SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Yuke ago

This could be quite useful, thanks.

doofface99 ago

Speaking of archiving Instagram, I have a question. Does anybody have an archive of the kevinheggs photo where Alefantis commented "nice"?

IShallNotFear ago

Is this what you are looking for? WARNING: Very NSFW I found it in the comment section here: This was back when Instagram allowed direct archives.

Factfinder2 ago

Thank you for this review. Can you also provide a step-by-step of how to actually accomplish the archiving?

Also needed here is a guide for how to archive You Tube videos.

IShallNotFear ago

Hi FactFinder2, I just added a step-by-step instruction guide in an edit to the post. Let me know if it is too complicated.

Factfinder2 ago

Well done--easy to follow instructions. Much appreciated.

think- ago

@IShallNotFear: I am going to sticky this post a couple of days, so that it will get some more traction. :-)

IShallNotFear ago

Thank you! I always am humbled when people think highly of my posts.

think- ago

Thank you so much, IShallNotFear! :-)

Folks, have you seen this post? @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @Factfinder2 @darkknight111 @letsdothis2

Vindicator ago

Great thread, Ishallnotfear. I'm giving this our ProTip flair. These skills are essential to documenting PG, since these corrupt mega rich are all too skilled at weaponizing attorneys to protect themselves via the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Well done!

Will you make a Link post to this thread in v/pizzagtemods and v/AskPizzagate as well to make it easy to find for people?

Also, folks this is a good time to notice the "Save" button right after the number of comments (click the "..." to expand all buttons). Anything you mark "Save" will be accessible in your Saved Items window, which is a tab on your Profile page. :-)

@think- @EricKaliberhall

IShallNotFear ago

Here are the cross-posts. I will go and cross-post my old Twitter Archive post into AskPizzagate as well.

Vindicator ago

Excellent! :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You Sweet-Thang, awsome list. Unfortunately I understand very little of it, I'm 15 yrs. behind everyone else in internet skills. Unless someone can give me tech-tard instructions on how to use one of these sites I'm still not going to archive instagram, maybe somebody else will step up and do those.

IShallNotFear ago

I added instructions. Let me know if they are too complicated.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Simply wonderful, thank you.


Thank you so much. I, literally, just ran into this problem trying to archive a Pedo's instagram before posting it on here. God Bless.

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting. I just had to add this. One of the pics on there with Jolie and someone calling her out about her being a vampire

Thanks for all the archiving you have done for all of us. You are amazing.

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the archive. In my edit, I did a step-by-step on how I got it.

carmencita ago

Ugh. Looking at it again, that one boy on the left he looks like he is headed the tranny way. Another grooming taking place. The one;s name has the initials MK. The other may be Moch short for Moloch. Mostly every comment calls her out for what she is. A Satanist and a Child Stealer. Thank You.

carmencita ago

Thank You!

slowburn ago

Awesome. Hopefully we can archive these images before nununu deletes them.