tauteur ago

Jeffrey Epstein was just sued by the marina in the Virgin Islands where his barge is docked. Said he failed to secure it properly during Hurricane Ima and thus responsible for damages.

I'm just trying to get my comment credits up so I can post in /pizzagate - I'm making a movie about pizzagate and lolita island - "Adrenochrome II"

carmencita ago

Wow Have a point on me. I hope you get that movie made. Let us know when it's ready.

carmencita ago

truthdemon ago

Legal defintion of Hell: What is HELL? The name formerly given to a place under the exchequer chamber, where theking’s debtors were confined.

The pope and vatican always talk in accounting code.. Thry r accountants of their pirate..franchise shipping game.. The pirrate franchises being country corporations ..incr3asing the national debt with our labour and signature used as surety for the national debt

carmencita ago

The pope talks in circles and he lies. Just like the rest of the elites.

truthdemon ago

They make sure they never lie...they talk in legal code.. ..when he said heaven ...he moat probably knows the definition of hell.. Canon law is juat latin accounting .. Look up defintion of hell.. There is heaven and hell for them...but its not what we have in our heads ... Its to do with state of debt ..and our names being surety to it.. When they fish for teens and kills them ...the named account held by rome..is decapitated.. When u die the tomb stone is in full caps lettering... It is still a ledger on the books of rome...ie it hasnt gone to heaven..it is still in purgatory... The death certifcate holder transfers that accounts liability to himself...after paying inheritance tax ..ie usage fee..of the inheritance ..

truthdemon ago

So what is heaven to them... Why do they deCapitate teenagers .in their satanic rituals... Theybr decapitating ..de capitalisong thr roman trusts that r our name

carmencita ago

Thank You. I am going to read more links, but this one is particularly horrible. I don't know how we are going to get rid of him. Someone told me he is the last pope.


Kahlypso79 ago

Someone told you what he/she heard about St Malachy. : In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & Judex tremêdus judicabit populum suum. Finis. In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The End.

carmencita ago

I believe that Malachi Martin was our St Malachy. He wrote and told of the sins of the popes the Vatican and the RCC. He was murdered. I am waiting to see what will unfold.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

churchmilitant - https://archive.is/O48vg

carmencita ago

Thank You!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome.

carmencita ago


YogSoggoth ago

A few days later, Pope St. John Paul II appealed for the girl's release, as there were suspicions that she had been kidnapped. Ehh, it happened right on my doorstep. "We prefer little boys, he says." Side business, and a hit gone wrong.

fogdryer ago

what ??????????????????//

YogSoggoth ago

I hope you realize that most important buildings in the world have a human skeleton buried in the corner of the foundation. It is an old tradition. I think it started with some ritual, and then they just picked the least useful worker later. Vatican has their own police force, millions of close followers, Opus Dei. and the Knights of Malta. You think these unknowns slipped through the cracks? Nothing happens there without them knowing.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry, a parody of real events. Think about it for a bit. Celestial happenings and all.

carmencita ago

Another lying pope. He was a bad one too. Someone wanted that girl though. Wonder what they did with the other ones.

YogSoggoth ago

Most likely politically connected to the church building right next door. I could call my spy buddies from around the World, if you need further confirmation. I doubt I will get much different. I do not want my typed words to be anything else than the tangled words I have already typed. Hope you understand. I just want to jump up and down with angst, and I am not even, remotely, or immediately involved.

carmencita ago

I am afraid that if the truth starts coming out, there will be a immediate shut down. We know the pope and his cohorts wield immense power in Rome, especially with the police. I wonder what would happen if they stormed the Vatican? This new PM is pretty feisty. Refusing to accept the boats from Libya.

YogSoggoth ago

I hate to sound shallow, but that is a local problem. That is the truth of the matter, and I can hardly speak a lick of Italian. I just hope they still got some good men and women ready to give em' heck over this. I lied. I can order shrimp in half the globe.

carmencita ago

Correct, it is local, but I am sure any of them if they are in a high level position would be able to put pressure on local LE. I too believe there are still some good people, but they know they may meet the same fate from those that have committed these crimes. This is a nasty development. Again we have to wonder if the Vatican can pull another fast one.

Blacksmith21 ago

How the hell isn't this front page news?

Geo_synchronous ago

Off with the fucker(s) head who did it. Live on HD TV. Commercial free. Popcorn. Beers. Easy chair. Enjoy the show.

carmencita ago

.They deserve a very stiff and strict punishment. And Swift. They certainly don't deserve the sympathy from the old Italian women that will be crying for them. They believe the pope knows nothing. I believe when he said she is in heaven, that he was sending a message. She is dead. Remember when the pope said there was no heaven or hell? Another lie.

Quinceberry ago

Dear God may this be only the beginning of the Truth being revealed!!!

carmencita ago

Yes. I am praying. Let the flood gates open.