think- ago

@darkknight111: Thanks again for posting. I will unsticky the post now, so that we can sticky another one.

Please keep up the great work!

Pizzalawyer ago

one of Qs followers posits a scenario.whereby the stolen plane, a q400 bombadier with a huge Q painted on the tail was payback for the missile launch in June intended to either assassinate Trump or strike a target in East Asia that could bbe blamed on North Korea and thus bring peace talks to a screeching halt, maybe even triggering a war.

The missile was launched, so the story goes, from the Richard B Russell sub which was produced in the 60's and before it was decommissioned and sold (to the CIA?) had been fitted with nuclear missile capability.

The theft of the plane was a cover to enable two f15s to strike at the sub. In one of the videos you can see a streak moving faster than the plane from left to right under the plane, that being a missle from one of the f15s.

Aside from a few fancy maneuvers the plane just kept circling in the same area, which is inconsistent with some of the views the amatuer pilot was reporting, first Mt Hood, then Mt Olympus. Per the theory, the plane was flying remote, no one aboard. It then struck Ketron Island where the CIA is supposed to have a secret bsse. The pilot did claim that as soon as he finished his Bachelors degree he hoped to enlist in the military as an officer. If he is presumed dead, military intelligience could make good use of him. I found it interesting that he circled, or the plane circled , long enough to jettison its fuel payload which is standard procedure when a plane has to make an emergency landing. If he was suicidal why not go down in a fireball of avoid injuring 3rd parties on Ketron??

Anyhow, some weird things happening in the Pacific Northwest, wouldnt you say?

Berrysoetasty ago

So I don't know too much about ketron island but I know that next to ketron is an island called McNeil island. McNeil island is a compound for violent sexual predators, that's literally all that is on the island. Some of them are lifers some not. Idk if this is helpful or not, but it's certainly not advertised that it's a sex offender island. I've lived here my whole life and never heard of ketron island and only found out about McNeil a few years ago..

happytohelp ago

@plan1988 @lextalianus, is it possible Tony in video discussing event on island (sacrifice, ancient technology, etc) hints at connection to Brennans? US Magistrate Judge Edmund Brennan, who resided over the hearing on in Sacramento 8/15/18 for Omar Abdulsattar Ameen, a man wanted for murder in Iraq, allowed in as a refugee by Hussein, even though, he had Al Qaeda ties back to 04?? Ties to Mexico? bio: Assistant US attorney 88-94, deputy chief of civil division, 94-97, Chief of civil defensive litigation, 97-05, and so on... Edmund F. sits on the court that is "Sacramento Superior Court whistleblowers also assert that federal judges at the US District Court for the Eastern District of California are collectively responsible for the concealment of systemic civil rights violations, honest services fraud, and RICO racketeering by Sacramento Superior Court family law judges and judge pro tem attorneys against indigent, financially disadvantaged and disabled pro per litigants. For more than 10 years, USDC EDCA judges have obstructed, impeded, and dismissed federal civil rights litigation against the RICO enterprise members."

That came from a corruption investigation into the Family Court system as basically a RICO-tied ponzi-scheme (my choice of words) - - archived (check comments section) This guy is a brennan too... Judge John Brennan: He was credited for setting up the current separated structure of court, E.G. family court. Well connected, but 2 run ins with the law got him disbarred. Seems to be a big scandal in NM involving higher judges that filed fraudulent motions to help his cause. Ok, so one of the incidents involves a woman he was allegely trying to rape AND trying to get her to engage with a prostitute, half his age, at his home still shared with his wife. GET THIS... charges dropped? because victim backed down AND Brennan's expert witness testimony revealed ""a number of severe psychiatric disorders."?! OH, it get's better. The victim is the daughter of a "former" Brennan pal, a "well-connected attorney" AND high ranking state government official (at the time of the source I used). Following me?... "Having her mental illness trotted out in front of her high-profile buddies is likely not something she was looking forward to. (We've named her before in previous news accounts, but I have never been comfortable with that. She was, after all, both an alleged victim and a person with a mental illness.) " - So, this John B judge possibly creates the setup for family court, where all of the dirty laundry of elites may be revealed, engages in acts with what sounds to me like a trauma victim, and proves his worth in the courts he created? Is this guy the brother of Edmund F, who is dealing with the terrorist, and who may be helping to hide a number of atrocities. ARE THEY BOTH RELATED TO JOHN BRENNAN? All this came from looking into the terrorist case:

also see @therealjeffreyP twitter account for whistleblowing on the Arizonamafia for potential tie-ins.

Plan1988 ago

Hello @happytohelp

I see you sent me this. I am 100% of of spending

time on this particular issue. But thank you for thinking

of me anyway.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not the best researcher, so I could really use some more eyes to look into this.

Factfinder2 ago

From Anon on research board:

Richard B. Russell is the name of the guy who stole the plane and also the name of a decomissioned/supposedly scrapped submarine that had been stored at nearby Bremerton Naval Shipyard:

Richard B. Russell:

USS Richard B. Russell:

Gothamgirl ago

Kreton Labs is the one changing everybodies face on television.

fuckmyreddit ago

I don't have time to go through all this to see if it's been posted, but someone on Eddit said there's an island near Ketron that might be of interest. Hopefully, you already know about it, but I thought I'd add what I read. I was born and raised in Seattle and I've heard of many small islands, but I've never heard of Ketron. Might help but might be nothing.

Factfinder2 ago

The plane's partial tail number shown in wreckage photo is 4490X Archive:

Add an "N" to the beginning, and it will be similar to other Q400 planes (sample photo):

But the window placement in relationship to the tail number in the "wreckage" doesn't match the Q400:

N4490X has been deregistered and was for a small plane, a Piper: Archive:

More detailed info on that plane and accident history:

My conclusion: Likely fake tail number on wreckage.

Also in this article: "Human remains" have been found at crash site.

yolo20152016 ago

I have a found a huge sex trafficking ring in AZ near a famous Hollywood Rehab center, But I can't post here because I don't have 10 up votes or something like that. Ive posted on Reddit but I think it would be huge here. help me?

Gothamgirl ago

This little boy has bracelets that look simular to the type Podesta's grandaughter had in his text messages.,-80.3919492,15z

darkknight111 ago

This has just made top commented threads list.

Plan1988 ago

Great Work! Important Work!

Plan1988 ago

I just posted my theory of incident on

LexTalionis ago

Did not notice if anyone noticed or posted this already, it's the most recent & 3rd part of an interview with Tony Rodrigues on Adam Rivas Dauntless Dialogue, in the very beginning Tony talks about the trafficking and SRA "off an island of Seattle", that he was involved in which was apart of the CIA secret space program he is giving testimony of being sold off to his whole life.

karenrussell63 ago

just want to point this out, i didn't see it mentioned when i read through the comments yesterday, don't have time to read through all the new comments but anyways. the pic showing the plane circling the island to make a "Q", was not the plane that crashed; it was a plane belonging to the county sheriff that circled the island shortly after the Q400 crashed. AFAIK we do not have the flight path of the plane that crashed.

Plan1988 ago

How do you know this?

karenrussell63 ago - this is the plane which includes the flight plath circling the island. Note the type label: "T206", which is also visible in the screenshot going around. - Owner: PIERCE COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT SOUTH HILL , WA, US - the crashed Q400, note that there is no flight path for the time of the crash. - FlightRadar24 twitter post.

At this time it does not appear we tracked the incident flight, though we continue to review the data received in the area during the time period in question

Plan1988 ago

Flightradar 24 to be absolutely trusted? I do not think so.

I doubt it. Can you imagine the power they have to control the narrative?

It is out of Sweden. But I could not find out who owns it.

It voided previous statement. (Under Pressure?)

happytohelp ago

I'm not really sure it matters... like what if Q is 5 years old... does it change the information that we are learning? a plane circled an island. We know that. A plane did loops: horizontal and vertical. The island HAS SERIOUSLY PEAKED THE WORLD'S INTEREST. If any 1 piece of this proves false, HOW DOES IT CHANGE THE REST? (sorry for caps) How does it change the lack of coverage by MSM, the connection to people willing to pay 1500 pounds for a baby because, "she's just so beautiful"?

Plan1988 ago

Thank you for replying. Will compare this to what was posted on Twitter.

I dont trust any Pierce County Sheriff Dept.statements or publications including videos.

postscript 5:07 EST: I heard that people want an accurate reporting of contents of black box onboard to make accurate asessments.

@happytohelp @bopper @factfinder2

Factfinder2 ago

The day before the "crash" (Thurs.) this happened:

Whidbey Navy admits aircraft drew penis in sky over Washington:

Plan1988 ago

Am starting to wonder if rogue elements in

Alaska Airlines do human trafficking. I can't verify this.

But was reading on Twitter that the "hijacked" airplane

is the type of airplane used by sex traffickers.

happytohelp ago

What is their presence at Hartsfield (atl)? Supposedly that was a trafficking hub and they (clowns) had the ability to get planes in and out of there without the usual scrutiny.

Plan1988 ago

A point to note. Charles Branson owned Virgin Airlines.

He sold the airline to whom? Alaska Airlines.

Vindicator ago

darkknight, I'm going to sticky this thread for a bit. The usual shills have been strangely absent tonight, but I don't want a sudden forum sliding attack to bury this.

darkknight111 ago

If my deduction is correct, then I think I may have figured out HOW the fuckery is being done without raising suspiscions or being spotted.

There is likely a secret entrance into the island only accessible via submersable. Depending on the size of the craft, you cluld traffic children via this pathway. Likely via an entrance that leads into the mansion, possibly through the wine cellar.

Gonna forward this theory to 8 chan this morning.

realityisinsanity ago

Caan Canaan It's just so similar.

Plan1988 ago

Can we tie Gary Lundgren to the owners of Lemongrass Restaurants?

I understand the chain is owned by a couple with differing last names.

Shizy ago

I haven't seen a tie in there, but Lundgren owns 65% of that island whereas the lemongrass owners own a home on 5 acres. So essentially just "neighbors".

happytohelp ago

Could it have been both? two main thoughts here are the ties of this story to previous stories of bad things happening that shouldn't have near here (e.g. missile launch, plane with engine problems) and a twisted past and present history, design, and occupancy of the island, with special cables, secret vault rooms, I've heard bunkers mentioned...what if..(going for the gusto) The island is the nightmare of all nightmares for trafficked children and slaves but also serves as an electronic weapons facility, with the ability to protect departures and arrivals and insurance capabilities of sabotage-on-demand? Key witness of major pedo-bust gets witness protection after faking his own suicide and Q400 circles the island for an hour (feds must secure possible LZ?), dazzling us all with a...wait for it.... Q-loop or two before nosediving the the ballsiest drone ever right into pedo-island-top-resient's priceless yard decorations.

Plan1988 ago

When You Write Both.

What is both?

happytohelp ago

both this is relevant because of it's close proximity to previous events, AND it's relevant due to inhabitants. Is the Island both a pedo-island and some sort of base for bad guy ops (think electronic sabotage/SAPs). Didn't someone above say Bronson had super tech?

happytohelp ago

Also, the Atlanta airport incident...certain places are ripe for trafficking... special ways to get people in and out without detection. Is Sea-Tac one of them? would high tech systems be able to assist with that?

Plan1988 ago

Cathy OBrien said USA military is at least 20 years ahead of

us as far as technology is concerned! I only remember Cathy mentioning Air Force Bases.

Someone told me that Indiana has a big trafficking syndicate,

He said Indiana could not do it without the direct assistance

from the military at the air force bases

Plan1988 ago

Cathy OBrien was frequently being taken to Air Force Bases.

Tune up her programming..add more.

Air Force base located conveniently nearby.

But the fighter jets did not come from that base!

Shizy ago

Paul Bonacci also spoke of Air Force bases being used to fly kids around the country.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. As did Cathy O Brien.

Plan1988 ago

I believe you are smelling something out right now. Upvote

Plan1988 ago

I thought before reading your post the same thing. A pedo vicinity on steroids.

Saw an aerial picture. That island is dense dense dense with foilage.

Convenient huh?

Plan1988 ago

is this link operative?

Snailracer ago

Land was sold on Ketron island with the promise of sewage service, which was never fully provided. The ground is hard packed, so septic will directly leach out of the ground onto the beaches. Washington State formed the Department of Ecology in 1970 and it became increasingly difficult to make any money developing waterfront like this. Many of the few residences on Ketron island would best be described as cabins. There is no airport! There's not even room for something like that, there is no major traffic to and from the island. It's only a mile by ferry, but it's also directly on a major boating lane, so there is no real privacy on any of the beaches. People would see any strange traffic. This sounds like disinfo directed at discrediting QAnon.

Plan1988 ago

Per 8chan palacial house on Ketron changed hands in 2015.

It sold for $1.1million.

darkknight111 ago

In terms of strange traffic...,not if the fuckery is being done via a secret passage only accessable via submersable. The craft would surface to a hidden entrance to the mansion.

Someone found something about someone having personal submarines.

Plan1988 ago

I looked at real estate for sale on that island.

Big house $375,000.

Vindicator ago

This sounds like disinfo directed at discrediting QAnon.

Q posted about it himself, though. What do you make of that? The MSM are framing this as a wack-a-doodle baggage handler who decided to go for joyride and then go out in blaze of glory. They aren't connecting it to least so far.

Snailracer ago

I haven't followed Q all that close, but last week someone Anon was saying they'd screw with him. Maybe they misrepresented Q here?



bombadier aerospace

canadian maker


Yeah.... that sounds more like Q

Plan1988 ago

Just my opinion OK?

No . That does not sound like Q.

Plan1988 ago

Just went to-

There are pictures of the restaurant. One picture is gross green

has hooks above dining booth chairs. Maybe they hang some kind

of food on those?



happytohelp ago

@plan1988 those hooks are under the bar. those are chairs below them. Likely for umbrellas, purse, coat, etc. or at least that's my guess

Shizy ago

Those are hooks for ladies purses. They come in handy when sitting at a bar like that.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You! Before I posted comment I was

thinking: I know nothing of Vietnamese culture or


Plan1988 ago

One of the pictures is of inside the kitchen.

The cooking area. Wondering why they have that on website?

To prove to everyone that it is clean?

happytohelp ago

The restaurant....check the reviews. don't know how to upload pic, but link's good for now. Two walnut sauce references. Gross.

Shizy ago

I found this regarding a court case involving Lundgren and the sewer system that was/is on Ketron Island:

A functional sewer system is cited as what prevented the plans for a housing development of 200 homes on the island. Lundgren was slapped with the lawsuit and stiff fines when his sewer system was found to be dumping waste directly into Puget Sound. This happened in the late 80's early 90's.

Plan1988 ago

I still think this incident is questionable. Thank You for your

digging:-) Good find there❕

Factfinder2 ago

Ketron Island is near McNeil Island, which is a former prison island owned by the Washington State Dept. of corrections. The prison was closed in 2011, and the island is now a detention center for violent sexual offenders:

"The United States government bought land on McNeil Island in 1870 and opened a federal penitentiary there in 1875. By 1937 the federal government, which had been accumulating parcels of land adjacent to the penitentiary, had purchased all the land on the island and compelled its last residents to leave. The federal penitentiary's most famous inmates were probably Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz," who was held there from 1909 to 1912; Charles Manson, who before inspiring Helter Skelter in killing Sharon Tate and others in 1969, was an inmate from 1961 to 1966 for trying to cash a forged government check; and Alvin Karpis, who was transferred to McNeil Island in 1962, from Alcatraz as a result of its impending closure, to complete his sentence. Karpis, who was labeled the FBI's Public Enemy #1 at the time of his capture in 1936, was the point man for the Barker–Karpis gang that committed kidnappings and numerous bank robberies while operating through out the midwest in the early 1930s. Pacific Northwest bootlegger Roy Olmstead was also an inmate for four years before his release May 12, 1931.

Washington state took over the penitentiary from the federal government in 1981. It was called McNeil Island Corrections Center (MICC) until 2011, when it became the Special Commitment Center for violent sexual criminals."

Vindicator ago

Daily Mail has a transcript of his conversation with Air Traffic Control. It's macabre:

Plan1988 ago

The recent unusual Delta A330 left engine fire occurred at SeaTac...Departing SeaTac.

Vindicator ago

In addition to last night that is three weird/strange State of

Don't forget the derailed train that closed down I-5, happened to involve an autistic guy busted as a pedo, and was also called out as an FF by Q.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. Thank You!

Vindicator ago

Apparently according to AP the guy who stole the plane was from Wasilla, Alaska (hometown of Sarah Palin):

Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set on Puget Sound. There were no passengers aboard.

Alaska Airlines said the suspect was a ground service agent employed by Horizon. Those employees direct aircraft for takeoff and gate approach and de-ice planes, as well as handle baggage.

Russell went by “Beebo” on social media, and on his Facebook page, which had limited public access. He said he was from Wasilla, Alaska, lived in Sumner, Washington, and was married in 2012.

Vindicator ago

This is looking sketchier by the second. You saw Q posted about this, right?

After posting a pic of the type of plane that was stolen by a supposed ground crew employee at Sea-Tac, which happens to be a Q400, and saying "Autsists catch the message? Think missile." he comes back a few minutes later and adds

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a92e3a No.2556980 📁

Aug 11 2018 14:21:45 (EST)

How do you prevent the public release of incriminating acts that would forever strip their power away?

How do you BIND the hands of POTUS?

Two-Pronged SITU.

Test strength of midterms through private analysis (win/loss ratio) Analysis below key metric w/o chance for recovery - START A WAR.

Think missile(s) accidentally fired.

Against WHO?

Relationships are VERY IMPORTANT.



This sounds to me like he is referencing the nuclear missile launch from Puget Sound a few weeks ago, and possibly implying no plane was stolen here at all, but another missile launch occurred and was shot down. I just looked at the original post I made about that incident when I saw it on local news the day before Q mentioned it, and my link to the 8chan post where an anon posted side by side pics of the "Lens Flare" next to a nuclear missile launch is dead. Sketchy AF! Here's a fresh link:

Is there actual proof a plane was really stolen from SeaTac?

Factfinder2 ago

Or that it actually crashed?

Video of the burn and also the aftermath shows no fuselage remains, no wing remains, just some garbage and a few parts scattered around. There would be more from a plane that seats 76 passengers. Reminds me of 9/11 flight 93 in Pennsylvania.


Vindicator ago

Good point. A plane was definitely "stolen" and chased by F-16s. Locals got it on video (there are links in my other comment). That part is confirmed.

Like the derailed train incident, though, I don't understand what Q is saying happened here.

Factfinder2 ago

Clearly a live missile didn't hit the island, so I'm wondering whether the plane was taken up as a distraction from the missile launch.

Or was the audio just a recording from a sound studio, with the plane being remotely controlled and carrying a missile, then the missile remotely disabled by white hats and dropped on land where it could be retrieved?

But there wasn't enough wreckage in the published video. Could be the real crash site wasn't photographed, just a mocked-up one.

Holography is also a possibility, used to distract from the missile launch perhaps.

Lots of possibilities.

Vindicator ago

So the plane was a Q400 and the guy was a Baker...perhaps this was the DS sending a message to Q and Anons that they can take control of people and aircraft at any time and will do so if more dirt is revealed. Perhaps Q's "Think missile(s)" just referenced the rogue ones already launched -- Whidbey, Hawaii, Japan and Saudi Arabia?

Factfinder2 ago

Very possible. "Think missile" could also refer to the future. It could also be metaphorical in the sense that with this move the DS has missiled itself because their whole operation was captured as evidence by white hats.

happytohelp ago

Does anyone know if the plane flew in a Q shape???? Please tell me that plane made a Q shaped barrel roll...

Marly ago

yep, saw a pic on Liz Crokin Twitter. Not sure who posted but huge thread on it

argosciv ago

"Autsists catch the message? Think missile."


Wait for it...

Vindicator ago

@darkknight111, shall I give this a "QAnon Storm Watch" flair, or would you rather we not provoke the shills?

darkknight111 ago

There is definetely intersect between that and us here with PG. Especially given what got found regarding ties to Richard Branson and James Caan.

Teamwork between the two groups.

Vindicator ago

I'll give it the flair.

argosciv ago

Recommend sticky for a day or 2, to be honest...

Plan1988 ago

Thank You. I feel the same way, upvote ✋

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I'm thinking the same.

new4now ago

Nicole Pham owns 80 percent of the Lemon Grass business.

In 1979, when Pham was 17, she and 6 friends decided to leave their native Vietnam for America. "We decided to leave after the war ended and the Communists took over," she says. "To us, this was an adventure, but we had to do it secretly so we couldn't speak with our parents or family about it. If we got caught, we'd be killed."

Only one week passed from the day the teens decided to escape before they found people who contributed money for their voyage and departed on a boat to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong, the teens stayed in refugee camps for one year while awaiting American sponsors.

Pham's sponsor lived in California, and at age 18 she arrived in Hollywood, where she stayed for 3 months. "I found out that we couldn't go to school and had to sew to earn money," she says. "That's not what I considered in finding freedom."

With $225 from the government and advice from a family friend from Vietnam, Pham moved with another friend to the Olympia, Wash., area.

After a short period, she moved in with a sponsor family who later agreed to become her foster family.

During the next 10 years, Pham earned a high school diploma and a business degree from South Puget Sound Community College and Evergreen State College. After receiving her degree she worked at Pabst as a staff accountant. In 1996, she and several peers were laid off.

In 1996, she and several peers were laid off. Pham decided to open her first restaurant, a business she was confident she could run, given her passion and talent for cooking and her background in accounting.,-wash?start=2

Shizy ago

Great find! I think a big part of her story that's missing is who was the "foster family" that took in an 18 year old girl? It seems that hownthe trajectory of her life changed after that, they may be wealthy or prominent.

new4now ago

its iffy at what age she came over

its said she went to some High School in CA

Plan1988 ago

Viewed pictures of some of their restaurants.

Appeared very high end to me.

Vindicator ago

Could someone explain the significance of this person and restaurant? I don't get how it fits into the plane situation.

Shizy ago

This woman and her husband purchased the Morris Mansion located on Ketron Island in 2015 for 1.1 million. The home has over 5,000 sq ft and sits on 5 acres with a beach and massive dock. It sounds like it's probably the most prominent home on the island.

Vindicator ago


Plan1988 ago

Reported that owners of Island also own the restaurant franchise.

Vindicator ago

Thanks. :-)

Plan1988 ago

Reports and aerial view photo show Ketron Island to be very heavily wooded.

Gilderoy ago

Richard Branson has futuristic high-tech aquatic vehicles at his disposal. He has an amphibious car and a mini-sub.

He also is working on his galactic plane which he hopes to have ready soon capable of flying to the moon. Also has a mini-Concorde jet, and who knows what else.

He appears to have access to some amazingly advanced technology.

darkknight111 ago

That may be the solution to potential fuckery in that island.

Secret passageway into the mansion only accessible via submersable. Relatively small one.

It would surface in an underground entrance to the mansion. Probably to somewhere near something like the wine cellar.

Shizy ago

I found this article about the mansion on the island. It describes some of the home and points out it has a storage room on ground level. No mention of anything underground.

Plan1988 ago

How many MSM outlets are reporting this name as the crash

site specifically:

Ketron Island?

Are they trying to keep that name hidden and undisclosed?

I'll look at more articles. I could be wrong on this.

Plan1988 ago

One commenter from Chris Ken Simpson Utube. Don't know if it is significant⤵

"Odd they scrambled jets out of Air Base at Portland

Oregon rather than McCord Air Force base which is closer."


Vindicator ago

I was thinking the same thing

Factfinder2 ago

It does seem odd. NORAD scrambled the jets out of McChord even though WADS (Western Air Defense Sector) is headquartered at JBLM (Joint Base Lewis McChord):

But JBLM did play a role in the Ketron incident in that it was the place where air traffic control was trying to get the guy to land:

Two weeks ago, WADS conducted a three-day (July 24-27) air intercept drill from JBLM:

Btw, on July 31, WADS got a new commander after his predecessor was transferred to NORAD in Colorado:

I think it's strange that the guy who took the plane seemed surprised that he'd gone suddenly nuts. He said, "Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess. Never really knew it until now.” The audio is spliced right after that, so who knows what else he said. You have to wonder whether he'd heard voices in his head a la voice to skull technology telling him to do it.

Vindicator ago

I think it's strange that the guy who took the plane seemed surprised that he'd gone suddenly nuts.

Yes, I noticed that as well. He said he had a lot of people at home who were going to be really disappointed he done it. Wierdly detached. I linked to a transcript in my other comment.

Plan1988 ago

I heard the jets were from a base in Oregon (Portland).

Am I wrong?

In your first sentence you wrote McCord. Thank You

Factfinder2 ago

Oh, sorry. Thanks for catching that. I changed it.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You👍

Plan1988 ago

Am starting to suspect that noone was on that plane.

It was remote controlled. ? If so by whom? And why?

Factfinder2 ago

In the OP, the guy near the scene is quoted as saying, "we got clowns (CIA) boys lots of them," and "Clowns all over Fox as well."

Maybe that's the who. Why else would CIA show up to a plane crash and be controlling the narrative on TV news?

Plan1988 ago

I did not know CIA is controlling the narrative and are present

at the crash site. I did hear it officially stated that the FBI

was on site. But what bothered me is that locals are involved.

Honestly, this narrative is skeetchy.

Last I heard Rich's body was not recovered.

Factfinder2 ago

I was just referring to what the guy said who was quoted in the original post above about clowns (a word for CIA operatives). Don't know how the guy knew they were clowns or if they really were.

The involved "locals" could certainly have been plants. And local authorities who balk at participating in false flags can be blackmailed or threatened.

Maybe a body will turn up but be charred beyond recognition and the family won't be allowed to view it, as at Sandy Hook.

Plan1988 ago

He also said like the island is crawling with law

enforcement agents: police sheriff. All that tree covered

terrain would come in handy for abuse and trafficking.

Factfinder2 ago

I suspect you're right. Especially when you consider that there was the air intercept drill only a couple of weeks before, July 24-27. There's always a drill.

Vindicator ago

Well, given the accidental missile launch that happened in Puget Sound a few weeks ago, I am not surprised JBLM was doing air intercept drills.

Plan1988 ago

Great contribution. Thank You. wow

darkknight111 ago

Related to that possible attempted false flag to incite a war with Russia yesterday?

If so, then that plane crashing into Ketrol Island is what triggered this lead.

argosciv ago

Didn't Portland come up recently with regards to some awful event?

happytohelp ago

Isaac Kappy discussed Portland PD today on Periscope. Said they protect pedophiles. Gave number for portland pd and asked everyone to call and ask why they protect pedos. Also gave email to Portland pd media relations officer. Requested same thing. If I see more about that I'll post it.

Marly ago

They have a place Voodoo Donuts owners are huge PEDOS. McCauley Caulkin just opened Twitter acct @incredibleculk and hes talking how great Voodoo is too. Hes got that Bunny Ears podcast with blaphamet popping up on screen. Seth Greens bestie, were both in Thailand recently. Those are owners trafficking kids. See vid he has pinned to his wall about young guys experience. Horrid. Sorry for changing subject

happytohelp ago

it was just the media liason. email and number. "Call up the @portlandpolice Media Liason Sergeant Burley and ask him why his police department covers up crimes of pedophiles 503-823-0000"

happytohelp ago

added first name and new email address in another one

shoosh ago

Portland Oregon was where the soap factory / flop house was located. Is that correct?

argosciv ago


I think I'm remembering a recent riot there in the last few weeks - might not be relevant here.


Vindicator ago

There are riots in Portland on a regular basis. It's an ANTIFA stronghold. They actually rioted the weekend Q first started posting about in October, when he first mentioned martial law.

argosciv ago


I think I'm remembering a recent riot there in the last few weeks - might not be relevant here.

Plan1988 ago

Not that I know of. But I gleam Seattle is a shady city. Will reply if I find anything about Portland.

argosciv ago

I might be confusing it with the plane incident itself or just wrong in general - my mind is all over the place with a few things right now.

Plan1988 ago

I know what you mean...totally:-)

Plan1988 ago

I think you may be onto something here.

I will dig. Thank You.

argosciv ago

James Caan of Dragon's Den, who tried to buy a baby in Pakistan:


Caan caught on tape attempting the purchase:

via hooktube: James Caan In Pakistan

wiki: Dragons' Den:

Dragons' Den is a reality television program format in which entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists in the hope of securing investment finance from them. The program originated in Japan, where it is known as The Tigers of Money (マネーの虎 manē no tora), a pun on "The Tiger of Malaya" (マレーの虎 marē no tora), the nickname of WWII general Tomoyuki Yamashita).[1] The format was created and is owned by Nippon TV and is distributed by Sony Pictures Television.

Local versions of the show have been produced in nearly 30 countries, as well as one for the Arab world; in some countries, more than one version has been aired. The most popular name for the show is Dragons' Den or variations thereof, a name that originated in the United Kingdom. The show has also been titled Shark Tank (a name that originated in the United States) and Lions' Den, and variations on those names, among others. In versions where the name of the show contains a creature's name, the investors are referred to by that name.

Plan1988 ago

@happytohelp You gotta review the post above. Flight plan...a Q?

So posts @BitterBiped,

happytohelp ago

just curious... what would someone enter into the subject heading to post a thread to the relevant 8chan board?

srayzie ago

I’ve never posted on 8chan but you can learn about it here...

Plan1988 ago

I dont know. I dont post to any boards.

@Srayzie or @darkknight might know?

Go for it!

happytohelp ago

was told no subject. that might have to resubmit after clearing captcha

srayzie ago

Thank you. Sorry. I’ve been sleeping days and up nights!

new4now ago

Turbo prop stolen from Sea-Tac crashes on Ketron Island in Pierce County

A turboprop passenger plane stolen from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and trailed by two fighter jets crashed Friday night on Ketron Island, off the shore from Steilacoom, authorities said

The plane crashed yesterday

think- ago

Hi @darkknight111,

could you please add a link to the 8chan thread (or its archive)? Thanks!

I will flair '24hours Grace', so that you and other users will have some time to find some evidence that there has indeed been pedophile activity on the island.

Thank you, and please keep up the good work!

darkknight111 ago

Just found some pay dirt. Ties between the sewer system and a sexual predator. Factfinder2 just found ties to Richard Branson and James Caan a few minutes ago. Going to put it on main body now.

INTERNATIONAL FRAUDSTER AND SEXUAL PREDATOR, GARY LUNDGREN HAS TIES TO THE KETRON ISLAND SEWAGE SYSTEM<< During the Campaign in 2015 Trump filed suit with the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce against Lundgren and his business partners claiming that they entered into a conspiracy against Trump in a business deal in Panama. Lundgren has a history of being a shady businessman, once finding himself in court in Washington over the mismanagement of the Ketron sewage system. And just to boot, he has a history of being accused of being a sexual predator.


YogSoggoth ago

Panama City lawyer, Alcides Bartolo Peña. Where else have I heard that last name before? Extremely strange song by captain beefheart, ex president of Mexico, 50 Billion $ man? Only found one here, Database of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse.

think- ago

Thanks, @darkknight111. Could you add the link to the 8chan thread as well, please? @Vindicator or @EricKaliberhall will be doing the next modding shifts, and can remove the flair then. I am going to leave now for the day.

Good luck for digging further!

argosciv ago

Heya dk111, just wanted to give you a tip on how to keep wikipedia links in-tact, as some of them include characters that break the hyperlink when presented here in their raw form.

You can use the following syntax to keep a link from breaking:

[custom link text here inside square parenthesis](raw hyperlink here in round parenthesis)

Example work arounds for the wikipedia link you provided in your post:

[,_Washington](,_Washington) becomes:,_Washington

[wiki: Ketron Island, Washington](,_Washington) becomes:

wiki: Ketron Island, Washington

darkknight111 ago

Steilacoom, Anderson Island and Ketron Island Ferry has 2 cams on website, "Steilacoom, Anderson Island" 3rd cam? Ketron

darkknight111 ago

Scribing from current digs (this story is less than hours old).


Here we go down the rabbit hole. Or we would if the soil weren't apparently unsuitable for it: Per (1), the ferry apparently visits four times daily. That's a lot for a place with a population of <20. From the same article:

The island has no gas station, store, mail delivery or garbage pickup, and the Pierce County ferry only comes four times a day. Many of the residents use their own boats to reach the mainland in Steilacoom. So there are fewer than 20 residents, most of whom use their own boats, but the ferry visits one/four times a day?

Anchorage-based entrepreneur J.C. Morris bought the entire island in 1946 and planned to build 200 homes on the island with a retail center, churches and a school. His plan was thwarted by the prohibitive cost of installing sewer lines. Can't find anything about J.C. Morris, but Goog'ing "J C Morris Anchorage" gives: J C Morris Insurance Services, 4011 Arctic Blvd #105, Anchorage, AK 99503, USA. Nothing of note to be found.

Morris’ mansion was sold in 2015, a 5,300-square-foot mansion platted on 5 acres of land. The Thurston County residents who bought the home paid $1.1 million for it. This led me to (2):

The new owners are Thurston County restaurateurs Nicole Pham and her husband Jim Porter, according to Karen Vincent who handled the sale for Morrison House Sotheby’s International Realty. The estate originally was listed for $1.77 million. Then it was reduced to $1.299 million. It sold for $1.1 million. The couple own a small chain of Lemon Grass Vietnamese restaurants in Thurston County. This all seems legit, the restaurant exists, and I can't find anything that looks suspicious to me. Note that Sotheby's International Realty is not directly connected to Sotheby's (3rd party company that S's bought out), but their employees are all part of the same social stratum.

The home features an 800-square-foot living room with panoramic water views, a wine cellar, three bedrooms in the main house and a storage room on the ground level to store supplies brought from the mainland.

<Storage room


More on this from (3). Note that this article gives the date of purchase by Morris as the early sixties, not mid forties.

On the home’s lower level, a former walk-in vault serves as a wine cellar and an adjacent room is reserved for playing pool. A spacious lower-level closet is equipped with rods and shelves for storing out-of-season clothes. A storage room as large as many contemporary living rooms is lined with shelves for supplies brought from the mainland. Note that this article gives the location of the storage room as seemingly belowground, while (2) implies that it is on the ground floor (first floor for Burgers). I wonder if the pool room has a ping pong table?

Because of the limited evening ferry schedule, said Chenaur, guests often spent the night in the guest quarters, the cabin or in the two unoccupied bedrooms. When many children were staying over, the couple lined the den with beds. ALMONDS ACTIVATED!

During the Chenaur’s tenure on the island, it was not uncommon for 25 or 30 people to stay overnight. During one wedding, the home and its outbuildings accommodated 49 people, she said. So the fully-occupied house nearly tripled the island's population? I know I'm a fucking bumpkin, but that sounds like a popular party. More information about Morris:

Some of those same issues kept Morris from realizing his vision of a fully developed island. He platted more than 250 lots, but sold only a few. And while some lots like his own could handle waste water in a septic system, other lots don’t have the right soil for such a system, necessitating the need for a sewer system that never was completed. So either he was a shit entrepreneur (didn't check the place out/couldn't be arsed to follow through), or there was some other plan. Note that the 'bad soil for digging' would be an excellent cover for underground tunnels. "Sorry, buddy, you can't dig here, the soil's bad. It's nothing to do with the concrete tunnels which definitely aren't down there."

Plan1988 ago

You mentioned this restaurant -
⏩Lemon Grass Vietnamese Restaurant⏪

They own a string of them.

Person got a (supposed) screen shot of the menu.

Commentor said one speciality offered by the restaurant and on the

menu is. Can't remember first word -something-


Menu talked about the Walnut Revolution saying glad it's catching

on. Will try to find comment.

Look Up menu on WWW before it is taken down if it will be?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Found something intriguing, a Keith Sergio Samuels commented one of the Lemongrass's facebook photos, saying he goes there a lot and this time he had a complaint about the food. I checked out his profile and he is a PROUD freemason with masonry imagery plastered all over his profile.


Lemongrass FB Photo with comment:

Keith Samuels, the commenter in question's facebook profile:

Now whether a self-proclaimed freemason (who seems to be legit considering his facebook connections and interactions with other masons in his area) visiting this restaurant frequently is just a coincidence or an actual connection will require more digging around the clientele of the restaurant.

Plan1988 ago

Super find. Thank You:-)

Plan1988 ago

Just searched. The Lemongrass Taste of Vietnam

Looked at menu. The blurb about walnuts is not there now.

happytohelp ago

Check review How to upload pic?

Plan1988 ago

Good One. Walnut prawns but what I read was not that specific

comment. Excellent Work👍


Factfinder2 ago

Is this what you saw?

Plan1988 ago

No. But the menu page looked exactly like that.

What I saw was a page of restaurant critics

comments posted at the beginning of the menu.

Am still looking for what I saw. Will advise.

And Thank You. Good info!

Factfinder2 ago

You can see all the menus from the three locations at their web site:

Plan1988 ago

look here

Seattle restaurant i believe.

Factfinder2 ago

New mansion owner Jim Porter's LinkedIn page lists Richard Branson and James Caan (born Nazim Khan) among his "Interests":

Richard Branson, owner of Necker Island and subject of Voat investigation:

James Caan of Dragon's Den, who tried to buy a baby in Pakistan:

Caan caught on tape attempting the purchase:

Konran ago

Notice how he uses the impersonal pronoun 'it' when referring to his error at the end of the report. Most normal folk would use the pronoun 'she' when referring to a baby girl.

These kinds of mental lapses can be seen as micro-expressions or 'tells' in regards to how he views the child as an object.

Factfinder2 ago

Excellent point.

Shizy ago

Did you see Q's posts today? It talks about this incident and billionaires who live on islands. Maybe he's referring to Branson.

Factfinder2 ago

Probably him, all these other guys, and more: Archive:

Shizy ago

Oh wow, I didn't realize so many of them owned islands. Thanks for that link!

shoosh ago

at 1:04 a man standing behind him is laughing at him, at which point Caan turns around and says, 'stop it, stop it.'

He offered one and a half thousand pounds for the baby !! He's rich but life has a very low price tag apparently.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I know. Unbelievable. What a low price to give the family for a child so sad. Notice he kept referring to the baby as It. How would he know his brother wants a baby girl child so desperately? So weird. So many questions. Did he ever give them that £100k for the charity without the purchase of the child? Doubt it. They all want something in order to help charities these leeches. This man is no exception.

sdornick ago

That says all we need to know.

truthdemon ago

If u notice Caan had a grin on his face too... .. Seems like business as usual for them These refugee camps are like a candy store for them... Cant figure out why they r keen on some children and not others...

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Should she be checked for special eye conditions?

Factfinder2 ago

This is how the "elite" treat others. It's a classic example.

darkknight111 ago

Scribing from current digs.

Ketron Island Dig (2/2)

The fact that he may have had an insurance business since 1937, which is still in business today, would indicate he wasn't that bad of a businessman, and was likely to have had cash/collateral to finish his project. Hmm. The former owners were Marion Chenaur and her husband. His given name, Clayton, only shows up in (4). Neither of them have any other online presence that I can find, which is interesting considering how popular they seem to have been socially in their day. There's a fraud lawsuit (he was found guilty) concerning Carl Clayton Chenaur from 1977, but I don't speak lawfag and my eyes threaten to melt when I try. See (5) if you want to give it a shot.

'We call it camp Ketron,' Mrs. Chenaur says, because the couple's children have always enjoyed playing on the property's grounds and by the water. 'There's so much territory to play [on],' she says. I can't find reference to the couple having any children, although the article references grandchildren.

The basement includes a large storage space, a billiards area, and a curious remnant from the original owners: a walk-in combination-safe door that leads into a protected room. 'I have no idea what it was intended for,' Mrs. Chenaur admits, but they currently use the space as a wine cellar, Secret panels? Hidden rooms? DING DING DING! See pic related 3. I'm still digging, but I'll throw in what I've got so far. This looks weird.

= tl:dr Mansion on an isolated island with hidden rooms, underground storage, and reference to large social gatherings with lots of children in attendance. Former owners seem to have been socially popular, but have no real online footprint; husband may have been corrupt. Vague, inconsistent, and slightly suspicious stories about the history of the place, which seems to have a lot of human traffic considering how deserted it is.

Anyone want to jump in? I think there's something fucky about all of this.

Sources with archives: (1)

(2) (3) (4) - note page formatting seems unsuitable for archiving (5)

PatriotOne ago

This is interesting. I would make my own post but I suck at archiving and stuff so passing on to you. Rob Porter/Record Producer/Vital Records....see his top posts about renting out the Ketron Island estate to others/corporations/etc. Is not his main home (at least it wasn't then).

Also the IndyRock scene interesting (smells like Comet Ping Pong Pizza).

How many different hats can one guy wear?

Shizy ago

The husband is deceased and that is cited as the reason that the wife sold the Morris Mansion in 2015.

fogdryer ago

Didn’t they say 20 mikes off the coast and you are free? Outside of that you can do anything you want!!!! It only makes sense that they move to another island. Shit, the Philippines has 9000 islands, feel free to start looking ....

Goatonamountain ago

Seriously? Can't wait to see the shit that comes out of this dig

argosciv ago

Type "Ketron Island, Washington" into the wikipedia search, see results containing "Ketron Island, Washington", look for anything out of the ordinary.

cc: @darkknight111 @think- @Vindicator @srayzie @ben_matlock (pings not meant to be taken as anything negative)