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Truthseeker3000 ago

Frank Guistra and friends played a big role in his demise. The whole entertainment industry is built on lies and deception.

21yearsofdigging ago

I was starting a film production company- distribution arm with a lawyer out of Vancouver Canada back in 1995.I had written several screenplays plus treatments for films as well as optioning screenplays from other writers, etc etc. Back then, I had recently done A River Runs Through It with Robert Redford and yes, the plan was to visit his festival Sundance and buy small interesting films for distribution. My partner's name is John A Hardy. He was heavily invloved with Mining companies(Liability??) and the Vancouver Stock Exchange(since shut down as it was considered the most corrupt stock exchange in the world) He took me for a drive one day when I was out in Vancouver and said let's go to West Vancouver. We then turned around and we are driving back over the Lionsgate bridge he out of announces we should call our company Lionsgate. He is, as far as I can tell, not on any Lionsgate board of directors but somone once told me that Hardy put the deal togther od did the paperwork for the formation of Lionsgate. I had several breakins and even safety box (yes from a bank) breakins. All my paperwork on Lionsgate gone. Hardy claimed (as did some mutual friends, that his father ran CSIS. Found nothing to confirm this. He told me in April or May 1996 that we had no company and that his spy agency father could not help me to find out who had threatened my 4 year old son and why I was being followed and harassed.Last thing he said to me was to"Keep your mouth shut about your kids or you're dead. Since that time Hardy left law practice and ran a RFID chip and tracking product company called Versatile Systems ( I noticed after I went public about my situation and my children that hardy has left Versatile and that it is now not what it used to appear to be. They have revamped (sponged ) almost all that was Versatile Systems so it now, to me anyway, looks like another company.. Hardy now runs or is CEO of an Investment firm called Equus Total Return. I am not the best researcher but I sure as Hell remember that drive across the bridge and how phony it was when he pretended to pull that name, Lionsgate, outa thin air. . I may not leave this up for longDid I ever meet Guistra? Not that I remember but he certainly traveled in the same circles as Hardy, or maybe Hardy in his circles. Normally Truthseeker, when I post information about these people, I find I am attacked either online or suddenly fired from a job or a voice agent suddenly can't represent me anymore. Man oh man, telling the truth is like a suicide mission sometimes I may not leave this one up for long. Family, you know

21yearsofdigging ago

One more thing. Even today there are people who remember me starting that company and taking Hardy around. What are they gonna do, kill us all?? I have a lot more info if you or someone else is interested. Lots of strange coincidences as well. Not sure, but could be an overlap with the Pickton farm as well.My guts tell me there is