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Anon212 ago

I wanted to bring to your attention this CNN interview of the employer of a Pizzeria who hired Cesar as a delivery driver.

I found it very strange that the employer (Debra Gureghian) would keep him as an employee after all the negative things she said of him. Anyways, I did a quick google check and found that she had a federal grand larceny charge against her a few years ago.

Btw, google had this link popup yesterday in the search, but it is now gone.

Furthermore, I checked the pizzeria's trip advisor/yelp pages and there are those pizzagate symbols (spiral, hearts).

Maybe you can look more into it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis2 ago

Thank you. That's very interesting. I'll certainly look into it. Think I'll post your comment as more people need to see it.