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Are_we_sure ago

Document clearly says this is not indictments. These are for different types of sealed files, in this case requests for pen registers. These are not indictments.

gamepwn ago

Always trying to push disinformation? I looked up the codes and confirmed them both through government and law sources and other users. Try again.

Are_we_sure ago

Always trying to push disinformation?

You need to learn a lot more about what you are talking about before you accuse me of anything let alone being inaccurate, let alone being deliberate inaccurate.

I looked up the codes and confirmed them both through government and law sources and other users.

I don't know why you think that gains you anything. All you have gotten is the code numbers of various US laws. This takes you no closer to find any sealed indictments, because you don't have a list of sealed indictments, but a list of sealed requests for pen registers and tap and trace requests, as I indicated.

I can explain to you exactly what this document is about and why the judge made this list public if you want to have a civil discussion about this.

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AUSAFVet ago

Aren't tap and trace requests a good thing though? Just asking..I don't know..

gamepwn ago

He keeps repeating disinformation but everyone is talking about this.

Are_we_sure ago

Do you have the capability of having a genuine discussion in good faith? Do you have the intellectual honesty to do so?

You keep claiming I'm pushing disinformation when I can point to the entire history of how these documents became unsealed and point you to the court documents to read yourself

Everyone keeps talking about it? And? If they are all wrong, what does that gain you? Do you have the intellectual capacity to read the original court documents and decide for yourself?

KnightsofHubris ago

dunno what you mean by a good thing, but they are not indictments. They are a different tool used by law enforcement, they require less evidence than a wiretap warrant.