gogogogostop ago

Thanks for this! Great resource info!

think- ago

Hi @gamepwn, please put a 'PDF warning' before this link:


Thanks! :-)

Please keep up the good work.

gamepwn ago

Sure :)

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop with the sealed indictments already. And Weiner laptop info being revealed to all soon. You played it out. Didn't come true. Sealed indictments for years on end? There are no white hats and agenda 21 Eugenics and relocation plan has been in full swing the past two years while you fantasize about their minions arresting each other.

fogdryer ago

excuse me. its been 50 yrs...…..

fogdryer ago

Paul and Rham got caught in the cookie jar

Hillarys model is "snitching. A policeman will move into the neighborhood, where the crime is, try to make nice with the community hoping they will tell on each other..


idk where all the water is the model I guess is the computer chip

TrustTheTruth ago


What is The Deal that Trump MADE for 5G+8K AI?

Why was Q created and what is The Truth that Q is Hiding?

Why are Paul Ryan and Rahm Emanuel really resigning?

Where is Hillary's MODEL for Community Policing?

Where is the MODEL for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

Where is the World's Most Valuable Resource?

Where is the MODEL for The Mark of the Beast?


darkknight111 ago

These appear to be related to warrants. If these are related to the 61k sealed indictiments (the timing on each suggests that this is entirely possible), then we have 1 comcast account, 4 google accounts, 2 verizon accounts, 4 facebook email accounts, and possibly 2 instagram accounts in regards to pedophilia.

3-4 per page means about 400-500 indictments.

gamepwn ago

They are. I and several other anons spent the day going over them. They are wire tap results like you said on multiple numbers, emails, social media accounts, phone convo records, with each being labeled what federal crime they are under U.S.C. code. AWS and the shills are trying to downvote this and quickly bury it.

darkknight111 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2794548 Look at this thread and the contents within.

We could have a match.

KnightsofHubris ago

Wow. I just looked at that thread. So you made a major accusation against me and didn't even @me. Typical.

No that guy is not me. This guy is way closer to this unfolding that I was. I don't spend any time on 4chan and wasn't around for beginnings of pizzagate. I was pretty confused for quite a while how it actually started. I don't think I got into this until it had already moved to Voat, until after the election was over. Whenever I registered AreWeSure. I didn't know the Silsby thing was a key allegation. I only looked into that, probably in 2017. He also seems to be British. He explains the Camp sensibility much better than I do. He also seems to into find out people's real names which I don't care about. Not sure if I ever saw this article, but I read his other one, probably early 2018 maybe? I don't think I heard of Benjamin Crosby Moore before tonight. I remember wishing I had read something like his other article earlier, because he seemed to have a lot of key dates in the creation of pizzagate.

KnightsofHubris ago

Being a pedophile is not a crime. Abusing children or having child pornography are crimes. That's the distinction.

These appear to be related to warrants. If these are related to the 61k sealed indictiments

They are wire tap results

They are not warrants and they are not wire tap results. Wiretap authorization allows you to listen to phone calls. These are pen register and tap and trace requests. PR/TT applications is what they are called in this document. And they date from 2008 to first nine months of 2017. https://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/sites/dcd/files/2018StandingOrderOct2017thruMarch2018.pdf

A pen register allows you to see the list of phone calls made, but you don't know the content of the phone calls. Ever see the TV show The Wire? They would put a Pen Register on the pay phones the drug dealers used. It's less invasive than a wiretap and requires a lower standard of evidence. AND you don't need a search warrant to get one of these approved. Essentially when you use a phone, you leave public records with Verizon or ATT or whomever operates the phone. The government asks the business for these records which the business owns. A pen register captures numbers called from that phone number. A tap and trace captures incoming numbers.


“Basically, a pen register is a device or process which records the telephone numbers of outgoing calls; the trap and trace device captures the telephone numbers of incoming calls.”

Federal authority to conduct the pen/trap form of electronic surveillance is codified at 18 U.S.C. §§ 3121–3127.

Pen/trap orders allow the government to obtain communications metadata–like the phone numbers of incoming and outgoing calls, or email addresses of senders and recipients. Pen/trap orders do not allow the government to listen in on the actual contents of a call or read the actual contents of an email or text.

Again, this list is not sealed indictments. There are many types of court proceedings that cause a case to be sealed.

This is list is in response to FOIA request by a national security reporter, Jason Leopold and the case has been going on for several years. He used to work for Vice News and a ton of other places and now works for Buzzfeed. He wanted to find out how often the government was using pen registers and tap and traces. However, since requests for pen registers are sealed there was no way to count how many cases were sealed because of PR/TT applications (just like there is no way to count how many Sealed Indictments there are. Hint, it's not 61K.) So he filed a request saying presumably sealed case files have an expiration date and he would like this information when the seal was lifted. This is a document he filed in 2013.


He asks the court to unseal these cases when they are done. So there will be no active cases in the list released. He also asks for the government for other information that does involve getting warrant, but that is not released here. According the Court's ruling from feb 2018. It appears that might be released in the future https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/leopold-buzz.pdf

Piscina ago

Your play at semantics doesn't work. Being a pedophile is a crime. 'Being' denotes acting. Acting on your sick and perverted urges IS abusing and hurting children. Pedos are criminals and should feel the full force of the law on them.

KnightsofHubris ago

Your play at semantics doesn't work. Being a pedophile is a crime. 'Being' denotes acting.

Nonsense. Being doesn't denote acting at all. A heterosexual is someone attracted to the opposite sex. It does not mean you are acting on that desire. A pedophile is someone attracted to children. It doesn't mean you are acting on that desire.

Acting on your sick and perverted urges

Are you claiming these are MY urges? or are you speaking generically.


Fuck you and your illogical pedantry. A murderer is a person who kills unjustly. Murder is a crime.

You are mistaken. Pedophile is not analogous to a murderer. That's because the suffix er means one who does

-er......(added to verbs) A person or thing that does an action indicated by the root verb; used to form an agent noun. reader, cooker, computer, runner-up, do-gooder

A molester is a criminal, but that is not what pedophile means. A child molester exists as a pedophile before taking any criminal acts.

A pedophile is a person who sexually abuses children.

Dictionary.com and many, many people would disagree with this statement.

pedophile noun Psychiatry. an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.


If a person thinks about murder or child rape, they aren't necessarily either (though it is still an evil, sinful, immoral thought).

This is person would be a pedophile.

Anybody who self-identifies as a pedophile is embracing evil.

Only if you use your mistaken definition. Pedophiles are the ones who have the urge to be with children sexually. If they are fighting these urges, they are not embracing evil.

Piscina ago

When one is a criminal, it is because he has committed a criminal act. When one is a homosexual, it is because he/she has engaged in a sexual act with a person of the opposite sex (even if only once). When one is a pedophile, it is because, if he has not raped a child, he is at least thinking about raping a child.

KnightsofHubris ago

When one is a heterosexual, it is because he/she has engaged in a sexual act with a person of the opposite sex (even if only once).

No it's not. Where the hell do you get that definition? You can be heterosexual and a virgin. Heterosexual describes your preference, not your experience.


"Pedophile is not analogous to a murderer. That's because the suffix "er" means one who does"

False: The original Greek word already is an "agent noun".

the root verb "philos" (paedo + philos) means "loving". In the form "phile", it means "lover"

The term "Pedophile" has always meant "Child-Lover" in the same way a "Necrophile" means a "Lover of the Dead"

The term "lover" in this context has always referred to the sexual act. Its only recently that Pedophiles like you have attempted to redefine this.


Being a pedophile is not a crime.

Fuck you and your illogical pedantry.

A murderer is a person who kills unjustly. Murder is a crime.

A pedophile is a person who sexually abuses children. Pedophilia is a crime. (Pedophilia includes seeking out and watching Child Porn as it is still sexually taking advantage of a child)

If a person thinks about murder or child rape, they aren't necessarily either (though it is still an evil, sinful, immoral thought).

I've counseled people with very dark thoughts. (Many recovering from SSRI, and anti-depressant use...don't ever use these soul killing drugs that distort/blunt your emotional consciousness)

However. They did not act on their thoughts. And they were repulsed with themselves for even having the thoughts.

Anybody who self-identifies as a pedophile is embracing evil.

Anybody defending them is also evil.

darkknight111 ago

Pedos are scum to need to die just for being pedos. End of story.

Anyone who defends pedos is equally a scum bag.

gamepwn ago

Haha that is definitely AWS. I want to see that if you find a link to see it drop it so everyone here can see that shill for what he is. Someone suggested to me that is it Michael Aquino and said look at Aquino's writing then AWS.

gamepwn ago

Btw Knight of Hubris just admited he was AWS and deleted his comment. He replied with Knight defending himself.

KnightsofHubris ago

Are_we_sure, Are_we__sure and Knights of Hubris are me and I jump between them pretty often. I only have 10 comments on each.

Again, you are mistaken as to what this document is and I know the backstory behind it. It does not show sealed indictments and given my quick looking into it, the list will be of cases that are closed.

Are_we_sure ago

Document clearly says this is not indictments. These are for different types of sealed files, in this case requests for pen registers. These are not indictments.


gamepwn ago

Always trying to push disinformation? I looked up the codes and confirmed them both through government and law sources and other users. Try again.

Are_we_sure ago

Always trying to push disinformation?

You need to learn a lot more about what you are talking about before you accuse me of anything let alone being inaccurate, let alone being deliberate inaccurate.

I looked up the codes and confirmed them both through government and law sources and other users.

I don't know why you think that gains you anything. All you have gotten is the code numbers of various US laws. This takes you no closer to find any sealed indictments, because you don't have a list of sealed indictments, but a list of sealed requests for pen registers and tap and trace requests, as I indicated.

I can explain to you exactly what this document is about and why the judge made this list public if you want to have a civil discussion about this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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AUSAFVet ago

Aren't tap and trace requests a good thing though? Just asking..I don't know..

gamepwn ago

He keeps repeating disinformation but everyone is talking about this.


Are_we_sure ago

Do you have the capability of having a genuine discussion in good faith? Do you have the intellectual honesty to do so?

You keep claiming I'm pushing disinformation when I can point to the entire history of how these documents became unsealed and point you to the court documents to read yourself

Everyone keeps talking about it? And? If they are all wrong, what does that gain you? Do you have the intellectual capacity to read the original court documents and decide for yourself?

KnightsofHubris ago

dunno what you mean by a good thing, but they are not indictments. They are a different tool used by law enforcement, they require less evidence than a wiretap warrant.