urbanmoving ago

“If God made butter it would taste exactly like bone marrow." Bourdain

luvgabe ago

Thank you for the link, urbanmoving. In the words of Shakespeare: "Hell is empty, all the devils are here".

urbanmoving ago

He said it and the shills ignore it, in front of trepan cannibal dude, at the Cannibal News Network

waxdino ago

I'm sorry but this is fucking stupid. The whole ketchup on hot dog thing is a very common theme, especially among Chicagoans. Obama is Chicago based and Bourdain was a frequent visitor/often spoke of his love for the city.
Honestly, as soon as I saw this, all the upvotes, and the support for this my heart sank. This is why I've kind of given up on this sub. This is why people think we're crazy.
Call me a shill, downvote me, but maybe also get your head out of the clouds for a sec and be willing to hear an opinion that doesn't match yours- Hot dogs are a big deal in Chicago. It's one of the city's signature foods.

luvgabe ago

Since you're an expert, do explain what one's age, specifically age 8, has to do whether Chicagoans are permitted to put ketchup on hotdogs.

waxdino ago

I've heard it before, "not after ten," "not after five," or whatever arbitrary age. The point of that argument is, ketchup is a children's condiment.

Please explain to me what kind of code "ketchup on hotdogs" is?

Look that the hot dog party email. It's obvious it's code. How? Hot dogs don't cost that much. Outside food isn't allowed at the Whitehouse. Etc.

This is clearly not code. It's silly to get worked up about it and act like it's a discovery. This is why I never send people new to pizzagate to this sub anymore.

polydog65 ago

ketchup is a children's condiment



Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you clarified that. Now we can all go home....

65,000.00 worth of hot dogs to the White House? Once you get past the fact that no outside food is allowed in the WH besides that procured by the WH, then there is that pesky detail about the cost. Even 1,000 hot dogs at 50.00 per dog.

You might want to look up the phrase, "double entendre".

waxdino ago

Like I said, the hot dog party is obviously code. I never argued that. Why are you arguing about what I said I agree with?

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm saying the conversation on-air, between Zero and Bourdain was a double-entendre. Talking about "local Chicago hot dog lore" AND probably had a nice conversation about the real "local hot dogs" in Saigon.

aileron_ron ago

I don't give a rats ass what Obama has to say, he needs to play tag on the 405.

Blacksmith21 ago

Check out Bourdains tweet: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DfLdw1kU8AAgde3.jpg:large

think- ago


Blacksmith21 ago

Welcome to the party @think-

think- ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

he spelled 'disclosure' wrong

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't start with the Grammar Nazi shit ; )

Oh_Well_ian ago

Bourdain came so close to telling the truth there, pretty incredible.

What an amazing moment of abstract honesty.

pby1000 ago

Listen to how Obama describes choosing a carp for dinner. Do they select children the same way?

kazza64 ago

bourdain also publicly went after hillary clinton over his support of his girlfriends accusations against weinstein

crazycycle ago

I know he did episodes with the LV shooter's girlfriend, but I can't find any evidence of it. Help me.

lovely1 ago

how do u know

ProudTruther ago

Thats the saying in illuminati mind control circles. Sex before 8 or its too late. To really put someone under mk ultra mind control you have to sodomized them before they turn 8 or it won't be as effective.

satisfyinghump ago

More people need to see this comment and I wish more people were in the know of how mk ultra works, as this would allow them to see the behavior and patterns in real life, especially in the political circles.

opinionatedduck ago

Speaking from what little I know of psychology, I can sort of understand why it has to be that young. It has to be the norm in the subject's life before he/she even gets to self-actualization...probably so they'd never know anything else.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's very interesting. I've not heard that direct quote before. Disturbing.

ProudTruther ago

Yeah its something to do with spinal alignmenet or matbe just the violent penetration at a young age. All very bad.

Blacksmith21 ago

I had a nurse friend tell me there was something called the "vegas nerve" (something like that) that is the reason why the highest level of heart attacks occur during the morning dump. It's probably the same nerve in children. Supposed some stuff about "the eye of Horus". Unlocking the third eye. I know all of that is relevant, and important, but definitely not my area of expertise.

followthedolla ago

youre not wrong but i think the sodomy is most effective before age 3.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nF_lfL_Dbo max spiers talks about it a little too. i'd rather not know anything about these things but its too late now. fucking burn them all

Vindicator ago

Hey Blacksmith. This one is missing some info for rule adherence and shareability. Can you edit to add a brief intro of who Bourdain is for those who don't know, that he killed himself yesterday, and a link to Stratfor $65,000 hot dog email? Thanks :-)

Blacksmith21 ago


Vindicator ago


think- ago

Ok, gonna remove the flair now.


GoBackToReddit ago

Never take food advice from someone that puts honey on a cuban sandwich.

BigMatteson ago

Ew that would clash with the mustard

GoBackToReddit ago

idk about that, honey mustard is a thing after all... but on a cuban sanwitch? Nope. Honey ham is a thing.. but honey itself? Try to find a reference of actual honey put on there like a condiment that does not include a obama comment. I'm sure there has got to be one, right?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Weak, and it has been posted before. And he is correct, adults acquire the taste for mustard on dogs, not ketchup. Stop making us look stupid.

Silencio ago

I also think this one is ambiguous, could definitely be a euphemism, but it's not like a weirdly out of place, saying you stop wanting ketchup on your hot dogs as you get a bit older isn't like a totally unrealistic thing to say. Like saying you didn't start to drink coffee until med school, it could be meant as a euphemism, but it's not a smoking gun. I've seen a lot of pizzagate & this one doesn't really hit home like some things.

SterlingJB ago

Weak is an understatement.

SterlingJB ago

This group is retarded

JJNova ago

Not only that, but it's a common saying. I'm not implying that they wouldn't use common phrases to hide their actions, but it's not unusual for people to say ketchup on hotdogs is fine for kids. Hell, ketchup in general is for kids. It's mostly sugar and food coloring.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm so glad we have experts on juvenile condiment preferences here. You do a good job of making yourself look stupid.

Bourdain-Obama-Vietnam-Hot Dogs-65,000 dollars on hot dogs.

Oh_Well_ian ago

There should be a sticky on PG of proven SHILLS like @DeathToMasonsASAP @Are_we_sure @twistedmac11 @flour @Esoteric_Shade and so, so many others.

These fakes are becoming increasingly unglued and keep repeating the mantra: 'this makes us looks stupid' and are always attempting to push themselves as the pre-eminent authority figures in Pizzagate.

Flour ago

You’re a dumbass. When have I ever said PG was fake? The only thing I denounce is Q.

Oh_Well_ian ago



When these Satan worshipping shitbags are offing themselves at 5-10 a day, what will you say about Q then?

You're the dumbass, mother fucker. It's happening right in front of your face.

Flour ago

You’re absolutely retarded. 5-10 suicides a day? Plus the fact Bourdain died accidentally in his little asphyxiation fantasy is the most probable story. He’s a adrenaline junky and if he wanted to an hero he would’ve just OD’d

Syndicalism ago

Its relevant. Remember that $60,000 the WH spent to fly in hot dogs?