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think- ago

So this is the proof imo that he has been a professional trafficker:

'He also said he had been involved in the “training of slaves” for more than 20 years and had customers from New York City to Boston, according to court documents.'

He is married with two young daughters & has owned the Manchester Hotel since 2010.

Hessler Has Been a Volunteer EMT in His Hometown of Ellington Since 2007 & Was Elected as Vice President & Assistant Chief in 2017

Simon Hessler has been a volunteer EMT in his hometown of Ellington since 2007, according to his Linkedin profile. In 2017, Hessler was elected as the vice president and assistant chief of the Ellington Volunter Ambulance department. He is also an EMT and driver. According to state records, Hessler is a licensed EMT.

Hessler previously served as a volunteer EMT and ambulance driver with the Bloomfield Volunteer Ambulance Corporation from 1998 to 2013. On Linkedin, Hessler wrote that he, “Took a leave for several years and then was offered the position of deputy chief in charge of the training division.”

He was also an EMT and driver with the Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corporation from 1998 to 2008, and said he, “held many positions such as scheduler, lieutenant etc.”

He Is Originally From Switzerland & Graduated From Scarsdale High School in New York Before Attending the University of Hartford.

Hessler was born in Liestal, Switzerland, according to his Facebook page.

His Facebook:

He graduated from Scarsdale High School in New York in 1991. He then attended the University of Hartford.


I'm glad he's caught, but How does is this post relevant to the Elite Child Trafficking per rule 1?

(Pgisdumb I understand because he was on these boards)

think- ago

I'm glad he's caught, but How does is this post relevant to the Elite Child Trafficking per rule 1?

1) He is a businessman/hotel owner = elite

2) He ran a trafficking operation, selling 'slaves' to customers; probably for twenty years (see one of my comments above), probably this victim was not the only underage victim.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch


@Vindicator: 5 hours ago:

"Pizzagate as defined for this sub is an organized attempt by a corrupt group of wealthy, globalist powermongers who use the abuse of kids to keep their chokehold on power."

I personally think this should apply....but I'm getting posts removed because wealthy, elite doctors medically abusing kids apparently doesn't count.

CaJuN-M8 ago

Dude just shut the fuck up already. All you do is talk back and always fight about something.

Vindicator ago

why does the USA's largest association of doctors/2nd highest spending lobbying group (The American Medical Association) not count as "elite"

Who said it didn't? It would. But obviously that's only part of the equation. You have to show they are actually abusing children, not just trying to raise awareness and save lives. Since Day One, here, we've been targeted with confirmation bias posts designed to bait researchers into targeting legit businesses and decent individuals, and smeared with bullshit articles in the mainstream media claiming we were "alt-right extremists" brainwashed by conspiracy theories who have ruined the lives of innocent upstanding citizens like Jimmy "chickenlover" Comet.

That is why this community chose the submission rules it did and has repeatedly chosen to keep them, and why we are serious about enforcing them.