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tearsdontfall ago

This is absolutely insane, is there any way we can help?

21yearsofdigging ago

Sure, if you want to help please go to my website and rent or buy my feature film, The Spark. It is considered a very good film by those in the industry but I will probably never get proper distribution. It is at I also make and sell my art with and in addition about 4 galleries around the world that carry it. You can private message me at my site. Ignore my patreon link as not much is happening with that and I prefer people actually get something in return, i.e. get entertained by my dramatic art film. I also work part time washing dishes, which I really don't mind doing

21yearsofdigging ago

I have to add this concerning the video game Deus Ex Human Revolution that I voiced(David Sarif) If anyone out there thinks these people that produced it had any real concerns for mankind or red pilling people you are sadly mistaken. The writer was just despicable and NO ONE involved in that game had any intention of red pilling anyone. I suppose the best I can imagine is that it is what is called Revelation Of The Method. In other words much like with film and TV, they tell you they are doing or about to do. Much to research regarding this. As with films such as' Long Kiss Goodnight' where they talk about bringing down the towers and blaming it on the Muslims.That film, written and produced by a guy I used to know, Shane Black, was made in 1995-1996. Long before the towers were brought down. Some people believe with the Luciferian cult, that there is a pact where they have to tell us what thye are doing. Often, these revelations happen in comedies or cartoons such as 'The Simpsons'.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

I watch a lot of his videos. I knew he was an actor of some type, but not being a gamer, I didn’t make the connection. His videos are great & usually very informative. I know the industry has all but ruined his life. He is a courageous man & I respect him greatly.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thank you!! man oh man, you are so wrote they rote hit pieces on me!! Yup, you can't be talking about things such as ritual abuse-child abuse even if they are based on real life events that happened to your own children!!! "forget about your fucking kids and maybe you will work again" was actually spoken to me on way more than one occasion.Ex partner in a film production company,John A. Hardy (ex lawyer in Vancouver Canada who claims his father ran CSIS) told me "forget about your kids or you're dead". This after he claimed we had no company and unfortunately all my paperwork on it stolen. Shit, I even had safety box breakins in banks!! Try explaining that to someone and not getting locked up in the loony bin. Yes years and years of crazy harassment but somehow I avoided the nut house, avoided fake suicide attempts and avoided death. The stuff they once did to me though, mind blowing. The positive is God is good. He has our back and he last thing he wants is for us to give up. We are fighting to expose their sick evil ways, we are the crusaders for truth There is a huge price to pay but if you love God it is worth it. We are also fighting for the future for all people. Sadly their evil is just inconceivable for most to grasp.If you have a chance watch my film The Spark or at least the trailer. It is available at my website Yes sorry, it does cost 3.99 to rent but I can sometimes arrange something for friends that are broke.Here is a review.... For anyone wanting to take a shit at me for charging to watch it I defend my position because I self financed it and it is a dramatic feature film that many feel should be playing on Netfix (Fat chance given my blacklist). I am sure as hell not getting rich off of it but every little bit helps. Come to think of it I am considering putting it on youtube so everyone can see it for free but for now it is where it is. The link takes you to Vimeo

gamepwn ago

No problem, I wanted to get your story out you have been through alot of shit! For a long time you have been fighting these sick fucks. I just got posted your interview you did on my YT channel

21yearsofdigging ago

Great man, thanks

pby1000 ago

Please hang in there. You are not alone. We will defeat these evil satanic pedophile.

PMmesmolchairs ago

God is the most powerful tool against these monsters for only Gods love can defeat evil

21yearsofdigging ago

Also, my real name is Stephen Shellen but after this all began back in 1995 I decided to use Shellenberger as my artist name

FrenchBulldog ago

Are you okay? This is scary shit. If even half of this is real, I'm praying for you.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, I am fairly okay considering all that has transpired the last 23 years. If this never happened to me I am sure I would have been reluctant to believe it. The up side is that I was really woken up about police, governments and the film industry as a result. Guess God had a plan. Imagine watching the film 'Enemy Of The State' and it moving you to tears because this was what you were living in! Crazy as Hell for sure.

wanderingblade ago

Damn how is he doing, how does he make a living? I would donate to celebs who speak out to give a safety net to those who sacrifice it all

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks. I just saw this and it made my day! As for my surviving it has been tough. I was fired by my voice agent because she claims she was afraid of what I might say while doing a job. I however, generally remain tight lipped in situations like that and when I pushed her for a complaint from anyone she looked down at her desk, tears in her eyes. Cowards! People in that world(entertainment) know what is going on but they are too afraid to speak out.Currently I work in a kitchen washing dishes and sell my art occasionally. My website is I also self financed a feature film that I wrote and directed called The Spark. If the name Shellenberger is confusing it is a name I took for my art and self financed film career.My real name is killed. They murdered that guy. Just blown away that this up. Man, woke up today, looked in the mirror and thought to myself, "was all this worth it??" Guess I got my answer.

CuckleberryFinn ago

The original Deus Ex dropped tons of redpills. The developers even interviewed the real Manderley. He was actually a bad guy in the game! Almost two decades later I still chuckle about this.

For a guy like me researching all the conspiracies (this was back in the 90s), it was the ultimate nerd food. I haven't played the new ones though.

Phantom42 ago

"The name doesn't mean much, they'll use whatever fits their interests."


(((Fellow white people...)))

Truthseeker3000 ago

Frank Guistra and friends played a big role in his demise. The whole entertainment industry is built on lies and deception.

21yearsofdigging ago

I was starting a film production company- distribution arm with a lawyer out of Vancouver Canada back in 1995.I had written several screenplays plus treatments for films as well as optioning screenplays from other writers, etc etc. Back then, I had recently done A River Runs Through It with Robert Redford and yes, the plan was to visit his festival Sundance and buy small interesting films for distribution. My partner's name is John A Hardy. He was heavily invloved with Mining companies(Liability??) and the Vancouver Stock Exchange(since shut down as it was considered the most corrupt stock exchange in the world) He took me for a drive one day when I was out in Vancouver and said let's go to West Vancouver. We then turned around and we are driving back over the Lionsgate bridge he out of announces we should call our company Lionsgate. He is, as far as I can tell, not on any Lionsgate board of directors but somone once told me that Hardy put the deal togther od did the paperwork for the formation of Lionsgate. I had several breakins and even safety box (yes from a bank) breakins. All my paperwork on Lionsgate gone. Hardy claimed (as did some mutual friends, that his father ran CSIS. Found nothing to confirm this. He told me in April or May 1996 that we had no company and that his spy agency father could not help me to find out who had threatened my 4 year old son and why I was being followed and harassed.Last thing he said to me was to"Keep your mouth shut about your kids or you're dead. Since that time Hardy left law practice and ran a RFID chip and tracking product company called Versatile Systems ( I noticed after I went public about my situation and my children that hardy has left Versatile and that it is now not what it used to appear to be. They have revamped (sponged ) almost all that was Versatile Systems so it now, to me anyway, looks like another company.. Hardy now runs or is CEO of an Investment firm called Equus Total Return. I am not the best researcher but I sure as Hell remember that drive across the bridge and how phony it was when he pretended to pull that name, Lionsgate, outa thin air. . I may not leave this up for longDid I ever meet Guistra? Not that I remember but he certainly traveled in the same circles as Hardy, or maybe Hardy in his circles. Normally Truthseeker, when I post information about these people, I find I am attacked either online or suddenly fired from a job or a voice agent suddenly can't represent me anymore. Man oh man, telling the truth is like a suicide mission sometimes I may not leave this one up for long. Family, you know

21yearsofdigging ago

One more thing. Even today there are people who remember me starting that company and taking Hardy around. What are they gonna do, kill us all?? I have a lot more info if you or someone else is interested. Lots of strange coincidences as well. Not sure, but could be an overlap with the Pickton farm as well.My guts tell me there is

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Interesting, Good find.

Voice actors are often in cartoons, and see some of the darker things that go on. What does he know about Viacom?

carmencita ago

I am going through the comment history of @21yearsofdigging because I believe they are full of vip info. I found his comment on this post and he said it was a Gold Mine

I have talked with 21 years in the past and I wish him all the Best Luck and Love in the World. We are here for people like you and your Children. God Bless You and Them. Prayers for you. +

PMmesmolchairs ago

It goes deeper than just books. Look at the toy industry brainwashing our children into nothing but sex slaves.

carmencita ago

I agree. It's everywhere. It is so blatant. I remember the toys I used to buy for my friend's grand children and they were so wholesome. Now we have to search for these things and they are harder to find. Sexualized Brat Dolls is one of my most hated items. Plus there are many others. And also let's not forget anatomically correct child sized dolls for pedophiles. Barf.

pby1000 ago

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!

carmencita ago

Yes it was Very Merry. Hope your New Year is Peaceful and Happy +

pby1000 ago

Thank you!

carmencita ago

Great to see another good researcher still around. :)

pby1000 ago

Same with you. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

carmencita ago

I hope I am making a difference here. For all of us to wake up the people that are asleep while fake news persists and steps in as the fake truth. Thank you it makes it all worth it. +

PMmesmolchairs ago

anatomically correct child sized dolls

How can something like this even exist!?! I just felt my blood pressure shoot through the roof.

carmencita ago

Yep. It is a thing.

Read my other comment to you about what YOU can do to help turn things around. Yes, this is an insane world, but each of us can do something to change it.

PMmesmolchairs ago

Fuck this. Its stuff like that which makes me want to spew. How those companies are allowed to exist is beyond me. Its clearly just allowing pedos to live out their fantasies when they should be getting help from someone or locked the fuck up.

carmencita ago

I know. We have posts on this in the Search Bar if you want more info. We must stop this from coming here. Post about it on blogs and soc. media and spread the word. If Moms are listening they will Protest on line and BIG.

PMmesmolchairs ago

It makes me wonder what else is hiding in plain sight. Has there been any info regarding realistic toy dolls for children such as parenting toys or the such?

carmencita ago

Ugh. Not that I know of. But there is a kind of game for little ones that the pope embraced. It teaches catechism and is all decked out in rainbow colors. I am sure there are all kinds of things out there. We all have to stick together at this time. All Christians of all faiths have to stand up for the Traditional Teachings and Services, not only for themselves. I have posted about a couple of women that have been taking over other Christian faiths and one is a lesbian. This is happening all over. People think it's only the Catholic Church and it is not. We must stand together or divided we fall.

PMmesmolchairs ago

God loves all his creation. Beware the constructs of humans as they can easily be corrupted by Lucifer to spread hate and discord.

carmencita ago

So many don't believe in the devil. Ask people. You will be surprised. The greatest lie the devil told us was that he doesn't exist. If he doesn't then why are they following Satanism. Hmm.

21yearsofdigging ago

You are the best! Yes, we have talked often and although I can be guarded at time and not 100% trusting of people here, YOU are trustworthy. Your opinions are generally much the way I also feel. You critically think and you are not one to lunge or grab a hold of something that has no evidence.

carmencita ago

Thank You for your kind words. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with wonderful surprises. I am saying St. Michael the Archangel Prayer everyday now to rid the world of evil and satan. Hopefully there will be good news for you in the year ahead. Has there been any contact at all with your Children? If you cannot say, I understand. Bless You +

Piscina ago

It's true that they destroy the good ones, who should wear it as a badge of honour.

Blacksmith21 ago

How does a video game redpill someone?

Plant_Boy ago

Stephen Shellen, I hope we can crack the zog soon!

MrShekelstein ago

We will keep fighting, for you and everyone else.

auralsects ago

Stop saying "deep state"

It is a term from the 70s describing Turkey and egypt

Trump started spreading it before the JewAnon psyop

Dont be a tool, use a real descriptive term like ZOG

derram ago :

PizzaGate with Actor and Activist Stephen Shellen - YouTube :

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Cutscene 34 "The... Illuminati?" [HD Ultra Quality] - YouTube :

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Calling Sarif - YouTube :

Deus Ex dropping redpills. - YouTube :

Deus Ex was right - YouTube :

Deus Ex, JC Denton talks about European Union - YouTube :

Deus Ex - sceptical Paris bartender - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21yearsofdigging ago

The Neowin article is B.S..I had done a comedy video from a comedy channel that someone reposted as real. I was actually making fun of myself and others who take conspiracy theories too far. It was about fruit flies spying on me and smoking pot! That dumb article was reposted over 20 times and NO ONE bothered to mention it came from a comedy channel. I wrote e mails to many of the articles asking them (demanding at times) they take them down. I complained to the producers of Deus Ex to please mention on their Reddit page that it was a joke. They never did.

Why did this happen?? My guess is, some online gamers had an awards show and I was nominated for The Golden Voice Award. That plus there was talk of a feature film being made based on Deus Ex Human Revolution. Some mentioned that the voice actor(me) was also a Hollywood actor (hardly anymore) and that I should play David Sarif . Because I had been outspoken about my situation and about child abuse and ritual abuse, child trafficking etc, guess it was too much for the evil that runs the entertainment business. That pretty much finished me off for voice work. At one point I even had lawyers that wanted to bring a suit against them for defamation but they backed out. I was called on different forums, a schizophrenic over 100 times!! All based on a comedy video!!!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I am so glad you responded, I almost pinged you myself, but since you were pinged in the post I figured that if you wished to reply, you would. Thank you.