mrnobu ago

At 1:01 there’s a kid wearing a “NEW ORDER” shirt...

Clownmuseum ago

Reminiscent of Q drops about Red Cross and child trafficking.

Z11Mama ago

The story of Celine should be a huge wake up call for many. If this is what happened to her we can obviously make a very long list of other people in the entertainment industry who are like this. Like that one Olsen twin. Who else?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Celine is under TOTAL Illuminati control. This screams New World Order garbage. She’s been zapped underground for a while now. All these puppets need to wake up and fight their programming and come out of it. Now they’ve got Autistic kids wanting full sex changes in elementary school. The masses are so brainwashed by feminisism and equality they don’t see the bigger picture.

septimasexta ago

"Now they’ve got Autistic kids wanting full sex changes in elementary school."

This is personal for me. One of mine had the MMR and reacted with encephalitis that produces (along with the mercury in the Hep. B) symptoms the globalists have labeled AUTISM.



Matt_Helm ago

Correct the vaccines are designed to induce autism that's why the rates are so high now they are off the charts high.

septimasexta ago

Not just autism....DEATH



Had no idea his house burned down in the recent California fire! Targeted DEW weapons?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Stay far away from any kind of vaccine. I’m sorry to hear this. There is a recent news story of an elementary school with about 17 autistic kids all wanting sex changes as they think they are transgender. The teachers and educators are also to blame for pushing this on these kids, especially the vulnerable ones. Autism is rampant nowadays and they are targeting these kids.

septimasexta ago

I saw that:

School has SEVENTEEN children changing gender as teacher says vulnerable pupils are being 'tricked' into believing they are the wrong sex

"An astonishing 17 pupils at a single British school are in the process of changing gender, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Most of the youngsters undergoing the transformation are autistic, according to a teacher there, who said vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex.

The whistleblower says few of the transgender children are suffering from gender dysphoria – the medical term for someone who feels they were born in the wrong body – but are just easily influenced, latching on to the mistaken belief they are the wrong sex as a way of coping with the problems caused by autism.

Earlier this year, The Mail on Sunday revealed that a third of youngsters referred to the NHS’s only gender identity clinic for children showed ‘moderate to severe autistic traits’. "

Simonsaysgoat ago

Hitler wasnt evil at all, he simply rose up and defended his country from this exact shit. He should be our guiding light

Z11Mama ago

Well said.

septimasexta ago

GENDER IDENTITY PUSH - Children With Autism Given Puberty Blockers - UK - Despite Not Suffering Gender Dysphoria - Tavistock Clinic

Ioniancat21 ago

All these years, Celine played the role of this sensitive woman with an atypical, non-Hollywood persona that makes people feel like she's one of us. To then see her do this, my thought is that her husband was her producer and with his connections, he bought her some time but now that he's gone, she's come under the thumb of a new handler who wants results and now that she's aged, she can't trade tail for favor anymore, therefore, she need to push Satan like she means it. If she doesn't comply with this, she'll die of a heart attack in a tragic and sad tale...

Z11Mama ago

Insightful. Thank you. Upvoat here!

Ioniancat21 ago

Thanks for posting...

septimasexta ago

This explains a lot..... SHE MET HER twice divorced 27 YEARS OLDER HUSBAND AT THE AGE OF 12. He was her MANAGER. No wonder she pushes the DARK SIDE! 3:56 to 4:11

tech-adm ago The blind idiots in the YouTube comments refuse to see the sick Crowley-inspired Satanic Agenda being pushed on them - which is known as Blavatsky's "Externalization of the Hierarchy" and the Hermaphrodite as personified by Baphomet. All wrapped up in pure statism packaged for the willing masses. This is all designed to push for sexualization of young children and Dion is pushing it along. Disgusting.

angelafogo ago

Yes it is

carmencita ago

Yeah, Celine. You need to be locked up. You are a danger to OUR Society. And what's with the Bleeping Black Cross? And the Bleeping Black Stars on Our Babies? Huh?

theHare ago

absolutely disgusting canadian fucking garbage. yuck. these people need more foreskins to maintain their "glow". do you guys really think they havent been selling foreskins this while fucking time?

carmencita ago

I'll settle for my wrinkles before I use any of that stuff. Barf.

Modernminuteman ago

From now on i will refer to her as Celine Demon! You could get rid of 95% of the so called entertainment world and i wouldn't miss a thing.

septimasexta ago


Mom Says 6-Year-Old Son Is Transgender. Dad Disagrees. Now He Might Lose His Son.

"According to court documents, the young boy only DRESSES AS A GIRL when he's with his mother, who has enrolled him in first-grade as a female named "Luna." The father, however, contends that his son consistently CHOOSES TO WEAR BOY'S CLOTHES, "violently refuses to wear girl’s clothes at my home," and identifies as a boy when he is with him.

The Federalist reports that the mother has accused the father of child abuse in their divorce proceedings "for not affirming James as transgender" and is looking to strip the dad of his parental rights. "She is also seeking to require him to pay for the child’s visits to a transgender-affirming therapist and transgender medical alterations, which may include hormonal sterilization starting at age eight," the report adds."

septimasexta ago


"The terrible fraud of 'transgender medicine'" Doctor exposes the history and FRAUD behind the TRANSGENDER AGENDA:

eronburr ago

I don't see this as M vs F and F winning. I see this as F will spend more recklessly and M won't. Gov will always side with the person willing to spend the most money.

I duno about OP video being pedo-desensitizing. While I believe a lot of hollywood is pedo, I think most are vapid and this is along the lines of "children are our future" and desensitizing people from identifying with their kids as THEIRS. remember the clothing is "new order" as in NWO. Their whole goal is a single world religion. They plan to out Christ as fake and grab his followers. This is likely to sell parents on "the world adopts this" and just herding them to one religion

septimasexta ago

Here's a link to the original VOAT post that opened our eyes to what the Satanists/Illuminati are up to:

🍕 Share! More pizzagate imagery from Celine Dion's accounts

1968 VIEWS AND COUNTING! Keep the pressure on!

septimasexta ago


I just came across an article on 3 sibling youth entrepreneurs who are home schooled. Last year, at the ages of 12, 15, and 17, they launched their own LIFESTYLE CLOTHING BUSINESS named BAREFOOT NATION. I checked out their website and social media and was AMAZED! These young teens produced a WHOLESOME, UPLIFTING, AND SHARP marketing campaign based on the idea of "taking life at a slower pace and enjoying the freedom of being yourself". These home schoolers have obviously avoided the SATANIC/DEATH CULT/ TRANSGENDER INFLUENCE pushed by Celine and her Israeli brand. Check out their website and social media. SEE THE DIFFERENCE!

septimasexta ago

WOW! What a coincidence.

After posting link to Barefoot Nation, I looked at more pictures on their Instagram. In several, they were flashing the hand horn sign! Then I remembered that the company founders are from Texas and the horn hand gesture has been used by Texas Longhorn fans for years. THESE KIDS ARE ACTUALLY MOCKING THE SATANISTS!

Here's an interesting article documenting the battle of the hand horn signs. Evidently KISS was early in using the Baphomet horn sign in his performances, beginning in 1974. HOWEVER, Texas Longhorn fans were using it in 1955. This documented fact prevented GENE SIMMONS from trademarking the sign in 2017.

"The Horns, Kiss, the devil and the battle for the hook 'em sign"

septimasexta ago

Check out frame 1:41 of this "SENTIMENTAL" video tribute to her husband. WHOSE REAR END IS THAT?

BUSTED! Her twin baby BOYS are dressed in BLUE! OMG! Where is the BLACK fairy dust? frame 2:12

septimasexta ago

"nununuworldwe at nununuworld respect the thoughts and ideas of all and are always happy to engage in a healthy and fruitful dialogue. we will not on the other hand take part in any violent, hurtful or demeaning conversations and reserve our right to delete, report and block any message sent to us which could potentially hurt other people and breach the boundaries of an acceptable conversation."


septimasexta ago


This is part of the TRANSHUMAN agenda.

GOOGLE AI's JUST BANNED GENDER PRONOUNS! "Fearful of bias, Google blocks gender-based pronouns from new AI tool"

WHO IS BEHIND THIS? Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom (Transhumanist)

"Google’s AI subsidiary DeepMind is getting serious about ethics. The UK-based company, which Google bought in 2014, today announced the formation of a new research group dedicated to the thorniest issues in artificial intelligence. These include the problems of managing AI bias; the coming economic impact of automation; and the need to ensure that any intelligent systems we develop share our ethical and moral values.

DeepMind Ethics & Society (or DMES, as the new team has been christened) will publish research on these topics and others starting early 2018. The group has eight full-time staffers at the moment, but DeepMind wants to grow this to around 25 in a year’s time. The team has six unpaid external “fellows” (including Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom"

HOW DOES NICK BOSTRUM DEFINE TRANSHUMANISM? "Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement that has developed gradually over the past two decades, and can be viewed as an outgrowth of secular humanism and the Enlightenment. It holds that current human nature is improvable through the use of applied science and other rational methods, which may make it possible to increase human health-span, extend our intellectual and physical capacities, and give us increased control over our own mental states and moods.[1] Technologies of concern include not only current ones, like genetic engineering and information technology, but also anticipated future developments such as fully immersive virtual reality, machine-phase nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence.

        Transhumanists promote the view that human enhancement technologies should be made widely available, and that individuals should have broad discretion over which of these technologies to apply to themselves (morphological freedom), and that parents should normally get to decide which reproductive technologies to use when having children (reproductive freedom).[2] Transhumanists believe that, while there are hazards that need to be identified and avoided, human enhancement technologies will offer enormous potential for deeply valuable and humanly beneficial uses. Ultimately, it is possible that such enhancements may make us, or our descendants, “posthuman,” beings who may have indefinite health-spans, much greater intellectual faculties than any current human being – and perhaps entirely new sensibilities or modalities – as well as the ability to control their own emotions. The wisest approach vis-à-vis these prospects, argue transhumanists, is to embrace technological progress, while strongly defending human rights and individual choice, and taking action specifically against concrete threats, such as military or terrorist abuse of bioweapons, and against unwanted environmental or social side-effects."

the_art_collector ago

Check out the cover of his book:

Something less obvious as well: Remember in the "Back to the Future" trilogy how Twin Pines Mall became Lone Pine Mall and how this was likely symbolic of the towers being brought down?

septimasexta ago

Good catch. Thanks!

smokratez ago

Wow. That's a lot of ignorant people in the comments.

carmencita ago

There are plenty to go around nowadays. Many Grandparents taught their Grand Children to think. No longer. They are mind controlled as well. DUH.

Tiessa ago

This is so blatant

carmencita ago

Not to some. Their adoring puppets are asleep.

Suzo ago

Creepy. Globalist puppet