auralsects ago

lmao @ @Vindicator trying to play dumb and cover for Jews as usual.

I found wikheebpedia attemping to cover up this connection over a year ago.

It is a pretty substantial oversight on the part of this forums researchers if they are just learning of the Bronfman family.

Jewish families are key not just because they have the most financial resources but they literally built the foundations (politically and often physically) of pizzagate cities like LA, SF, Seattle.

Sometimes they end up molesting each others' daughters or potentially other peoples daughters

new4now ago

doesnt seem to be much interest

I on the other hand see it as a Rothschild arm used for the agenda

new4now ago

Thanks for the info, as I said, could use more info on this family

had some of this in my saves, but never had time to really dig, thats why I posted what I had and was hoping others might shed some knowledge or old posts

Vindicator ago

Sam's children were welcomed into the Hofjuden elite

@New4now, what is the "Hofjuden elite"? And do you have a link supporting this claim?

new4now ago

The British realized the Bronfmans would be a liability if they continued to work as openly with their distributors in narcotics trafficking as they did running Prohibition. They could not afford to dump Bronfman. The family had become irreplaceable due to its in-depth control over the syndicates which were needed to pump drugs into America.

The problem was resolved by bringing Bronfman into the lower rungs of the Hofjuden caste. Sam’s children were welcomed into the Hofjuden elite by intermarriage. Almost overnight, the Rothschilds, Montefiores, de Hirsches et al took “Mr. Sam”, the crime czar of North America, and transformed him into a rising star of the Canadian Zionist movement.

I believe this was the purpose of Sams daughters marriage


new4now ago

In the early modern period, a court Jew, or court factor (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor), was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including in some cases being granted noble status. Court Jews were needed because prohibitions against usury applied to Christians but did not apply to Jews.

new4now ago

it was a Pdf

not sure how to copy link to a PDF

will try find link I can copy

new4now ago

Saidye Rosner Bronfman

Prior to her marriage, Bronfman served as president of the Girls’ Auxiliary of the Winnipeg Jewish Orphanage Society and later headed the Orphans’ Home.

didnt Queen Elizabeth make trips to Canada for children?


carmencita ago

Yes. They were actually found guilty by the Court of Brussels. Of course no one will arrest them. No one has the power. There were stories about the Indigenous and many of them were abused and died. They found large graves. Nuns were also guilty and involved.

ChippyTubes ago

From mainstream stories i seen there is truly some weird shit in Belgium maybe, very criminal and possible cover up with Royals and Political Elites

carmencita ago

The govt. of Brussels is different from this Court. I should have made it more clear. ITCCS

Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

LET IT BE KNOWN that the flesh and blood man JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO, as the liable head fiduciary officer of the Vatican Incorporated and the Roman Catholic Church, has been duly convicted in a Common Law Court of Justice of Crimes against Humanity and Complicity in a Criminal Conspiracy, including the trafficking and death of children. (ICLCJ Case Docket No. 06182014-001, In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio, Pachon, Welby et al, 18 July, 2014)

ACCORDINGLY, an International Common Law Arrest Warrant has been issued for the immediate apprehension of BERGOGLIO as a convicted felon and a threat to the safety of children. This Warrant has been recognized by INTERPOL and by judicial and police agencies in Spain, America, Russia and Serbia.

There have been many tryint to discredit Kevin Annett but we have to remember who he is going after. They would be more than happy to be able to drive him underground.

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2013, 2014, 2015)

Community minister, human rights consultant and Special Adviser to The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Award winning documentary film maker (Unrepentant, 2007) and author*

Education: B.A. (Anthropology), University of British Columbia (UBC), 1983; M.A. (Political Science), UBC, 1986; M.Div. (Master of Divinity), Vancouver School of Theology, 1990

Ordained as clergyman into United Church of Canada, 1990. Held three pastoral positions, including as Minister of St. Andrew’s United Church, Port Alberni, 1992-1995. Fired without cause and expelled from ministry without due process, 1995-97, after publicly exposing the death of aboriginal children and land theft by the United Church.

SO, Fired without cause for exposing the death of Aboriginal Children and land theft by the United Church. He is trying them in public but is unable to be able to personally arrest the criminals. We have to remember how powerful these people are.

21yearsofdigging ago

One of them had a farm outside of Orangeviile in an area called Caledon Hills. Rumors about what went on there are speculative but as we are discovering, remote farms are ideal for ritual abuse and their sick ceremonies.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes. They also love Harbour Island and go frequently. Clarissa Bronfman has a jewelry line with Hamza’s and evil eye pendants. Edgar and Clarissa have a few kids, two bat shit crazy girls who are late teens and a son who died apparently. Edgar has a few more from a previous marriage half black I believe. Big money but nutjob family in every sense of the word.

new4now ago

Claire's horses maybe?

think Edgar might have had racers too, trying to remember

new4now ago

also could be used as a waystation for trafficking

no one looked into the other Bronfams

this family has ties everywhere

21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah, good point and I would put NOTHING past these people

new4now ago

the more I look up, the more nasty they become

there was a story Sam, Edgars son, faked his own kidnapping

guess he wanted more then an allowance

even being born with a silver spoon up your ass doesnt guarantee a happy life

new4now ago

it wasnt happenstance that made Bronfam Rothchild

these two families connected long ago

new4now ago

he's got the wrong shoes for that school girl look lol

carmencita ago

Ha Ha! Well the school girl look - under the kilts they do not wear ANYTHING! Think about that.

new4now ago

not with him, I have a feeling his sack is empty

carmencita ago

His sack matches his brain which has been emptied as well. Sickos. Thanks Pierre.

derram ago :

  The Bronfman Saga From rags to riches to... - November 25, 2002 :


Revealed: Justin Trudeau's close adviser helped move huge sums offshore | News | The Guardian :

Trudeau's chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme | CBC News

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new4now ago

Thank You