Lorelei Hoyt, the private investigator who ACTUALLY did the sting operations for Sawyer. She also posts evidence. The Sawyers have never addressed any of these claims.

I've never heard of this person, so if you want to bring this in, you should explain who she is, what her history is, and support whatever claims she is making with evidence. The tweet you linked only says he wasn't present at one of the V4CR operations, but my understanding is the guy is the head of the organization and has used his various connections and reputation to bring law enforcement, volunteer specialists and others together to run pedo stings. That kind of CEO-type activity generally precludes being a hands on part of every single activity an organization is involved in. Pretty weak sauce to accuse the guy of fraud.

Why does Craig Sawyer say he has maintained a TOP SECRET clearance and is running covert Tier One operations?

Maybe he is? Why is this a problem? He's a decorated veteran of this country's most elite tactical warfare unit. Is there any evidence he served in any dishonorable way?

Why haven't they arrested a single sex trafficker, or released any documentary footage?

They have:

new4now [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 23 hours ago

I have confirmation of a Sawyer, Veterans for Child Recuse, helped with a pedo bust in Utah: Operation Blue M&M

Jenny Moore was found dead 3 days after calling him out on Twitter

So now you're trying to imply that Sawyer killed Moore because she tweeted that he had blocked her on Twitter after she told him he was a distraction because she didn't think he was going after elite pedophiles? Wow. Sawyer killed Jenny Moore, huh? That's what you're going with. With zero evidence, OF COURSE.

How can you people look yourself in the mirror? In what universe does an accusation like this do anything but add to the mounting pile of evidence that Barnett is indeed running an army of trolls to attack people who are fighting pedophiles? Goddamn.

@think- @Crensch @New4now @Sandhog

kingzos ago

The IRS Form 990 (which I posted a link to) shows $4,000 taken out of the charity every month to "CRS Security". Sawyer's full name is Craig Randall Sawyer. This is not a smear: it is in their 990 return. The organization has no employees, it pays for travel and marketing. When the 2018 form is published, we will learn if the Nascar sponsorship is part of that.

I have no opinion on the legality of collecting funds from all states with Federal registration but not individual state registration. I note that Jason Goodman has accused Robert David Steele of fraud for this very thing, and has had Sawyer on his show multiple times. This shows Goodman is a hypocrite, but does not in my opinion prove in itself that Sawyer or Steele are criminals.

Fiona produced multiple months' worth of cashed checks for $7,000 per month to the same company, CRS, from the movie production company. He takes donations directly into the charity, and syphons that out into the security consulting company. Then he pays the video production company to "make a documentary" that is "going to be on Netflix". We see no documentary on Netflix, but we see multiple months of checks for $7,000 per month from the production company to "CRS Security". The checks are stamped as having been cashed. Whether or not this is legal in Arizona, it is unquestionably unethical, deceptive, and self-serving.

You say "do you actually think that should happen for free". Well this is either something to make money for Craig Sawyer, or something to stop child sex trafficking. Hey, it can even be both - but don't try to pretend it isn't, especially when the IRS has granted you tax-exempt status.

Fiona is being accused of all those things, but this "dossier" which reminds me of the Trump "pee pee" dossier which we now know was created by the intelligence community, doesn't show any evidence. Months of cashed checks and the IRS Form are ACTUAL EVIDENCE of what Sawyer is doing.

Sawyer says the documentary makers "stole the footage" and are being prosecuted but it is 3 months now, nobody has been arrested. What is the prosecution? Others say that he didn't want to pay the producer to complete the movie.

Sawyer promoted the movie "Contraland" with the Netflix logo. It was never signed to Netflix.

These people are frauds, but worse than that, frauds with TOP SECRET clearances.

I'm sorry but your understanding is not correct. Lore Hoyt worked for V4CR, and was the person who went on the stings and arrested the pedophiles. She is a licensed private investigator and has worked on this sort of stuff for many years, including on previous shows using this format eg To Catch a Predator. She is an important source because she actually worked inside the organization, she is the one who got the pedophiles arrested in conjunction with Law Enforcement Officers. Both Craig and Tressa Sawyer confided in her about Aspen's behavior.

I linked to Lorelei's twitter, she has posted a huge amount of evidence here, perhaps someone else would like to go through it and collate it for those who can't be bother scrolling through themselves. She basically started sharing the truth when she left the organization after Jen Moore's death. Read her Twitter and let her explain who she is and what she did in her own words, there's no need for me to try to speak for her.

The military are not allowed to operate domestically, under a rule named Posse Comitatus that dates back to the days of Julius Caesar. The CIA are not either. So if he is running Tier One operations domestically, that should be of great concern to everyone.

He served as a mercenary, ask around of people in the military if they consider that type of work to be noble and honorable.

It is a fact that Jen Moore questioned Sawyer's involvement in 9/11 immediately before her death. Read her twiiter or watch the #govLARP video. This also goes into Robyn Gritz's strange connections to 9/11.

An interesting technique of sophistry, you are trying to put words in my mouth. However, the connection between what Jen Moore was researching and what's been going on in Arizona is significant.

I am not implying that Sawyer killed Moore - though I'm curious to know where he was that night and if anyone was with him - but the whole Arizona Mafia, NXIVM, and Mexico connection needs to be looked at seriously by any researchers in this space. That's exactly what Jen Moore was doing, she was on a massive tweet storm in the days leading up to her sudden death. Marcus Conte obtained the autopsy report and she was covered in bruises. George Webb's behavior was extremely strange the day after her death. If you believe anything Webb says he is heavily connected to intelligence agencies.

Let's stack up Fiona and Lorelei's evidence against the Sawyers. In fact, we don't need to, just go to or @loreleihoyt

Fiona has given sworn testimony under oath to a Royal Commission. Sawyer has used the Netflix logo to promote a documentary that was not even made, let alone scheduled by Netflix. Let him produce some evidence. They say they have rescued 1000 children, prove it.

Vindicator ago

An interesting technique of sophistry, you are trying to put words in my mouth. However, the connection between what Jen Moore was researching and what's been going on in Arizona is significant. say "Jenny Moore was found dead 3 days after calling him out on Twitter" implying there is a connection between her supposed death and Craig Sawyer, deny you're implying Sawyer killed Moore, further add that "the connection between what Jen Moore was researching and what's been going on in Arizona is significant" and then say that I am using sophistry!? Wow. I'm surprised you can type while generating that much spin. This is not honest, straightforward communication.

George Webb's behavior was extremely strange the day after her death. If you believe anything Webb says he is heavily connected to intelligence agencies.

I don't believe anything Webb says. He is a pizzagate denier. He has admitted he is Mossad. He generates nothing but drama, distraction and disinfo.

the whole Arizona Mafia, NXIVM, and Mexico connection needs to be looked at seriously by any researchers in this space.

I agree. So why aren't you doing that?

That's exactly what Jen Moore was doing, she was on a massive tweet storm in the days leading up to her sudden death. Marcus Conte obtained the autopsy report and she was covered in bruises.

Oh? I've repeatedly asked for a link to the death certificate and autopsy. No one has ever produced it, here.

Jenny Moore worked with Webb. Several people on this board claim to know for a fact that Jenny Moore was Jem777 here on Voat (though none has ever proved it), and that user was completely full of shit. She lied multiple times, claimed I tracked her IP, sent thugs to her house to beat her up, and didn't take what she claimed were death threats against her seriously, which was total bullshit. She also ignored the submission rules repeatedly and when she was finally banned for it, tried to drum up a posse to get the ban removed...very much like a few people are behaving with regard to Fiona being questioned, in fact.

This whole thing...the squad of unknown users showing up to cheerlead for Barnett, the evidence-free drama-rich saga of Jem777/Jenny Moore, the instigation of internecine warfare between people trying to stop child sexual all reeks of hardcore information warfare designed to distract, disrupt, discourage and divide the community of citizen investigators who want to bring the truth to light.

@think- @Crensch @Sandhog @New4now @shewhomustbeobeyed

kingzos ago

Full autopsy report here:

Jem777 was definitely Moore, her conversations with Skrayzie after visiting Comet Ping Pong with Webb confirm that.

new4now ago


Jem/Jenny Moore and Sawyer both had the community split from the get go

but there was not much opposition against Fiona

I never questioned Fiona and believed what she had said

I dont twit, I dont follow

so lost track of her till now

Sawyer, I was iffy on, it could have been a homeless place that had children there

but I believed his intentions

Kappy...he felt like a Feldman

Jem's death....too many questions, no answers

I didnt even know she was Task Force until after the talk of her death

as for George Webb, didnt like him from the start, but most info on Jenny came from him

Cant help but think someone choreographed this

it plays well for the Pizzagate Goats in causing division

something everyone should think on

Vindicator ago

You and I are pretty much on the same page.

think- ago

I'm surprised you can type while generating that much spin.


it all reeks of hardcore information warfare designed to distract, disrupt, discourage and divide the community of citizen investigators who want to bring the truth to light


SandHog ago

Oh? I've repeatedly asked for a link to the death certificate and autopsy. No one has ever produced it, here.

Moore's autopsy report was indeed obtained by Marcus Conte and it stated she died of hypertensive cardiovascular disease. He goes through and shows the whole thing but didn't put the doc up online anywhere. He's kind of a troll but the case number is 18-09789 so anyone can spend a couple bucks and request a copy of it.

Jenny Moore worked with Webb.

Webb, Jason Goodman, Dave Acton (Webb's brother) and that whole crowd are all youtube vultures and network with each other to spread a ton of disinfo and drama. As for Jenny Moore, she was either very naive and got sucked into their horseshit or she was a knowing participant. Allegedly she left all her research with Thomas Paine of True Pundit about the guy claimed he was raped by Bill Clinton but nothing, to my knowledge, ever came of that. The story was extremely far-fetched as it involved Trump rescuing the kid off of a boat with his helicopter. So I tend to think she was just making stuff up for e-bucks.

This whole thing...the squad of unknown users showing up to cheerlead for Barnett, the evidence-free drama-rich saga of Jem777/Jenny Moore, the instigation of internecine warfare between people trying to stop child sexual all reeks of hardcore information warfare designed to distract, disrupt, discourage and divide the community of citizen investigators who want to bring the truth to light.

Agreed. Fiona nuking her social media accounts after that stuff on her came out was a giant red flag to me. Imo, she has done more damage to the cause with her petty attacks and accusations than the awareness she raised about it. Whether that was by design or not I don't know but then I never really paid her much mind anyway. I do know she liked to sic her followers on people for disagreeing with her which is pretty pathetic.

Vindicator ago

@MolochHunter @Shizy @srayzie @kevdude @argosciv Please see parent thread regarding Jenny Moore.

srayzie ago

I witnessed all Jenny Moore’s dishonesty, and lies against you, and I’m not believing anything without a death certificate.

Shizy ago

That user made two comments when the account began 1.6 years ago and then nothing until white knighting for Fiona Barnett beginning 10 days ago. I don't believe a word @kingzos says!

If they want to produce an autopsy report on Jenny Moore to prove there was bruising, and that she even died, that would be a different story! Until then, this is all fiction!

Crensch ago

I'd be interested in a list of the things faggots like this show up to provide disinfo and drama over.

And a list of the stuff breaking otherwise at the same time.

Vindicator ago

Ha would I! Been trying to get my head around that for some time, now. Still trying!

Vindicator ago

Fiona produced multiple months' worth of cashed checks for $7,000 per month to the same company, CRS, from the movie production company. He takes donations directly into the charity, and syphons that out into the security consulting company. Then he pays the video production company to "make a documentary" that is "going to be on Netflix". We see no documentary on Netflix, but we see multiple months of checks for $7,000 per month from the production company to "CRS Security". The checks are stamped as having been cashed. Whether or not this is legal in Arizona, it is unquestionably unethical, deceptive, and self-serving.

Well, if Fiona had included images of these items with a high enough resolution to actually verify all these claims, it would be worth discussing. But in light of the fact that she did not, and also mischaracterized his nonprofit status, this just looks like more smoke and mirrors.

I happen to agree with you that Sawyer's claim the producer stole the footage sounds pretty sketchy. The only place I've heard that is from Barnett, though. As I said, I haven't followed ANY of these people closely. And the minute I start digging into any of this, I get attacked simply for asking for evidence and pointing out deceptive tactics. That tells me a lot.

kingzos ago

She did, on her Twitter. Maybe it's available on the Wayback Machine

Vindicator ago

Conveniently, Fiona erased her Twitter.

SandHog ago

How can you people look yourself in the mirror? In what universe does an accusation like this do anything but add to the mounting pile of evidence that Barnett is indeed running an army of trolls to attack people who are fighting pedophiles? Goddamn.

That's the problem with most of these people who publicly put themselves out there as investigators, victims or researchers. A lot of them are just slinging shit at each other over perceived slights all the while while claiming to be working towards stopping child abuse. I have a very hard time putting a lot of stock in people who seem to value their own ego over a goal that they all claim to share. It's really quite shameful behavior and all it accomplishes is rallying one person's followers against another and sows chaos and dissent across the board as we can clearly see happening here. It's very frustrating watching this happen time and time again as narcissists joust over who should be regarded as the penultimate authority on the subject. A subject that happens to have many different facets to it that intersect in some ways and not in others. So many of them seem to be blinded to this fact and so they are insistent that their particular battleground is the only real fight and everyone that doesn't agree is an imbecile. It's so fucking stupid. That's not even taking into account all of the trolls and groups that are actively trying to muddy the water and cover shit up. Everyone involved in these constant spats should be fucking ashamed of themselves for engaging in this behavior.

Crensch ago

This was the user that previously posted good info?

Quick descent, IMO.

Vindicator ago

Not sure how good the info was he posted. Been trying to verify it but not having much luck.

fogdryer ago

some people really get freaked when someone comes along and messes with their fantasy of the truth.....


Best Wishes Fiona. Roy Belfast N I

The_Raven ago

It's probably best to post a link to this thread that contains the link to the original content that led to her response.

Sinomyx ago

Nice rebuttal and her last sentence drives the point home. There are many many people who are determined to see the survivors ridiculed into obscurity. The really annoying ones do a passive aggressive attack. It is ultra sweet to see them get kicked in the face with indisputable evidence. And they never admit they were wrong or apologize.

dundundunnnnn ago

There are many many people who are determined to see the survivors ridiculed into obscurity. T

Slander. The most effective arrow in Propaganda's quiver.

Sinomyx ago

Right and they use this every chance they get with the ones who are the most danger to their agenda. No wonder these victims do not come forward. It is hard enough talking about what they have been through and have to continually defend against attacks.

The_Raven ago

This is certainly an interesting development. Checkmate for Fiona!

NinaSparrow ago

Get em Fiona!! ♡

NoBS ago

Where are the Pedo-Protecters attacking this Whistle Blowers?

I suspect they have not manufactured enough Character assassination data. Vindicator is will not let down his Pedo-Masters so they must be working overtime.

EricKaliberhall ago

This is the last time I respond to this shit. Anyone who attacks me has a vested interest in covering up ritual abuse and child sex trafficking.

Disagree with me and you are indirectly working for the Satanic pedophiles... That's not divisive at all.

dundundunnnnn ago

Truth is divisive by the very nature of it. If something is true, that makes all else untrue.

Vindicator ago

Yep. That's weaponizing victimhood. Not the attitude of someone who cares about abused kids and wants to convince skeptics. It's pretty sad to see pizzagate "investigators" actually cheering that kind of BS on. No wonder ES had a field day fucking with people here.

carmencita ago

This is the last time I respond to this shit. Anyone who attacks me has a vested interest in covering up ritual abuse and child sex trafficking.

I agree.

srayzie ago

Wow. Carmencita seems to have changed since she started hanging with her paid shill friends. I can't believe she cursed. I think that cunt @Piscina has poisoned your mind.

@Shizy @Crensch @Argosciv @Vindicator

21yearsofdigging ago

Right on Carmencita!

carmencita ago

Thanks! But it's from her not from me. But I thought it had a lot of moxie and that's why I used it. I have never used a word like that on here. I may say bleep but never the word. And I do believe her. Her explanation had a truthful ring to it and it made a lot of sense. She explained the evidence very well.

kazza64 ago

i cant find fionas twitter page do you know what happening ?

SandHog ago

I think she deleted her twitter and her fb account after that stuff came out about her. I don't trust An Open Secret at all but I tried going to her twitter when I learned the stuff about her was published and her twitter account was gone. I thought maybe she had gotten banned at some point so I searched around and couldn't find anyone talking about her being banned. Had she been banned from the platform people would have been talking about it and I'm sure she would have posted about it on her own site like she did about this facebook post. Which leads me to believe that she took down her accounts.

I do think she was victimized but I also think she exaggerated and/or fabricated some stuff.

kazza64 ago

i dont know what the story is with an open secret and gabe hoffman ive never said boo to either twitter accounts and i'm blocked from both ..... as far as fiona is concerned i believe her

SandHog ago

I think, at some point, he must have used a bot to auto-block people who followed certain twitter accounts like Isaac Kappy. I do know he went on a blocking rampage against anyone who would question his criticisms and attacks on all things Kappy/Mikey/LiftTheVeil related.

kazza64 ago

sounds about right i followed kappy and fiona and fiona and him had a feud

think- ago

I do think she was victimized but I also think she exaggerated and/or fabricated some stuff.


@Vindicator @MolochHunter

carmencita ago

No. I don’t follow her. Hmm. If you find out please let us know.

carmencita ago

Thank You for the link. I am sure everyone recognizes this woman. But the important one is her father Antony Kidman. Please read the copy. Eye popping.,6918

ON WHITE BALLOON DAY 2014, September 7, an event meaningful to me because it raises awareness for child sex assault victims, the main perpetrator of my childhood abuse, Antony Kidman, died suddenly in Singapore.

What is undisputed is that, at the time of his death, Kidman was under investigation by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC), the Psychology Council of NSW and, presumably, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, as well as the police.

Since 1986, I have reported Kidman’s crimes to health professionals — none of whom adhered to mandatory reporting legislation, until 2008.

In 2008, I reported Kidman’s involvement in a Sydney based paedophile ring to the NSW Police, specifically Justin Hadley, who is currently based at the Dee-Why station.

In 2013, I formally reported Kidman as a perpetrator of child abuse to the Royal Commission at a private hearing in Brisbane.

Later in 2013, I made an application to the NSW Victims of Crime, naming Kidman and other perpetrators.

NSW Victims of Crime used subpoenaed medical and other documents (dating back to over 20 years) to determine on the balance of probabilities that I was, indeed, a victim of crime.

A Victim of Crime.

Just over a month later, Kidman is dead.

I am disappointed by Kidman’s sudden death which robs me of an official investigation into his crimes, but I am relieved that he is no longer in a position to harm other children.

I penned my original response to the news of Kidman’s death on the day he died, but before this could be published on IA my article was leaked and a distorted version of my testimony went viral, resulting in numerous media inquiries. For the record, I did not author the news stories and, although I was quoted in them, I was not interviewed.

As a child abuse whistleblower my priority in coming forward is the wellbeing of my fellow victims. I would like them to realise they are not alone and that their pain is survivable.

The_Raven ago

She's tried really hard to get justice and it's a shame he died before that could happen, and now she has to deal with still being called a liar. Liars usually don't go to this much trouble to speak with someone and she reached out to all of the appropriate agencies and they all dropped the ball.

carmencita ago

Kidman died on White Balloon Day. Speaks volumes. Of all days in the year. They have been trying to discredit her for years. There have been some great things coming from 8chan but also some phoney baloney too.

The_Raven ago

I don't understand what the significance would be of him dying on that day. Can you explain?

carmencita ago

Well of course no one can prove anything. If he dies, imagine all the elites that can get away with the abuse as well. People way bigger than Kidman. How convenient that he dies. What a dig at Fiona as well being a survivor and him dying on that die. A message of sorts imo. But again, couldn't be at all possible that something nefarious happened. Or could it. Out of all the days of the year it was that day. Now if it was someone like a day laborer or an accountant not charged with abuse. OK. Do you get my drift?

The_Raven ago

Ooohh! I get it. Very interesting! I hadn't heard of this before.

If he died naturally, God definitely has a sense of humor!

carmencita ago

White Balloon Day is Australia’s largest campaign dedicated to preventing child sexual assault. Hmm. Well his death achieved the opposite when many elites where off the hook and could continue their "fun".

  1. The Cause of Death Was a Bad Fall

Dr. Antony Kidman was in Singapore when he fell shortly after eating breakfast. Some reports are saying that Kidman fell in his hotel, while others say his fall took place in his daughter’s home. However, it has been confirmed by Nicole Kidman’s publicist that the fall was in Dr. Kidman’s hotel room. He was in his 80’s, so a hard enough fall can, of course, be deadly. Channel News Asia reports that:

Singapore police confirmed that they were informed at 9:54am that a man in his 80s was pronounced dead at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He had been sent there from Stevens Road. Police said they are investigating the unnatural death.   They saw this as an Unnatural Death.

The_Raven ago

Hard to pin down what happened exactly and if he was murdered via poisoning or artificial heart attack inducement, at his age it's easy to make it look like it was simply his time to go. If he was murdered, the cast of characters who might've pulled it off is extensive. Easy to understand if one of his victims did it, and it's also reasonable to consider that his own associates considered him to be loose end and/or valueless, so they decided it was time for him to go. If it was his associates who killed him, they have the money to silence any coroner.

carmencita ago

In the DM article it says it happened right after he ate. Also take a look at the pic that is way down it's of Antony and his granddaughter. He has her and she looks as if she's not too happy with him. I have my ideas. He traveled to Singapore quite often. Singapore is a hot bed of human trafficking and lots of pedos go there as well on vacations. These problems when they exist, they are systemic. I once read an article about Fiona that said when she was a little girl Kidman abused her while she was tied to a chair. Nicole watched all the while with a smirk on her face. If I find it I will post. But it was over a yr ago.

The_Raven ago

That's sick, but I can see Nicole doing that. Seems there are many pics of her smirking. Very rarely do you see her with a big smile on her face like a normal, mentally healthy person would have.

carmencita ago

Yes and think about what kind of person she really is if she had seen all that. She evidently was made to believe that some Children were destined for abuse and she was not. Or possibly she was too, who knows. These are very sick and evil people. We know that some of the stars are still selling off their Children to mogul pedos. After all how do they get so far so fast. Being paid millions for 1 movie. I will not forget the look on that granddaughter of Antony. Makes me sick.

carmencita ago

Thank You! I am sure everyone will recognize this woman. But her father. is Antony Kidman

The_Raven ago

You're welcome, and it's crazy how these survivors can't find peace even after their abuser is dead.

carmencita ago

Seeing her abuser brought to justice always helps with the pain but the damage remains. I know a woman that suffered horrors of SRA and she suffers still. The priest has not been brought to justice and walks the streets today seeking out other gay men. They never stop.

ASolo ago

Get em C! Nice shot into the bow Fionna. We know you're never going to back down keep fucking fighting.

carmencita ago

I know she is telling the truth. Those of us that have worked on this board fighting for the Victims/Survivors know how hard evil forces wish to discredit her and others. We will continue the fight until one day the tables will be turned.

MolochHunter ago

how about we approach this with a little more sophistication. You've been here long enough to gain it , one would expect

I believe Fiona has suffered ritual / child sexual abuse

is not the same as

I believe everything Fiona says, esp given that she has been a victim of memory and perception distorting mind control techniques

letsdothis3 ago

Upvoat for you. Our motto should be verification, verification, verification

think- ago

Yes. Unfortunately, some people automatically assume means attacking alleged victims.

21yearsofdigging ago

Oh I disagree. When dealing with victims of ritual abuse and programming we are also dealing with alters and sometimes those alters are not all integrated. So yes, memories can be messed with and many of us have no idea how difficult it is to have alters and try to understand ALL of it. In Fiona's case I think there are some alters in her that maybe are not integrated. That doesn't dismiss what she is saying. Hard to deal with and understand as I was married to someone with D.I.D. and alters. She didn't have the courage of Fiona however. Said as much to me in a letter

MolochHunter ago

Well that sort of proves my point. Due to d. I. D. Fiona may not even be aware when SHE is lying

letsdothis3 ago

Tavistock and the intelligence services are into hypnotism and any other techniques that can cloud a person's memory. Useful for interfering with victims' memory recall (we might have seen that in the Hampstead case) and useful for programming operatives and other useful idiots.

think- ago

Useful for interfering with victims' memory recall (we might have seen that in the Hampstead case)

Do you think they tempered with the victims' memory before they did the first video?

letsdothis3 ago

I have to be careful how I word this so there is no room for misinterpretation. The Hampstead case is complex. Ella Draper had been attending the Tavistock Clinic with one (or both, I forget which) of her children. There is scope for manipulation there... I can only speculate. As you know I keep an open mind about ALL of the adults in this case.

The stories the children gave were harrowing, combined with some puzzling details ... as someone who has had professional training of dealing with children I am absolutely convinced that they believed what they were saying. I was also told once by someone close to the case, that it is a genuine case of abuse mixed with disinformation. Somehow, that explanation had a ring of truth for me and fits with the way spooks work. However, the official narrative of pointing a finger at the mother and her partner was part of the disinformation campaign as far as I am concerned. The focus for me was always the shadowy banker who has very high level connections and all the other bits and pieces that I post about that certain groups tried to brush under the carpet.

One example, is an odd titbit that came from the case where in the 'retraction' (ahem) video, the children said that they came up with the false story by watching 2 days of the Zorro movie video. Say what???? It's discussed here: . Well, we know in psyops how these people signal to each other, right? Who has a Zorro ranch in Santa Fe? And I also found a hypnotist (of whom Cherie Blair is a fan) who works with Ricky Dearman's agent Peter Ferris (that was a whole other story) who is also a Hollywood movie who worked on one of the Zorro movies. I've posted on that here but people haven't really picked it up.

Do I think that the children were harmed? Most definitely. Do I think that the spooks and Tavistock stepped in to confuse the facts of the case for a coverup? Most definitely. Do I think that other governments were involved, and that the online coverup was being studied by cyberpsychologists of nudge unites to prepare the ground for the US version of pizzagate? Most defintely. Are they going to get away with this? Most definitely not.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

"Ella Draper had been attending the Tavistock Clinic"

Do you have a source for this?

letsdothis3 ago

Tavistock is mentioned twice in the mother's (Ella Gareeve~Draper) statement found here

After Alisa came back from Russia, James has already begun the counseling seesions in the Tavistock Centre after witnessing the violence towards me and been hit my Mr Dearman. Soon after I started to take both Alisa and Gabriel to see the psychologist Charlotte Burck too. On one of the occasions she has invited Mr Dearman. He was rude, started an argument with Dr Burck and slammed the door on her...

I was constantly seeking the answers to the situation, asked the school twice for the referral to the Tavistock Center (after we have attended previously), had a private consultation with the child psychologist, signed up and attended six weeks course on positive parenting and prepaid and was going to attend another advanced course on the siblings parenting (this supposed to start on 9 September 2014 but I never went because of the children disclosure, reporting to the police, children have been retained, courts, etc).

TruthIsMyReligion ago

Thanks. According to the below link the CRIS report contradicts this which is confusing.

According to the CRIS report, Ella and the children received several referrals to the Tavistock Institute and CAMHS, which she failed to attend.

letsdothis3 ago

Well, the Hoaxtead website is not going to give you the full picture. THEIR mantra is Ella is a crazy woman with an even crazier boyfriend who was trying to smear her ex-partner and everyone else in a dirty custody battle.

In the second paragraph I gave you SHE SAYS she did not attend later appointments ..

I was constantly seeking the answers to the situation, asked the school twice for the referral to the Tavistock Center (after we have attended previously), had a private consultation with the child psychologist, signed up and attended six weeks course on positive parenting and prepaid and was going to attend another advanced course on the siblings parenting (this supposed to start on 9 September 2014 but I never went because of the children disclosure, reporting to the police, children have been retained, courts, etc).

As far as I remember she initially went to Tavistock because the behaviour of the children was so puzzling and out of the norm.

Chronology of events:

think- ago

Thanks for your reply. How do you think the children were influenced? What elements of their testimony do you think was legit, and which parts weren't?

letsdothis3 ago

The hypnotist is mentioned here : :

One of the main teachers at Ferris's agency is Matthew Stirling - Hollywood stunt man (including the Legend of Zorro), magician and hypnotist. Fans include Cherie Blair. and

I thought I'd expanded on that somewhere but I can't find it now.

Deciphering what elements are legit is difficult .. Remember verification is important. Just think though, that when young children are abused they are usually drugged.. making them susceptible to sophisticated mind control. Just remember the images of the needle marks in the skulls under the hairlines of the Chinese kindergarden which was subsequently closed down when the parents caught on to what was happening to them. It would make sense for the children to be given some misinformation as a safety valve in case any abuse was found out.

The doctor's report verified the scarring on the girl. Many of the people the children mentioned have dodgy connections including that school trustee that has that moving company.. you've seen the posts. I don't want to go more specifically into what I think was not 100% correct here but I continue to pursue the leads on that case to shine a light on how vile elements of the deep state are.

Ricky Dearman is no innocent. He sometimes goes online to monitor forums like this one and anyone else who speaks out about Hampstead using one of his several alt accounts to harrass. He's identifiable because he's narcissitic and dyslexia. That combination makes him one of the weak links in the whole case. When he raised his head with the latest ebay fiasco he left behind a few more breadcrumbs unintentionally .. I'll go about quietly pursuing those ;-)

think- ago

That combination makes him one of the weak links in the whole case.


TemplarKnight33 ago

I don't know if I would say she is lying. I think it's just that she is not remembering what happened correctly.

carmencita ago

What I wrote was copied from her response. Those are her words not mine. Thanks for the kind words.