Truthseeker3000 ago

The de Rothschild who wanted a normal life I believe was the father to Kate and James, James de Rothschild who is now Nicky Hilton’s husband. Kate de Rothschild has lived an awful life and has been so brainwashed by other family members. They were lead to believe their father died by suicide because of mental illness but this was not the case. Kate was married to a Goldsmith, brother to Jemima Goldsmith, she had two kids with him then she cheated on him and they divorced. She was then with a broke British black Muslim rapper and the family was mortified and cut her off financially. She was seen at pawn shops. She was thought to have converted to Islam at one point but the family is Jewish occult. They stopped seeing one another still friends but Jemima her former sister in law is very close with her as if her handler. Kate now advocates for Muslim’s and Palestinians going to the country and whatnot. They all preach that whole anti white thing and are rarely seen with other whites like many de Rothschilds. Ass backwards family. The young ones are beyond hopeless.

dandelion2319 ago

The Rothschild are not real Jews. They hide behind calling themselves Jewish but the truth is these elites many of them are about as anti Jewish as can be. They are Ash Jews and they were supporters of Hitler. Nothing is as it seems with these families. I mean damn Hollywood blackballed Chaplin for making fun of and critizing Hitler during WWII.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/3rdCouncilofNicea comment by @flyingcuttlefish.

Posted automatically (#6750) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And there was the Rothschild that was eaten by cannibals. If you go against them on anything they think is crucial, it seems you can be taken out if not turned or silenced.

Rubieroo ago

Eww, gaah - is THAT what happened to him? And did the cannibals have to share with visiting Illuminati?

carmencita ago

Officers said that separate police forces across Britain were unable to connect the dots, partly because a national crime database did not come into operation until 2010.

So do we have such a database? Of course we must. I have my idea who one of these is. I shall keep it to myself.

carmencita ago

Human bones have been found during renovation work near the Vatican's Embassy to Italy, reviving talk about one of the Holy See's most enduring mysteries — the fate of the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee who disappeared in 1983.

You should do a post on that. Very Revealing.

Vindicator ago

Hi there @Rubieroo. Can you add a clear statement to this submission that it's related to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite via the brutal measures employed to silence those who would out the cabal? We need this per Rule 1, to keep on the right side of Voat's free speech imperative. Thanks. I'll give you the 24 Hour Grace flair so you can edit.

Rubieroo ago

Hi Vin! Not sure what to add to it? This story seems to be a bit of a mystery dealing with both the silencing of a dissenter and the kingpin family of child sex trafficking and Satanic ritual abuse of children - but I do not know how it exactly fits into pizzagate per se. Was requested to post it here so I complied - nice bunch you have here, btw! :)

think- ago

Hi Rubieroo, thank you very much for this post. Before we can remove the flair, I would like to ask you to please

  • either remove this paragraph:

Doug Haggman told a story years ago about a man who wanted his blood tested to make sure it was all "human", and the process to acquire the blood being difficult. They tried to keep it a secret, but it seems they failed. He alluded to this poor fellow. According to Haggman the blood was tested and the answer was NO. (Nephilim to Rephaim?)

or explain how it relates to this post, and please note that we see all Reptilian and alien stuff as 'speculative', so the post would need to go to v/pizzagatewhatever if you would like to leave this rumoured story about bood-testing in the OP.

Thank you.

We will allow some more time for editing. Leaving the flair up per Rule 2 (Empiricism).

Rule 2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link. If you ask a question: Explain what led to your question and provide sources. If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless speculation. ALL posts must include at least one link.


P.S.: You are kindly welcome to post here regularly, @Rubieroo, but you might want to make yourself familiar with the v/pizzagate rules, that are a bit more strict than the v/GreatAwakening rules.

You will find the rules in the sidebar, please switch to desktop view when on mobile.

Thank you, and please keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more posts by you.

Rubieroo ago

Yeah, I can actually edit that out. It was a rather amazing story - first of its kind, really - but it was in an audio program from probably 10+ years ago done by a man who was, at the time, a well known Canadian former corporate investigator and writer for Canada Free Presse.

The relationship between that detail and pizzagate will probably become important at some point, but for now - not so much.

Sorry, I doubt I could find that audio from it, and I don't know that he has ever spoken about it again. I cannot even recall the fate of the samples he held at one time.

think- ago

Thanks for editing, I have removed the flair.

Pro-tip: If you have speculative stuff without sources, you can put this info in a comment; adhering to the rules is only required for the actual body of a post.

Rubieroo ago

Sounds good! It was an old story - these were all the details I could recall about it. Since it seemed at the time that nothing was ever going to be done about it I never bothered keeping sources, and here we are: something being done about it ;)

think- ago


think- ago

Well, as I said I'd leave speculative stuff out altogether - v/pizzagate requires backed up evidence, and an audio report of a single man wouldn't suffice - we'd had to flair the post 'Possible Disinformation' at least.

think- ago

@EricKaliberhall: We are going to leave the post up, and will allow some more time to edit. Thanks. :-)

Please see my comment in parent.

Vindicator ago

Thanks Rubieroo. :-) Welcome to the most shilled spot on the internet (though the Q threads are giving us serious competition, LOL).

Just add: "This is related to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite because it shows the brutal measures employed to silence those who go against the cabal." ;-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Q threads are shill threads and you are a gatekeeper. So there is that mrs censorship.

Rubieroo ago

Will do!

Yeah, I remember when reddit did that thing it DOES and got rid of ALL pizzagate stuff. Then Q. I'm so glad to be out of there. It was always a risky proposition using enemy territory to fight the enemy. Though I still use FB to redpill :P

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

wordpress -

kcstar -

independant -

whale -

wiki - -

Amschel Rothschild died in July 1996. He was found hanged at the Hôtel Le Bristol Paris. The death came hours after a meeting, during which plans were discussed for a merger of asset management companies.

Rubieroo ago

Excellent, thanks! Grim stuff, huh?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yes, and the headline is correct, I had forgotten about his death.

CrowWatcher ago

Killery meme regarding red scarf:

Rubieroo ago


894984654994 ago

I just had a random thought:

Hardcore Liberal, Hardcore Left... Could also be... Hardcore Luciferianism, Hardcore Luciferian.

And conversely...

Hardcore Conservitism (Trumps version), Hardcore Conservative... could be... Hardcore Christianity, Hardcore Christian

Rubieroo ago

Good comparison. Some of the reddit shilling for a while involved people trying to sell everyone on how Satanism is really innocent. As though it were just playacting. I see that going on on 8chan too, right now. But they are calling it "Set" and trying to get people into it in the "space/alien" threads by pretending "it's just astral projection to see space!". One time one of the Satanist/shills asked "what's wrong with Satanism?" and a commenter responded "Nothing, if you like buying, selling, raping, murdering, and eating babies and children". That was such a good response.

894984654994 ago

Yeah they have been really pushing it openly over the past 6-7 years if not more... gradually but then it ramped up..

Alex Jones was talking about them having "Satanic after school groups, for kids"... like kids age 9 and whatnot...


It's insane that you don't hear more about this and about how blatant it is... but it's the vatican that has done such a good job of making God not look cool anymore. It's sad, man! I'm no hardcore Christian but I was inevitably led here and I now consider it all the real deal 200%, all human history is in there and it plainly explains the hidden link.

The elites and billionaires, trillionaires are all dead set (no pun intended) on the dark side... fully devoted (well a certain faction of them, the most rich/powerful OTHER THEN TRUMP!) to EVIL.

That convinces me even more that God is the real deal... It's all pre-written though, God won when Jesus Christ shed his blood for us - Humanity. It was won there and then.

Pablolove ago

The problem is the Catholic Church and other apostate 'christian' religions have obscured the truth of the scriptures. The fact people don't pay close enough attention to what the scriptures say p,aye right into their hands. If people don't know the truth for themselves then how are they able to identify false prophets like them.

894984654994 ago

I agree 110% and that's why when I finally and truly, seriously, started to seek the Bible on my own, through all my other research about these people, 10 years worth, I knew right off the back to seek ONLY the KJV 1611 Bible. Even though it is some heavy reading, it is truly worth it. The "dumbed" down versions are in fact weaponized to miscontrue to meaning of the WORD of God. It's disgusting how sick these people are.

Anything and everything to subvert Jesus Christ.

Pablolove ago

I don't actually think it's as much about the particular translation as who's doing the preaching. Think that's why we need to read it for ourselves.

UKD ago

A couple Jewish billionaires were recently hung by their belts in Toronto.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Re the Toronto billionaire couple murdered Barry and Honey Sherman Someone posted this comment on CDAN: @carmencita

I'm from Canada. While I don't know information about the Shermans specifically, I do have a close friend who works for Apotex who got drunk and spilled the tea about their shady dealings. With drugs on the market, each country has its own regulations about what the shelf life of those medications are. After it expires in one country, they collect it and ship it to another whose shelf life is longer. It goes along the chain until no where will sell it because it's so expired. At that point they donate it somewhere like Africa and then get a tax write off for the full value of the drugs - so they look like they give a shit while they're actually just lining their pockets. The main drug that my friend mentioned was the AIDS cocktail.

carmencita ago


I'm still not 100% certain who or what "The Church" is (Schneiderisnext...where are you?!?!), but they are the organization behind all these recent blinds. I've seen Hillsong, The Mormons, The Dream Center, and others brought up.

The Church, if the same one in all blinds, was started "a couple years ago in northern Arizona." (Toronto) stated that the "Clinton Foundation that coached Rwanda to seek help from Canada under the Access to Medicines Regime" and "More countries are seeking triple combination AIDS medication like Apo-triAvir because the toxicity is lower than that linked with other combination drugs like stavudine, a leading first-line AIDS drug."

Bill Clinton punted the Tutsi genocide. This was either a bid to make up for that or just another blind eye turned toward that shithole. I think Clinton is F.

Just throwing this out there - the CIA has sometimes been referred to as "Christians In Action". And was investigated in the 70's by the Church Commission (named for the head of the commission, Senator Frank Church)

I have a hunch that Schneiderisnext is correct and "The Church" is, if not the Mormons alone, then definitely closely associated with the Mormons. (Mormons are, after all, Freemasons).

Mormons are obsessed with South America, they think their bullcrap story invented by Joseph Smith took place there, and that the native South Americans are one of the lost tribes of Israel.

"A product he had been testing not only in poor countries around the world, but also testing in a facility in the middle of his own country, away from prying eyes. Did he have permission to test it there? No. Those indigenous people thought they were signing up for something completely different for that money they were being paid."

Apotex has a facility in Winnipeg, the largest city in Manitoba. There are a lot of indigenous people in Manitoba. The country's premier HIV and AIDs research lab is in Winnipeg. Unlike most of Canada but like much of Africa, the main mode of HIV transmission in Manitoba is via heterosexual sex. Interesting, isn't it?

Trudeau knew precisely what he was doing when he went to Agi Khan's island and flew in his private helicopter. He also knew what he was doing when he attended this fundraiser hosted by Sherman that is presently under investigation. There have been questions about the growth of the Trudeau Trust since he became prime minister. But, I could never have considered our government to be involved in a hit until reading this blind! Something smells rotten in Denmark!

For those thinking global cabal type organization for the Church, apparently George Soros nephew spent a few days with Trudeau before he announced Canada was giving 20 plus million to the Clinton Foundation. It connects the dots to all these players. Based on the present investigation of Sherman by our Lobbying Commissioner, he was connected, at the minimum, to Trudeau.

“As President, he led the global fight against HIV/AIDS. Under President Clinton, the U.S tripled funding for international AIDS programs in just two years – to $466 million in FY 2001 – for prevention, care and treatment, and health infrastructure. In addition, President Clinton signed an Executive Order in May 2000 to help make HIV/AIDS-related drugs and medical technologies more affordable and accessible in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries.
 Since leaving the White House, President Clinton has continued to expand efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and has focused on strengthening care and treatment programs to developing countries. The William J. Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative ( has been a major player in making low cost, high-quality AIDS medicines and diagnostic tests available in the developing world.”


These are just some responses. Schneiderisnext seems to be pretty well versed. There are many more, too many to list here. Just thought I would post for our newbies who probably have not been clued in. I am thinking it is the place in AZ. The Church that was in another blind. Possibly the F is for FLDS. Just a wild guess.

paulf ago

Carmen, The Church is the elite masonic cabal of Luciferians who run the world. But only for a little longer.

carmencita ago

One of the reasons they keep defiling Our Children is to make people fall away from the Church. They know that it will contribute to the young giving up their faith, and also to commit their perverted crimes. They will eventually be found out. What they have been doing. There are people fighting to rescue and save their religion and take back their Church.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow unbelievable. The Sherman family recently posted a $10M reward for info relating to their parents death. Media says they were upstanding members of society involved in charity and humanitarian causes. So obvious that whatever the media says should be taken with a grain of salt as everything is inverted and twisted in their Luciferian religion. I wonder if Canadians know about the Apotex testing in Winnipeg? Not like media will cover it or anything. How are all these people getting aids in the first place? So many questions.

carmencita ago

My take is that he discovered what they were doing with his product and how it was affecting the death with Africans with Aids. We have heard before how possibly Bill C & Bill G were responsible for watering down the Aids Vaccines. I believe Sherman was going to Blow the Whistle. God, why can't they just keep things to themselves and just blurt it all out at once to someone at Life Source, or similar. Another Murder of a Whistle Blower.

See my New Post

carmencita ago

Yes, I read that. The kicker is the AIDS cocktail. I remember reading either in that Blind or another about them, that it pointed to the vaccines passed out by Bill C and Bill G. And the blank was going to hit the fan. If I find it I will post, but stuff is constantly disappearing. So smart you spotted that. Not many people read the comments.

Rubieroo ago

Whoah - really? I remember when they died, but never heard HOW

paulf ago

Lots of very revealing details here.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the article. There was a CDAN Blind about it. Sherman.

This is becoming all too popular.

paulf ago

No way! Thanks Carmen - this info needs a deep dive.

carmencita ago

People don't know what info is sometimes revealed in these blinds. People give all kinds of info. Amazing. Some are so woke.

paulf ago

Oh I'm a big CDAN fan from way back when (and a supporter on Patreon). But I missed this drop.

894984654994 ago

More assassinations... scary stuff.

TexasInfidel ago

They use guns in synagogues too . . . . . . wait for it

Rubieroo ago

Hmm...hadn't thought on that possibility. Would not surprise me at all to hear that there was a precise target in that crowd.

TexasInfidel ago

They wont let it out,old news by next week anyway

Rubieroo ago

Has anyone analyzed the list of victims yet? To see who the target was? Guessing 8ch has been on it...

carmencita ago

I think your post is extremely important. You will have to find a link that leads to some article that will verify your title. You make a very good point. Do you have the link to that quote? Add it to your post. You also have to include an explanation as to how this relates to pizzagate and the elite's sex trafficking of Our Children.

septimasexta ago

Amschel Rothschild's son is James Rothschild. Guess who he married? NICKY HILTON Evidently, Chelsea Clinton was a guest at the wedding. Amschel's replacement is Lynn and Evelyn Rothschild, friends and backers of Hillary Clinton.

septimasexta ago

The Clinton Family Foundation and the tragic death of a 17 year old girl, reportedly the daughter of Bill Clinton's childhood friend.... leads to another Foundation, the Thea Foundation. "17-year-old Thea Leopoulos was killed in a car accident in Arkansas on Memorial Day of 2001..."

"In Thea’s memory, the Leopoulos family began a foundation to support the arts in schools. The largest single donor since it launched has been the Clinton Family Foundation, the little-known private family foundation of Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton, which has sent more than $1 million to the Thea Foundation to fund college scholarships, art supplies, and art in schools.

“We would not be at the level we are today, not even close to it, if it weren’t for his donations and for his believing in us,” Leopoulos said of Bill Clinton’s support over the years."

The Clinton Foundation You’ve Never Heard Of The little-known Clinton Family Foundation has spent more than $20 million on smaller goals: supporting their local firehouse, the Arkansas Ballet, and more.

Interestingly, most of the money in the Clinton's family foundation was funneled into the notorious CLINTON FOUNDATION. After Hillary lost, this money funneling was drastically reduced. However, the donation to the Thea Foundation continued as usual:

Hillary Clinton’s Charitable Giving Dipped by Millions in 2016 Clintons did not give money from personal family foundation to Clinton Foundation for first time in years


"The Clinton Family Foundation, which is the charitable vehicle used by the Clintons for their personal giving, reported disbursements of just $395,000 to groups last year, a drastic decline from the $2,630,500 in 2015.

A major portion of the dip can be attributed to the fact that the Clintons did not pass money from the Clinton Family Foundation to the controversial Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton reported giving $1,042,000 to charity in 2015 on her income tax return. Of that amount, $1,000,000—or 96 percent—went to the Clinton Family Foundation. Once the money is parked in the Clinton Family Foundation, it is then disbursed to their charitable endeavors."

"That year, the Clintons reported giving $2,630,500 in donations from the Clinton Family Foundation to other groups—$1.5 million (or 57 percent) of which was passed on to the Clinton Foundation, the Free Beacon previously reported. The remaining $1,130,500 in charitable giving went to groups such as Yale University, Georgetown University, the Wildlife Conservation Society, and Hippy USA, a school readiness program.

But in 2016 the Clintons did not give money to the Clinton Foundation from their personal family foundation, accounting for a $1.5 million dip in giving from 2015."

"The largest contributions the Clintons made last year included a $100,000 donation to the THEA FOUNDATION, an Arkansas-based children arts group.."

Was someone being kept quiet?

septimasexta ago

"Party to celebrate the launch of Hillary Clinton's book 'Hillary' thrown by Lynn De Rothschild"

"FORTUNE Most Powerful Women Dinner New York City" (Lady Lynn and Chelsea)

septimasexta ago

Some wealthy Southern plantation owner families were in the same trap of generational sin. Slave labor plantations were the economic engine for the country, and the offspring were expected to continue the plantation/ slave trade business. The responsibility came with the wealth.

dandelion2319 ago

Maybe off topic- but I was researching my family tree and wow my vast Cherokee and Creek ancestors owned huge plots of land and had huge logging and agriculture businesses that they all had taken with the Trail of Tears. Literally what would be millions or more of dollars basically taken just like that and when they found oil on the land given to them in Oklahoma they forcibly took that too. My Great Grandmother spent her whole life in court trying to fight it and get was owed to her family. Disgusting they could and can still just do that.

septimasexta ago

Would love to see your research. I'm trying to put together the True history of North America. I have some Welsh ancestry. There are oral traditions that around 500AD, a Welsh prince and about 100 ships sailed to the North American coast and landed in the area of Mobile bay. There are many clues that indicate they were the "Mound Builders". I have found a transcript on the Internet of a Christian ministers' 1890's account of interviewing earlier English/Welsh explorers who encountered "Welsh" speaking tribes of Native Americans located in the Mississippi valley ("Mississippians). The mounds are very similar to the Welsh/English "mott and bailey" fort which still are found in the English countryside. There are also reports that the Smithsonian had found giant skeletal remains buried in the mounds. They were removed and supposedly evidence/knowledge of them were covered up in the 1900's. There is much to research!

The Native Americans were never one cohesive group. There were many tribes; some got along and others fought each other. When English colonists arrived, many were happy to trade with the "white man" and coveted the new European goods. It was not uncommon for an English trader to marry a chief's daughter to secure "trading rights". Unfortunately, he might also have an English wife who did not know about the arrangement....

dandelion2319 ago

Ancestry site my name is Sandra Danderson. I stopped researching when I became busy because my dog is seriously ill and I am overwhelmed but it is the Berryhilll line predominately. I am a tribal member thru my Cherokee ancestors but we are denied through our Berryhill Creek family members because after they were relocated in Oklahoma they found oil on their (Tobe BerryHill son Chaz Berryhill) land and they said our line was adopted despite having our names on the Indian scrolls being on there and obviously crossed out. Really crazy case and they refuse to allow DNA to be allowed to be used to establish proof of identify. What is even crazier is there our history books about my people where my relatives are directly spoken about by name and their family stated and they still deny us.

Rubieroo ago

Not sure of the relation to pizzagate (beyond the obvious pedo/child sex trafficking that the whole crowd engages in), but was recommended to repost it here.

Was actually just tracking it in GA on account of the Q connection to the Rothschild estate, and suddenly remembered this odd story. Seemed something that should be added to the list of crimes against the Satanist cabal.

That's interesting about the coverup - wow. They just don't even TRY to hide their crimes a lot of the time, do they? I'll take a look around and see what I can find - old articles.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

James Alefantis is a Rothschild, or so it seems, and Rothschild directs the banking cartel that owns USA INC and all our state apparatus as well as controlling virtually all the worlds governments. It is at their behest that this criminal system runs the way it does. Trump loaded up on Rothschild, Goldman, Morgan, Warbug emploees, all co owners of the private Federal Reserve. They all bow to Rothschild.

septimasexta ago

Can you give us a list for research?

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting that, and regarding the death of his mother too, well the whole scenario seems pretty suspect. It's just the elite protecting the elite again. He was due to take on his new position and possibly someone just could not bear it. He was such a wisp of a man very tall and thin, and nothing like the Rothschilds.

Rubieroo ago

Looks like everything that should have been Amschel's passed to Nathaniel. Now there's a creepy looking dude.

By the way, I found something interesting about that estate where the helicopter crashed with the mystery young male passenger. The Rothschilds turned its surroundings into a model of the Temple of Set. Photos HERE

Piscina ago

That building gives me a very bad feeling for some reason.

carmencita ago

I remember the crash. We researched that quite heavily on here. Nothing they do surprises me anymore. There certainly is enough property there for that Temple.

Rubieroo ago

I'm gonna see if I can find those posts. I'm sure there's a ton of info in them. Q No. 175 - could be we're supposed to pay attention to that one right now, if I'm taking it right by just a straight reading of what Q last said. Time to resurrect it all.

carmencita ago

They are out there all right. Thanks for that. I would help but working on a post. :)

Blacksmith21 ago

@darkknight111 @sospricyhotdog @vindicator - Who else had dug into the Roths that I'm forgetting?

Rubieroo ago

Any info on Guy de R? I'm losing track, but someone just said there is no info on that one either.

894984654994 ago

Is it possible that David Icke is actually onto something with them actually believing they are of the line of Cain and direct descendants of Satan with his Lizard People theory (I'm not trying to make it sound silly BTW, I find it scary as fuck to ponder).

Know why?

This video... I never ever forgot this video...

Watch it a few times and analyze closely. Use your brain-eyes and LOGIC.

Is. this. fucking. normal?

Consider the age of the video and restrictions of special FX back in those days. . . - I mean, this video is still the most convincing I've seen for all the "Reptilian proof" and checkout the guys name... Isiah Carey . .. .

Jim Carey being a current Satanic high priest... Isiah being from the bible.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and it hides right in plain sight.

And BTW the view count on that video is 200% being manipulated... 640 in 4 years? No fucking way.

Rubieroo ago

I'll give it a watch! The names are confused a lot, but the biblical terms were Nephilim for the fallen angels (the Watchers), and Rephaim for their offspring, hybrids of human women and the Nephilim. That was not all the Nephilim did though - they attempted to interfere with ALL flesh, every species. The Book of Enoch records those dead hybrids as being the source of earth bound demons. Nowadays we have people talking about "greys". More hybrids. Looks like they've found a way to reproduce without their offspring becoming 30 feet tall. All Rephaim are cannibals. What happens to people who have been altered or have SOME non-human genetic material in them? Gibhorrim? Might be where the reptilian comparison is coming from. I've seen footage of some pretty weird stuff.

894984654994 ago

Thanks for that.

Thoughts on this:

And this:

Is Corey Goode/L.A. Marzulli just schills in your opinion or genuine truth searchers? I'm really not convinced on Goode b/c he associates with David Wilcock who I don't trust at all.

Blacksmith21 ago

Notice body count changes mid search.

Sorry - was thinking of the old man. Tired.

fogdryer ago

Of course they kill their own. They all do. There is info out there that says G. Vanderbilts lost son....... etc Now the details of the crash I didn’t know.
You are saying a young man died ? How do you know Who was in the chopper? How do you know ?

Rubieroo ago

The pilot, Captain Mike Green, and his passenger - an unnamed young man or boy. The news story said that the flight was a "sightseeing gift" to the passenger. The Cessna had "student Saavan Mundae, 18, being instructed by Jaspal Barha, 45."

Who was the passenger of the helicopter? Y'all are welcome to help dig for the kid's name. It's very strange that I see nothing about his age either. What gives?

Also, has ANYONE ever worked out who or what Godfather III is? (in the Q posts)

Q's last post references No.175 That was a post about the helicopter crash.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Q is bullshit. No arrest, no investigation. Time was up long time ago.

dandelion2319 ago

Q isn't a super hero, it is an alarm clock to wake people up and get to ask questions and get involved.

paulf ago

That mission was probably an attempt to kidnap Lord Jacob Rothschild from his estate; Q 183 confirms some of the details.

I had a go at interpreting Godfather III here and then again here but I still think that I'm missing something.

Blacksmith21 ago

I bet that is 1/1024th of the numbers of bodies in the wake of their evil. Heather O'Rourke; Madeline McCann; Jon Benet Ramsey; Etan Patz; the list goes on and on and on.

darkknight111 ago

Spielberg has mafia ties via his long time friendship with the Bronfmans. Bronfmans are financially tied at the hip to the Rothschilds.

Spielberg probably ordered a mob hit (via groups tied to the Bronfmans) to kill Judith Barsi and fabricate the murder suicide narrative. Meaning the Rothschilds indirectly have her blood on their hands.

dandelion2319 ago

That makes sense given the claim that the woman who played the cops wife in the first movie spoke up. Wonder what happened to her?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They have the worlds blood on their hands. A comical understatement.

Rubieroo ago

Is it? I will spend a bit of time there then! And SAVE the text that is useful because you never know. There is an odd dearth of info about this Rothschild. Maybe the only good one in that evil pack of devils.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He could not have been good. Not a conceivable possibility.

Rubieroo ago

Perhaps I should have said "not as evil". And who knows? Even the most evil of men can have a change of heart. I've known many that fit that category

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm sure he was haunted by demons. He just chose to break the cycle and became the "white sheep" of the family. Once mom wasn't around to protect him, they offed him a la Bourdain.

Rubieroo ago

Which brings up another topic - Weinstein. I think he is more powerful than people know. That he isn't just a fat pervert. He's one of THEM

darkknight111 ago

Add Spielberg to the list of people much more powerful than they appear.

He is a LONG time friend of the Bronfmans. The Bronfmans are a notorious mafia family financially linked at the hip to the Rothschilds.

Found this out while investigating the Judith Barsi Pedowood case. I believe Spielberg used those connections to order a mob hit and fabricate that whole murder suicide narrative.

dandelion2319 ago

In film school in Burbank we were told a story of how Spielberg worked with some major producer early in his career who hated him and gave an ultimatium that it was either him or Spielberg and the guy was fired and black balled bc apparently Spielbergs dad is some big time hollywood person - they use different last names. I don't remember who they said his dad was, I actually don't think they ever did. The point of the story was for us to realize you never really know who someone is so better careful with how you treat people in the industry bc it could screw you if you had beef with the wrong person making assumptions that you had more juice than them.

new4now ago

Bronfams ties to Rothschilds and ties to Justin Trudeau | pizzagate

Blacksmith21 ago

Funny you should mention that:

Rubieroo ago

Interesting - dang, the last link is dead! Will check for cached copy - didn't even think on doing that before