EvaEverywhere ago

Thanks to all who commented on here. It is not the most comprehensive post on the situation but I am glad others have noticed and are on the case. I follow the other discussions as well.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fogdryer ago

My first clue was when she married a much older man. I felt she was manipulated. She was soo young taking up With a much older man. A 30 yrs old with a 49 yr old is one thing but their ages at the time were inappropriate.

EvaEverywhere ago

I am from the Angelil side of the family. There has never been much drama surrounding this. Though you are right that she has lived an insulated life. In the first phase as a young celebrity and in the second phase completely surrounded by Rene's machine. But, to me, the relationship was always one where Rene dedicated himself completely to the process of Celine's work. It will always remain something surprising to me. They lived a life where most people are distracted from each other or fall into drama, yet I am not sure anymore how many times they renewed their vows. An interesting couple throughout and super nice and generous to all. I have noted the Luciferian pledging across her recent work. Her song "Je fais ce que je veux" made me cry because it is so obviously a cult pledge. I approach this as I have all other cases, with the most generous and positive attitude. It's not as if I can walk up to the fam and bring this up. I used to chat here with a distant cousin of Kate Spade. I am bracing myself for the same heartbreak as he figured out how she is connected to "them". Discretion is the best protection at this point. Most people are far away from knowing enough basics about the cult to understand what membership means.

theguysmiley ago

i mean, she was a child bride for a pedo. of course she is completely fucked in the head now. kinda hoping she dies in a fire.

EvaEverywhere ago

They got married later in life. She has never been considered a child bride of a pedo. In order to be able to understand the relationship, you would have to live around them, read the press in French for 20 years and assess this using this knowledge. The drive to point fingers at unscrupulous producers in my Province is high and a few have been destroyed fully over such revelations. Kids in our entertainment industry are not sexualized at all, and they are styled in age-appropriate clothing, it's such a huge difference from American dance mom and beauty pageant stuff. You would have to know French in order to watch Quebec TV and notice this. There is no such drama when it comes to Celine and Rene. And that is why I am supportive of Celine. She has been perfect all her life, she can do whatever the fuck she wants in my book. But it is her association with trash satanists that is worrisome and sad.

toutedesuite ago

Je vous comprends très bien et je vous vois bien. Vos excuses sont pathétiques et inefficaces, alors allez ailleurs. Ce n'est pas une page de fans de Céline Dion, et votre défense aveugle d'elle vous marque comme un SHILL.

EvaEverywhere ago

Il est important de comprendre les personnes qui font partie du culte. Ce sont des gens qui ont une partie de leur vie encrée dans le philanthropie, dans la religion, dans la charité. Pour comprendre l'ensemble du mouvement, il faut comprendre ses membes. Ils sont tous des gens qui ont une apparence publique fantastique mais une vie privée secrète que l'on ne comprend pas encore complètement. Cela fait plus de 2 ans que j'étudie les "Luciferiens" et le prospect de faire une étude de quelqu'un qui est plus proche de moi que Madonna ou Lady Gaga est très révélateur. Votre réaction ressemble au "kill them all!" qu'on voit souvent ici. Mais sans comprendre un système, il est impossible de le detruire. Les Luciferiens se croient justifies dans leurs action par notre consentement (nous aimons leur art) et donc pour que le peuple cessent de donner leur consentement au "glamour" de Hollywood, ils doivent etre eduques sur leurs pratiques. Tous doievent comprendre la corruption qui enveloppe la planete pour pourvoir la refuser dans le futur.

pmichel ago

the baby with the devil horns. :(

MemeAmericaGreat ago

I've heard her sing a few times but beyond that nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Getting together with a 12yo child; bingo! You'll recall many singing stars & duet couples in particular have adult-child relations as part of their formula for success; Cher & Sonny, Gloria Estefan, and the semi-literate singer who married Tony blah, blah, blah as Sony Music boss. I forget her name, but she stars on the TV amateur singing contest show.

In 1990, went on an exotic fishing tip with my FIL & his 2 father/son real estate investment partners. The younger realtor told me his daughter was going to become a H-wood starlet. He'd just paid thousands for her professional picture portfolio. She was a cute little girl, but only really beautiful to her father; the easy money idiotic realtor. I begged & begged for him to keep her home. I poured out my heart to change his mind for a perfect stranger. "How are you going to protect here living in the Midwest? You guys know the rest of the story, drugs, rape & porno movies; the woman's badly damaged goods today.

My points to him were patently obvious, but he believed the H-wood Big Lie. His daughter was beautiful, all Dad's think this. H-wood means easy money, he craved that big money. His marriage broke up, his business robbed my FIL and this poor little girl was just more grist for the mill.

I don't watch TV to avoid this toxic culture. It never crosses my doorstep, because I don't own an idiot box. Join 'Cut the Cord' it cures the entire topic & keeps it away from your family door. We need a few more pedo-revenge killings. Maybe a TV series I can avoid watching.

benjitsu ago

Re: Tv: Sticking your head in the sand only goes so far towards protecting yourself and family. You can't inoculate your kids against it if you don't know about it.

wokie ago

Never liked Celine, she was always creepy, not surprised.

darkknight111 ago


Dig into the instagram pages associated with the pictures in this tweet.

21yearsofdigging ago

some of these are just so creepy...

3141592653 ago

I'd love to hear their explanation for the little girls shirt that says HO! on it. WTF??

survey_girl ago

I think that is supposed to be a Christmas shirt (ho ho ho)... so clever. These people are sick.

MemeAmericaGreat ago

That's Too Much

7Kek7Invictus7 ago

"co-owners and designers iris adler and tali milchberg created children’s clothing collections that broke stereotypes and dodged accepted norms. their need for a basic dna and a unisex offering in kids fashion"

(((Adler))) (((Milchberg)))

kazza64 ago

fuck you celine dion in the last photo on instagram she has posted of her twins at disney they look like girls

naamasteer ago



TexasInfidel ago

Many struggle with waking up,far to many have hit the snooze for over 30yrs Every bit of this goes back to Biblical times verbatim.A lot of you kids need to stop acting an age you haven't yet attained.

Baichu ago

Everything you seeing in every genre is out to brainwash and condition the upcoming generation.

Celine is proving to her masters that she's in the game and wanting to move up it's never ending depraved hierarchy.

Sackajahweeda ago

That monster doll that is in the babies bassinet at the beginning we have seen featured here before...it looks like the El Cucuy or THE CHILD EATER...this bitch crazy blatant shame on you CD!!!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wooooow. Holy shit. That children’s clothing line is beyond sick, demented and purely satanic. The reason they push “gender binary or neutral” crap is so that they have population control on the masses. The more people feel “other” the less likely they will reproduce which is exactly what they want. That is the entire reason for the LGBTQ movement. Remember that Celine Dion came from a family of 14 kids I believe and she was youngest. That in itself is not normal. Also in Montreal, Quebec where she is apparently from, there is a heavy Luciferian occult upper class. Queen Elizabeth and monarchy have visited several times. Canada is now supposedly paying for gender reconstruction surgery for trannies with tax dollars.

survey_girl ago

the tranny kids is also about normalizing kids "choice"... if they can choose their gender, they can "choose" to be sexually active (with an adult). they are trying to normalize pedophilia and some people are ok with it, it seems.

benjitsu ago

and the UN wants to provide them with birth control!

InnocentAngels ago


It is really interesting when you consider her ancestry. Carmencita and I discussed this a couple of nights ago. Not only does the gender neutral freaky clothing line disturb me, but look at the infant with the New Order tee on.

think- ago

Eva: I will give your post the 'Share' flair, so that it will get some more traction.

This is sick and disturbing. :-/

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @gamepwn @letsdothis2

toutedesuite ago

I am not sure what Eva’s agenda is here...

think- ago

What do you mean?

gamepwn ago

As the years go by they get more and more blatant and stop caring what the public thinks. Look at that dislike bar. She knows the satanic bitch. They try to apply humor at the end but it's obvious. Karma will be a bitch.

Piscina ago

They sell clothes for little girls with 'HO' written on them. Sick.

Waitlongtime ago

yeah fuck this white bitch and her pedo people. her fat fucking pedo husband is dead and gone. I'd say he is in hell but it don't exist unless you live under the rule of white people.

GritD2 ago

Just wait until you see her infant lingerie line, sure to get your 40 year old all rev'ed up!

tastywhitemeat ago

Aside from all the pedo creepiness, these clothes are fugly. Who'd want to dress their cute little baby in that shit?

turitelle ago

Not only fugly, but downright disgusting... sick. It all reminds me of the disturbing child pictures the Podesta brothers like.

EvaEverywhere ago

I agree. 171$ for a pre-distressed hoodie... nope.

tech-adm ago

More pathetic sickness. Went to the website and saw all the “celebrity” parents with their kids. Oh yeah, that makes me want to go out and get my kids the same creepy clothes that all these inbred pervs get their kids. Who are the retards that actually worship these cretins?

carmencita ago

Yep, we lost her and I am not surprised. @InnocentAngels and I were discussing this just last night. She has joined the rest of the normalizing ninnies. Celin-ninny.

InnocentAngels ago

Omg, it never ends. I came across this, and all kinds of alarms went off. I haven't had a chance to read it all yet, but what I did see is pure abuse of these kids. I'll pop in later.


Geo_synchronous ago

You have to stop judging actors or entertainers for how they are in front of the cameras. its why they call it acting.

toutedesuite ago

You are either STOOPID or a shill. GTFO.

Geo_synchronous ago

You actually have absolutely no clue of what I said do you ? It flew so far over your head it went out into deep space never to be seen again. Id explain it in detail but I doubt you'd get it. Go play with your GI-joe dolls and let the adults handle the big boy issues of the world. Go to your room !

Baichu ago

I'm going to judge and ridicule them whenever I want. They can take it, they get paid off for their ignorant antics and pathetic acting.

Geo_synchronous ago

I think you misunderstood my comment. Read it again. Key words are "for how they are in front of the cameras"

toutedesuite ago

You can try and hide behind that same, ineffective figleaf, but your pathetic excuses will not work here. Anyone in front of the cameras — be they actor, politician, #FAKENEWS “reporter”, etc. — should most definitely be judged by what they are portraying, whose agenda they serve, whose pockets they line, whose oxen they gore. More and more people all over the world are waking up to this. Most Goats know that Q said long ago: “Their symbolism will be their downfall.” and shills like you who attempt to deflect or deny Celine Dion’s obvious Luciferian/Satanist connections are wasting your time here. Q said it best: “They think we are stupid.” Clearly, you are either one of them or you are just a stooge.

Geo_synchronous ago

Dude. Somehow you think my post was against you. SMH. Everything you just said I agree on. Shrugs ?

Hydrocephalus ago

Vigilant Citizen puts out quality work, glad to see someone else linking to that site.

Jwolfsen ago

That's some weird shit. But seriously, when did her face get so damn long? has it always been that way?

Baichu ago

She's being painted and filled to the enth degree.

Silencio ago

Looks like the real celine might have been replaced with a tranny.


This is a psychological war. They are increasing the intensity of their attack.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Lots of red flags here. Needs to be approached carefully. The easiest time a person can be targeted is when they are at their most vulnerable. Food Chain 101. Something going on here, family, industry or otherwise/ both/

PGLiterati ago

Words fail me. This is deeply deeply disturbing. This is out of the closet--a pure announcement. I have always detested her music and this is as evil as it gets. I suggest you reexamine what you think you know about her. What you write rings many alarms--singing for the pope for one--meeting her husband at age 12??? Not sure why you are dumb founded--no offense, because it all seems real clear to me. Thanks for posting this--I appreciate it.

EvaEverywhere ago

At this point, I am disappointed that she has lent her name to a company that designs symbolistic shit. I've been here 2 years and have perused the habits of the lifestylers. I can name no action in private life that would raise any flags. This clothing is for children younger their Celine's own. I don't see the association between her and the brand. They would be from two different worlds.

toutedesuite ago

Did you not watch the publicly rekeased commercial video of Celine advertising this clothing line? There can be no closer connection! These people — including Celine — are SICK SATANISTS.

Lansing-Michigan ago

She has been singing in Las Vegas for some time. Big big red flag for mafia. The money is enormous and it seems those who do it are connected. As Sam Giancanni was quoted in Double Cross, "Working with CIA is just like the mob, it is the mob." All roads lead to Rome.

EvaEverywhere ago

When she was in Vegas she was under contract with Ceasar's Entertainment. The Luciferian hulabaloo of Vegas seems to be run out of the Luxor and it's not a Ceasar's property. Ceasar's palace has the weirdest vibe. I don't like the garishness of it either.

Warnos44 ago

I don't think you fully grasped what PGL is saying...

The Pope. Husband at twelve.

EvaEverywhere ago

The Pope came to Canada in 1984. It was a big deal. They got the most famous singer to sing for him in Quebec. That is Celine Dion. Another friend's dad got to give the Pope a beautiful set of handblown dishes. I watched those dishes get made. Outside of the things we suspect, there is normal diplomatic activities. The things we talk about are limited to another tier of activity. The reason why I talk about this is to figure out the systems and functions. I don't think much about the specifics, I try to figure out the system so that a clog can be thrown into the machine, at just the right place to break it most. Trust the plan. Look at Jade Helm 2015 logo... Do you see the ghost clog (sabot)? We are here to "sabotage" The Masters of the Human Domain!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/WWzsQ :

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter: "Y'all ready for some #HiviteTactics? The mascot for EDS is a ZEBRA, a prey animal that is hunted/eaten by Lions. The cannibal cult often refers to themselves as Lions. They tricked me into FLAGGING myself as a cult victim/food by donning zebra print (like a good beta slave).… t.co/Ws5lx19QPy"

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

vigilantcitizen - https://archive.is/GKgAM

NotTodaySatan6826 ago

Damnn she dropped a lot of red pills there