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twistedmac11 ago

Take your Q bullshit somewhere else. What was the point of this post? You've provided nothing of any merit, just a short paragraph on the supposed momentum Q has caused. Do you have something intelligent to add, or was that it?

ESOTERICshade ago

Take your Q bullshit somewhere else. What was the point of this post? You've provided nothing of any merit, just a short paragraph on the supposed momentum Q has caused. Do you have something intelligent to add, or was that it?

I totally quit this sub because of these stupid Q fuckers. Thank you for speaking up. These Q people make a mockery of everything we try to do. I'm so fucking sick of this Q bullshit. I like truth and accuracy in my soup. I have read a thousand books these dumb ass Q people know nothing about.

pby1000 ago

I posted about CDAN and Macaulay Culkin. Is that worth looking into?

Most of the Q people do not have the esoteric knowledge to really understand what is going on. Perhaps they will get it eventually.

ESOTERICshade ago

I posted about CDAN and Macaulay Culkin. Is that worth looking into?

I do not know.

Most of the Q people do not have the esoteric knowledge to really understand what is going on. Perhaps they will get it eventually.

You got that right. These Q people have not read the hundreds of books that me and you have read. The Q is a virus and it needs to be killed.

pby1000 ago

Yeah, it took me a long time to get it. I don't see the Q stuff going away anytime soon, so maybe the mods here can tell people to post Q stuff in v/GreatAwakening. That is why Srayzie created it. I believe she is a new pizzagate mod now, so she will probably see this eventually.

SchlongKeyhote ago

further esoteric research is redundant. we all know it's jews and kabbalah + cabala + qabala. perhaps Saturn death cult could be useful explanatory context. removing jews is the priority of mankind and Q hasn't even Named them and obviously never will.

pby1000 ago

Sure! I don't disagree with you on that, but I always wonder if I am at the bottom of the rabbit hole or close. I never really feel like I am there. Like I said, though, I have not been researching this as long as others have.

So, let me ask you this. Is the very, very top of the pyramid the Black Pope?

ESOTERICshade ago


pby1000 ago

That is what I thought...

SchlongKeyhote ago

idk anything about the black pope. but it is confirmed that jewish kabbalist subversion of the church goes back to the middle ages. one such crypto-jewish convert is even the national poet of Poland, one of the most anti-Semitic and strongest catholic countries.

Mickiewicz defended the Frankist idea that the true religion – that of Christ – is hidden by Catholicism and the Church. According to him: “We are not dealing with reforms, innovations, or religious revolutions, but we expect a new manifestation of the Christian spirit. The butterfly which, at the rising of a spring sun, elevates under the sky, is not a chrysalis reformed, bygone, or innovated; it is always the same being, but raised to a second power of life; it is a transfigured chrysalis. The Christian spirit is ready to exit the Catholic Church: but the official clergy does not have enough light and heat to hatch it … “[xxviii]

i don't think the Kaaba has anything to do with it beyond its shape maybe being a remnant of old lore, since Abraham is who built it. with a jew controlled media and conspiracy community you mostly get disinfo regarding islam, for example Pike's WWIII letter that has no authentication whatsoever.

pby1000 ago

I read that the Catholics/Jesuits created Islam as a way to control the unruly tribes on the Arab Peninsula.

Wow! Sounds like he is describing the hatching of Lucifer. I did a quick search and came up with this.

Iraqi show portrays ISIS leader as spawn of Satan and Jewish woman,7340,L-4571042,00.html

ESOTERICshade ago

Yeah, it took me a long time to get it. I don't see the Q stuff going away anytime soon, so maybe the mods here can tell people to post Q stuff in v/GreatAwakening. That is why Srayzie created it. I believe she is a new pizzagate mod now, so she will probably see this eventually.

I consider @srayzie as a friend of mine. We just need a cut between fantasy and fiction. If we dont get that cut, we will lose pizzagate. Its that simple and it is no more complicated than that. This is real simple.


pby1000 ago

I agree. The solution is really simple here. It just needs to be implemented. I don't think that people will mind. Besides, there needs to be more people posting and researching in v/GreatAwakening.