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The_Raven ago


Why haven't you added the 'Debunked' flair to your thread like you said you would?

This is a crowdsourced investigation for a reason. Perhaps the community will debunk this? If so, I will give it the flair.

Will you please honor your word by labeling your thread as debunked and give Fiona this little bit of justice?

Vindicator ago

Really? Who debunked it? I saw one very small element of it debunked. I also personally saw Fiona pitch a bunch of baseless claims, fabrications and straight up lies about multiple people trying to help kids -- supporting the idea she is, indeed, fraudulent. And she's hidden the evidence of her BS by hiding her tweets.

This is Voat, not Facebook. Justice does not equal blindly accepting whatever someone says just because they've claimed victim status. Nor does Justice equal turning a blind eye to vicious, dishonest, hurtful behavior just because someone claims they're a victim. That uncritical attitude creates a giant window of opportunity to spread disinfo, attack those actually interdicting child predators, and sow confusion, drama and infighting in the community. The reason the community voted in the ruleset we have requiring evidence of all claims, as well as moderators to administer it, is to prevent exactly that kind of manipulation.

argosciv ago

Oh, what a shock to see these two pushing the "fear the Voat Angel" narrative: (oh look, a flustered double reply due to "Whether Q is a LARP or not is really none of my concern as he/she/it hasn't advocated for anything dangerous")

Funny that ES is complaining that he might end up with 0 CCP, after spending months threatening me, lying about me and brigading me through sockpuppets and manipulating other users and recently reviving the effort to do so. Such a hypocrite.

@Crensch @kevdude

Vindicator ago

He must be really worried, now that we've exposed his sock puppets. He can't upvote himself with impunity and longer.