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ESOTERICshade ago

I live on accurate informatioon. You are a joke, Mossd.

ThePuppetShow ago

The fake Jews were not, the real Jews were. The fake Jews, aren't Jews. That's where we run into problems because useful idiots like you choose to blanket blame and you're involving people who have nothing to do with this bullshit. You call them what they beg everyone to call them, like a good little slave.

auralsects ago

you posted an etymology of this obvious jew's surname and said "see how easy it is to debunk your typical shill tactics donkey"

so forgive us for doubting your expertise on the subject of whos a "real jew", dipshit

ThePuppetShow ago

^ Here's proof you didn't only create alts that were obvious. I admitted I was wrong on that one. What ahout all the others?

auralsects ago

There are no others you pathetic faggots. Talk about shill tactics for lurkers, you all including mods say shit like that and never have any links to back it up. You tell us, what about the others? Show me one time I been wrong. You CANT.