auralsects ago

  • random post making baseless accusations against fellow posters: KOSHER according to lead mod on grounds they may be misleading readers.

  • potential post about lead mod being kikeshill himself who does nothing but push material directing to a rival subverse: banned, limited to v/pizzagatemods which no one reads. NICE

i post no serious research, check how many sources on one of so many deleted posts.

he really revealed himself unnecessarily by resorting to outright lies, but as we all know the jew cries out as he strikes you

srayzie ago

Oh like when you got banned for making a post about Carmencita?

auralsects ago

if youre really swayed that easily, you never had any business being a mod, faggot.

bragging to hojuruku that he runs the legion Donkey alts

nice kike wordsmithing. I "run" the "legion" of alts to mean I AM a poster who specifically kept his alts recognizable.

ES commented, quoting PuppetShow. Puppet replied, razzing ES for kissing kev's ass. Then aural replied to puppet's reply to ES, saying in the first person "when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO." He forgot to switch accounts. Probably replying from his inbox.

This is exactly what srayzie does -- congrats, youre equal to a retarded woman. He literally said MY name and scribed a behavior to ME, to a third party. If I come and correct him without being directly addressed it doesn't imply we are the same. "caught him, move along folks, ignore what he says about jews, please, I need this job to support my meth habit"

Spammed comments with fake Q leaks, and attacked every thread posted about Q with such vitriol that dozens of users left v/pizzagate to post Q material elsewhere. It was a highly effective censorship campaign to suppress discussion and research of the numerous Pizzagate investigative leads Q has offered.

All pure fiction, which is why he provided no links.

Here they are in a thread with another fun guy, VoatisCIA, where they are paying people on 8chan to get evidence for the bullshit claim that I deleted a comment to protect Nassar (evidence Nassar is a Jew) to advance Esoteric Donkey's "kikeshill" narrative.

hojuruku put up a bounty, I fulfilled it by proving Nassar was a kike, and turned down the money. From that he spins THAT yarn, LMAO the desperation is palpable.

They do not contribute serious research,

Except I posted Q's biggest "lead" six months prior. SAD TROMBONE.

If Voat were fair and those with power actually cared about this subverse enough to do the right thing, these characters would be banned from this sub, and from Voat itself.

LOL HE THINKS I SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THE ENTIRE SITE tell me that doesn't reek of desperation. and @esotericSHADE who dindu nuffin and used to fight with me for hours. @hojuruku look at this fucking queen!

srayzie ago

Next time you talk shit about me, don’t be a coward and ping me.

Why don’t you tell your friend who says I’m a tranny or a man and don’t have a son that I’m a woman since you’re so obsessed with that fact? He is saying all that so he doesn’t look like a sick pervert who would pay to have my son raped.

You should be ashamed of yourself hanging around someone like him. It makes you look even worse and I didn’t think that was even possible.

What happened to you leaving? Why is your ass still here? Tell your friend how you’ve admitted on several occasions that you are part Jew. How you said more American women should be raped and how it’s ok to fuck a girl once she barely hits puberty.

auralsects ago

all unmarried childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until birthing 3 kids each. i'd give them six months to get married to avoid this method of necessary replenishment of our gene pool. this can start at the age of puberty, since educating women beyond basic arithmetic serves no purpose to society and is in fact counterproductive.

srayzie ago

all unmarried childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until birthing 3 kids each.

this can start at the age of puberty

This sick ass should be banned. This is disgusting!

Opinions? If so, please let me have the honor of doing it.

@Vindicator @Think-

srayzie ago

all unmarried childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until birthing 3 kids each.

this can start at the age of puberty

This sick ass should be banned. This is disgusting!

@Vindicator @Think-

srayzie ago

Your cowardly ass did not keep your alts recognizable. I’m not saying your Esoteric. But you definitely have coward alts you lying fuck.

Alts that are not “keynote” or “donkey”...

AnAnonandOnandOn Lordbananafist Equineluvr 719380264

auralsects ago


lots of good info on that one, made to prove my DonKey___ accounts are brigaded by shills, which I did


just some motherfucker trolling you, no idea who it is. as everyone acknowledges am I a master with words and would never settle for such a ridiculous name.


not me, have PMs to prove it, and I hate basically all animals unless theyre on my plate


made for one-time post in which I revealed myself at the very end, i.e. a troll. still a good post: pizza illuminati mentioned in 2015, all jews

keep failing hard, @srayzie. it is all you will ever do. I am glad you are entirely responsible for the entire Q sub, so your laughable naivete will be archived for future generations to warn about womens involvement in anything.

the second printing of my spring 2018 dickpics are out btw, interested? =)

srayzie ago

Hell no. You describe your nasty dick almost daily. I don’t want to see your little uncut loose skinned chicken neck looking shriveled up wiener. Get a life faggot. Show your bitch friend hojuruku. He gets bent over by his mentor. He’ll like them.

Vindicator ago

Kev, your two-line ping was buried in four pages of hojuruku sperg. I didn't even see it. Please DM me when you want to get my attention.


I have been keeping an eye on several users who have a pattern of "acting up" whenever serious PG news breaks, like Mack being arrested for child trafficking, and Q saying ready the memes about Haiti, etc. So I can add some of the evidence you are looking for.

  • Here is auralsects, (who is doing a lot of bitching about me persecuting him presenting with no evidence in this very thread) bragging to hojuruku that he runs the legion Donkey alts:
  • Here, deep in the comment tree of this very thread, auralsects exposes himself as an Esoteric alt: ES commented, quoting PuppetShow. Puppet replied, razzing ES for kissing kev's ass. Then aural replied to puppet's reply to ES, saying in the first person "when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO." He forgot to switch accounts. Probably replying from his inbox.

If auralsects = Donkey and auralsects = Esoteric, then Donkey = Esoteric

Esoteric waged a campaign for months to try to get MF demodded. Once he succeeded, he turned his attention to me. His main strategy is to out me as "kikeshill". I've documented multiple times where he has quoted me out of context and outright lied to try to make me look biased when I was being fair, claimed I left up a post that should have been removed, though it violated no rules, Spammed comments with fake Q leaks, and attacked every thread posted about Q with such vitriol that dozens of users left v/pizzagate to post Q material elsewhere. It was a highly effective censorship campaign to suppress discussion and research of the numerous Pizzagate investigative leads Q has offered.

There's a reason neither Esoteric nor Donkey make submissions to v/pizzagate but instead hide out in Comments trying to tear down the work of others. They can't make posts within the submission rules and they are not friends of this subverse.

And the sad thing is, ES/auralsects/Donkey is feverishly working with hojuruku who you unbanned without vetting, to bring down the entire mod team. Here they are in a thread with another fun guy, VoatisCIA, where they are paying people on 8chan to get evidence for the bullshit claim that I deleted a comment to protect Nassar (evidence Nassar is a Jew) to advance Esoteric Donkey's "kikeshill" narrative.

Also in that thread, Cuckoo Hojuruku admits to doxxing a mod of the original pizzagate sub on Reddit, and VoatisCIA predicts I will be doxxed. Fun times.

These users add nothing but strife, drama and whining to v/pizzagate. They do not contribute serious research, and they attack those who do. They do it all day, every day, for over a year and are probably paid to do so. They have succeeded in discrediting mods in the past, and are trying very hard to convince absentee O's, who are too annoyed to examine them closely, that mods are untrustworthy. That dynamic has made it close to impossible to recruit mods, and the one new mod who was good at watchdogging them just got demodded without warning or instruction. You know, we were building a great team with an excellent system until you unbanned hojuruku and started this mess. It's really quite sad.

If Voat were fair and those with power actually cared about this subverse enough to do the right thing, these characters would be banned from this sub, and from Voat itself. The lack of leadership coupled with sporadic, misguided micromanagement is really quite stunning.

ESOTERICshade ago

I won't read your wall of text you dumb bastard, vindicator. I spent endless hours fighting with the Donkey. You know goddamn well i'm not the donkey you israel ass kisser.

twistedmac11 ago

I think you're misunderstanding what happened in the comments where ESOTERICshade was accused of buddying up to people. When auralsects (donkey, as you pointed out) responded, he was also referring to an earlier comment by ESOTERICshade where he/she said they considered srayzie a friend. What you're seeing when auralsects responded is Donkey trying to show that he's never called srayzie a friend or tried to buddy up to anyone. He's trying to show how he isn't ESOTERICshade.

ThePuppetShow ago

TBH I am not as familiar as you guys. Some screen caps would have helped.

I'm out of town and all the shit I have from Donkey is on a different laptop at home. Comment history doesn't go back far enough.

I would prefer you pull it to forcing me to wait a day and delete. I hate deleting submissions.

24 it is.

SchlongKeyhote ago

what "shit" you hapless loser?

having unpopular opinions about the role of women doesn't make one a shill.

saying 'it's not the jews, its not the jews, its not the jews I swear' 100% of the time like many of you is what indicates shilling. or should I say, Vindicates, LOL

ThePuppetShow ago

I was talking about posts to prove similarities between you and Es.

That's the thing DonQuixote, they aren't really Jews and all of the 13 families running the committee of 300 don't even claim to be Jews.

ThePuppetShow ago

You can delete it now if you want, it's been here about 24 hours anyways. You can't deny the similarities though.

SchlongKeyhote ago

"this guy uses caps, and I subjectively interpret his comments as narcissistic" you think you can justify a hit piece on TWO posters like that and run away, faggot? who the fuck are you to even call me shill anyway?

your top submission is called "Following a lead that George Webb gave us", a literal admitted KIKE. SHILL.

ThePuppetShow ago

You always run back to that title and the thread has nothing to do with George Webb. He made an obvious statement, which I caught on a video clip posted here, to figure out where the new transport lines were going through. That made me think of the underground at DIA and what they could get away with shipping in and out of there. I stand by that and honestly believe that DIA is a major hub for their trafficking. Some even claim it's a clown base down there.

twistedmac11 ago

So since he's obviously not going to do that, what next?

twistedmac11 ago

No offense, as I'm not familiar with specifics, but why can't you delete it? You're one of the owners of this sub. @vindicator has already come and gone without even flagging it.

auralsects ago

@Vindicator has always had it out for me.

He and MFer have repeatedly and openly labeled me shill, which is at the least a severe breach of mod etiquette/protocol.

Combined with him being the heaviest Q-tip pusher, and taking a peculiar interest in debunking this expose by a researcher who was recently SHOT AT HIS OWN HOME, it is exceedingly obvious that he is a KIKESHILL.

ThePuppetShow ago

@Vindicator has always had it out for me.

He and MFer have repeatedly and openly labeled me shill, which is at the least a severe breach of mod etiquette/protocol

Me too, so thats irrelevant bullshit.

twistedmac11 ago

I can agree that the mods should take a more hands-off, unbiased approach than they do. It's too easy to get wrapped up in bias, which has no place in modding.

Gothamgirl ago

This is not right to do to someone here even if it was true, @ESOTERICshade is a great researcher who is dedicated to the cause.

ThePuppetShow ago

This guy has been insulting long time pizzagate researchers from the beginning. As donkey, he called all the women here stupid cunts. As ES he insults long time researchers who believe Q's intelligence leaks. The manufactured drama got old, so it got exposed.

Gothamgirl ago

Guess I am just not making the connection between the 2.

Estoricshade was nice enough to share a whole lot of books and great info with me a long time ago, and has taken the time to help me learn things I didn't understand.

Q has it's own board, and really if it isn't a post connecting to pizzagate, it probably doesn't belong here. His intelligence leaks encompass much more then pizzagate.

ThePuppetShow ago

Estoricshade was nice enough to share a whole lot of books and great info with me a long time ago, and has taken the time to help me learn things I didn't understand.

I used to believe that ES was sincere, I stopped when he and a few others started openly insulting pizzagate users over a difference of opinion.

ben_matlock ago

speaking generally, while it is certainly disrespectful to other users and embarrassingly boorish, insulting others isn't against the rules (to my knowledge; please correct me if i'm wrong.)

i do not think it should be the mod's responsibility to protect people's feelings by playing speech police. if people want to call others 'dikes and kikes'* there's not much we can do, we have enough on our collective plate.

*fwiw this is the first and last time you will ever see me using words such as these in this sub, not my style. besides, i believe the mods should hold themselves up to a higher standard here

@vindicator @think- @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @gothamgirl

ThePuppetShow ago

speaking generally, while it is certainly disrespectful to other users and embarrassingly boorish, insulting others isn't against the rules (to my knowledge; please correct me if i'm wrong.)

Agreed.. I would never expect a mod to do anything about that. That's why I'm doing something about it. TBC

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry to hear that happened, we need to be helping eachother and stick together here.

ESOTERICshade ago

The fact that this thread has not been been flagged or deleted is proof enough that this platform cannot be taken seriously. I wish the serious folks well.

ben_matlock ago

i'm on it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hahahahahahah.....fuck yeah! I'd love to dox some motherfuckers on here. I think he'd have another nervous shit though.

ThePuppetShow ago

The similarities are incredible. He even used Donkeys go to, when we used to get into it back in the day, in this thread..

I live on accurate informatioon. You are a joke, Mossad. Tell me again how the fake Jews were in Israel before the real inhabitants. of the land. I cannot wait.

Tell me that's not Donkeyhote..

Blacksmith21 ago

Seriously, I wanna know what you fags get paid. Do you hang out in Clarendon and compare notes over a microbrew on nice nights like tonight?

Do you look over your shoulders, just in case your being watched?

It's chilly....put a jacket on pointy toes.

ESOTERICshade ago

I would put a jacket on you in a minute. A little minute. You drink too much.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

IF anyone is a shill in this Pizzagate Forum, they need to seriously consider which side of History they are on. Those of us who come here to honestly investigate leads, pursue knowledge, and justice for victims of SRA/Human Trafficking need to continue what we do inspite of percieved shilling. Q & the Anons say ignore the shills. If we "Pizzagaters" are wrong, the worst we'll all be is "Conspiracy Theorists". If the Shills are wrong, or even worst paid shills, they are potential suspects & co-conspirators in the upcoming prosecution of 25000 sealed Federal Indictments. Woe unto anyone here who is a paid shill. The NSA Whitehats and MI see you. According to the Anons, they watch this board, and even comment on happenings here.

ThePuppetShow ago

<standing ovation>

Justin_TeroG8 ago

He has much more to worry about than we do...Especially if he's on Soros', Hillary's, or Clowns in America's payroll. If we are doing wrong in all of this, then we're just "conspiracy theorists". If these two Hecklers are wrong, then they are in the very least asshats, and in the worst, potential witnesses and co-conspirators in the upcoming unsealing of 25000 secret indictments already on the dockets. Everyone on this board needs to seriously consider which side of American & World History they are on.

I don't believe we are wrong BTW. Shills seriously need to rethink why they are doing what they're doing.

twistedmac11 ago

I don't believe any of that to be true. However, even if they were one in the same, why are you going out of your way to make a big post out of it? That seems like a waste of time and energy. Do you have an actual argument to any of the facts presented by him/her, or do you just want to shit talk?

@ESOTERICshade is simply tired of disinformation being spread, plain and simple. As am I.

ThePuppetShow ago

People deserve to know who they're talking to, especially when it's shills. Donkeyhote has been exposed multiple times.

twistedmac11 ago

So you think @ESOTERICshade is a shill then? Why is that? And donkeyhote was exposed when? Where? Doing what? Having alts?

Your fishing for shills expedition does not belong in pizzagate, especially when your supposed proof is how they type similarly.

@think- @kevdude

ben_matlock ago

while i disagree with you about the relevance of Q, given my understanding of the rules, any posts that exclusively talk about hunting and doxxing 'shills' do not belong in this sub.

@vindicator @think-

twistedmac11 ago

From an objective standpoint, this breaks rules 1, 2, and 4. It's not directly related to pizzagate, and it makes no factual claims. It's an opinion piece against another user. This shit belongs in pizzagatewhatever or somewhere else. Yet both @kevdude was pinged and @vindicator showed up, but neither of them have even bothered flagging it. It seems as though the rules are only being enforced when it suits them. This sub is definitely in trouble if our moderators can't moderate objectively.

Vindicator ago

Sorry twistedmac11, I did not read this whole thread -- I responded to ben_matlock's ping in my inbox from my phone. I was answering in a general sense. Yesterday, I had 56 inbox messages, mostly from hojuruku, who posted a bounty on 8chan to try to prove I wasn't modding fairly six months ago. We have four moderators who are mostly new, who are scattered in different timezones spanning the globe, and whose multiple daily questions I have to answer before I can even begin looking at threads. My priority yesterday was getting the No Links sticky up, editing the sidebar, editing the submission form, and added the new rule to the rule code in the Removal tool.

My comments here prior to this one were general in nature. I stand by what I said: research into users disrupting the sub with sockpuppet accounts is directly relevant to PG. "Pizzagate" as linked in our sidebar includes:

...Any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children...and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Two mods asked me general questions relating to this thread, and I responded to those with my take in principle. I did not dig into this post to vet it in detail. When ben told me there was not enough evidence supporting the OP's claims, I told him to flair it for Rule 2. Apparently, he did not do so, and Kev ended up doing it.

I don't "have it out for" anyone in this subverse. I am wary of disinfo and those who spread it, and the willingness to follow the ruleset is one of the key things that distinguish legit submitters here. I try to help people do that every day. Some refuse and turn it into an attack. I really don't know what else to do differently. If you have ideas, I am all ears.

Vindicator ago

Our definition of pizzagate includes those who try to cover up elite child abuse by disrupting the investigation with disinfo and COINTELPRO tactics. Doxxing in Voatspeak only refers to outing real life identities, not whether someone is or isn't using sockpuppets.

auralsects ago

LMAO the lead mod labels it disinfo to merely identify proud Jews as such. What disinfo have I spread? The biggest Q drop six months prior? Only KIKES can lie so brazenly.

Meanwhile Jewish groups are acknowledged to be the biggest employers of paid shill groups operating both in our countries and Israel. LMAO

ben_matlock ago

do we have evidence that these suspected sockpuppets are really shareblue shills, rather than shitposters or trolls?

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh you're a whiney little narc fucker @twistedmac11. You went whining for mods like a little bitch. Pussymouthed little cocksucker.

twistedmac11 ago

LOL WOW someone's all up in their feelings. I tagged them bc this post should not be allowed to stay up, considering how many rules it breaks. Gtfoh, I'm not going back and forth with your bitch ass anymore.

ESOTERICshade ago

@Blacksmith21 is probably a Mason. Just sayinnn

twistedmac11 ago

Yeah, I don't think he likes me very much LOL

Blacksmith21 ago

And I spent all fucking day in traffic.

twistedmac11 ago

That's enough to make anyone crazy. My sympathies to you on that one.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not a mod anymore so I don't have to be nice cockbreath.

twistedmac11 ago

I noticed that. I'm not sure whether to extend some kind of sympathy to you (as would be my normal response, considering you obviously are having some negative emotions) or to tell you good riddance. Cockbreath is new, I'll have to remember that one.

ThePuppetShow ago

Donkeyhote has been exposed by multiple people. He's being exposed again in this thread. I've dealt with him enough to know he loves to capitalize the last words in sentences.. and you're already defending their similar writing style.

What better place is there to warn users that there're some crazy similarities between these two? Is my "expedition" bothering your agenda?

twistedmac11 ago

Their similar writing style? Because of how they capitalize letters? That's your "crazy similarities"?

Nice try, but no.

ThePuppetShow ago

Nice try, but you aren't the judge, the only jury member, or the executioner. Your opinion is provably bias by your little anti Q pow wow's with ES.

twistedmac11 ago

And you are the judge? So because ES and I agree on one topic, that means I'm unable to be objective in a different setting? You're reaching.

ThePuppetShow ago

No.. I'm presenting evidence.

I would take that a step further and say it's even possible that you are an alt. Why would anyone want to do away with someone (Q) who is supplying fresh evidence *and areas to research. Your whole argument is Q is telling everyone to sit back and wait. That is bullshit, plain and simple. Screams shill to me.

twistedmac11 ago

Oh Jesus. Here we go. I have only ever been me. No alts needed. Q is a psyop.

And your version of "evidence" is quite a stretch.

ThePuppetShow ago

So.. A pic, potentially from Epstein island, taken off of the instagram page of one of his "sex kittens" isn't evidence/lead? Maggie Nixon isn't evidence/lead? Q constantly telling everyone to look into this person or that place and that everything is tied together is Q saying don't do anything?

twistedmac11 ago

Do you not know what a psyop is? It's not that it's not real; it's half-truths spread around to push an agenda. Pizzagate was a psyop. It's very real, there are children being raped/tortured/etc by elites, yes. But it's been spun into a right-wing pro-Tump conspiracy theory when the truth of the matter is that Trump is no better. That is the part of the truth that is hidden.

ThePuppetShow ago

I've been red pilled since 02, I know what a psyop is. Good try though.

twistedmac11 ago

Obviously not, because you seem to be confused by why a psyop would present true information.

ThePuppetShow ago

Not at all, you're just trying to make it appear that I am. It's a typical tactic. Nice try.

twistedmac11 ago

I just had to explain to you why psyops use true information. Again, obviously not.

ThePuppetShow ago

No.. You took it upon yourself to explain to someone, who's probably been doing this a lot longer than you, how a psyop works. You did this in order to portray yourself as smarter to the lurkers, it's a classic shill technique. Keep talking, this is comedy.

twistedmac11 ago

Regardless of who's been doing whatever longer, you're still ignoring the fact that, again, you didn't understand why a psyop would use true information. This is my third time saying it now. It is pretty comical how you seem to lack basic understanding. Also comical how you keep referring to people you don't agree with as shills.

ThePuppetShow ago

Are you really dancing around in circles trying to convince people that I don't understand a psyop can reveal true information? Is this all you got? You faggots have been insulting long time pizzagate researchers for following Q, calling them all kinds of shit, because you don't agree with them. Ironic

twistedmac11 ago

No, I'm responding to your comments. If you're confused, you should probably go reread your own words from a few comments ago. Who am I trying to convince? I'm only speaking to you. And bitch I am a long time pizzagater. I've been here just as long as you. Gtfoh.

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't need to read anything again, you're just dancing around in circles trying to convince people you have a better grasp on the situation than everyone else.

twistedmac11 ago

Again, I'm not trying to convince "people" of anything. I doubt anyone is bothering to read this far down in the conversation. You obviously have no ability to grasp what I'm saying, so I'm not wasting anymore energy.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm not wasting anymore energy.

Dancing can wear you out.

Also, I noticed how you deleted the comment you made from your alt below. I will remember, don't worry.

LOL what?

twistedmac11 ago

Ah, the good old "whut r u talking abowt, I duznt haz any alts" bullshit. Won't work here. Like I said, I will remember.

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't care what you want to remember. Can you give me the username?

inasmokyroom ago

You asked me if I know what a psyop is when I posted this..

So.. A pic, potentially from Epstein island, taken off of the instagram page of one of his "sex kittens" isn't evidence/lead? Maggie Nixon isn't evidence/lead? Q constantly telling everyone to look into this person or that place and that everything is tied together is Q saying don't do anything?

And now you keep dancing around insisting I don't know what a psyop is.

I never said you haven't been here just as long as me. I said you faggots have been insulting long time pizzagatr members over a difference of opinion. Reading is fundamental.

twistedmac11 ago

You asked why Q would be posting leads if it's a psyop. To which, again, I had to inform you of how psyops work and why they reveal true information. Are we going to keep doing this song and dance for another 10 comments or can we be done?

ThePuppetShow ago

Wanna do me a favor and post that username?

twistedmac11 ago

Unfortunately I didn't get a screenshot and don't have it committed to memory. I thought we were both adults and that you would man up and own it, not delete your comment like a pussy. My response to it will stay, though.

ThePuppetShow ago


auralsects ago

because it's not about the quality of his information. the Tom Clancy-reject idea of Q itself is laughably childish and retarded, designed to appeal to larpers and cunts, which is precisely the audience it has attracted.

THAT IS WHY YOU ARE LAUGHED AT. along with non-Q-following Trump-supporting right-wingers, who are so beyond pathetic that they are persona non grata in white nationalist circles, where theyre called Trumptards.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's designed to appeal to larpers?

I don't really care what the white nationalist circle thinks, they're all getting hung up on divide & conquer bullshit.

auralsects ago

are you fuckin kidding me? Q claimed "they" say an oath to JFK in the oval office every morning. people make lion banners and slogans based on Q because they literally think they were "chosen" to accomplish a vague mission: somehow "spread awareness" despite (((monolithic))) media adversity. it is the exact definition of larping.

white nationalism is not "hung up" on divide and conquer. white countries are flooded with OTHER races while their own population growth is NEGATIVE. it is the exact definition of divide and conquer.

and guess what: Q doesn't have a god damned word to say about that problem, intentionally, lest you fools also finally wake up to it.

ThePuppetShow ago

it is the exact definition of larping.

You initially said it was designed to attract larpers. I already know you think its a larp.

Edit: Sorry.. "appeal" to larpers.

auralsects ago

youre right, the Q followers are worse than larpers: actual larpers wearing costumes in the park know theyre not actually in Mordor, LMAO

ThePuppetShow ago

The main argument I've heard is that Q is a distraction and is put here to make us sit back and do nothing. That's a crock of shit, Q has never told anyone to sit back and do nothing. As a matter of fact, it's the exact opposite. What about all the info released on facebook, twitter and google? You think the deep state is intentionally destroying their spy operation?

auralsects ago

you cant even fathom the gravity of our situation apparently.

saying "trust the plan, swamp is being drained, arrests soon" and instructing people to "meme" and tell their families to support trump is essentially doing nothing.

every single elected official is a traitor. they put rand paul on notice publically for merely not looking ENTHUSIASTIC ENOUGH during the standing ovation clapping for Netanyahu.

setbacks for the tech giants don't mean shit. smartphones are so cheap now that within ten years I am sure every single person alive will be given one for free so that advertisers can reach them. and the sole common message being pushed by all media and education is: white people are lame, their disappearance will be good for humanity.

there is absolutely no doubt that when whites are a minority our shit will be confiscated and our daughters ravaged.

if a martian was observing the US he would see a white productive class forcibly taxed to subsidize darker folks whose numbers increase and turn their states from red to blue, English to Spanish speaking, etc, and safe to violent.

that ALREADY constitutes a race war and the only reason you don't see it as such is jew brainwashing: 'we are all MURICANS'.

well look at south Africa: ALL those whites are fucked, and whites in white countries don't even have sympathy let alone invite them as refugees.

ThePuppetShow ago

you cant even fathom the gravity of our situation apparently.

Really? What I understand is, if there are no white hats, we're fucked. Nothing will ever go to court because at that point they still control everything. I also understand that they've been begging for civil unrest in America (see BLM, Antifa). This is how they destabilize countries, divide & conquer. Without whitehats shit is going to get ugly. So yes, I'm willing to give this some time to see how it plays out before life gets real ugly for everyone. So far we can prove that this is coming from someone with close ties to Trump and that alone is unprecedented.

setbacks for the tech giants don't mean shit. smartphones are so cheap now that within ten years I am sure every single person alive will be given one for free so that advertisers can reach them.

That's been covered too. Everything is running through a bridge run by InQTel, the clown front, phones and all.

that ALREADY constitutes a race war and the only reason you don't see it as such is jew brainwashing: 'we are all MURICANS'.

Jew brainwashing? It was all the Nazi propagandists and MKUltra doctors that were brought here for brainwashing. (See paperclip) Are you saying they worked for Jews?

ThePuppetShow ago

I was referrng to comments between me and you.

SchlongKeyhote ago

i got PMs from him telling me I'm naïve and its not the jews, but youd dismiss that as an elaborate ploy no doubt.

i made all my (required by brigading) alts with the same name to be open (just like youre a loud n proud QUEER) but i still get accused of being every cunt and his granny, NICE DEDUCTIVE REASONING LOL

ThePuppetShow ago

Yeah.. I would find that hard to believe.

ESOTERICshade ago

I live on accurate informatioon. You are a joke, Mossd.

Luxxy ago

"Accurate" - Where's all your proof than. Acting like you know it all but in reality, you are attacking people and trying to lead them astray

ThePuppetShow ago

The fake Jews were not, the real Jews were. The fake Jews, aren't Jews. That's where we run into problems because useful idiots like you choose to blanket blame and you're involving people who have nothing to do with this bullshit. You call them what they beg everyone to call them, like a good little slave.

auralsects ago

you posted an etymology of this obvious jew's surname and said "see how easy it is to debunk your typical shill tactics donkey"

so forgive us for doubting your expertise on the subject of whos a "real jew", dipshit

ThePuppetShow ago

^ Here's proof you didn't only create alts that were obvious. I admitted I was wrong on that one. What ahout all the others?

auralsects ago

There are no others you pathetic faggots. Talk about shill tactics for lurkers, you all including mods say shit like that and never have any links to back it up. You tell us, what about the others? Show me one time I been wrong. You CANT.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanks for the ping. The donkey is more accurate than you will ever be. That dont say much for you.

pby1000 ago

Wow! You really had me fooled! Now, I have to rethink everything. Hahahaha!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a good person pby1000. We have shared a lot of good info. Keep studying. There is still a lot that we don't know. I appreciate you contributations to my education. Walter Veith is your best.

pby1000 ago

Thank you! I know you are passionate about this stuff. I really hope we have some resolution soon. I remember how down people were a year ago. I was, too. I was really questioning if anything would change for the good.

Haha! I still listen to Walter Veith. I have watched some of his videos several times.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're a fucking kiss ass punk bitch.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're a fucking kiss ass punk bitch.

It could be worse. I could pretend to a Washington DC insider like you do.

Blacksmith21 ago

The only problem with your theory is I'm not pretending.

ThePuppetShow ago

Funny, you got your ass handed to you over just about everything. Shall we dig up some old links, donkey?

ESOTERICshade ago

Funny, you got your ass handed to you over just about everything. Shall we dig up some old links, donkey? I wish the donkey was still here compared to you.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're still here fag, you never left. You were just trolling for confidence so you could try to take over this sub. That explains you trying to buddy up to @kevdude too. Game over.

auralsects ago

when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO

much less call srayzie a "friend of mine". half the mods are women and the other half kikeshills, so theres your answer as to who's "taken over" the sub. CUCKS N' KIKES