DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Pedos arrested every year. None of you are winning. The states operation are running smooth as always. Agenda 21 is live and here you guys all are, silent, unaware, worried about unrelated pedophiles. Alefantis, CIA, GOV, Hollywood keep winning, trafficking, raping , murdering children. No worries, Trump is comin for them one day, yeah?

Blacksmith21 ago

What's your plan, then?

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

I did some research on and found a lot on Simon Adriem Hessler.

First, and most importantly, he was a close friend, neighbor and boss to Clyde F. Wilson, who killed himself after shooting at police when he ignored a restraining order from his estranged wife and started an argument at his home with his oldest daughter. Was Wilson involved with Hessler in child sex trafficking back in 1997?

source: Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Saturday, March 29, 1997 - Page 11

Man shoots officer, kills self at house Estranged wife called Bloomfield police for help By LIZABETH HALL Courant Correspondent

BLOOMFIELD -- When Jonnette Shea frantically called police for help early Friday morning, she knew her estranged husband had a gun. What he was going to do with it she didn't know.

A half hour later, Clyde F. Wilson used that gun to wound a police officer and then kill himself.

Police are trying to comprehend why a man to whom, friends say, family meant everything killed himself after a shootout with police, with his children at home.

"Even in bad times, his family came first," close friend and neighbor Simon Hessler added. "He never would have put his children in harm's way."

According to police records and reports, his wife was not so certain. Earlier this week, Shea obtained a protective order barring Wilson from their home at 15 Stillman Road after he was arrested in connection with an argument with his oldest daughter during which he pushed his wife. uunngwnicnnepusneams wife.

Days later, about 3 a.m. Friday, Wilson defied the court order, breaking his way into the front door. Shea, her children and her 5-year-old grandauehter were there, police said.

By then Officer Eric Kovanda, 26, and Officer Charley Simmons, 33, had arrived. Hiding in the darkened house, Wilson turned his attention to them.

Guided only by flashlights and Shea's voice from an adjoining bedroom, the two officers crept down the hallway. In the glint of the flashlight, Simmons saw Wilson raise a gun. At Simmon's order to drop the gun, Wilson started shooting. The officers ran in opposite directions. Wilson followed Kovanda, firing three bullets. One hit Kovanda in the hand and ricocheted up his arm as he was trying to break down a door. Kovanda fired two shots back, police said, but Wilson was not hit, police said.

"The shots stopped, and then there was one more," Bloomfield police Lt. Steven Weisher said. "It was very fast. The officers were both directly in front of Mr. Wilson. One realized that he was there and his gun was raised. He was ordered to drop the gun. They moved for cover. It's a nightmare."

In all, six shots were fired. The gun Wilson used was a 10 millimeter, Weisher said.

Kovanda, who is married and has a young baby, is expected to recover full use of his hand and arm, police said. He was released from St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford Friday afternoon and is

Please see Man, Page B2 Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Saturday, March 29, 1997 - Page 12

officer, kills self at house Continued from Page B1

resting at home.

Wilson, a custodial supervisor at a South Windsor cleaning business, was pronounced dead at 4 a.m. Friday at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford. His EMPLOYER and a close friend and neighbor [HESSLER] said Friday violent outbursts were uncharacteristic of Wilson.

Court records show that Wilson filed personal bankruptcy in 1995. It was approved a year later. Wilson and his family had rented the yellow split-level house for several years in a quiet, upwardly mobile neighborhood of empty-nesters and young families.

Some neighbors said the Wilson family did not fit in.

Neighbors complained about Wilson's dog, on at least one occasion calling in the dog warden. Other neighbors complained about the bustle of activity of a large household where people were coming and going and Wilson was repairing cars in the driveway. The Hartford Courant

For several years, he worked at Admiral Cleaning and Maintenance Inc. in South Windsor. Mike Bar-nett, an owner, described Wilson as a conscientious and obliging employee who did not take his profo-lems to work with him.

"He would go above and beyond what we asked," Barnett said. "He was the kind of person who if you said you needed anything, it would be done. 'I'll take care of it.' This is a real shock. It's very sad." On his spare time, Wilson rebuilt cars and helped his neighbor, Simon Hessler, with house repairs.

Hessler is described as Wilson's neighbor, good friend AND EMPLOYER which means Hessler was co-owner with Mike Barnett of Admiral Cleaning and Maintenance, a perfect cover for pedophiles to hunt for victims. ADMIRAL CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE, INC.

ThesaurasaurusKeks ago

Hessler was also heavily involved in land sales... Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, January 28, 2000 - Page 65

159 Duncaster Road, $181,000. FN MA to Simon Hessler, 10 Guernsey Road, $31,000. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, January 26, 2001 - Page 349

Hazel Sullivan Estate and Maureen Crandall to Simon Hessler, 354 Broad St., $250,000. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, April 19, 2002 - 392

354 Broad St., $250,000, Simon Hessler to Thomas Kearney. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Wednesday, August 28, 2002 - Page 60

LEGAL NOTICE A public sate of the contents of the storage spaces listed below will take place at U-Store-lt. 522 Cottage Grove Rd., Bloomfield, CT 06002, phone (860)243-3342 on 91802 at 11:00 A.M. Each space will be sold as one lot. The following goods will be sold:

Space number 315, Simon Hessler: 3 TVs. love seat, sofa, water bed, generator, bookcase, dresser, stereo, 2 folding tables, night table, 10 bags, 50 boxes, 5 storage totes, misc. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, January 09, 2004 - Page 290

47 Hatch Hill Road, $275,000, James Beck and Jean Beck to Simon Hessler. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, February 06, 2004 - Page 60

10 Guernsey Road, $172,500, Simon Hessler to Samuel Davis and Karlene Adams. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, August 27, 2004 - 315

40 Maple Ave., $235,000, Simon Hessler to E. Hugh Pemberton and Joyce Pemberton. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, February 04, 2005 - Page G07

Eastford 180 Boston Pike ,$287,000,Tina M. Cairelli and Susan E. Farrington to Simon A. Hessler. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, July 29, 2005 - Page G17

47 Hatch Hill Road ,$282,000, Simon Hessler to Mark Russell. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Saturday, March 31, 2007 - Page B04

POMFRET Hessler , Simon and Laurie (Baker), Boston Tpke., daughter, Elaina Marie, Feb. 15, Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, October 05, 2007 - Page G07

Eastford 181 Boston Turnpike, $308,900, Simon A. Hessler to Michael D. Bilica II and Sheila J. Bilica. Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Friday, May 31, 2013 - Page G6

34 Newell Hill Road, $160,000, Simon A. Hessler to Gabbi Mendelsohn.

Factfinder2 ago

Interesting to note that Hessler lists Richard Branson and James Caan among his Interests/Influencers on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/simon-hessler-a098b982/ (Broken link needs spaces removed due to banned domain) (Scroll to the end "Interests" and then click "see all" and again scroll down to see remaining "influencers.")

Reminder that Branson and Caan were also named as odd LinkedIn "interests" of the Ketron Island mansion owner with a mysterious room that was lockable like a safe featured in this v/pizzagate post:

Blacksmith21 ago

Normally that would mean nothing. But in this context, it is suspicious.

4freedomsring ago

His office located 50 feet from children’s day care. Watch video, man being interviews has interesting coffee cup.

Blacksmith21 ago

We are aware of a trend dubbed "pedo clustering". It's most evident in the 5000 block Connecticut Ave NW DC (CPP, LRF, P&P, Parasol, Besta, etc.). But we've seen it in a community in AZ, most likely Broward, Bucks Co. PA, etc.

Where there are pedophile-type operations, there are usually a lot more related activities - look at dentists, pediatricians, daycare, therapists, etc.

You may have interest in an old post of mine. Start with this graphic: Then read:

3141592653 ago

Ughgh. Monster.

SolomanAl ago

now we have a use for all those Guillotines

TrishaUK ago

How sick is he! HE IS OUT ON BAIL! I can't get my head around this!! - I hope they get ever last name out of him, and arrest every one of them.

SolomanAl ago

"He is being held on $1 million bail and expected back in court on Dec. 12."

i agree: " I hope they get ever last name out of him, and arrest every one of them."

TrishaUK ago

Oh thanks for that, for some reason I read, out on bail.

septimasexta ago

Another Connecticut trafficking ring: " Westport man set free after guilty plea in sex trafficking guilty case"

"Trefzger and two other men had been charged last year with involvement in a sex-trafficking ring, which authorities said had been forcing young men with mental disabilities into prostitution for more than two decades.

Trefzger, who was accused of patronizing the ring, accepted a plea deal Friday after agreeing to testify against Robert King, who police said masterminded the scheme, and Bruce Bemer, said to be another of its longtime clients."

lamplight ago

This is making me seriously ill. Thank God he was arrested! This man belongs in prison for the rest of his life.

BlueDrache ago

He is being held on $1 million bail and expected back in court on Dec. 12.

You know ... they could save a ton of money and switch him to General Population for a week.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yup. Even in COunty perverts like that don't stand much of a chance. Not in a big jail.

Angelis_Solaris ago

His wife knew about it? Was she a participant or simply suspected her husband was up to something?

This might be relevant since it is in New York: Rothstein interview pt. 1: Rothstein interview pt. 2:

Blacksmith21 ago

Care to provide a TL;DR?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Sure! Rothstein was an NYPD Detective for about a decade and a half. He explains in the interview that the NYPD is full of white-hats (essentially) and when he was assigned to work on prostitute cases, they first began realizing the horrible things that were going on in the "underground." They had to develop completely new tactics and work in utmost secrecy as opposed to a regular law enforcement office. Eventually, the State Secret's Privilege shut down each one of their cases. NYPD is a world-wide police force, the largest in the world (or one of the largest), and, at least during the Franklin Scandal which Rothstein did work on, was operating on that scale.

Blacksmith21 ago

Ah good. Yup, I know the backstory. This is the Prince/NYPD vector. Goes back to Kerik days. And Giuliani. NYPD has a larger intelligence arm than the bulk of countries around the world. Also is the only police agency with S2A weaponry.

They killed a bunch of them off as well.

Angelis_Solaris ago

I've never heard of any of that to be honest!

Blacksmith21 ago

LE Intel network. Good people, but I'm sure corruption exists:

After 9/11 Guiliani built a network, in conjunction with his "quality of life" laws, meant to turn NYC around from what SF is now. It worked. Until Bloomberg, now De Blah Blah.

I have spent as much time in NYC as I have in SF. And DC.

MrBones78 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Like Ed Norton

greenthumb1776 ago

Excellent news! This reminds me of two things:

1) An article from The New Yorker from two years ago about a man who owned a motel in Colorado I believe. He was a voyeur and made holes in the ceilings of the rooms so he could get off while watching patrons undress/have sex/whatever.

2) I know a woman in NYC who is a paid BDSM dominatrix. She told me that all up and down Sixth Avenue in Manhattan there are underground sex dungeons (like the one she works at). She is of age and is engaging willingly but it makes one wonder what else (or who else) can be bought in these secret dungeons.

Thanks again for the good news! Each pedo has a horrific impact on countless lives. So taking down one has positive ripple effects for generations.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think it's time we start mailing letters to inmates at prisons...

stealthninjataliban ago

This moron thought he was getting all that for $500!?!? What an idiot!

P33psh04h ago

I have been in contact with these nasty fucks for years by proxy. I have tried to gain evidence on these fucks but wow you do not want to get caught by (((them))). They prey on the week and think they are untouchable... Coming from someone who has spent a lot of time behind bars I hope his asshole gets run dry in a federal pen.

Angelis_Solaris ago

You were caught by elite pedophiles?

P33psh04h ago

Well let's just say... They know.

dundundunnnnn ago

The hotel owner eventually asked McCord to bring him a “DCF/foster kid”

HOW did he know to request a foster child?

Blacksmith21 ago

Exactly my point.

coucou ago

He is going to name names... He was a coach...

maurice ago

https://www.linkedin. com/in/simon-hessler-a098b982/ some interesting interests.

https://www.corporationwiki. com/Connecticut/Manchester/simon-a-hessler/117664327.aspx nothing out of the ordinary

https://www.corporationwiki. com/Connecticut/Ellington/simon-hessler/113572093.aspx some of the social connections of his through some Ellington Volunteer Ambulance Corp. https://ellingtonambulance. org/index.html http://ellington-ct. gov/399/Ellington-Volunteer-Ambulance-Corps It's a 501c You'll see corporationwiki has this guy listed as the treasurer.

Truthseeker3000 ago

His LinkedIn is now down. That didn’t take long.

maurice ago

It's still up. Remove the space between . and com. I had to add spaces to links. Submit was telling me one wasn't allowed but not which one. So I added spaces between dot and com to each link.

Blacksmith21 ago

Archive it ASAP

think- ago

So this is the proof imo that he has been a professional trafficker:

'He also said he had been involved in the “training of slaves” for more than 20 years and had customers from New York City to Boston, according to court documents.'

He is married with two young daughters & has owned the Manchester Hotel since 2010.

Hessler Has Been a Volunteer EMT in His Hometown of Ellington Since 2007 & Was Elected as Vice President & Assistant Chief in 2017

Simon Hessler has been a volunteer EMT in his hometown of Ellington since 2007, according to his Linkedin profile. In 2017, Hessler was elected as the vice president and assistant chief of the Ellington Volunter Ambulance department. He is also an EMT and driver. According to state records, Hessler is a licensed EMT.

Hessler previously served as a volunteer EMT and ambulance driver with the Bloomfield Volunteer Ambulance Corporation from 1998 to 2013. On Linkedin, Hessler wrote that he, “Took a leave for several years and then was offered the position of deputy chief in charge of the training division.”

He was also an EMT and driver with the Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corporation from 1998 to 2008, and said he, “held many positions such as scheduler, lieutenant etc.”

He Is Originally From Switzerland & Graduated From Scarsdale High School in New York Before Attending the University of Hartford.

Hessler was born in Liestal, Switzerland, according to his Facebook page.

His Facebook:

He graduated from Scarsdale High School in New York in 1991. He then attended the University of Hartford.


I'm glad he's caught, but How does is this post relevant to the Elite Child Trafficking per rule 1?

(Pgisdumb I understand because he was on these boards)

CaJuN-M8 ago

You always get downvoated for saying dumb and irrelevant shit. You my sir are a shill

think- ago

I'm glad he's caught, but How does is this post relevant to the Elite Child Trafficking per rule 1?

1) He is a businessman/hotel owner = elite

2) He ran a trafficking operation, selling 'slaves' to customers; probably for twenty years (see one of my comments above), probably this victim was not the only underage victim.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch


@vindicator just told me:

"This isn't v/childabuse, NC. This is v/pizzagate. Posts have to meet a multipronged definition of relevance"

@ericKaliberhall @crensch @think-

Vindicator said [elite's count]..."if there is evidence he is helping keep the pedo Satanist cabal in power by abusing kids."

This douche clearly abused kids, but what EVIDENCE ties this hotelier to the "Pedo Satanist Cabal"

How does this Hotel Owner (as @Vindicator says): "keep the pedovores in power?"

All of you are speculating connections based only on "wealth" & the fact that he ran a "trafficking operation" By your own definitions this post needs more evidence to connect it to the Pizzagate Cabal


@Vindicator: 5 hours ago:

"Pizzagate as defined for this sub is an organized attempt by a corrupt group of wealthy, globalist powermongers who use the abuse of kids to keep their chokehold on power."

I personally think this should apply....but I'm getting posts removed because wealthy, elite doctors medically abusing kids apparently doesn't count.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Dude just shut the fuck up already. All you do is talk back and always fight about something.

Vindicator ago

why does the USA's largest association of doctors/2nd highest spending lobbying group (The American Medical Association) not count as "elite"

Who said it didn't? It would. But obviously that's only part of the equation. You have to show they are actually abusing children, not just trying to raise awareness and save lives. Since Day One, here, we've been targeted with confirmation bias posts designed to bait researchers into targeting legit businesses and decent individuals, and smeared with bullshit articles in the mainstream media claiming we were "alt-right extremists" brainwashed by conspiracy theories who have ruined the lives of innocent upstanding citizens like Jimmy "chickenlover" Comet.

That is why this community chose the submission rules it did and has repeatedly chosen to keep them, and why we are serious about enforcing them.


So would you consider a specialized neonatal organ transplantation doctor also an elite?

Vindicator ago

Sure...if there is evidence he is helping keep the pedo Satanist cabal in power by abusing kids. If he's just a hero doctor saving children's lives by doing organ transplants that would make this sub look a bunch of crazed witchhunters on the attack, then no. That would not meet the requirements of Rule 1.


Is harvesting organs from living babies child abuse?

Yes or No?

Vindicator ago

This isn't v/childabuse, NC. This is v/pizzagate. Posts have to meet a multipronged definition of relevance.

How does allowing parents of kids born without brains who have no chance to live to donate their kids' organs to other kids who would die without them keep the pedovores in power?

Unless you can clearly articulate that, and support it with evidence that is current, we can't leave it up. We don't allow baseless attacks on legit businesses, individuals, or organizations.


  1. So you admit they are "elite" (1 down 2 to go)

"How does allowing parents of kids born without brains who have no chance to live, to donate their kids' organs to other kids who would die without them keep the pedovores in power?"

A. They are born without Full brains. They can live up to 3 months. The doctor kills them prematurely to harvest the organs. So...Elite child murder.

B. The organs aren't given to only "kids who would die". They are given to adults on waiting lists, researchers, and private companies.

C. The AMA donates to Clinton, and Hillary and Bill deregulated them to prevent government oversight. So they are actively keeping the Pedovores alive and in power.

Lastly, define "Current". What is too old? I want specific date cutoffs so I can meet your standards.

Vindicator ago

Current would be policies currently in effect.

The doctor kills them prematurely to harvest the organs.

Where was the evidence for this?

The AMA donates to Clinton, and Hillary and Bill deregulated them to prevent government oversight. So they are actively keeping the Pedovores alive and in power.

That would be great evidence to provide, if you want to establish the AMA is an arm of the pedovore cabal.


I amended it to include everything you've asked for.

Plz see current post.

pmichel ago

he has daughters. :(

think- ago

Yes.... :-(

Truthseeker3000 ago

@think- Look at that one photo on his Facebook page of him standing beside the girl in the short dress with his arm around her. I’m cringing. I think she may be his daughter as her face looks like the older version of the pic of the two little girls who I’m guessing are his daughters. Sadly, there is no doubt in my mind he hasn’t been abusing his daughters. This guy is beyond SICK.

think- ago

Unfortunately, you might be right. :-( No way that a guy who has been torturing, raping, and selling underage girls for 20 year wouldn't rape his own daughters as well. :-( :-(

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes and his wife’s words were “does it have something to do with underage girls”. She knew and obviously didn’t care. I’m trying to find his wife’s Facebook page as the heavy article talks about it but her name isn’t listed. Who is the girl in that photo with him it’s distrubing. This guy comes across so squeaky clean but there is an employment gap and I’d like to know what he was doing during that time and how he acquired the cash to purchase the hotel.

think- ago

Yes, his wife also gave the police in her house the 11 USB sticks. She knew what the guy did. Also, there might be more people connected to this trafficking network. Employees of the hotel must have known what was going on.

think- ago

Hessler is the owner of Baymont Inn & Suites in Manchester.

Hessler Has a ‘Sex Dungeon’ at His Office in Vernon, according to this report: State Police searched an office building in a converted home on Talcotville Road in Vernon on Wednesday owned by Hessler.

'Detectives are working to determine if there are any potential victims connected to Hessler'

current occupation:

General Manager & Owner - Baymont Inn & Suites of Manchester - Hartford CT

New England hospitality management incorporated, Baymont Inn & Suites of Manchester CT, Ellington Volunteer Ambulance

former occupations:

Bloomfield Volunteer Ambulance Corporation, Hessler Enterprises Incorporated, Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corporation

This is his Linkedin: https://www. (link broken, please connect)

think- ago

This is the full list of charges he is facing:

  • attempted conspiracy at trafficking in persons

  • attempted felony to patronize a prostitute

  • second-degree attempted sexual assault

  • attempted impairing the morals of a minor

  • attempted unlawful restraint

  • attempted cruelty to persons

  • attempted promotion of child pornography

septimasexta ago

Where is "attempted KIDNAPPING?"

GloriousDestiny ago

That stuck out to me too, almost as if it's a normal thing for him to request a DCF/foster kid. This needs some major looking into.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

That alone shows that he probably has some connections.

LostandFound ago

You keep posting them I will keep upvoating them. Always welcome good news good work again on yesterday's update!