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ESOTERICshade ago

@walnutsaucegoat is right about one thing. I tried it. I typed and it redirected to

www.whatever.cometpingpong did the same. did the same.

Somebody might have tricked you @vindicator

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hey ES, look what @TrushTheTruth finally did after all these months of being a cunt.

There is hope after all.

Now what are you going to do to redeem yourself? I am tired of being mad at you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey ES, look what @TrushTheTruth finally did after all these months of being a cunt.

Thats good. WisconsinIsCorrupt always said the ultra wealthy Johnson family in Racine were involved. And when WisconsinIsCorrupt was here there was a dedicated shill attacking him and anybody that agreed with him. Guess he was correct.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

WisconsinIsCorrupt always said the ultra wealthy Johnson family in Racine were involved.

Yeah, the first cunt who wouldn't provide any links, while producing volumes of word-salad.

when WisconsinIsCorrupt was here there was a dedicated shill attacking him and anybody that agreed with him.

Pretty sure that was because WIC was a POS who wouldn't provide any sources for the claims made. WIC = lazy cunt

journaltimes -

ESOTERICshade ago

Pretty sure that was because WIC was a POS who wouldn't provide any sources for the claims made. WIC = lazy cunt

That always puzzled me, because I believed WIC. He gave me the impression that he was VERY close to the action in Racine, like maybe he lived there and had been given a hard time because of what he knows, and he was scared to say much. I could be wrong but that was the impression I got.

Vindicator ago

"Puzzled" "believed" "impression" "given a hard time" "scared" "impression" Poor poor WIC.

LOL. And you bitch about Q being fake. You have such a forked tongue.

argosciv ago


there was [is] a dedicated shill attacking him and anybody [someone] that agreed with him [until it became obvious that Wisconsin_is_Corrupt is still here and part of a network trying to push a narrative and attack anyone who sees through it]. [See how I'm pretending that W_i_C is no longer here while simultaneously defending him and acting like he's a victim?]

Fixed that for him.

Spoiler: ES is the dedicated shill, or rather, one of several.


ESOTERICshade ago

Spoiler: ES is the dedicated shill, or rather, one of several.

Nope. I liked WIC and would not attack him. I thought his delivery was sort of weird, but I believed him when he said Racine was dirty. All you have to do is have knowledge of secret societies, look at the history of how that town was founded, all the industry that little town has, and the fact that it has a shipping port, and it pretty much all falls in line.

He said the Mega Rich Johnson family was involved and that appears to be true as well. Look up Curt Johnson and something like "sexual abuse" and you will see that he is a child raper. WIC, for all his weird delivery, was on target.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go fuck yourself and stop harassing me asshole.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Satanic Blood Drinker thinks he smells blood in the water and came to get a sip. Hey Argo, bye Argo. You're not worth my time.

Vindicator ago

You picked this fight, boyo. You showed up in my thread and started talking shit.

The only way you hear the end of me is by deleting your account. We will never let you off the hook.

ESOTERICshade ago

Tell me again how typing words in front of won't always redirect to Say it. You may as well lie some more. @Walnutsaucegoat and and some other user made us aware of it. I tried it and they were right so I told you about it. This ain't complicated.

You ain't the same dude you used to be. Qanon changed you. Best thing you could do for yourself is park yourself in the sidebar, like you used to, and stop harassing people.

@deathtoomasonsasap made the observation that this sub is more heavily harassed and fucked with than Redditt was and I am inclined to agree. Yall need to stop fucking with people. You already drove the old timers away AND as new people tried to fill in you ran them off too.

Just recently you guys ran off nomochomo and ridleychozo, two innocent and decent posters, by dragging them into this shit. You ran @twistedmac11 off and a lot of other people.

We don't give a fuck if you don't like what we say, its not your job to patrol people's comments. You need to carry your ass back to the sidebar before you make yourself look even worse.

Now. I'm going to bed. You can sit here and make your little snarky comments to your fucking self and guess what? I won't give a fuck......

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

We don't give a fuck if you don't like what we say, its not your job to patrol people's comments. You need to carry your ass back to the sidebar before you make yourself look even worse.

This is what is so scary ES. Who the FUCK is WE?

Are you WIC and TTT and all the other word-salad WE users? Are these two alts yours as well?

Are you in fact scheming on discord or other sites to do bad things to users of voat?

Who is 'we' ES?

ESOTERICshade ago

Who is 'we' ES?

The people that share my point of view I guess. We're not part of a club or anything.

Are these two alts yours as well?

Nope. And neither are the last six or eight people they just got through pissing off that left and haven't been back.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Are you scheming on discord or other sites against users of voat?

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you scheming on discord or other sites against users of voat?

I have never used Discord. I know what it is, but never used it. Me and a few users have made private jokes at the Qtard's expense by PM though, but i'm sure thats a pretty popular pastime for anybody that hangs out here much.

There is NOT an oragnized group of people working against any Voat users that I know of. Vindicator is paranoid and anybody that agrees with me or knows Q is a poser and a scam gets lumped into the "esotericshade brigade" in his own mind. He also thinks it somehow elevates his position, but actually, it makes him look paranoid and juvenile and that is NOT my fault.

I have to go now. I have workers waiting on my direction. :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

it makes him look paranoid and juvenile and that is NOT my fault.

Pot/Kettle much?

Vindicator ago

No one ran off @Nomochomo. He was quite pissed that you made so many other users look like your sockpuppets and he and I had a number of conversations until he was able to demonstrate to me that he probably isn't part of your crew, so I've given him the benefit of the doubt for the time being. We've had a number of discussions about what's acceptable to post and how to go about doing it. He has made numerous submissions.

How would you know if Ridley and Twisted are "gone" if they're not your accounts? You're not even a good liar, ES. I think you've told so many lies, you can't keep them straight. I haven't shared my documentation on RidleyChozo, because he only shows up to defend you once and a while, and that's a lost cause. I can, if needed. Twistedmac11 claimed innocence and asked me to review his being associated with you, but when I looked into it, I found he lied about his role in your astroturfing voting brigade, which I proved. You burned that account, apparently.

And P.S., its not YOUR fucking thread. Ya dig?

Oh? Try looking up top.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh? Try looking up top.

The thread belongs to Voat, not you, ding dong. As for the rest of your sour grapes rant fantasy...meehhhhhh...Not worth my time.

twistedmac11 ago

Jesus fucking christ, Vindicator. Stop lying.

This was the last comment I made to you. You did not "find that I lied about my role in ES's astroturfing brigade". You never responded to my comment. You didn't find out shit.

I am sick and fucking tired of being accused of someone I am not. THAT is why I left. And, yes, that is YOUR fault, along with crensch. I'm sick of the bullshit.

Quit spreading lies.

Vindicator ago

Interesting that you claim I'm lying, but instead of linking to my supposed lie, you link to your reply to my comment which is you claiming I was "gaslighting" and dismissing all my linked evidence with justifications. Since you seem to want to debate this again, I'll paste my findings then, again here:

Well, TM, I reviewed this just now, and I'd have to say if you are unwilling to admit your participation in ES's fuckery and apologize, you're probably out of luck. Let's review...

Your proof of my "help" was me saying I didn't see any serious evidence of vote brigading in the one specific link that you posted. See here and here.

No, TM, my proof was me warning you six months ago that Esoteric was trying to astroturf and censor people, which directly contradicts your claim that:

I never supported anyone trying to destroy this sub. I never saw ESOTERICshade as attempting to do that until he/she was exposed for using rarepeeks as an alt.

He tried to toxify and brigade a post made by @EricKaliberhall which met all submission rules, simply because he didn't like the topic, so I called him out on it and stickied it to prevent him from sliding it off the board. That made you pretty angry and you spent a lot of time in that thread claiming there was no sock puppet brigade and defending ES. I presented linked evidence to you in that thread six months ago that ES was vote brigading, but you just dismissed it. Then you claimed you didn't know, when you most certainly did. Now you are claiming there is no evidence you support ES and you are being unfairly targeted by mean mods (a narrative ES is also pushing, btw), when there is.

Now, while I don't endorse Eric's tone in dealing with you and believe he should use linked evidence in every such confrontation, I do agree with his assessment -- even more so now that you have reiterated your refusal take responsibility for your participation in undermining the board.

Esoteric has several disruption tactics. One of them is to try to instigate arguments and create drama. Another is to attack mods and try to convince users we're out to get them or desire to censor them. He uses lies and deceit to do this. Sometimes it's with sock puppet accounts. We had a whole sticky that proved he was operating at least five or six of these that he admitted to. He's proud of it. Other times, he finds ways to trigger other users to attack each other or mods. We know by the vote patterns in those past examples that he is operating at least twelve separate accounts.

As I showed with the linked examples above, you let yourself become involved in Esoteric's operation, even when you were warned what he was doing. Then you claimed ignorance, which I proved was not true. Every single time we discussed this, you refused to take responsibility for your involvement. Now you are saying I lied, but not linking to the comment where I supposedly did so. That is exactly the kind of dishonest, Esoteric-like behavior that makes you suspect.

I didn't bring you up in this thread, Twistedmac. Esoteric did.

We have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Esoteric has no regard for Voat's rules, the truth, or the users of this sub. He used multiple proven sock puppets to manipulate people and perceptions here. @Crensch gave everyone who participated in his operation the chance to disavow his terrible behavior. You took no responsibility, expressed no remorse and claim mods are lying, "gaslighting" and attacking you. You continue to act like Esoteric and let yourself be used by him -- right now, in this thread. Why is that, if you are not him? How can you expect anyone to believe you?

twistedmac11 ago

Why are you copying and pasting your claims, which I have already responded to? They still "prove" nothing, and they definitely do not prove I'm someone else. And I linked to my last comment to you because it was the absolute most recent communication I have had with you on the subject, which you never bothered responding to.

I never said you brought me up in this thread. I said I was tagged. Not sure what point you are trying to make there.

I have not done anything wrong. You keep linking to your one comment as proof that I do not agree is proof of anything. Somehow, that one thing makes me someone else.

I am acting like myself. I am not being used by anyone - I am responding to your claim that you supposedly "proved" that I "lied about my role in ES's astroturfing brigade" - which I did NOT. That is not proof of anything, that does not prove I am an alt, that just proves you and I disagree on what is evidence of a brigade. Again, for emphasis, that does not make me an alt.

Vindicator ago

You keep linking to your one comment as proof that I do not agree is proof of anything. Somehow, that one thing makes me someone else.

My comment is full of links to your comments in different threads, as you well know. Multiple users in that thread complained to me that it was being brigaded because every single person who thought it was a good pizzagate overview to redpill Trump fans got massively downvoted. It was so heavily brigaded in fact that even the derram bot was downvoted -10! That is straight up evidence it was being worked over by bots, which is why I stickied it.

You then chimed in to claim I was stickying it because of a vendetta with the shill running the brigade, and claimed in fact there was no brigade. Muhhhh...mods are compromised! Anyone who has been on Voat more than a month knows that every comment in a 109 comment thread sharing the same opinion doesn't get downvoted -5 to -13, and every opposing comment upvoted +15. Your statement there was "no proof of a brigade" just makes you look more dishonest.

twistedmac11 ago

My comment is full of links to your comments in different threads, as you well know.

Yet you keep specifically pointing to your one comment. That's the one I'm talking about.

In that particular thread, at the time, what I saw was most users on there disagreeing with the video and disagreeing with it being stickied. You are right about the derram bot being downvoted, I don't know why people would bother doing that. My mind doesn't jump right to brigade, though, as the comments were massively negative towards the video. I guess you and I will have to disagree on this one. Again, though, that does not make me someone else.

twistedmac11 ago

@vindicator are we done now? Can I participate without being accused of someone I am not?

Vindicator ago

I did not bring you up, TM. And the only person I regularly confront on this board is Esoteric.

I think you've handled the situation in a shitty manner. Whether by choice or because you care too little about this community to resist doing so, you helped ES turn this submission of mine into a drama fest, during a week when Alefantis and his goons are trying to frame us for the fire they probably lit themselves at Comet. Does it actually matter if you are a different person than ES, if you help him every time he shows up? Who really cares, when the effect is the same?

I asked you to make your case in v/pizzagatemods, which we have for that very reason. You told me to take a hike. It's the same disregard for the sub you showed when I tried to tell you the community was being hurt by ES six months ago. You shrugged your shoulders and said "no proof" then, too. You don't care about that and have taken no responsibility whatsoever. So I guess I don't really care what people say to you or about you. In my family, we call that natural consequences.

twistedmac11 ago

I think you've handled the situation in a shitty manner.

I feel the same about how I've been treated by the mods.

Whether by choice or because you care too little about this community to resist doing so, you helped ES turn this submission of mine into a drama fest, during a week when Alefantis and his goons are trying to frame us for the fire they probably lit themselves at Comet.

Um, what? I responded to your comment about you having proved this and that about me, which you didn't do. So I'm not allowed to chime in and defend myself when you say things about me that aren't true?

Does it actually matter if you are a different person than ES, if you help him every time he shows up? Who really cares, when the effect is the same?

What makes you think I'm helping him? Have you been reading my comments here at all?

I asked you to make your case in v/pizzagatemods, which we have for that very reason. You told me to take a hike.

Why would I take this conversation out of the public eye and into a place controlled by the very people accusing me of being someone I'm not? We can have the same conversation right here.

Vindicator ago

Why would I take this conversation out of the public eye and into a place controlled by the very people accusing me of being someone I'm not? We can have the same conversation right here.

Because Esoteric wanted you to help him fill this thread with off-topic drama? Because you care about your fellow users and don't want to give shills a platform? Because you are smarter than his baiting tactics?

Or not -- because you clearly DO support him. As you are doing. Right now.

ESOTERICshade ago

as I don't see any other reason to have a secret arsenal of alts.

That is where their Rabbi speak comes in. He just said above that I admitted to having "five or six alts" but that is also a lie. I didn't. I created @smurfy69 to test at v/testingsunday because I wanted a fresh name to do the testing with. I also created @rarepeeks one day when I didn't have access to a password. The rest is a huge load of bullshit.

twistedmac11 ago

I also created @rarepeeks one day when I didn't have access to a password.

Dude I saw an instance where you responded to ES as rarepeeks, agreeing with yourself. That's consensus manufacturing. Idk about the rest and I don't care. I just want off of this bullshit ride.

ESOTERICshade ago

So do I. These fuckers play dirty, real dirty. Its deeper than you may realize. I don't want to discuss it. v/pizzagate is still intact, and that is all that mattered to me.

ESOTERICshade ago

"By the way, I don't hate Q people or have a vested interest against Q

My current thoughts on the Q movement are this >>>

Over the last three or four months the Q movement is starting to think for itself and rely less and less on "Qanon" and this is a good thing. There is a lot of crowdfunded energy in the movement that could be harnessed and focused on reasonable goals that make sense.

If this trend continues the Q movement has the potential to morph into a force to be reckoned with. Progress of this magnitude comes in baby steps. Expecting the most powerful people in the world to be in GITMO soon is not attainable at this point in history.

If the Q movement continues to learn, and it is learning, there is a possibility that it could evoke real change that we need. In order for this to happen it needs to keep learning and going forward without the "savior Qanon" and the movement needs to develop it's own hive brain with reasonable goals, in steps, with a solid strategy.

The closest thing I see in the world to what I am attempting to describe is the Yellow Vest movement in France. It has no savior, no leader, and is pretty damn effective. The Q movement has the potential to evolve into a similar organization. I hope it does.

srayzie ago

Glad to see you opening up to it 👍🏻

argosciv ago

How would you know if Ridley and Twisted are "gone"

Funny how he didn't ping NC or RC...

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@NOMOCHOMO and @ridleychozo

Neither did you, asshole.

srayzie ago

Lol. Don’t mince words girlfriend 😂

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did I say that out loud? 😁

srayzie ago

Hahaha and you were calling someone a cunt earlier. 🤣

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Are you sure that wasn't my stalker? He calls people jooos and shit.

srayzie ago

You must be talking about the cock sucker Donkey @auralsects

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Donqi doesn't stalk me.

I have a different stalker.

srayzie ago

Well aren’t you lucky. ES?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Don't think so.

Small potatoes to what you got going on.

I always wonder how Donqi feels knowing he launched you and GA. Do you think he might be butt-hurt a little?

srayzie ago

No... ESOTERICshade did. Donkey took me from weak to having strength fast. I used to get my feelings hurt. I learned to kick ass back with him.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Donkey took me from weak to having strength fast. I used to get my feelings hurt. I learned to kick ass back with him.

That's my point. W/out him you might have failed at GA. idk just kinda tickles my perverse funny-bone.

srayzie ago


ridleychozo ago

Shabbat shalom. It's true I've given up on this sub. It has devolved into controlled opposition. This subdomain issue is a great example. There's hardly anything useful posted here anymore. The public shaming of @ESOTERICshade was the last straw for me. One of the only actually-good researchers getting run through the mud? Why? This place is Q-tarded and I don't waste my time here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Never got the chance to ask you, Ridleychozo, but what was your final assessment of the Veterans On Patrol group out in the desert? I remember you going out there and giving us boots on the ground coverage. (thanx for that)

What is your final assessment now that the dust has cleared? Last assessment I remember having for myself is that Lewis seemed a bit unhinged, maybe not too stable, but probably surrounded by some well meaning people that wanted to make a beneficial difference in the world.

ridleychozo ago

Spot-on assessment. He attracted a lot of great people for sure. This part of it was real. In the end, the whole thing was highly suspect to me though. It was easy to justify Lewis' flaws as a consequence of his passion, but after the desert experience I now have good reason to believe it was all an act.

ESOTERICshade ago

This place is Q-tarded and I don't waste my time here.

True dat. A lot of people voted with their feet, and left from here.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The public shaming of @ESOTERICshade was the last straw for me.

I understand, my POV is different. I see his use of secret alts to attempt to manipulate the opinions and emotions of other users as being shameful. He used those alts to upvote his own comments, and add extra up and down votes to other users, this is shameful to me.

One of the only actually-good researchers getting run through the mud?

Then why is he such a wanker? So very narcissistic that he can't even make a comment that isn't all about him. When a liar tells the truth how are we supposed to discern?

This place is Q-tarded and I don't waste my time here.

It is messed up that the q-tards are so very far behind in knowledge. They are catching up quickly, more are waking up every day. I'm sorry you gave up. I still want to fight, just not very good at it.

ESOTERICshade ago

He used those alts to upvote his own comments, and add extra up and down votes to other users, this is shameful to me.

That was been wayyyy overblown. Vindicator has been drinking too much Qanon Butthurt Sour Grapes Wine and evidently it leaves a nasty hangover. He can stop anytime he chooses. I'm not provoking this situation, i'm just reacting to it. Did you notice how he butted into our conversation about WIC and started the harassment? He thinks by slinging as much mud at me as he can invent, that it elevates him. Its actually the opposite but that Qanon Butthurt Sour Grapes Wine has his judgement impaired.

All he has to do is go back to doing what he was doing before Q came along and this shit would be over. Ya know? Instead he is on a vendetta rehab his image, and I can't stop him.

I have to go. I have workers waiting on me and we have projects to finish today. Thanx for being cool. :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Did you notice how he butted into our conversation about WIC and started the harassment?

I happen to consider @Vindicator to be a friend and don't mind him butting in. I disagree with him on many subjects, including Q. So when you accuse him of doing things to you, targeting you because of Q. it's just not true.

It's all about the secret alts dude.

Thanx for being cool. :)

You're welcome. Sure do wish you were. oh well, break a leg.