SearchVoatBot ago

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benjitsu ago

Suddenly the random rampant uptick in "Autism" over the last few decades doesn't seem so random.

carmencita ago

It's mostly boys and yes there has been a severe uptick. This is only my opinion, but I believe they were created, the Autistic Children. So now they can experiment with them. I read something very strange about how there is electromagnetic field involved. They have been experimenting on Children for decades. So very sad and sick. And Evil.

Piscina ago

I have been saying for a long time that the medical industry--and it is an 'industry'--are foaming at the mouth at the prospect of the millions to be made from the transgender push. They are prepared not only to use children as guinea pigs but also to force them to take these life-altering drugs when they know the kids don't need them.

A few psychologists, psychiatrists and members of the medical fraternity are brave enough to stick their heads above the parapet and call out this behaviour by their colleagues, but many are just too frightened of their careers being destroyed. Recently those academics brave enough to say that no amount of surgery or drugs can make a male a female have been sacked, silenced and no-platformed. We are living in a world where it's 'bigotry' to say XY is male and XX is female; where it's 'actual violence' for women to want to defend their safe spaces like change rooms and women's refuges from men with penises (cos the trans lobby call them 'lady penis').

Young girls are being taught how to bind their breasts. This causes damage, sometimes irreparable. Boys are being taught how to tuck their penis. We are sexualising, grooming and abusing our children.

The other night I was talking to a young lawyer who used to deal with family law matters. He had to get out because of the abuse inflicted on the children. He told me a friend of his is a female judge who presides over pedophile and child abuse cases. This female judge will not let ANYONE (apart from her retired husband) look after the children. She says that the pedophiles are EVERYWHERE, literally everywhere.

carmencita ago

This is extremely disheartening. I too have thought and even spoken out to a friend or two about how I believe that the conditions are created for these Children to become autustic so they can become the toys of the pedos and big pharma. Now they can create all kinds of drugs and head to fixing problems these Children think they have, when they really don't. I just heard that they now have some new fix for peanut allergies. They shoot a small amt into a Child or person and it helps them acclimate and then they possibly will lose their allergy. I had a feeling this was coming. Keep your Children away from doctors as much as possible and yes, care for them yourself as much as possible. When my friend has her Grand Children visit we both take them out when the parents go out. She always stays with them. They all had to go to a Wedding and I babysat. We must all pitch in. I too believe the country is crawling with them..

Tennis123 ago

This is evil

carmencita ago

Yep it sure is. What will they stoop to in order to accomplish their evil plans. The Clintons, Emanuels, Ryan and Rothschilds are pushing this as hard as they can. Not to mention the Evil Bushes. They are pushing Sustainability hard. There is evil in that word. Pure Evil. Water.

Kahlypso79 ago

There's a lot more going on with Autism than we're aware of. This isnt just about creating sex slaves for the Elite, Autists are too valuable to waste in that.

carmencita ago

WOW. Just looked at both. Amazing. Am sending these out.

@fogdryer @Gothamgirl

Kahlypso79 ago

Here you go.. Ask yourself a question.. What is Qi Dong and why did the Phoenix Program create so many Deltas?

carmencita ago

Making things disappear? Amazing. They have found a secret evidently. So we are capable of this.

Kahlypso79 ago

Look at it more along the lines of .. we once had one universal language and everyone understood each other until a tower at Babel got the shit shot out of it and language was made confused. The way that the story is written, you would think that that was the intended result. In the 1800s a lot of people were interested in animal magnetism. Is it a form of telepathy? Mesmerism?

carmencita ago

I think of Mesmerism as Mesmerizing. Almost a Spell or a Brainwashed. Do you know that NXIVM had the Rainbow Cultural Garden for Children? And what they did was hire teachers from all over the world so they could teach these Children 8 different languages all during one day. They learn all 8 languages all day every day. All day long. They are not allowed to see their parents. Imagine that. There was a man that met one of these Children and he could not understand anything the Child said. A type of Gibberish. Or Babble. They were trying to mess up the Children and imagine if this took hold. They had offices all over. UK, Mexico, etc. I believe they are shut down now. Right before B Bush died it was exposed for 1 day on Twitter that she was on the Board. The Tower of Babble Language. Amazing.

carmencita ago

Nothing surprises me anymore about the CIA. They are constantly experimenting with our people as their guinea pigs. Salinas is a pure joke. Another one with a beard for a wife. And people don't even care or notice, just like our pedo stars with beards. This has been going on for decades. Laurel Canyon now there is an interesting CIA project as well. McKenzie and her Dad. It never ends.

Kahlypso79 ago

Salinas is also very involved withthe CIA cocaine importation through Mexico.

carmencita ago

I think also I read that he controls MS-13 from Mexico into Cali. The CIA has been responsible for much of the crime, drugs and blood curdling murders in Cali. Drugs Guns, you name it.

Kahlypso79 ago

He'll certainly be somewhere near the top as far as Cartels go. Politicans make the greatest criminals. Politicians often need hitmen to wipe out opposition/embarrassing witnesses/whistle blowers. Criminal gangs fueled by drugs and prostitution are just fine for that as well. Anyone might think that all those private prisons being built around Murica and paid for by music executives (why is Rap so popular?) were put in place just to house and train all those foot soldiers..

carmencita ago

All the rap artists are in place to take the eyes of the young off what is going on. Just like the movies they corrupt with their disgusting sex and filth. All for a reason.

Kahlypso79 ago

Stop. Sex is not disgusting. It shouldnt be considered as such. Degradation through perversion isnt good either.. but if we're talking about cconsenting adults, its not our business. Trying to normalise pedophilia is Politicians and bankers (who pay for politicians) to not get prosecuted in law courts. Thats whty they want age of consent to be lowered. Why there are cut off dates for cases to be tried.. (so old men cant be prosecuted by their now adult victims.. isnt the law a wonderful thing if you're a lawyer or banker..

carmencita ago

I have had thoughts lately of lawyers, the really rich ones, they are in it to further evil for they make plenty of money off of it. The World Bankers also. Evil all of them I don't trust any politician anymore. They say that a high amount of them in our govt. are pedos but which ones are they? I know many of them but who are they all. AtV this point the cabal will not allow anyone to be elected unless they will do their dirty bidding. Voting has become a joke.

Kahlypso79 ago

Rap was promoted by music executives because they helped pay for private prisons around US. They want balck kids to listen to rap about drugs prostitues etc. so they'll go to prison..Hip Hop is controlled by gay mafia and gay orgies.. Music isnt created anymore.

carmencita ago

Yes, I figured that. Musical instruments are no longer used everything is a plug in. Children hunger for real sound really. That's why many are buying real records, vinyl now. A lot of rap fans are white teens too. They are the second group they are trying to corrupt. Music is crap nowadays. I can just see this group of Children turning to Cardi B for their wedding dance. What a memorable night. Yuck.

Kahlypso79 ago

:)... Cardi B.. Lady Gaga.. Its amazing how often they'll use a fame starved power hungry prostitute for their messiah figure. Must be so easy to control someone who has so much to lose and knows how deep you can fall..Sneaky little Lucifuge.. I meant that music isnt created anymore. Its isnt resonant with us nor the planet, we're creating the wrong type of noise. (Have you read the Atrahasis lately? Why does Enlil want to kill all humans.. because of the noise.) Hertz means - times per second. what is a second?,5753,-1487,00.html Why is sexagesimal mathematics so important and why do we have legends of Giants with 12 fingers? If Quantum Mechanics and Ancient Cosmologies can all agree about the importance of vibration and resonance, do you think it may be important enough to take a closer look? Have you heard of Cymatics?

carmencita ago

Saw this morning that Kay Perry is the highest paid music performer now. She had the cannibal album. MK Ultra Kitten. Music as gone off the rails. I hate the alternative stuff. It is one note off. I will take a look at the articles.

carmencita ago

I tried to tell my friend from Toronto about NXIVM and the frank report but he wanted to know if it was on CNN. Lord help us. He said he would do his own research. Maybe I will send him the NY Times report and the Noticias one. He reads many periodicals from Mexico. Wonder if we will ever get to the real truth about the cult. You know that B Bush died right after it was released on Twitter that she was on the Board of Rainbow Cultural Garden. I saw the tweet and then BOOM it disappeared. Then so did she.

Kahlypso79 ago

She was an evil woman. You have a friend in Toronto? Does he know about Dr Cameron and Psychic Driving. Canada is major MK Ultra land. NXIVM is just a handy sex cult to drive women into beta models by insisting that they are now liberated. Thye use MK Ultra techniques (showing videos of sudden violent rape and snuff) to shock their poor females into accepting the genius of Raniere as being the most supreme whilst having his name burnt into their skin. But Mind control wont work unless the trauma is paired wuith hypnotism and drug use. I think they might have forgottn the hypnotism.

Kahlypso79 ago

carmencita ago

I think they would love to get rid of most of the planet for they think they are the Supreme Beings. Africa is experiencing what Gates and Bill C are handing out with the Aids Vacs. People here are too interested in their binge watching to pay attention and don't really care since it doesn't affect them. When it finally does, it will be too late. Uprisings are in order. ASAP. The mad scientist is full of baloney. He claims he didn't mean what he said and it was taken incorrectly. Then why didn't he just say that we are headed in the wrong direction and then advise how to change things instead of Recommending Genocide by Way of Ebola. DUH. We are not as stupid as he thinks. He is another one of those that think his brain is smarter and those that are inferior need to be eradicated. No wonder he and his children are getting death threats. Possibly THEY are the ones that need to be eliminated before they cause the destruction of OUR Planet. Lock Them Up.

Kahlypso79 ago

What do you know about the Monarch program and Theta Killers?

carmencita ago

Not too much except the Monarch program is brutal beyond words. They inflict such horrible abuse that it splits their mind in two. Don't know about Theta.

carmencita ago

I am thinking that these Autistic Children may be used as their tools. The Theta possibly being used on them. This is scary and frightening beyond belief.

Kahlypso79 ago

I see that you're genuinly distressed. Sometimes I forget that there are people out there that dont know this stuff. Sorry if it upsets you. Here..start with some background.. you may be taking too much in at once. If you dont have any information in order to create context then you will get overwhelmed very quickly. (the 'horror' aspect is one of the defense mechanisms against discovery). Slow down and ckick some links ;)* Quote " In 1966, the first epidemiological study suggested the occurrence of 4.5 children with ASD per 10,000 inhabitants in the age range of 8 to 10 [5]. However, further studies realized in Europe, United States, Canada, and Japan suggest an increase in this incidence, with values of 10, 30, or even 60 cases per 10,000 inhabitants [6]. Nowadays, the ASD seems to affect approximately 1 in 68 children, most common among boys [7]. There is a suggestion of increased incidence and prevalence of ASD worldwide " " It was also observed that a theta power spectrum in the frontal midline (Fm) is related to emotional states. Sammler and colleagues proposed that pleasant emotions (opposed to unpleasant) are related to the increase in the theta power density in the Fm " (which might be the only thing stopping them being abused and raped...)

carmencita ago

Bingo! Yes, I have read about the telepathic powers. Thanks for posting that here though. Had forgotten it. Others need to see it too. Very disturbing.

Kahlypso79 ago

:) The human brain is capable of manifesting 11 dimensions. Electro Psychology / Biology and locating the house of the Soul was all the rage at the end of the 20th century before the Rockefellers took over Education and ruined everything. Here, take a look.

carmencita ago

You mean the Seat of the Soul? I have a book on that by Zukoff.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I thank God every day I was not born too late. What hope do these poor children have? Brainwashed, abused, molested, raped, and trafficked. Remind me to have more compassion for millennials and gen-z-ers. They are doomed...

carmencita ago

Yes I agree they are somewhat doomed and if not then they are brainwashed into not getting involved or speaking up when they should. They except what is handed out it seems. Some times they speak up hen it makes no sense, but not when it comes to their Children. They are not mini adults. They are Children.Very sad.

SearchVoatBot ago

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DerivaUK ago

Tavistock. That fucking place should be burned to the ground for the damage it has inflicted upon children and society as a whole. This makes me so angry. David Davies MP looks to be opposed and may be worthy of contacting in an effort to put the brakes on this abuse - and yes, it is abuse. Where on Earth is the outcry from parents? Do they just all wholeheartedly acquiesce with whatever ‘treatment’ regime these evil fuckwits suggest? And I never knew there existed a ‘Transgender Lobby’. Wonder where they are based and just who’s funding them? The whole trans issue is getting out of control in the U.K. and needs some intensive investigation imo.

InnocentAngels ago

In the Dailymail article it said if a student goes to the counselor about wanting to change their gender, that they, and the teachers are not to tell the parents. Ties right in with Celine's comment... "Are children are not really our children". The way things are progressing we will see more and more parental rights removed.

carmencita ago

I agree. Where ARE the parents? Idk, but my first guess at who may be funding a lobby like that might by G $oros. Just a guess. Didn't Aaron Dover's Mother work for Tavistock at one point? This whole thing is a mess. Makes ones blood boil.

fogdryer ago

“Creating “ more children for the pedos

I have no hope for Britain

truthdemon ago

Dont worry they r all happy watching their weekend footie.. If u want to watch a brainwashed peoples just observe the football stands in uk..

carmencita ago

It's coming here too. Soon. The Big Pharma will be chomping at the bit to hand out those puberty blocking drugs. Experimenting on Our Children. They are creating little Franken-Trannys. This is one of the worst things they have done. Just like the experiments after the war here on Poor Children. They create the Poor Children and those now with Autism. They have a Multitude of Candidates. I want to cry.

maggiethatcher ago

If you haven't read the story of David Reimer and John Money now is the time.

carmencita ago

Thank You. I will.

fogdryer ago

You are right . America will be next unless we stop Agenda 21. Science has taken over big oil. They now rule. It’s time to tie the tubes and fight harder the cabal

carmencita ago

I was just thinking about that yesterday, but how do we stop it? Spreading the word doesn't seem to be working. It's way too slow. Frustrating.

fogdryer ago

You can only control yourself

Spread awareness

The end ...🙁

carmencita ago

I tend to take the whole world upon myself sometimes. My friend has told me that before. You can only do so much you can't be everyone's keeper. Sigh. Yes, if we all could just convince 1 or 2 people just think what a difference that would make. Then the domino effect.

dundundunnnnn ago

Autism expert Dr Sally Powis said that autistic teenagers searching for a reason why they did not fit in could fixate on the idea that they were born into the wrong body. ‘If you know you’ve been different since you were a small child, there’s the possibility you consider it’s your gender that’s the issue, rather than autism,’ she said.

Autism to gender dysphoria, how the fuck do they make that leap?!

carmencita ago

The children don't need too much of a push since they already think there is something wrong with them. People stare, kids bully, so now all of a sudden they see other Children getting all kinds of attention. Attention because the Stupid Normalizers are pushing it and making it all fun. Yeah, until they find out later in life the Huge Mistake they can't erase. And now they belong. to a group. It's really quite sick and disgusting how they are using them. Creating autism possibly to push their agenda.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Too right. This hits the nail on the head.

carmencita ago

Makes you want to cry, doesn't it. I used to work with Children and really this stuff is tearing me apart.

dundundunnnnn ago

Before I go any further...

Tavistock Clinic


carmencita ago

I guess, we should not be surprised. At all.

videocodec ago

It's only being given to white males.

carmencita ago

Not really.

Last year, this newspaper revealed how a teacher in Oxfordshire faced professional misconduct charges when he ‘accidentally’ called a transgender pupil a ‘girl’ when the student identifies as a boy.

Carol says: ‘I was discussing the topic of menstruation during a class recently and was called out by one of the pupils who now identifies as a boy for failing to say that boys can have periods too.

Of course they can’t and it sounds like a joke but a lot of teachers are terrified of making a slip-up.’

Carol said in the current climate she would ‘not dare’ suggest to a pupil who said they were ‘trans’ that they may be mistaken. ‘If there was a complaint, I could be dismissed.’

‘I would guess they must all be wearing chest binders [to flatten the breasts] and I was told of one girl who was padding her underwear to make it look like she had a penis.’

Carol told of how distressed children would come to her and say they are trans, explaining to her: ‘I was feeling very lost, but [an older transgender student] found me crying in the corridor and helped me understand who I truly am.’

Her concerns come amid growing alarm over the surge in the number of teenage girls wanting to change gender.

Evidently they are into Equality. Boys and Girls

think- ago

Carol says: ‘I was discussing the topic of menstruation during a class recently and was called out by one of the pupils who now identifies as a boy for failing to say that boys can have periods too.

'For failing to say that boys can have periods too.'

bangs head on table

carmencita ago

Also a girl using padding to simulate a penis. These Children need to be rescued and fast. What madness.

think- ago

I'm afraid we are seeing only the beginning here. :-/

carmencita ago

So afraid for Our Children. Their parents will be responsible for what happens to them. We are trying to help by spreading the word, but who will believe this. I am afraid as well.

rooting4redpillers ago

WE HERE, plus other child advocates all over the world, are sadly a drop in the ocean. This “business” will be enabled as the lawmakers see fit. I’m talking about in the US. Why elections to the courts are more important than any other elections. S, M, L and Supreme Court justices hand out the permission slip that seals a child’s fate.

Electing hard left judges = suffering and death for kids.

Electing Progressive judges = suffering and death for kids.

Politics will never be a life or death issue for ME in my lifetime, but just from reading HERE, I realize it has been a life and death issue for kids, for a LONG time. It will continue to be that - if We The People continue to allow it.

All the other injustice in the world combined can’t come close to the injustice done to defenseless children. This political PROGRESS - aka - relenting to militant gay, trans, and all the other sex-obsessed groups who advocate for child-abuse atrocities, disguised as compassion has a big, fat foot in the door of YOUR courts.

I don’t know what to do about it, here, other than vote. But I do my part to keep a sharp eye in my small corner of the world,

carmencita ago

I totally agree. I don't know what to do other than spread this news as much as possible to everyone we know. The best is not to bring politics into it, just relate these facts. I usually vote for some of the judges, I look them up. Also write down any names that come up through the year on my calendar. People don't realize how important they really are.

InnocentAngels ago

Thanks for making the thread. Did you see where I told you about this? I believe I put it on the Celinununu thread. I had linked to you about it from The Dailymail.

carmencita ago

Yes, and I am sorry I didn't respond. Thank you for the DM article. I looked into it some more and was shocked to find quite a few especially the one about it being now pushed in our country as well. Our people just HAVE to speak out and up. There is no other way. People have time to look at puppy and kitty videos but not read up about stuff like this. I can't believe people aren't more watchful when they know how crazy this world has gotten. Totally Irresponsible.

InnocentAngels ago

Oh that's fine. I was worried my comment didn't show up. I've had comments on Utube disappear recently. It's really weird. Nothing said that would cause it to be removed either.

This article reminded me of the other one we talked about.

carmencita ago

That's another frightening article What to do? Each and every one of those 11K people that spoke out should tell someone else and create a protest. People just sit idly by and let things happen. BOOM. All of a sudden it will hit them too late. Noticed this article on same page. Stuff is getting nuts.

InnocentAngels ago

That's pitiful they feel that way. Well, they aren't really fans or they would be happy that she is happy. Apparently she is bisexual. They upset she's not pure lesbian.

carmencita ago

I think it is probably some lesbian group that is putting this out there. I have read that lesbians as a whole are against the dysphoria thing with Children. But as usual they are afraid to speak out This Must Stop. SPEAK OUT. We must not be afraid.

InnocentAngels ago

People need to stop allowing their influence in schools. That's the biggest problem. Let kids figure out for themselves without outside interference.

I also wanted to show you this. I had seen a comment about Celine singing a Lolita song. I looked it up a little while ago and there it was. It said the first time she sang it to Renee she wanted it to arouse him. Ugh.

carmencita ago

The song references Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and the lyrics describe a young woman who insists that she is not "too young" for love. According to Dion, "When I saw what Luc had written, I was bowled over. Like Eddy, Luc had explored my inner life. What he had written was so close to me that I couldn't help being really unsettled by it."[2] Dion said the song described her love for her manager and future husband René Angélil, "The first time I sang the words to 'Lolita,' I was in front of René, and I sang it to arouse him."[2]

God that is sick. It is so obvious to me that there was something lurid between them. She no doubt wanted to help her family and then fell for him, not knowing about real true love for a man when you are old enough and that the love for him was more respect for someone as a teacher, not a lover. Not for a child. Clearly to me there was something sick there.

InnocentAngels ago

It does make you wonder what happened. I doubt she ever dated anyone near her age.

carmencita ago

Like the rest of them I believe they have to be giving the moguls what they want, or no concerts or contracts Time to get out long ago Very Sad. She certainly will never be done paying.

carmencita ago

BERNADETTE WREN - Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Gender Identity Development Service


Hospitals refuse to take Charlie Gard as relations between his parents and Great Ormond Street plummet

Little Baby Charlie Gard Died at GOSH.

derram ago :

Up to 150 youngsters treated with puberty-blocking jabs 'might not even be transgender'  | Daily Mail Online

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carmencita ago
