rickman ago

You only keep someone out of prison if you fear they may talk. Nothing to lose sort of thing.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Too big to jail. System is legit.

Crensch ago

Here is OP threatening the mods and agreeing with the @hojuruku - coincidentally, or not, @ESOTERICshade is also agreeing with @hojuruku.

@Blacksmith21 @carmencita @Factfinder2 @Truthseeker3000 @this-somuchthis

Shizy ago

@VoatisCIA sounds like softspeak aka RIPJem with the weirdo "We" speak.

think- ago

Nice find, @Crensch.

VoatisCIA ago

Stfu little dildo!!

think- ago

Stfu little dildo!!

Talking to yourself?! Forgot to take your meds? :-)

LOL - look everyone, CIA ....err....I mean @VoatIsCia got triggered.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @kevdude

Vindicator ago

Yes, the cockroaches are skittering around madly, now that Crensch has turned on the floodlights.

think- ago


think- ago

Stfu little dildo!!

Talking to yourself?! Forgot to take your meds? :-)

LOL - look everyone, @CIA ....err....I mean @VoatIsCia got triggered.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @MolochHunter @kevdude

VoatisCIA ago

Doxx? ... like where your kid goes to school?

.. and the schools location.... you mean that kinda doxx.....?!

Shizy ago

Oohh, so scary coming from a weak punk bitch! Threatening a person's kid? You're a piece of shit!

EricKaliberhall ago

Better tread carefully farmboy... If you do not apologize for your veiled threat, I promise you I will skull-fuck you so fucking hard you'd think a brain tumor was fucking birthday present...

Vindicator ago

Oh, yes. VoatisCIA is a real keeper.

Incidentally, @Dfens and @auralsects were helping with the attempts to dox me and srayzie: https://archive.li/Hbnyl

VoatisCIA ago

Who said you were gunna be doxxed? I said you you’re a Faggot! ... that “prediction “ DID come true.......FAGGOT!!!!

Shizy ago

Oh my God are you really that stupid? @Vindicator provided a link showing YOU said he would be doxxed! 😂 Looks like you're the faggot!!!

Vindicator ago

You predicted I'd be doxxed and Voat would fall:

[–] VoatisCIA 6 points (+9|-3) 6 months ago

WE see the fall of Voat coming. WE predict vindicator and other known censor-happy mods will be doxxed! ......watch!

Oh look! There's those 6 upvotes again. What a coincidence.

Where have you been, the past 4 months? Another coincidence you show up with a juicy submission the day Esoteric gets assblasted.

Crensch ago

And if @auralsects = @ESOTERICshade, we have more on him than just vote manipulation.

darkknight111 ago

I don’t think they’re the same person.

ESOTERICshade ago

And if @auralsects = @ESOTERICshade, we have more on him than just vote manipulation.

@auralsects is the Donkey, and the Donkey hates my guts. The Donkey blasts me everytime I open my mouth. You have gone so far off base with paranoia its yet to be seen how far you can go. But please continue. I'm getting a good laugh out of it all.

Vindicator ago

Oh, I've a few more tidbits. Check this out:

Here is auralsects claiming he has no alts: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2512977/12565214

Here he is admitting to Hojuruku he is Donkey: https://archive.li/8eLqe

And here is Donkey claiming to be a nignog: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2045759/10091243?=3

SchlongKeyhote ago

LMAO all you're proving is what I always advised: you'll never know for sure who's an alt of who, so try to use your puny brain to objectively evaluate information.

If I "admitted" openly rather than DM that means it wasn't nefarious: I make alts when YOU KIKESHILLS BAN OR BRIGADE ME.

like when you said "he admits to controlling the legion of Keyhote accounts" -- you think no one notices your ridiculous phrasing there? Filthy jewkike manipulation tactics

srayzie ago

@auralsects @SchlongKeyhote

Why are you trying to defend yourself? Since when have you given a fuck what anyone has thought? Why do you care what Esoteric is accused of?

SchlongKeyhote ago

Shut the fuck up, you dumb slut. I don't need to justify simply verifying my own fucking identity.

srayzie ago

Verifying your own identity means you care what others think of you. Weak!

SchlongKeyhote ago

No it means I dont want others' opinions attributed to me nor mine to them. Lol@you trying to psychobabble or provoke me with "weak!"

Literally nothing you say could affect or interest me. Because https://youtu.be/avYkrh3CX3g

srayzie ago

You try to provoke me with all your woman hate comments. As if I should be ashamed of bejng a woman. It doesn’t work. But you can’t even make one comment to a female without doing it. It’s a waste of time for me. I have more important things to do.

Your genitals do not make you a man. You’re a male. Not a man. I ignore most of your pings because all you do is repeat yourself and offer no value to a conversation.

Weak male! 🙄

Shizy ago

But you're so easy to provoke you weak little bitch 😂! Keep it up @srayzie, a good laugh at a donkey chimp out is always fun!!!

Shizy ago

Your admitting it is meaningless since most people figured it out anyway. You're such a dick that you can't even pretend to be decent and civil. You're a bitch who's easy to spot.

Vindicator ago

If I "admitted" openly rather than DM that means it wasn't nefarious:

LOL, no. It just shows you fuck up sometimes when you get lonely and drunk and your conscience starts to bother you about trying to cover up the heinous child raping of your employers.

You can dodge and weave, Esoteric Donkey, but you can't escape the fact you claimed as auralsects you had no alts, but fucked up and bragged to your shill pal that you were the troll Donkey, deep in a comment thread in a sub you thought none of us would ever see.

He apparently pinged me and I never even showed up -- that's me "trying to dox you" LMAO

Oh, you never showed up, huh? I think anyone who reads this thread can clearly see you participating in the efforts of Hojuruku to subvert v/pizzagate and Voat, a user who not only put a bounty out on me, but who also directly admitted to trying to get me killed:

"I am going to get some pizzagate pedo mods doxxed and dead because I'm convinced they are OTO pedos now. https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html"

"I swear to god I'm going to dox and hunt down you pedo mods. It's on. https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html"

So, let's just recap for the folks:

@Crensch @think- @srayzie @kevdude @Shizy Am I missing anything?

darkknight111 ago

I believe its unlikely that ES and Donkey are the same person. Different style of writing. Donkey is DEFINETELY a pedophile given hus comment defending Mohamad diddling a 9 year old girl.

SchlongKeyhote ago

I show evidence Donkey defended himself in the first person against a claim made about ESOTERICshade which points to the same user controlling both accounts

You ALREADY SAID HE WAS ME. so my pointing out that we don't behave the same is not DEFENDING HIM against the charge (currying favor with mods). It's the exact opposite of that: he does it, I don't.

Same as Equine, being a boomerfag but who she claims is me, DMed @srayzie for tech help, which as a millennial I'd never do.

So congrats you're literally as dumb as that bitch.

But this is all moot since I have screenshots of DMs to confirm I am neither of those posters.


srayzie ago

The other mods know that I don’t agree that Esoteric and you are the same person. You are a disgusting human being.

So who are you defending? Esoteric or yourself? Why do you care?

Shizy ago

Well done vindicator! The rats are scrambling! Hopefully they will scurry back to their gutters.

Factfinder2 ago

He said he had trauma from active service.

You have to wonder whether the trauma he says he suffered was having to facilitate and then watch royals and friends rape children during his active service as a bodyguard.

this_somuchthis ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

I wonder what Prince Harry’s response would have been?! Nothing. He seems so caring in the media but in real life I highly doubt it. Although I do believe he is more so than William. Remember when Harry was busted having sex with prostitutes in Las Vegas and on drug binges? Just like Ashton Kutcher and his Thorn sex trafficking foundation helping victims yet he is photographed leaving a dingy brothel on Christmas Day. Someone went in and found out young foreign girls/women were working there. These people are hypocritical in everything they do.

carmencita ago

"He has tried to get help with his mental condition,"

BS. This is not a mental condition that can be helped. The problem is way lower than in the head. Cut it off and lock him up. These guys are so sick that if we handcuff them for life they will use their feet. There is no solution other than locking them away forever. I will never believe nor will I fall for the lies about getting them proper help. There is NOTHING PROPER about this whole mess!

Blacksmith21 ago

Slap on the wrist. Nothing to see here. It's like SS agents getting busted for CP. Disgusting.