think- ago

Furthermore, I checked the pizzeria's trip advisor/yelp pages and there are those pizzagate symbols (spiral, hearts).

@letsdothis2, would you please add a jpeg or png of these symbols, along with a link to the pages? If possible, as an archive, in case they will get scrubbed. Thanks!

carmencita ago

Don't know if this helps Obit of Randy Wilcox's father. Randy is owner of New River Pizza

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis2 ago

Thank you for following up on this. It's definitely very helpful. I will add it to the new post.

carmencita ago

This is Dr. Ben Sorenson's FB If you go to his favorites there is a list under Others and when you click on more in that large list you find Sheriff Scott Israel who was fired after the Parkland Shooting and it also lists Debbie Wasserman Scultz I have not found anything other than that but I just Cannot Believe there are not any connections. Can you believe Dr. Ben would not have appeared during the Shooting?

letsdothis2 ago

Excellent find.

carmencita ago

TY. have to go out but I am going to keep looking for the tie in. AARRGGHH!!!

carmencita ago

https://www.linkedin(com)com/in/randy-wilcox-92ab3b40 Pizza Owner Randy Wilcox

St. John's Military Academy Grades 7-12's_Northwestern_Military_Academy

Some attendees Dan Rostenkowski Ty Warner Jayapataka Swami (Gordon John Erdman II, SJMA 1965) is a Hare Krishna guru.

There were some great men that came from there and this guy ends up as a Pizza Owner. Is he still working for the Military in Broward?

carmencita ago

Thank you so much for posting this. Where else would I find this kind of info? So many people just believing what is out there about this guy. Now we find that a person that has slandered him should be highly questioned. Why do they put these kooks out there, do they think no one will check THEIR backgrounds. Laughable and sad.

letsdothis2 ago

I'm currently doing some digging on that pizza place and it's taking me straight back to HRC. Posting soon (I hope), complicated web in Ft. Lauderdale ;-)

YogSoggoth ago

Make a map, and don't leave out Federal prosecutor found dead in water on Hollywood beach ... D.W.S., Scott Israel, Parkland H.S., ect. Large area gets small with the incidences.

carmencita ago

I don't know what is behind this shooting or if it really happened as they say (we know they DO lie). BUT One thing I do know is that as soon I saw this woman my immediate thought was - Loon-atic. How can they come up with another False Flag Fiasco like the Parkland Shooting? It can only go downhill from here. Someone tell the FBI that we too can look up people's records on the internet. Don't they check their backgrounds? Can't they find someone without a record, or maybe those are the only kind of people that would participate in something like this. Totally Bazaar as usual.

maurice ago

Here is something to keep in mind about the false flags............the dark/deep net is where we are lead to believe that "hackers" have set up endless pages of the sickest things imaginable, for people to indulge in?

Who are the worlds top "hackers", that could keep such sites up and running with no one stopping them? 99% of all intel agencies, that's who. The best and brightest hackers, all work for governments.

The "deep/dark web, is said to use bitcoins as currency? Each coin is roughly 240 USD. many bitcoins would it take to stage a real world "false flag"? One in which people do die. Even if it is just one target they are after, they are willing to kill hundreds, if need be.

I have zero desire to dive into the deep/dark web, but I'm guessing that many false flags are openly spoken about and set up days, if not weeks in advance, there. Not only as smoke screens for whatever reason, but just as pure real world entertainment for the sick and depraved world leaders and their friends and families.

Remember the crap Nero liked to stage in Rome?

YogSoggoth ago

Dark web. I had some idiot telling me he could do that. I thought (do you even know how to write code?) The government agencies of the world could never infiltrate that gang of super smart couch stinkers.

maurice ago

Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread. H.P. Lovecraft (I enjoyed some of his stuff in my youth, tis why I added this quote.)

There are people in the "private sector", with more IT/Tech degrees than most can fathom. Yes, they write code. They think in code. Many of them have military service and are "retired". Their service records are altered, some deleted. Those couch stinkers are the ones that either A) willingly go along to get along. Or B) enjoy what is done and partake in it.

You can take the boy off the "farm", but never take the "farm" out of the boy.

The idea from Hollyweird, that the best hackers are all young and living in mom's basement, is just that, a Hollyweird creation.

YogSoggoth ago

Partly right. I do live behind a Golden shimmering gate.Pretty good there Frenchy!

carmencita ago

Didn't we have CrowdStrike getting involved in some FFs? Of course this is a different type. But there are many bad actors to go around. In this case I believe we have another MK Ultra programmed shooter like in Parkland. The woman who was his boss has a connection to Broward County. Broward=DWS? She certainly has many connections to the dark web through the Awans.

InnocentAngels ago

Do we know if he really worked there? I saw that interview and thought it strange he would be delivering pizza's in that van with all that on it. I have come to the conclusion he was really off in his mind though. His cousin said steroids melted his brain. Made sense if he was a long time steroid user.

YogSoggoth ago

Van was on google earth with no stickers. Had to have been repainted after August 2017. We don't know much at all except that this is most likely an attack on Trump by the deep state right before the midterms. Dancer for chippendales? Weeeoh.

InnocentAngels ago

I saw that about the van somewhere too. Let's see how this plays out the next year or two. If he gets released we'll all know it was a dramatic production.

letsdothis2 ago

Another arrest charge from 2017 : 2017 arrest/charge

YogSoggoth ago

Let's wait until we have the official word from David Hogg, our new youth leader.

carmencita ago

Broward County? Is she from THERE? I smell a rat.