SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @think-.

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Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Does anyone know if she’s gotten more satanic since her husband and son died? Maybe they were sacrificed and she would be next unless she ramped up the satanism?

YogSoggoth ago

Wooah Molochy. You are going to need extreme life insurance, or truck me up there. You know how much money was invested in that MK Ultra prtoject? Archive that. I am only with you because I was born sane.

repent902 ago

They refer to breeding in this post as in breeders for rituals.

srayzie ago


MolochHunter ago

Now tell me how u rly feel

cantfindmenow ago

People should keep up the comments on the instagram. A good way to let others see. I've scrolled down their insta pretty far. Im wondering were their clothing and marketing always this satanic or is it the result of a new marketing strategy they are pursuing? I've said before the black isnt gender neutral as its associated with boys and goths. It missed the mark. Which makes me think all the more that there is an alternative sinister side to this.

I'd look into marketing team. Who thought it a good idea to go with this theme? Also the designers. Adult size hand prints over a tight swim suit on a little girl? How can this be explained as style or art? Its creepy.

stabwoundproductions ago

Wow, that Twitter post of the small child wearing the goat head is creepy as hell. It's a transgender clothing line. Do you know who else has a goat head and is transgender? It's name is Baphomet, and it is often worshipped by these sick bastards..

3141592653 ago

So I noticed, In All of the pictures of items for sale, NONE of the kids are smiling.some of the babies look almost scared. AND, every single Damn picture is Photoshopped so the kid has large black eyes. Seriously wtf

psalms33 ago

So Sick, they treat our children as play things for their own perversion and then when they are done they ritually sacrifice them, but wait that is only after draining and drinking the life. This magazine cover with one of their favorite Marina (A)bromovic about sums it up well they feed on our children and make them dust.

I am sure she is using her hand positions for messages. [Gen 3:14 KJV] 14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and** dust** shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

Dust is Death, they create death in order to feed.

kazza64 ago

i'm blocked from that account

think- ago

This article says Dion started buying the clothes for her kids eight years ago, and suggested cooperating with the fashion line 1,5 years ago....

Une relation entre Céline Dion et la marque s’est créée il y a environ huit ans, lorsqu’elle a commencé à acheter les vêtements de la marque à ses fils, les jumeaux Eddie et Nelson. La proposition d’unir leur forces a été soumise à NUNUNU il y a environ un an et demi, à l’initiative de la « chanteuse de Titanic » elle-même.'

YogSoggoth ago

I wonder if there is a Conde Nast connection. Fashin and all. Week in Fashion: Céline Dion, Unsurprisingly, Has Great ...

MolochHunter ago

huni wake up - Srayzie hasnt checked in for 2 days. Has she PM'd you at all ?

think- ago

Facebook of Nununu fashion line:

think- ago

List of celebrities who bought the clothes for their children:

  • Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner

  • Orlando Bloom & Miranda Kerr

  • Eric Dane & Rebecca Gayheart

  • Mike Comrie & Hillary Duff

  • Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick

  • Beyonce & Jay-Z

  • January Jones

  • Gwen Stefani & Gavin Rossdale

YogSoggoth ago

Older sister of January Jones is the handler? Could it be that simple?

Mad_As_Hell ago

We need to keep a list of celebrities who dress their kids up as opposite gender, off the top of my head Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie, Naomi Watts...

septimasexta ago

Well, if this keeps these devils from reproducing, there may be a silver lining. Poor kids, though!

Draintheshwamp ago

Gwen Stefano, Will Smith...

42times5 ago

Russell Brand and his wife also raising their kids gender neutral.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Pink is raising her daughter/son to be gender neutral

think- ago

@gampwn: Would you consider doing a YT video about it, for your PG channel? That would be terrific!

@srayzie: Have you seen this post? Could you please spread it on Twitter?

srayzie ago

I forgot to reply to the ping you left me last time regarding this. It’s shocking. I never expected that from her.

think- ago

Np, Srayz.

It’s shocking. I never expected that from her.

Yes, nor did I. :-/

think- ago

On a side note, this is really great for redpilling people about celebs and Satanism, because it is so blatantly obvious, and combines so many symbols. /dry sense of humour

think- ago

YT video:

Another one (CNN interview where she promotes her clothing)

Please downvoat and leave comments.

Yuke ago

Oh she's definitely on the payroll alright. Those ones of the baby boys and baby girls being magically turned into 'neutral' kids is pretty fucking sick. And the public is so fast asleep that they can't see this shit.

madhatter67 ago

Ummmm I'd never given her much thought before.... But is Celine a tranny itself? Certainly not very feminine

worldofmadness ago

NUNUNU is an Israeli brand by the way, created by Iris Adler and Tali Milchbergand. Everytime you see disgusting, sick, depraved and satanic shit like this, expect a jew at the top being behind it.

septimasexta ago

Are Israeli children wearing this crap? Or is it just sold to the "goy"?

septimasexta ago

Best Seller: "Prophecy"




one size fits all Colors: gray


septimasexta ago

Hot Seller: "Eye Chart"

IFYOUCANREADTHIS youcanthankbinarysex

onesie twosie threesie

Reduced! Now just $911 ea.

septimasexta ago

Hot Seller: "anti-religion"


U -shirt

one size fits all $369

baggy pants

one size fits all $666

septimasexta ago

Hot Seller "Hollywood star'


baggy pants

one size fits all


septimasexta ago

Hot Seller: "More Letter Fun"



SALE! Buy one - give one


septimasexta ago

Hot seller: "Wisdom"


....uh, what's a pronoun?


One size fits all


septimasexta ago

Hot Seller: "Skull n' Bones"

PHENIS BONE repeat pattern


One size fits all


septimasexta ago

Hot Seller: "Shape Fun"

STAR OF DAVID repeat pattern

onesi one size fits all $500

septimasexta ago

Hot Seller: "Letter Fun!"

IMDUMB What gender am I?

one size fits all

septimasexta ago

My new T-shirt line....


wtf_is_happening ago

Whatcha doing rabbi?

Tiessa ago

This is just sick.

Blue333 ago

She's gotten really weird since her husband's death...

Vindicator ago

Wow. That's pretty bad. I'm giving this the Share! flair.

septimasexta ago

If someone tells you they are gender fluid, then ask them if they plan to reproduce. If yes, then ask them by what method they would do this? If they say no, then tell him/her THANK YOU!

YogSoggoth ago

Native Americans can defend themselves, even online. Thanks though, Vin.

Vindicator ago


YogSoggoth ago

You elected yourself into the shitshow. Don't ask me Huh. Duck and cover would be my advise.

septimasexta ago

Check out Celine's new CONDIMENT LINE featuring:


septimasexta ago

"You have 3 sons....."

See 2:03

Celine blows COLORFUL fairy dust.... 3:31 - 3:52


septimasexta ago

This explains a lot..... SHE MET HER twice divorced 27 YEARS OLDER HUSBAND AT THE AGE OF 12. He was her MANAGER. No wonder she pushes the DARK SIDE! 3:56 to 4:11

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago


Blacksmith21 ago

It's like these pedos/people can't help themselves. Do they think we aren't looking? Do they think we are stupid? Do they really think they are smarter than us?

benjitsu ago

Are you new? Keeping their intentions in the open is obviously important and has been discussed plenty. Also yes they think we are stupid and they are smarter;so far they aren't wrong

Blacksmith21 ago

Been here a little longer than you, Benji ; )

My response was one of rhetorical exasperation. No surprise - just cannot understand why someone would want to buy those clothes for their kids. Not with the message the imagery connotes. It's been a while since we had something that PG/Illuminati/Roths in our faces.

benjitsu ago

you forgot your rhetorical tag, faggot

I_Always_Lie ago

You forgot your asshole tag bitchie.

Trousersnake1488 ago

It makes me sad to think nothing came of the Podesta emails.. if I ever get cancer or are terminally I'll.. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life hunting pedophiles Heck, maybe I'll do it sooner

Jk, but Jk about jk

septimasexta ago

With 1924 VIEWS, someone is working hard to BURY this post.... I WONDER WHY?

septimasexta ago

It's now up to 2363 views!

YogSoggoth ago

You could always send a letter. Zimbabwe could use a good cop. Ghana too, but a bit more dangerous.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Why would I want to be in negro countries?

YogSoggoth ago

You just outed yourself as a Whitey spy! Why just thinking about such things on et youb in ytouble, but there is this guy called Yog, and he could lead you into the promised land.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I dont understand you, are you a shitskin?

Awkward_Badass ago

It woke a lot of people up. I can not un-see this stuff now.

Julian Assange is about to be back in the news......start reminding people about that "weird conspiracy" and throw in a few Podesta art collection nuggets.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

A lot has come from it and more will come

derram ago :

Daniela0325 on Twitter: "Wow who is ashamed to have ever been a fan of satanic @celinedion? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Check out the Instagram page for her new gender neutral clothing line..

More in comments

Qanon8chan #qanon #SundayThoughts #WeThePeople #WakeUpAmerica @POTUS #nununuworld #ThesePeopleAreSick #CelineDion…"

This has been an automated message.

think- ago

Is there a way to archive the Instagram too? That would be terrific! :-)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @IShallNotFear.

Posted automatically (#10752) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

IShallNotFear ago

Here is my new post on this topic. Thanks for the inspiration! @shewhomustbeobeyed

think- ago

Well, thank you for doing the post! Awesome! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Just so you know, anytime you edit a comment or post the ping you add in the edit won't work, I just happened to see this but did not 'get the ping'. :-)

IShallNotFear ago

Thanks for letting me know!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Haven't been able, maybe someone who has an account can try.

think- ago

I tried recently, but the usual archive sites won't archive it anymore. :-/