neptunium1 ago

What should also be mentioned is Branson's part in the privatisation of the NHS. In this TED talk the speaker points out that in the future doctors working under Virgin Care may decide not to treat older people for a variety of reasons:

Remember that he was in Epstein's black book and Epstein is a eugenicist. This recent article details the £1Bn contracts Branson is getting out of UK healthcare:

and in this article he sues the NHS because he lost out on an £82M contract to provide children’s health services across Surrey !

Absolutely disgraceful.

think- ago

Aargh, Narcissism, I'm just in, and saw that the thread was deleted due to not being edited. It's a great post, and there are great user contributions - would you consider editing, and reposting, please?

If you shouldn't have the time, maybe someone else could do it? Thank you!

@millennial_vulcan @carmencita @migratorypatterns @new4now

millennial_vulcan ago


It was just pointed out to me by my UK friend that the British actress EMMA CHAMBERS (Notting Hill Vicar of Dibley etc) was the SISTER of Storm Model Management's founder SARAH DOUKAS (See my earlier comment in THIS thread.) EMMA CHAMBERS died a few months ago at the very young age of 53 and of natural causes (uh huh) and was rumored (here on Voat/Pizzagate and elsewhere) to have been suicided because of her links to Clement Freud, Maddie McCann and more...


voat thread on EMMA

Emma Chambers and sister SARAH DOUKAS (owner of Storm Model Agency, whose business partner is R BRANSON)

@carmencita @think- @migratorypatterns @Oh_Well_ian @new4now

Oh_Well_ian ago

This is a submission that can stand on it's own.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, MV!

This is EXTREMELY important info! Since this thread has been deleted, PLEASE put this in its own post and submit. Header should link to STORM Model Management and MADDIE MCCANN. I'm really afraid this is going to get lost and that no one will see it now so it should be in its own submission.

think- ago

That's very interesting, millennial, thanks for the ping! (Maybe your UK friend would like to do a thread about Storm Models? ;-) Please tell them we're grateful for any info... ;-) :-) ).

new4now ago

emma freud 🔴‏Verified account @emmafreud · Feb 24

Our beautiful friend Emma Chambers has died at the age of 53. We're very very sad. She was a great, great comedy performer, and a truly fine actress. And a tender, sweet, funny, unusual, loving human being.

Emma Freud is the daughter of Sir Clement Freud

She is the great-granddaughter of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud

Her younger brother is Matthew Freud, the ex-husband of Rupert Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth Murdoch

new4now ago

Emma signed Kate Moss when she was 14

Emma has said, "My father wasn't there for personal and geographical reasons – he lived in Australia. But I had been living with Ian [McKellen] and he was a sort of father figure to" me

new4now ago

not getting the pic

I have to open a p.text and computer gobbley gob comes up

new4now ago

Didn't Ian come out of the closet or something?

Mad_As_Hell ago

He’s been openly gay for years. Lots of rumours he went to his friend Bryan’s pool parties though

new4now ago

does seem to be a Hollywood trend, Gay men and Pool Parties that is

Mad_As_Hell ago

Weird, it was working earlier

millennial_vulcan ago

see above on Storm Model Management founder/owner Sarah Doukas and sister, British Actress EMMA CHAMBERS who died a few months ago. WOAH!!

@Mad_As_Hell @bopper @srayzie @letsdothis1 @ben_matlock

millennial_vulcan ago

see above on Storm Model Management founder/owner Sarah Doukas and sister, British Actress EMMA CHAMBERS who died a few months ago. WOAH!!

@TrishaUK @UnicornAndSparkles @Piscina @DerivaUK @neptunium1

neptunium1 ago

Thanks for the ping.

In this post: The MISSING PEOPLE UK Charity and some very questionable patrons - further connections to paedophilia you'll see Branson's involvement with a charity that Kate McCann is an ambassador for. It also mentions Pete Townsend and Simon Cowell.

In 2003, Who guitarist Pete Townshend was arrested on suspicion of possession of child pornography. Police officers impounded seven computers from his £15 million ($25.5 million) home in Richmond, Surrey. Four months later Townshend received a warning as no evidence was found on his computers.

It just so happens that Sarah Doukas has connections to Pete Townsend of the Who. In this article about her first husband :

Doukas met John whilst she was a young model, hanging out at The Who's Ramport Studio in Battersea where they were recording.

And the Simon Cowell connection is via Simon Fuller who bought STORM Simon Fuller snaps up Storm model agency

So, the McCanns, Missing People Charity, Porton Down, intelligence services, half of the British entertainment industry - they are all linked.

YogSoggoth ago

QAre you actually Knighted Sir Richard Brensomthing ...posting here? Icke thing isn't working out so well. Better luck next time loser.

CosmicSponge ago

Kanye says he'll chill with Obama on Richard Branson's private island

millennial_vulcan ago

@ben_matlock @think- Please keep this thread up or remove 24 hr warning. It is v relevant to Pgate!

Here is some RB gossip from my london friends, one used to work in the fashion scene:

Branson is a founding partner in the well known high fashion STORM Modeling Agency. ( based in the ultra expensive Chelsea area of London. It is best known for 'discovering' a pre pubescent 14 year old KATE MOSS in 1988. SARAH DOUKAS is the other founding partner (cough 'Madam') who - via Kate and Kate lookalikes - was single handedly responsible for launching the 90s UNDERAGE-LOOKING 'waif' 'heroin-chic' (<---copyright Bill Clinton) aesthetic. Storm is a long rumored front for trafficking, drugging, pimping and all the usual deplorable goings on. Kate Moss herself has a well documented history with drink, drugs and violence all stemming from being repeatedly raped by pretty much the entire industry when she was just 14. Kate spent a lot of time with RB when she was 14.

Of note: Sarah Doukas sold her share in STORM Models to 19 Management in 2009. 19 Management was founded by the Spice Girls Manager SIMON FULLER who had a long running affair with pig-tails wearing BABY SPICE (Emma Bunton) when the group was starting out. Simon Fuller also founded 'American Idol' and is the boss of SIMON COWELL

Relevant to Pizzagate because of the links posted by OP, above.

Share, share! @carmencita @migratorypatterns @Vindicator

carmencita ago


On Necker Island, we are currently supporting The Robinson O'Neal Memorial Primary School. The Robinson O'Neal Memorial Primary School was one of the first schools in the area to be built for education purposes only in 1971. Prior to 1971, schools were housed in churches until the government began providing public buildings dedicated to education.

Project 1

Robinson O’ Neal Memorial Primary School was one of the first schools in the area to be built for education purposes only in 1971. The school educates 120 children from ages five through twelve years old.

Project 2

Sunshine Daycare/Pre-school is located in Handsome Bay, Virgin Gorda and is run by Marcia Jessop and a team of loving carers. The nursery, located upstairs accepts children from 3 months and up to enable parents to return to work following the allowed government maternity leave period. The pre-school downstairs is focused on teaching the children the fundamentals to start their education early before heading off to kindergartens and primary schools in the territory.

Project 3

Valley Day school is situated in the middle of the Valley, Virgin Gorda. It was started in the late 70s by the Holders, who had passion to teach young children to read. The school educates children from the ages of 4 through 12 years old and is now run by a mix of like-minded local and expatriate teachers. The teachers focus on educating the youth of the community, focusing on those who need financial assistance or special needs.

How to Pack

Pack for a Purpose provides travelers with the current information they need to take requested supplies for community-based projects around the globe. When you take your selected supplies you can drop them at your accommodation knowing they will be delivered directly to the project.

I have never heard of this Pack for a Purpose before. It seems to be some type of Children's Charity. Some how Branson and Child Charity give me the shivers @think- @Narcissism @new4now @migratorypatterns

millennial_vulcan ago

this is remding me of Oppy Winfreys African schools. All shady and shifty as F. And tax write offs etc. Fking ASSHOLES.

carmencita ago

Exactly! She knew darn well that woman she hired was a shady sex fiend. Like her.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, dear Lord! It's worse than we thought.

millennial_vulcan ago

Hiding in plain sight @carmencita @new4now


carmencita ago

The details are very slight. Not much info. But the children put up like they are for sale. Chilling to me.

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely. Best way to cover things up.

carmencita ago

This was in hiding really on the Necker site. I happened to scroll down and there it was. Was not even looking for it. This reminds me of Haiti. All those adorable little children in portrait shots. Scares me.

migratorypatterns ago

It should.

Just means you're human and have a heart unlike some monsters that will be dining at Hotel Gitmo soon.

carmencita ago

Tie them up in their cell and release the rattler.

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! Video 5:5!!!

new4now ago

That is so interesting

Very nice find, Very nice

millennial_vulcan ago

Keep digging and spreading, new4now!

new4now ago

will try

My head is so filled with everything

also been trying to keep track where Epsteins Plane is coming and going

he seems to be in Maryland and NJ lately

anyone got Branson's tail number?

millennial_vulcan ago

WHY is he spending so much time in the States and on the East Coast? WTF is going on???

@carmencita @migratorypatterns

new4now ago

just pulled up activity log

Fri 27 the plane flew from NJ to St Thomas, almost 7am landed almost 10:30am

Same Fri left St Thomas 4:30pm landed Palm Beach 7:50 that night

then Sun 6th

from Florida to Maryland 7:30am-9:48am

that night MA to NJ 9:31pm - 10:21pm

Didn't mean to disrupt post, Just remembered, Sorry

new4now ago

from Florida to NJ a lot

a day ago he pulled into Teterbobo NJ on the 6th at 10:21pm

from Bedford MA . left there less than hr from NJ

this is not the first of this trip

been back and forth few times, I'd say month at most

wish I could remember to check it everyday, I forget sometimes I tracking his plane lol

TrishaUK ago

Probably because they cannot trust the phones/emails, have to make sure the deals are done in person. They cannot trust anyone these days I guess, people previously 'in on it' are probably doing deals left right and centre trying to save their own necks!

new4now ago

tried to up vote you, forgot post was deleted

TrishaUK ago

same here lol

carmencita ago

Very interesting indeed. He and BC are involved with so much dealing and wheeling their feet never touch soil. We have now discovered RB has this nefarious charity for school kids and who knows what else. There is no end to the evil these people will do. Everyone of them almost has a foundation if they are anyone. They are all fakes.

carmencita ago

By accident. Shocked me actually. In the FB pgs. There are children pic shots where only 1 child is pictured, and there are a slew of them. I have always been suspicious by that. For Sale? Pretty obvious to me, imo. There is something pretty sketchy about this Pack for Purpose.

new4now ago

Necker needs to be looked at

We know Branson involved

migratorypatterns ago


Great stuff, MV. Thanks and this is all beginning to pull together. There really are only a few big elites running the perv show.

Uppa da Voat for you!

millennial_vulcan ago

and a Hugga for YOU! :) :)

Yes, shocking stuff. Been going for years, right under our noses. Doesnt it all make sense now?

migratorypatterns ago

Yup, sure does!

Go after the puppet masters ... there's only a handful. Lots and lots of perv followers, but they'll be rounded up easily. It's the big guys that have to be taken down and given a lifetime of luxury at Hotel Gitmo.

millennial_vulcan ago

RB is definitely a puppet master and another ahole thats been flying under radar for TOO LONG.

Out Out Out!

migratorypatterns ago


Problem is he's cultivated that mask of the rags-to-riches, independent dreamer who parlayed wild ideas into an empire! And there he is ... now on his own island and trying to do such good for the planet in eliminating carbon emissions ... meanwhile ... in his underground tunnels ...

It's the old secret of magic. Watch the right hand and you'll never see what someone's left hand is doing.

think- ago

Wow, thanks for this info! Looks like a deep rabbit hole!

=> We should put 'STORM Modeling Agency' on our laundry list for further digging.

@migratorypatterns @carmencita @srayzie

migratorypatterns ago

Hmmmm ... so STORM does fit in.

A lot of people are going to have to eat their skepticism.

carmencita ago

Why would Branson name his co. Virgin? Is that a tip off?

Kate spent a lot of time with RB when she was 14.

readstuff ago

Pretty interesting that Obama left office and immediately went on extended holiday with Branson (without Michele). One of the photos looks like wrestling lovers. See []

millennial_vulcan ago

VERY interesting and not sure why more commentary on this

ktec ago

There is so much wrong with this post.

Please stick to facts. Sure, ask questions, but many of your "assumptions" are weak at best.

Having actually been to Necker Island, I can assure you whilst it might be "next door" in a global sense, it really isn't that close. In fact Necker is in British Virgin Islands, and Epsteins pedo island is in US Virgin Islands.

Your "link" about his use of the word "Virgin" in his company name - does that mean ALL Virgin islands should be included?

Unfortunately Jimmy Savile ran a cover where he helped hundreds of children as part of his TV show, and literally hundreds of people and companies would have been involved in helping provide these experiences.

Seriously, I've been here in voat since Pizzagate, I am woke. I'm well aware of the global epidemic of child trafficking and satanic bullshit, BUT a lot of your statements are just opinions.

Please stop your bullshit and focus on facts. If you have legitimate questions, then phrase it as a question. Don't just write statements as if its a fact. Fuck sake.

Come back and provide some references.

TrishaUK ago

What the heck? you are criticising someone who has contributed to voat while you 'have been here on voat since pizzagate, and I am woke' have literally only, in 1.4 years contributed 1 Submission in all that time and Upvoted only 6 times! ktec.........a question.........what are you actually lurking and watching for on voat? most people here are trying to expose these sicko elites and help the children who are being abused by this exposure. - @carmencita @Vindicator @think- @DeathToMasonsASAP @migratorypatterns

think- ago

Yes, I saw it as well, Trisha.

carmencita ago

Here! Here! I second the motion! And I agree completely. I also have not seen any digging from this user, only complaints. Upvoat4U!

TrishaUK ago

Always wary or suspicious of these characters :)

Vindicator ago

He is Listed in Epstein's Little Black Book of people who have visited the island.

This statement is factually inaccurate, Narcissism. It's not a "book of people who visited the island." It's his address book. There are many many people in the book who have not visited the island, including people who he only met once, briefly, at events he didn't even host. Asserting that the book is a list of island visitors is disinfo and will be labeled as such if not correctled.

@think- @ben_matlock

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

@Vindicator, fair enough that they may never have visited, but I must say after reading Dave McGowan, Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor, their are a fair few on this list that are SERIOUS molestation suspects: Kissinger, McAlpine, Elizabeth, Andrew, Jimmy Buffet, Alan Dershowitz, Ghislane Maxwelll, Charlie Rose etc. And these are only people I've read somewhere that are accused of these things in books. Maybe they aren't all guilty of molestation, but they certainly do hang with some icky people and fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

Vindicator ago

I don't disagree with you PPP2. There are many slimeballs on that list.

carmencita ago

@Narcissism #8 Source Friends with Hillary Clinton q=picture+of+richard+branson+hillary+clinton+and+john+podesta&simid=608046601190705545&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0

Have not tied JP to RB yet. Still looking. Richard Branson is on the Board of Dir. of ICMCE and so is Tony P. There must be some connection here.

ben_matlock ago

Thanks, @carmencita!

OP, you should add these links into the main body of your post when you get a chance!

carmencita ago

I found something else that is amazing but is not to do with this.

Dick Gregory was a comedian and Civil Rights activist that spoke out against the New World Order. He just died in Washington DC in 2017. In this interview he speaks out about how he believes the global elite killed Prince. The day Prince died, Queen Elizabeth turned 90. She was in Washington DC with Obama. He also believes Prince was killed while on a plane owned by Warren Buffett who’s in with the evil cabal. He owns many airline companies and I wonder if he also owned the one Carrie Fisher “ODed” on. Anyway, this interview is interesting. Maybe this is one of the reasons Chris didn’t board one of his flights and chose to rent a car shortly before his death. See his interview here –

There is much in here connecting Branson Hillary etc. with lots of others. Amazing. The things you find while researching are astonishing sometimes.

think- ago

Great work, @Narcissism! Many things I didn't know.

Maybe other users can help you with providing links? Unfortunately, I don't have the time today.

kazza64 ago

i agree with you 100%

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Good thread, but yeah, links next time. You got the info, so share even simplistic links to what the source of your knowledge is. Very well thought out however. You nailed it how obvious all the connetions are. Just needs some documentation.

Digital-Patriot ago

You just need a brain.

carmencita ago

Just one of these things may not raise suspicions. Add them all up and his Sorry Bum is in Trouble. Again, only a Narcissist would name his business Virgin. Another Look at Me Ignoramus.

ben_matlock ago

Hi @narcissism,

Each one of these pieces of evidence, if not common knowledge, needs to be sourced with a link. Please ping myself or another mod after having done so, so that we can remove the flair...otherwise this will have to be deleted in 24hrs. Please do try to dig up some links (I'm sure the community will help), as RB definitely needs some looking into.


Rule 2: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ben, it is VERY relevant (see my post) but yes, OP could have provided links FFS!

millennial_vulcan ago

@think- please can you ask Ben to remove the 24 hour flair? Do not want to be disrespectful to the fantastic mods whatsoever, but as you can see Think, there are some excellent contributions to this thread and its clear how integral RB is to the overall PG research, correct? @carmencita

Vindicator ago

MV, @narcissism has to edit his post to add links for every claim. If he doesn't do so, you or someone else can make a new thread with proper documentation that doesn't make unsourced, speculative claims using everything that has been gathered here. The entire mod team nearly got the boot a couple of weeks ago from kevdude because we allowed unsourced discussion with a 24 hour flair. We aren't allowed to remove the flair on a rule-breaking post until it has been fixed. Sorry.

Also, no one is saying this isn't relevant (Rule 1). But it does need to have links to sources (Rule 2).

millennial_vulcan ago

Ok Vindi understood. Woudl not want to see any of the mods get the boot :(

carmencita ago

I think we should at least make an attempt to look into his Pack for a Purpose, among other finds. I feel there is something sinister going on with that place. These people do not spend time doing things for kids unless they can make money at it or get money for them. Do they put them up to be ordered for guests, Idk, it looks pretty fishy.

auralsects ago

it is unreal just how bad you guys are at moderating.

this is the LAST place every claim would need a source.

fabricating disinfo is INTERWOVEN between proven facts to bolster an argument; this is clearly stated as OLD EVIDENCE ALREADY PROVEN on a known person of interest.

OP was nice enough to compile it and now you want to waste an hour of his time chasing down links to prevent its deletion, rather than an hour digging deeper?

FUCK YOU, retard.

Digital-Patriot ago

Now I know why you have -281 CCP.

ben_matlock ago

I'm merely serving my primary function as a janitor: to make sure posts follow the community voted on and approved Submission Rules. If you are unfamiliar with the rules of this subverse, please refer to the sidebar.

Marked2476 ago

There's cooncidence.. then there are too many coincidences... right now, all of this puts him in the right places and with the right people, and that's deeply concerning... also, they tried to recruit him to nxivm, and apparently somewhere, there is evidence of that.

septimasexta ago

Let's not forget Branson's account of the recent 2017 Caribbean hurricane that ripped through the Virgin Is. including Branson's Necker Is:

"Besides detailing the storm's aftermath, Branson wrote about his experiences before the storm. He shared pictures of him playing games and crowding in two bedrooms with other team members on the island before they all headed into the wine cellar at Necker's Great House to stay safe.

"All of us slept together in two rooms. I haven't had a sleepover quite like it since I was a kid," Branson wrote in one post. "Strangely, it's a privilege to experience what is turning into possibly the strongest storm ever with such a great group of YOUNG people." MUST SEE PHOTOS

This sounds like Clintons/Haiti:

"We are using our foundation @virginunite to coordinate raising money for longer-term reconstruction projects," he wrote. "Virgin Unite is also working with @unitebvi and @virginlimitededition to support the local BVI communities. They will be working with local organisations to identify the ongoing needs of affected individuals, families and communities affected by this disaster. We will support the mid to long term efforts on the ground and help provide support as those affected recover from the disaster. Please donate what you can"

YogSoggoth ago

If you were in the court room tomorrow would you rely on the testimony of (A) Got all the money money can buy. (B) Dead peple cant spell stuff.